Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: €15m bid for Sociedad winger rejected

Reports this afternoon claim that Arsenal have had a €15m bid for Real Soceidad winger, Antoine Griezmann, rejected by the Spanish club.

Although the two clubs have done business in the recent past with the transfer of Carlos Vela, the Basque outfit are looking for something closer to €30m for the French winger.

The 22 year old left sided player has been in excellent form this season, scoring 12 goals in 16 La Liga appearances.

It would be just like Arsene Wenger to pull this kind of transfer stroke. Everyone wants a striker, he brings in a winger. Just like everyone wanted a centre-half, he bought Arshavin.

Things might be getting interesting …

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Where are you getting your information about the big being rejected from? The sources you’ve posted indicate that we’re considering bidding that much..?


There are also reports in AS that PSG are in for him. He’d be a wonderful signing, but let’s not get our hopes up…

Bobby the beast

€15,000,001!!! Turn that down Sociedad!


Yeah!! Show them who’s boss!

+ This goes along with our new transfer policy of only buying handsome footballers, glad to see Arsene sticking to it.

Giroud's Mirror Reflection

I think this is one of our most important qualities too. We are beauty in every form: with the ball, without the ball, on the pitch, off the pitch.

Pretty soon oppositions will spend more time looking at us than playing us, another of HFB’s woefully underrated strengths.


you sir deserve 2 thumbs up for this one, but I can only offer 1 🙂

My opinion doesn't count

Here, have the extra one on me.


The amount of thumbs up this comment has.

Well done my sir!


Don’t understand the thumbs up this is getting. it wasn’t even funny, maybe popular but not funny in the slightest!


Why are you here? All you do is hate

“Are you a spud in disguise…”

Özil's Eyes on Arsene's Hot Thighs

I was going to give this comment a thumbs down but then I realized he’s probably trying to get a record thumbs down so I’ll just #LeaveItYeah


Good, clever player. Would be an interesting addition, to say the least. Still, fingers’ crossed.


He is, very much so, and we’ve been linked with him for a while so fingers crossed . . . 15m euros sounds a bit on the low side to me, though. I know Sociedad are poor as church mice but I can’t see them taking as little as that. Time to get serious, Wenger, no dithering. We need the player NOW so he has a chance to settle in to the squad before the crunch fixtures in Feb. Shame he’s cup-tied but you can’t ask for everything at this time of year.


Doesn’t Griezmann play on the left for Sociedad? Basically in the same position as Cazorla and Podolski play for us? Difficult to see this materialising unless there’s plans to offload Podolski.


Or alternately, you hop the ambidextrous Cazorla over to the right; or you just rotate Mesut and Santi through the middle, to give them some rest. Also, Podolski might start playing through the middle (personally, I hope he doesn’t, but oh well), so we’d then need a new left wing.
Anyway, Griezmann is a player with top, top potential, even if he’s not the finished article yet by any means.
Can’t help wondering about Vela, though- he’s been even better for Sociedad than Griezmann, and there’s that lovely 3.5 million clause…


He hasn’t actually been better than Griezmann this season. I’m assuming that you’re referring to last season..? Griezmann’s got 14 goals so far for Sociedad this season, hes there leading scorer.


If he is a quality player, bring him on. I’m not sure playing five central midfielders is the way for us to go every match, so it would be a welcome change if Wenger had plans to rotate Cazorla through the actual midfield spots. He’s also just just said that he thinks Podolski can play as our central striker once he is completely fit (as apparently he is not at the moment). Pacey wing players are not something we have in abundance, and at 22, he’d be one for the future as well. Doesn’t necessarily have to oust anyone from… Read more »


Those twitter sources

Igor Stepanov's career

What the fudge happened to Erik Lamela?

Alot of Arsenal fans on this forum, wanted us to sign him, saying he was the best prospect in europe.

Now he is a $30million spud reserve player.

Don Cazorleone

Personally I think Jovetic was one of the most exciting players in Europe, now he just watches City games. Shame when they move for money rather than football.

The only Olivier is Giroud

Frustrating…. may this be an accelerated version of the summer: “15 mil for average bloke” “Never!” “40 mil plus one for canabal” “We’re insulted!” “We might just have a surprise for you…” *face melts off*

Stuck in the middle Giroud

There is absolutely nothing average about Griezzman!


Talented player €23m should get him.


Thats a precise amount old chap! Do you know something we all dont???


that amount worked on fifa right? 😉


On FIFA I’m so cheap I drag the bids lower and lower until I lose the transfer. Then I have to buy David Bentley on a free transfer. Then I stop playing.


Perfect replacement for Arsene then.

Sign him up Ivan 😀


let hope Arsenè gets his business done early this window, as good as Ozil was on the last day we need someone right away considering the fixture list so they can get settled in make an impact rightaway.


Its not as crucial this year as we should comfortably win all our January Games… but we need someone integrated into the squad for february which is a hell of a run of games… Happilly tho tyhe first of those is Home to Palace which should allow us to blood a new signing in time for liverpool. incidentially if our next 4 games are Aston Villa (A) Fulham (H) Southampton (A) Crystal Palace (H) and our Last 6 are West Ham (H) Hull City (A) Newcastle (H) West Brom (H) Norwich (A) If we win those as we should that… Read more »


last 5 (oops)

Me So Hornsey

Nice plan. However, I feel 81 points would only get us 3rd probably I think we’d need 87 points to finish ahead of Chavski and Shitty. Therefore turn them draws against Sunderland Stoke and Swansea into wins.


And United. And Spurs.


Especially United and Spurms.


Don’t worry about United. I’ve just heard a daffy woman on Talksport who predicts the future from, er, asparagus. She informs us that United’s spears are all broken and limp. Ours, however, look brilliant.

He's a blatant diver, but good at it

I wondered what had happened to Zoe Ball, thanks for the update.

Ricky D

Naturally greazy run an take all the gold coins like mario an luigi


I think this confirms what we have all known that in past seasons we have simply not had the cash to bring in players. Now we do, we look to be much more active in the transfer market. Griezmann would be a great player to have in the squad.


Hmmm, good goal scoring record. Perhaps Wenger seems him as having the potential to play up front, that would be just like Wenger. In a similar way to that grey haired, constantly injured prick that used to play up front for us?


And hopefully in the same way he saw Henry as having the potential to play up front.


Good player but don’t we have enough midfielders


I think he counts as a forward.

Me So Hornsey

A short, tricky, skillful young french winger? Not a household name? If Wenger could create a Cyborg he couldn’t have done better.

Dial Square

Hmmm… I fondly remember the last time we bought a bunch of average Frenchman, and TURNED them into household names. Let’s see if we can do it with ze Germans now.

Igor Stepanov's career

Ozil is not average

Master Bates

maybe he’s special quality. top top top player.


Looks like he’s being lined up as a direct replacement for Walcott, i.e. a pacy goal-scoring winger. Even if Wenger gets him we will still need a quality goalscorer. I just hope this signing doesn’t drag on until the end of the month: we need quality players asap.


All this talk about us having many midfielders are misleading, simply because ‘midfield’ covers so many positions. Arteta and Walcott may well be players described as ‘midfielders’, but they certainly are far apart in terms of what type of player each is.

Since Gervinho left, we have been more bereft in the “pacy winger” sections, so I won’t be entirely surprised if this happens.


I think you can class griezmann in the winger/forward category, a bit like theo with maybe a bit more defensive awerness so it looks like a very good option to me.


His buyout clause is €30 M (24.8 M sterling), which is hardly madness for the best young player in La Liga outside of the top 3. He´s improved every year, and this season has shown the consistency of a top player. He´s also an ideal replacement for Walcott in that he can play wide or in the middle.

I suspect he might´ve been a target for the summer, but needs must and all that…

Can´t tell you how exciting a signing this could be…


That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.


A couple of those a game would do.


Can I -briefly- point out that the man sending in that lovely cross before the bicycle kick is none other than Carlos Vela, who we could nab back for under £5 million? He’d be handy…


Always found Vela a likeable fellow, but I’m not sure that’s a great cross. It comes in fast at chest level, which for most footballers would require a chest take-down (and possible second touch), by which time the opposing defender will have closed space down. For me, and without dismissing Vela’s overall quality, Griezmann makes a rather outstanding silk purse out of a sow’s ear.


I’ve counted three pig references on this page. Did I miss something?


I think a winger is good way to go about it. Our setup is crying out for a winger like Jesus Navas… precise crosses in the 6-yard box is what a striker like Giroud (or Bendtner for that matter) needs, to bury it in the back of the net.

Liam Brady's right testicle

Outside of Ronaldo, Messi & Diego Costa he’s probably been the best player in Spain the last 12 months or so. He’s a beast of a player and worth far more than €15m, in my opinion. He would be an epic signing for Arsenal.


you do realise ozil played in spain for 6 of the last 12 months 🙂 also i believe there are many better players. alonso, probably bale, iniesta…..


Well, he has €24m release clause in his contract.


Why not Angel Di Maria if we’re going to Spain?


Di Maria is an excellent player but very one dimensional. He’s a pacy winger who can put in a cross. Griezmann, on the other hand, can play on either side of a forward line, and has the skill and guile in front of goal to develop into a solid center forward. If anyone can make that happen, it’s Arsene.

fecal smear

Re: Di Maria, that is completely untrue. The guy has mesmerising dribbling skills and is good at beating his man, crossing, cutting inside and passing, as well as having a decent shot on him.


Because Real Madrid won’t sell Di Maria, recent bit of scandal notwithstanding. Ancelloti chose to keep him over Ozil in August.

Di Maria would be a stellar addition–great dribbler, amazing engine, fast, has final product, and, as a bonus, Ozil is very familiar with him. But it’s not happening.


I do believe Henry was a winger when we bought him….Wenger knows!


Indeed he was…

Paul S

Though Wenger was the one who made him a winger in the first place at Monaco.


No, watch the Arsenal Legends video. Wenger promoted him from the youth team (where he played as a winger) and played him as a striker. He was played as a winger again, once Wenger left (soon).


he start as a striker as youngster but then trezeguet was there so he was move on the left wing.both were promoted to this position .its only later at arsenal where wenger move back Henry to striker… the rest is history


We are not I a position to play hard ball everyone knows what we want and how badly we need it put up or shut up time it seems…

fecal smear

That’s not how buying assets works.

We start low, they start high, then we meet somehwere in the middle. That ‘somehwere’ defines how good a deal we’re getting.


yes, that’s kind of obvious, but we are not in summer, we do not have the luxury of a long drawn out haggle; games come thick and fast mid season points may be lost or gained on the basis of that haggling you propose, so the guy has a point, pay now in money, to bank points for may

will xl

With the links we have to Draxler for a potential summer move, this move would be a bit of a disappointment for me. No way we would sign both those players and I think Draxler would be the better option.


Except that Draxler would cost the same as Ozil, and when we already have him, why do we need his younger version?


Can we get Mr Chips back instead?

Fatboy Gooney

Typically, offering half the asking price.
Come on wenger now offer them 20mil
& remind them of the good deed you done them with vela..

Gooner Splat T Spuds

Wait ….. I need to examine and assess this unknown player through a youtube montage summary of his capabilities ……….

Right… I now know all there is to know about this player, I should be a scout…

Great player, great intelligence, great movement, such finesse….. this would be a coup for us and Wenger, Wenger does it again!!.


Yes! And he’s so obviously better than di Maria, an establishing Argentine international and a regular in Real Madrid’s forward line for the past few years!

Source: I don’t watch La Liga at all, but once I watched a Champions League game where di Maria missed a decent chance.


No idea how good he is, but on evidence of that pose in the above picture, I’m sure he’ll add something special to our modelling agency.

Springbank 1965

Griezmann might be worth €20M (in an inflated market) but €30M isn’t realistic.

He’s young, but can go missing in matches. And he’s a crap crosser.

In fact, he’s a bit like Theo (though not as fast) on the left.

I wouldn’t be unhappy.

If it wasn’t for Franck Ribery he’d probably be a fixture in the France side by now.


he isnt a fixture because like mvilla ( and one or two more no idea actually who)he got ban from french national team until next december. he has been so good this season some people in france try to get him so unban fry the French federation so he can go to the world cup

The Buddha

Can we not buy Remy? Hes henry-esque at times


in a sense that the GUCCI indian takeaway round my way is so very similar to the fashion house Gucci.

Desert Fox

…..think a certain court case is probably putting most people off!




€15m for that guy is way too low, Its realy surprising though, I’ve been watching him for a while, trying to put him in our setup even before we made our interest known.. Hmm maybe I know one or two about our transfers. Lol

oooh to be young

If he’s worth 30 özil is 60! Might be a sellers market … arsene don’t play that shit he pays what he wants or grows his own. Let’s just calm down.


I think this is a sign Bendtner is staying and that they have a CF lined up for summer.


What about a bid from Vela again? Do we not have a buy back clause, he’s being doing well in Spain.


Wenger, winger. Winger, Wenger.



Not sure that hair goes down as ‘good looking’.


15m EUR looks like a derisory bid to me.


It would be the second most we’ve ever paid for a player!


ozil has played out right as an attacking mid. gnabry did a fine job all beeit against a small club in th fa cup. cazorla could play there if needed and cut in on that smooth left peg of his. to have an out an out left winger would be exciting, and offer so many attacking options. any time we’ve brought monreal on in that position he’s had so much joy hugging the line and firing in great crosses, getting to the by line. Real S are dropping way off the front three, could be tempting for them to cash… Read more »

africa gunner

Arsene is going for a winger now because he’s gonna get us a world class striker like coaster in the summer,he doesn’t want to sign some average striker like RVP that’ll ocupy the space


Another HFB…fantastic!


From what I’ve seen he looks a good player, however if we are in the market for a winger, I’d much rather get Draxler. I really do think he could be an Henry-esque signing and be converted into a central striker – he’s quick, tall (6ft 2) and with a bit of bulking up I think he could cope with the physicality. And I’d rather wait until Summer if he’s unavailable now and get something short-term in Jan.


Draxler has played on the wing before, but if I’m not mistaken, he’s been playing as a #10 behind the striker for the past season and a half.


My thoughts too. Wasn’t he playing centre mid a couple of seasons back?


KPB pushed him back out wide


Why can’t we get both? As you said Draxler will be moulded into a CF eventually so an out & out winger will not hurt. He’s left footed as well so that’s a rarity. There’s Bale, Robben, Di Maria, Messi, Gaitan (more a playmaker though), Januzaj, Downing… Oh wait.. See my point though? Given how Wenger loves left footed players as they give more dimension I really see no qualm going for Antoine. Imagine next season we’ll have a team of Sczezny/Fab/Martinez Sagna (sign him up!)/Jenks/Bellarin – Mert/Sagna – Vermaelen/Kos – Gibbs/Monreal Arteta/Flamini/Bender (sorry can’t help) – Ramsey/Wilshere/Diaby Ozil/Cazorla/Wilshere Walcott/Antoine… Read more »


Shit and I accidentally left out Rosicky


Draxler is overrated.


Young YES
Pacey YES
French YES
Massive potential YES
Current club in financial trouble YES
Recently commented that he likes Arsenal on social media YES
Worrying injury history NO!
I like this one!


He’s young–there’s still time for him to pick up a chronic injury, probably only after we acquire him and Tony Pulis tells his orcs to tackle through the ball on a blustery Tuesday night game.

Merlin's Panini

A winger would be nice, seeing as we replaced Gervinho with, well, no one. As maligned as he was he had his moments. An extra pacey winger would be useful if we’re not going to bother giving Ryo a chance, which seems increasingly to be the case. Still, if we don’t bring anyone in I won’t be too disappointed, as long as we can carry on the form we had previously when Theo was out.

fecal smear

I get the feeling that I’ve read this exact same comment (or something very, very similar) before.

Merlin's Panini

Really? But no two people ever have the same opinion on anything ever do they…


Time to twist their hands a bit. Let’s activate our buy back option on Vela for 2m if they don’t wanna sell this guy. Or we might just forget about Vela if you cooperate…


And then go for Vela in the summer?


Remy henry-esque? Not the Henry I remember!

Daddy Fresh

Antoine Griezmann is one of the good player in Spanish. for me is a good option to replace Theo wallcot


Just cos there’s a buy back option for Vela doesn’t mean all we have to do is bid for him and then they have to sell.
A buy back clause means IF they decide to sell, we get first refusal.


depends, no? First refusal is first refusal and buy-back is buy-back.

Anthony Payne

I think it would make sense to acquire a wide player to play on the left, because neither Jack nor Santi have been able to provide us with any width when they have played in that position, which has left us too one dimensional. However i hope this will not preclude the acquisition of a much needed strikeI.

Oh yes

Looks like a decent potential signing. Let’s hope it doesn’t ‘kill’ Sanogo haha.


Let’s not get too excited. Direct quote 3 weeks ago

“I’m not thinking about leaving in January, there’s nothing, I’m only focused on myself and in helping the team. Nothing more,” Griezmann said.

Bendtner's ego

What’s his pace stat on Football Manager?


16 Acc, 15 pace.

But, please remember that it’s just a game. I believe more in our world class manager than in football manager..


Great replacement for Walcott……but what do we do with Theo when he comes back…just chuck him on the scrap heap?

Samir Gelb

Is it bad that I dont want us to sign Griezmann because in my game of Football Manager he was signed by Sp*rs?


Very, very bad. You should see a doctor.

Samir Gelb

I probably should…

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