Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Bendtner back in 10 days

The Times are reporting this evening that Arsenal’s striker crisis could be eased by the early return of Nicklas Bendtner.

The Dane was recently ruled out for a month with an ankle problem, sustained as he scored the Gunners opener against Cardiff City on New Year’s day, but should now be available for the FA Cup clash with Coventry City in sixteen days time.

According to Matt Hughes‘ the 25-year-old has been ‘given the all-clear to resume light training next week’  with the Premier League showdown with Fulham on the 18 January an outside target.

With Theo Walcott ruled out for the rest of the season the news, coupled with Yaya Sanago’s return to full training, suggests that Arsene Wenger may not need to recruit a new attacking option as much as has been suggested.

A couple of weeks is certainly better than a month given the busy schedule. Let’s hope it’s true and Nicklas can pick up where he left off with his last lethal touch.

Cheers to @Gunnerblog for the heads up.

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Good news? bad news?
A li’l bit striker crisis would have been welcome during this transfer window.


Wanna say I disagree because of the sheer cuntiness involved in this but admittedly maybe a month might’ve forced Arsene’s hand. Still, Nick’s been good so far so he doesn’t deserve that, good to have him back.


Silly comment. Anyway, Walcott out for the season is crisis enough.

A Yank In King Arsene's West Stand

Would it have been? I’d prefer the health and availability of the strikers that have brought us to and kept us at the top of the league this season. Since Bendtner has actually provided not-bad cover for Giroud (who’s now had a good rest) in the league, I’m greeting this news with happiness and relief.

I think it makes more sense to buy worth-it big in summer, rather than inflated big in January, especially when there’s so little on offer right now.

Paul Mladineo

We should do both – buy a backup striker now for low to mid transfer $$s and buy big(ger) in the summer as needed (start your list here: Costa, etc.). And get a backup CB too in this window.


If a manager buys because of an injury, it is a lost case anyways.

Let Wenger buy, because a player is actually worth it, not because we are short in numbers.

Master Bates

exactly , we probably would have ended up with Kalou


It wouldn’t be a transfer window without a flimsy link to Kalou!


i think those days are over. Media use to link us with Kolou because of Arsene’s purchase habits but since he has brought in Ozil for 42.5 Mn, we are being linked to the Martinez and the Costa of this world… 🙂


When that day comes… well, it might come in May, but we’ve waited an age for players to be worth it. I don’t think the lack of worthy players is the issue.

Admittedly this is also partly criticism of the summer stupidity.


May is very optimistic, I’d guess August 31st.

Master Bates

A striker would have meant we’d have bought a stop gap old/and or out of form striker .

No top striker would join us in january. Also there aren’t that many good striker available



Runcorn Gooner

Fact is the chances of getting a top class striker any January is about as rare as a win when Mike Dean is refereeing us.
PS Brendan Rogers being charged says you won’t see Mike Dean from the Wirral refereeing us too often.Right Brendan
That’s why we see him so often


Merely poker. Makes us a lot less needy. AW going for a bargain.


Yep, I had the same thing in mind


Come on Super Nick…your chance…take it.

Mark Doram

Agree, Bendtner and Sanago aren’t the world class talent that will win us a trophy. Players might cost more in Jan but if they help us lift done silver does it matter. This transfer window is the ideal opportunity for Wenger to show his true determination to win something and spend big. But, will he? We are so close, I hope so!


If Wenger didn’t find a striker he considered worth buying last summer when he had four months to do it and no shortage of quality players who wanted to come to us (Higuain being the most obvious example), why would he buy now when prices are higher, clubs more reluctant to sell and almost everyone decent cup-tied for Europe? With Gnabry and Ox to fill in for Walcott, and Bendtner determined to get fit so as to put himself in the shop window for his next club (as he so flatteringly expressed it), I can’t imagine Wenger will feel any… Read more »


Don’t think Wenger ever imagined Sanogo would make an impact on the current season. In fact, earlier in the season, he admitted buying him was a “gamble,” and that he’d need several months to work with him to get him up to the desired level of fitness / play.


Actually, having the player of Bendtner’s talent as a back-up is exactly the thing that can you win the title. Don’t forget it was never his talent what was questioned, it was the application. In fact, if he can keep his work rate, attitude, focus, and form, while being happy with being 3rd or 4th choice, I would be more than happy to extend his stay by say 1+1+1 years (1+options). This would free Arsene’s hand to get a completely different type of striker, coincidentally, this may be Theo or Campbell in the forthcoming years. Either way, in mid-term there… Read more »


I agree with you completely. Bendtner’s always had the talent, it’s his head and work ethic that have been the problems. Now that he seems to have grown up a bit, he’s looked very good this season. He’s a perfectly serviceable back-up for Giroud, and I’d be happy to see him signed up for another year.


‘Don’t forget it was never his talent what was questioned’. Oh yes, it was. It has been questioned by all the clubs looking for a cheap striker over the last three years that haven’t wanted to buy him or even take him on a season-long loan. Juve were the exception. Big, famous outfit, Juve, just the place for a great player to show the world what he’s made of when not being let down and demoralised by the crap team-mates he suffered at Birmingham, Sunderland and Arsenal. Shame, having realised his dream, he wasn’t found to be good enough to… Read more »


Can’t believe I just wasted time reading this comment (not that I have much better to do anyway, but this comment really disgruntled me to the point where honestly taking a shite would’ve been much more productive and wouldn’t have pissed me off as much as this has). I don’t even need to point out where you’re wrong because I don’t feel like copying and pasting your whole comment. One thing I thought was funny was how you lumped Eduardo and Vela in there with Adebayor, Van Persie and Henry. Eduardo signed for Shakhtar for 6 million, while Vela signed… Read more »


Miranda, I don’t give a shit who wanted him and who not, I don’t give a shit about whether I would be excited if we signed him now, and most of all, I don’t give a shit what other clubs have and don’t have. All I care about is whether he can do the job for us and the last time he started a game for us, he won it for us in two minutes. If it will turn out that his recent form was an anomaly, then I will be the first being happy with him leaving. If, on… Read more »

gooner odst

There will be risk of what I call the ‘Carroll Conundrum™’ (trademarked by me so don’t steal it!) whereby a large amount of money is invested on an even larger risk, that, at the time looks unreasonable and over time may explode in your face. If you plan to invest a large amount of money surely the risk has to be appropriately low to justify. And during this window the risks may not be deemed justifiably low enough to take a plunge regardless of how much money you have to spend. Now Wenger is known for a different approach, what… Read more »


I think from Wenger’s point of view, this rules out a move for anybody this January. He’ll wait until the summer for a permanent move for a striker. Strange that we haven’t heard anything more about Bendtner leaving the club this January, as was seemingly promised (by the man himself, I believe?) at the start of the campaign. Has he had a change of heart? I must say, his movement and touch looked impressive indeed when he came on against Cardiff. Now–or soon–would be a great time for the Dane to finally capitalize on his undoubted potential / talent.


perhaps he’s really impressed with our midfield and decided to make full use of it.


Who is this Yaya Sanogo?


Whoever he is, I hope he’s better than the cunt from Togo.


We need as many fit players as possible. Welcome news.

Petit's Handbag

It’s a risk not signing someone in my opinion, but I haven’t a fucking clue what really goes on. No one here does including Arseblogger.
We go on & on about signings and such…..but for the next 5 months can we just say fuck it and get behind every single player who walks onto that pitch with an Arsenal jersey on. Let’s be optimistic and try make the difference between winning & losing.


Couldn’t agree more. Does my head in people running around moaning that Wenger refused to pay as extra £X million for Higuain or Suarez. You have no idea what actually happened, so pipe down.


I always get behind all the players and their pets. I miss Almunia and his pretty little ratdog.


He’s going to fire us to Champions League and Premier League glory, no need to buy Wenger, even if we blow it there’s always next year. Why splash out again when we can narrowly fail then blame it on injuries?

In all seriousness, this is fucking good news. He’ll get us through the next wrung of games that we should expect to win if we want the title, by which time Giroud will be back. And don’t forget the awesome Sanogo.


Sanogo may be brilliant in a year or two but I’d be astonished if he was usable this season. He’s had no experience playing at the top level so he’ll need at least a couple of months to find his feet and gel into the team, especially after such a long period out injured. I watched all his games last summer for the France under-20s and I thought he looked less ready than Akpom.


Good news, but would be great if we could get someone in to cover for the loss of Theo’s goals. If we’r gonna have a good chance at the title.


Oxlade-Chamberlain? Gnabry? I think we should certainly go for at least one of them, and I believe they’d like to play for the Arsenal, too.

He's a blatant diver, but good at it

Gnabry. Yes.


Don’t expect Wenger to sign anyone this window as the market simply doesn’t seem to be there, so the quicker Nik gets back, the better. I think he would have as much success, if not more, than many of the names we’ve been linked with during this run in. Knowing the players, the system and exactly what the boss wants makes a huge difference to what a striker is able to produce. COYG

pauly bear

Maybe thats what wenger wants people to think ? Frimpong was tweeting like crazy today about the ox back training. Now bentner is grand.

Na were grand lads as sure go on then since the transfer window is open here 35 mil for costa haha


Frimpong and crazy are at least two things that’s common to piece together.
I saw that the Ox is back in training, too, and I have a little more positive outlook for January and the upcoming months now, as Bendtner is back, Giroud is probable well again, and the Ox is soon to be fit for matches (I hope).
We can do this, COYG!


Our greatest rival for the premier league this year is City I think. Granted we may have a better midfield( if you include all squad players). The only place where they beat us Squad-wise is that they have 4 good strikers:Aguero, Negredo, Dzeko and Jovetic. We on the other hand have: Giroud, Bendtner and Sonogo as our forward option.( Not counting Walcott 🙁 ). So what I mean to say is that we should really try to sign a forward. Because in the end, squad depth will count a lot. We don’t want to be 1-2 players short as we… Read more »


everybody agrees, but it’s nearly impossible to land a world class striker in January.


Yeah, but city play more than half of their matches with two strikers, so they need a bit more of them.


What he ^^^ said. We only play with one striker, we don’t need four of them.


We don’t have the depth to compete in 3 comps without spending, Giroud can’t carry us and Bendtner just isn’t the same quality wise. Investing in someone who can help us win EPL is enough. Without a signing or 2 we will struggle when the fixtures bulk up.

I never buy into this of not buying! Remember, eduardo broken legs? If there was a world class striker,it could have been history today!

AZ Gooner

Does the timeline for return to injury even matter anymore? 1 month = anywhere from 10 days to 6 months.


It will be good to hear a similar news for Theo.
We will pray for you Theo for a speedy recovery.


Of course we need a striker. I’m glad Bendtner is back but did anyone see Man City tonight? Negredo is the dog’s cock, Djeko’s not bad either, plus Navas and Aguero. Sanogo on the other hand, is shite and likely to be injured anyway. Minge.


You’ve got to bear in mind that despite moaning about how good their strike force is (ignoring the obvious fact that those three and navas, who is about as close to an out and out winger as you can get these days, cost about £100m), we’re still top of the league. I’ve got full faith in bendtner, said at the beginning of the season he’d have a huge hand in how we fared and I think he’s pleasantly surprised a lot of people. Good on him, fans booing their own players is one of the most pathetic things to see… Read more »


@Amusa- we also have an edge over city in defense. We have the BEST CB’s in the league i bet. So we are better than city in two areas which is enough to bring the title back home.


This is being leaked by AFC to soften the blow that we are not buying a striker, mark my words on that.


I think we would be hearing this news regardless of whether his recovery coincided with a transfer window or not, but yeah, it’s difficult not to be cynical about this. Wenger is an incredible manager, though we have become accustomed to being taken down the quiet boulevards of like-a-new-signing after hoping for the actual-new-signing parades of Mardi Gras. I have no idea why this metaphor came to mind. Anyway, the accusation is somewhat unfair. He has bought very well these past few years, and even surprised us by buying Ozil, for example, instead of reiterating Diaby’s perpetually imminent return as… Read more »

jack jack jack

This impression of Wenger as this stingy old miser counting pennies in an Emirates back room has to stop. £42.5m on one player is a fucking huge amount of money, however talented the player is. Astronomical even. And yet people still seem attached to bandying around the same tired old bollocks.

So, anyway, Bunburyist, I agree with you that the accusation is unfair – and about the annoying media goons. But what can you do, eh? Anyway, I feel like you haven’t been commenting around here for a while so I’m glad to have your analysis back.


Celebrity pundits are in that luxurious sweetspot of not being accountable for any plans in the same way Arsene or any other manager doing an actual job of balancing short- and long-term priorities of club, but also not having to adhere to journalistic standards and integrity. Hence, they say whatever they want but have a soapbox to broadcast it from. Hence, entirely ignorable. As jack above said, Wenger has never been tight. He’s always been willing to spend the amount of money he has available, but crucially, he buys into the reasoning of why he has as much (or little)… Read more »


Nick deserves and has earn t our respect much improved; touch, work rate and attitude. LETS VOCALLY SUPPORT HIM. Its his time and I for one think he is our best bet as cover for Giroud, have you noticed he has learnt from Giroud, is playing for the team!! GO ON NICK show us **********


I think he has been great.

Whether he moves on in the summer, focus and application on his part will help both the team and himself.

Come on you Dansk Samurai!


Am I the only one who finds this a little bit fickle? It seemed like only yesterday we were mocking him as TGSTEL, now we are glad to have him back. I dont feel its right to make an about face just because he’s suddenly a little bit useful to us. A persons worth (or unworthy if that’s a word) shouldn’t depend on how useful he is to us in the short term.


Not really, as I think that if Bendtner would be playing good, but kept his seemingly-cocky attitude, he would still get a lot of stick here and elsewhere. People sympathize cause they think he came back to earth finally maturing. Hence this is also the first time in years when he actually deserves his wages.


yay bendtner is back ! he’ll strike fear into our oppositions’ hearts whenever he’s in the lineup


If Bendtners back in 10,the Ox and Sanogo are back in full training and Gnabry’s playing well, I can’t see Wenger signing anyone. If everyone puts their heart in to it and stays healthy from here on in I feel moderately confident….yeah…..mhmm……yes, yes i do…….. COYG!

sol (not campbell) eid

Great great news, with ox back as well and Gnabry impressing in every outing we’ve seen him in, we’ll have plenty of depth and talent to accommodate for injuries. Of course with Walcott out it puts quite a dent in our hopes, but here’s hoping bendtner, ox and everyone else who comes back from injury can hit the ground running.


Which is why the recent media induced panic overstating Walcott’s impact on us was again an effort to spread a negative spin. Ozil is back. Ox is back. Gnabry looks sharp. Bendtner back shortly as likely Ramsey. The next 3 games are Villa, Fulham and Southampton (+ the FA tie with Coventry) and we should have plenty of fire power without Walcott. Things do not stay static and there is such a thing as players improving as amply demonstrated by Ramsey this season. Santi looks hungry and competitive to Ozil. jack may hit form as he is threatening to do.… Read more »

jack jack jack

I think it was 7amkickoff who did a whole load of analysis on our supposedly short squad earlier in the season that showed that the only area we could be said to be lacking is up front. We could probably do with one more centre forward. Otherwise we’re looking pretty well stocked up. We need someone to step up, Ljungberg-esque, and become a poacher for the run-in, getting those goals that Theo otherwise would. Will be a great boost to get Ramsey back, and, as you say, players like Jack, Santi and Podolski are looking ready for a breakthrough in… Read more »


An excellent analysis, Santori. Going through that list I find myself picking the Arsenal player rather a lot more often than I pick the Schitty one. Our squad is both good and deep, and our midfield and defence are better than Schitty’s. The 3-6 was a statistical freak, and with a kinder schedule leading up to it (i.e., a schedule along the lines of the one Schitty played), the match would have had a far different outcome.


Bendtner is so unreliable we can’t even rely on him to stay injured so we get a new striker in!

sol (not campbell) eid

Right, because we were actually going to get Costa or Lewa or any world class striker in January during world cup season with most top clubs performing well and not wanting to risk their performance.

No, lets just hope that our one back-up to giroud stays injured and get someone who will likely not have a major impact and win us the league.

Have some faith in your team.


Our strikers have been decent and contrary to popular opinion, we are not that uncompetitive to the likes of City in numbers or quality. Where they have Negredo (7 goals), we have Giroud (8 goals) Where they have Dzeko (4 goals), we have Bendtner (1 or 2 I believe this season) They have jovetic returning from injury, we have Podolski They have Toure scoring from midfield (10 goals), we have Ramsey 98 goals) coming back shortly. The difference lies in Aguero (13 goals), and it translates easily to the disparity in goal diff. We don’t have anyone like him (Maybe… Read more »


That being said, it makes sense, but that guy we miss is Walcott then, with a mix of Santi being less in form than last season. Theo could have chipped in at least 10 more, and Santi around 5, and the goal difference is equal to Shitty’s. Hopefully Ox will be firing on all cilinders within a month, as he has much to prove to himself and us, and he has that potential. I am ok if we don’t buy anyone, as for sure in summer we can get some beast of a striker like Costa, as we should be… Read more »


And you wonder why so many of your posts are thumbed down.


Some fat bastard behind a comp ready to thumb down wont keep from saying what we are all thinking.


Wrong – Keep from saying what “You” are thinking.

There’s no “We”. It’s only you.


I mean, I wish Bendtner all the best, but this sucks. We’ll have another update towards end of Jan. to say that there was a setback on his rehab! How can we win the league with him and Giroud. Especially now that Theo is in rehab for the rest of season?! Yes, we are top of the league, but if come June and we’ve won nothing… bye bye mr. Wenger.


How can we win the league with him and giroud?

Because we have Ozil, Cazorla, Podolski, Wilshere, Ramsey, Rosicky, Ox and Gnabry as Midfield options.

Goals Goals Goals.


Seems like that’s what his latest tweet is referring to too? Or am I reading too much into it?

Rosicky's sprints...

I agree the fact that’s its tough getting a centre forward means we have to support our great dane…


Looks like this might kill the need for a striker in January albeit we could still use a bit of firepower and something different right up top. Seems like Morata rumours refuse to go away and there may be a slight chance to take him on loan with 1.7m quid although why we should pay for him to come on loan seems a bit much given he is relatively unproven particularly in CL. OTOH, he is apparently not cup tied (or at very least I believe he has not featured in the CL) I like what I see of Morata… Read more »


Oooh no Nik,for once…. Just stay injured mate till february,now Wenger isn’t signing anyone for sure in this window….Damn Nik


This is good news to have Bendtner back so early but I do feel we will benefit from someone-else who can offer a different set of skills up front. Particularly bearing in mind the 6 game stretch with Bayern, Chelsea etc coming in March. Which is why I would have been keen on a Pato for speed and technical play. Whilst giroud may hold up the ball for us in the air, he sometimes has a loose touch on the ground where someone like Pato may have a better touch in tight confines. OTOH whilst Morata is a great prospect,… Read more »


I agree, we could go for Pato, loan with an option to buy. Sounds good.


Does no one remember Bendtner in the Carling Cup vs Chelsea?

It was a case if fuck it he’s as shit as ever.

He had a good cameo in Cardiff but he’s just as likely to play like he did at Chelsea.

He is so unreliable and inconsistent, there is a reason he has been with us 8 years and he has been loaned out the last two and scored fuck all. You never know what you are going to get, other than it will prob end in him drunk and on the front page of a newspaper…


Let’s try and be positive, he is showing signs of improvement. I mean, win against Cardiff was really massive, given that it was a match where a point would have been almost as a loss, as we kicked their arses in Wales and shitty and chelski breathing down our neck. And who comes to save the day? Nick. Also with Hull game, if he hasn’t scored early in the game it could’ve been a tough match. I admit i had so many reservations as all of us did, and when I see him with that stupid hairstyle, shirt not tucked… Read more »

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

Yes Bendtner was sh!te in the Carling Cup loss to Chelsea in October. But was that 100% his fault?

I heard sections of The Emirates was singing “Naa—-h naa—-h naa na na na na” after only 30 minutes!

He’s a sensitive lad who needs support and encouragement. After his wondergoal against Cardiff hopefully he’ll get that now.

poliver girolski

This is good news. Yes I would like Wenger to sign a world class player out of the blue like Ozil.. As many above have stated it is unlikely in this window. I have always had a soft spot of TGSTEL (especially when he stated he would cover the cost of anyones shirt who had his old number when he changed it to 52… if he actually did is another matter), and at 25 he has plenty of time to fulfil his potential, not to dampen the mood but it was about the same age Robin Van C**t started to… Read more »


Gutted. When our main rival has Negrado, Jovetic and Dzeko as stand ins and our backup is a egocentric twat who has publicly stated on multiple occasions that he does not want to be at the club, then it’s time to stop thinking about winning a trophy this season. Welbeck, Hernandez, Rooney, RVP. Already mentioned Man City, Eto, Torres. We have Giroud who is, in my opinion, playing far above his ability level. Don’t get me wrong, I love his passion and desire but can we honestly say he’s a Thierry or a Dennis? Because that’s what we deserve. And… Read more »


It’s funny you mention an egocentric twat who has publicly stated on multiple occasions that he does not want to be at the club and name rooney in one post.

Dick Swiveller

If you play way above your ability level for long enough you’re just THAT good.

It’s called progress, learning, evolution…there are many words for it but the general gist is that you don’t stay the same for any length of time.

I do want another striker too, although it’s worth mentioning that Jovetic may well suck in English football and the way we play gives us more goals from midfield (I think) so it’s not quite so clear cut as OMG THEY’VE GOT 4 AND WE’VE ONLY GOT ONE AND HE’S ALL SHIT AND FRENCH.


Giroud won the league with Montpellier.

Also, you’ve got it the wrong way round. A lot of the strikers we brand as ‘world class’ were only called that AFTER they won the league. Lewandowski certainly didn’t get as much attention as he does now until Dortmund won the Bundesliga.

Juventus won last year’s Serie A with Giovinco and Vucinic and Bendtner as one of the backups.

Football, and winning the league, is not so simple that we can simply whittle it down to things like “world-class striker”.

arsenal faithful

All the major analists in t.v are backing Man c*ty for the title..we.will surprise them like @ the beginning of the.season when they were talking of arsenal like a they would talk of crystal palace…..look at us nw!!!! Still @ the top with sme of our key players injured …… Bendtner shld continue his impressive run as i believe Giroud will carry us through the end of the season ….the way we begun is the way we should end!!!!!


Just let them the pundits back Man Cit for the title, then it will make the weight on the arsenal player’s shoulder will be lighter and we will win that premiership. It’s kind of mind games.


Trust me man city will not always outscore their opponents. That’s why we have an edge over them cause our defense is top notch. When aguero or negredo are out of form, they will struggle. And Bendtner is not that bad as ppl make it sound. The problem has always been his attitude and commitment, NOT his talent. I don’t think juve would’ve took him on loan if he was that bad. They weren’t that desperate. As fans let us show Big Nick some support. That may be all the motivation he needs to show us in turn how good… Read more »


If the shortage were serious it would certainly be worse than having bendtner and Sanogo back.

Last time we panic bought strikers we ended up with Park Chu young.


The question is: before Walcott & Nick’s injury and Giroud’s sickness, were we looking for a striker this Janusury or not? Was it for addition or replacement. All season we were yearning for an additional striker so Bendtner’s recovery should not make us put of the idea of a new striker. In fact Walcotts injury makes it more urgent.

Le' Cheupez

Always been TGSTEL’s fan bar that missed chance at the Camp Nou a few seasons ago that would have put us through. Having him back is great. However, given that his is a back up role, our real concern is how we get 15 goals and 10 assists that Theo was certain to deliver in the second half of the season as a first 11 player. My take is that Ozil needs to take a little bit more scoring responsibility as the traditional No. 10. If he can weigh in with 10 league goals and 10 assists this second half… Read more »

Hank Scorpio

I hate tp say it because I loathe him but we should consider loaning Berbatov. His contract is up at seasons end & 1.7mil is being thrown around as the loan figure for Morata who us unproven. Berbatov while a lazy petulant toe rag is proven. If we could loan him for 1mil that would be a good piece of business. Though it would pain me to see that wanker playing for us but thwn again if a former Spurs man helps us win something that would also be great in terms of tormenting long suffering sp*rs




While being one of the best talents, he is such an idiot in his mind, mancini believed in him and thought will make him great, it turned out shitty. Then he finally went to milan after all the shenanigans, wearing their shirt etc. now after 6 mths he is ready to move. He is a ticking bomb, and will finish as homeless if he doesn’t get his shit together. Although he could be our centre forward as he is almost tall as Giroud, and very strong, but more technical and clinical. But then he gets a red for doing something… Read more »


League table shows just how far ahead City are in terms of goals scored (they’ve conceded 5 more than us, but scored 57 to our 39). Including cups, they’re on 90-something goals this season, and alive in all competitions. Barring injury, they will be hard to stop. I believe Mikel Arteta is 100% right when he says the best strikers win you the PL. I don’t see Wenger signing anyone now, but the summer should’ve brought in the type of striker to get the very best from Ozil. I love Giroud and Bendtner is trying (finally) his best, but they… Read more »


Good analysis. I also think that we need that special type of striker. I was amazed that AW missed out on Higuain, still I don’t understand why. And obviously on intention, as Higuain himself said before last Napoli game that Arsenal were never concrete in their interest in him. While I do love Giroud for all reasons written everywhere, and he is a likable guy (HFB 🙂 , he is not a killer in the box, and will not score 25 – 30 goals ever, for which our amazing midfield can provide assists easily. He cannot score those wonder goals… Read more »



he won us the game at cardiff. also takes the pressure of wenger having to get someone read: anyone in jan and leaves him to focus on bringing in better talent in the summer when better talent is available.

Hug me please

This is great news !!!


Very good news indeed. But I don’t know why Arseblog news keeps mentioning Sanogo, as if he might have some role to play in this crisis. We’ve all seen him play. Far from ready. Akpom seems a more reasonable solution, from what I’ve seen.


Good news, I like Bendtner.

For those that are interested in a bit of possibly pointless speculation, A Bola, the Portugese sports newspaper is reporting Arsenal interest in Jackson Martinez. The release is 40mil Euros which is a lot for a 27 year old, albeit a very good one.

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