Saturday, July 27, 2024

Per glad to have Oxlade-Chamberlain back

Per Mertesacker has welcomed the return of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain after 5 and half months out with injury.

The midfielder got 45 minutes under his belt for the U21s, and the BFG says he’s a player who can make an impact as Arsenal continue their push for the Premier League title.

“He can always make the difference with his speed, with his passing and obviously with his finishing,” he told Arsenal Player. “He can make a great impact for any team in the world so we are really pleased that he’s back.

“But I think he needs some time to get through training and to have some good games, but I’m really pleased for him that he got 45 minutes against Fulham. That is a step back to absolutely full fitness.”

Mertesacker’s call for some patience was backed by Oxlade-Chamberlain himself, who knows he’ll need some time to get properly fit, but he’s taking the positives out of what has been a difficult time.

“It takes a few weeks, maybe even a month, to get back to your full sharpness,” he said.

“It’s never easy having an injury, especially when it’s your first long-term one because you are not used to it and not sure how it will pan out. When I look back on it’s been a good learning curve, but at the same time it is somewhere you don’t want to be.

“I am just thankful that I got through it and I’ll look to push on from here.”

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Let’s hope he can take over from where Walcott left off.

van Jordan

The Ox is back!


Release The Ox!

Bergkamp fan

Isn’t everyone glad to have him back? 😛
(Arsenal fans and staff)

Jack's Right Foot

If the Ox can pick up Walcott’s form then we’ve got a great fucking chance.

Jack's Right Foot

For christ’s sake this is the third time in two days where I’ve nearly perfectly replicated the first comment without meaning to. Sorry, “Fan”.

Ping pong 4 Frimpong

Great to see Chambo back and playing again 🙂

Harish P

Tantalising times. Not only do we have a great team, we have a great squad. I hope he can reach full fitness very soon.


I love just once for a player to say ‘No, I don’t want the fucker back. He’s a massive twat. And he stole my iPod. Would keep the reporters on their toes who ask completely pointless questions which lees to mind numbingly dull and predictable stories like this.

Indonesian Gooner

Ox is not Walcott. Surely all you fickle fans realize that.


Fickle? Because we are hopeful Ox can replicate Theo’s form? Use words you can understand. And Ox is a fantastic player tipped for a proper breakthrough this season prior to his injury. No one is saying he’s like Theo or forgetting Theo’s quality. But our Ox has an honest chance to be absolutely massive for us with Theo not there.


Yes the blind optimism that flows in here sometimes baffles me….

Igor Stepanov's career

well at least you did the double over Palace, now go back to your cave


Miss those long range shots The Ox packs


Love that pic.


This is off topic a little, but still, fits with the idea of who is joining or returning to the playing squad. Speaking of joining, I don’t know why but of late I can’t shake the feeling that Berbatov is not a bad choice as backup to Giroud. Far as two aspects crucial to our game- the ability to hold the ball up with close control and give others time to come into play, and finishing off chances at the head of the fulcrum- he is not really bad is he? I can’t comment on how he handles physical defenders,… Read more »


He’s past it. And only plays hard when he wants to. (Ask yourself: what has he contributed to Fulham this season?) He has an attitude that he’s better than everyone else and he’s not a good team player (that is, he has excellent vision and can pick a pass, but won’t work for the team). And, also, he’s a former Spud.

Dick Swiveller

And he played for United too, the ultimate combo to make gooners detest him but I can’t help but start think that it isn’t an awful idea.

He might fancy a last hurrah in a title chase, chipping in with a decent contribution to another title win and he does have enough ability to contribute plus he isn’t CL-tied…yet I can’t help but think of him in those shirts and it kinda disgusts me, and not in the good way.


Berbatov is a poor mans berbatov. that’s why.

Sarson Vinegar's frightening sarnie

Kafka, I agree that Berbatov could offer us something in terms of a pivot and therefore a good like for like (less handsome) Giroud.

He’s just a bit lazy. Would never harass defenders and if he doesn’t fancy it on the day he’s pretty anonymous. This team’s league position has been built on an all for one attitude and I don’t see him fitting in.


you’d get a thumbs up with that moniker alone. Thing is, if all he needs is motivation for a few games (remember he is not the main guy, Giroud is), wouldn’t you still rate his goalscoring? Now to say something a tad controversial- with Wenger clearly unsure of podolski (central or on the wing), and theo out with injury, we need a scorer. Ramsey’s purple patch will come again, but he will have a lot of work to do in the middle of the park against top 6 teams, and (this is the controversial bit) Giroud is not prolific. Before… Read more »


Berbatov represents no upside.

He will want a permanent move and will hold up significant wages for 3 seasons thereby complicating our efforts should we want to add a more long term solution up top.

Considering we have had difficulties getting rid of Squillaci, Chamakh, Park even Bendtner, which impacted our ability to load on players, why would we want to saddle ourselves with that sort of issue again?

Unless he is on loan, no thanks.


I have the same issue with Morata but in the opposite way.

To pay 1.7m for a player who will likely not stay with us and for half a season is simply daft particularly as the player (however strong in potential) is inexperienced (particularly CL)

Bad deal if Madrid even want to consider it (being that they don’t exactly have too many physical forwards up top)

Can’t see it.


Bear in mind as well that Wenger takes the long view (he has to) where most fans are knee jerk in reaction. There will be a number of top strikers coming onto market this summer (Falcao, Benzema, Manzukic, Costa). Why commit your wage bill to an old player now for 3 seasons? Bendtner is reasonable cover for Giroud and he returns shortly in 3 weeks. Meanwhile the games between then (Villa-Fulham-Coventry-southampton) are all winnable even if Giroud gets knocked and Podolski has to come in IMO. The important thing for me is to add capability over cover before the spate… Read more »


I see your point about no upside. Guess I should have clarified that loan or 18 months is the max that should be offered. Well, good for a conversation I suppose. Speaking of age, and here we digress again, I am still cut up about how quickly Pires, Gilberto, and Lauren were let go (and freddie). That policy of 1 year deals to over 30 players never made sense. Look at Rosicky encouraging Serge, look at Per rebuking Ozil. Project Youth (what the fuck kind of name is that, by the way) would have worked so much better with some… Read more »


Dear Blog, I’ve been told it will be the 100th appearence on monday for the BFG, is it exact ?
if it is, congrats for the landmark you mightiest giraffe ! I would love to see this real class act officialy wearing the armband and continuing to guide the team like a lighthouse and then retire in an arsenal shirt.


BFG has to be one Wenger’s most brilliant signings ever. He has great team spirit, helps the younger player and is just the polar opposite of fucking chavski spud William Gallas.

He’s a natural leader, our tallest German, our Saxon wall.


Funny I thought the media mentioned he was a panic buy and was too slow.:D


It’s funny, as soon as a defender is beat for pace once, the English media screams “TOO SLOW FOR THE PREMIER LEAGUE!” But there are lots and lots of defenders in the Premier League who regularly get beat because they don’t read the game well, because they commit silly fouls in bad positions, because they aren’t comfortable in possession. And yet, the English media would never scream “TOO POOR OF A DECISION MAKER FOR THE PREMIER LEAGUE!” It’s as if there’s this weird obsession with pace and physicality in England rather than the ability to read the game and be… Read more »


Loved the Arsecast with Auclair on Metersecker. What was that statistic about him having some sort of highest percentage of not letting a shot on goal? He has been towering for us in all respects and yeah, it makes sense that he takes the captain’s armband (much as I still like Vermaelen) Wenger has done a fantastic job rehabilitating Per’s International career where he was once in danger of languishing. Will Ozil added, we are an attractive proposition for players who may want to revive their careers or find second life. Benzema (maybe in the summer?) comes to mind. he… Read more »


I don’t think your post was long enough, Santori.


Interesting you mention Kayoute’s height. It is sometimes frustrating to see the ball pinging about when possession is in dispute in midfield. We have no one who can win a ball in the air and pass it to a teammate/out of the danger zone with a controlled header. Diaby was the one…
Find it diabolical people make jokes about him.

the only sam is nelson

well on the evidence of this game Costa is worth about 1/3 of a Gervinho

He’ll probably score the winner, now


What’s ‘yes session’


While it’s great to see the Ox back I don’t think we should get our hopes up too much about his upcoming performances. Alex has been out injured since the start of the season and has had limited time on the pitch: it’s unlikely that he’ll come flying out of the traps and immediately produce his best form. He’ll probably need a few matches to get up to speed. It’s worrying that nothing concrete has happened so far in the transfer market for us; it looks like Wenger will stretch it out until the last day off the window. That’s… Read more »


True i cant see Mourinho being there long term…Cause eventually those world class technical players he has will get tired of just sitting back and defending same with the fans.

What a waste of tallent to play them like Mourinho has he truely is the most dull manager the world has ever seen, he has to play the fool with his antics just to make anything about Chelsea entertaining.


Maureen is only interested in himself… “football! What is that? I thought we were here to talk about me!” – that is the Maureen we love to loathe!!!

Özil Gummidge

Apparently Ntep of Auxerre posted a photo from the Eurostar on his Instagram…

Igor Stepanov's career

good for him


Is that Per’s “glad” face? Germans, eh?

And wot de fock is up with “yes session”?


I don’t think much is to be expected of Ox in terms of goals…coming from a long term injury and all plus he has not exactly been a goal scorer in the past. to replace walcotts goals we need ramsey back fit and santi to start chippin in those tasty strikes aswell. i wonder how Giroud will respond after this lay-off? we defo need more goals from him! otherwise can’t wait to see what Ox on Monday!


I asssume thats the look Per give to his teammates to let them know they owe him money.

mr. Tax collector!

I think something we have been missing is podolski’s link up with the giroud. The two look very isolated when played separately. When the two play together it will definitely open things up goal wise amongst the whole team. Let’s just hope Ramsey and podolski’s fitness improves so we can begin to destroy teams again.


Julian Draxler. Get him in.


Wanking to “Yes session”

palace gunner

Good news, the heat is on at top4, a win tomorrow will be important i dont doubt gunners to be at odds with the best, the team had a few bad seasons down to injuries & plz beat villa revenge for u kno,

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