Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gibbs could return for Stoke trip

After limping off against Bayern Munich with what was later described as a ‘buttock’ injury, Kieran Gibbs participation in the upcoming games was in doubt.

However, according to his agent he could be back this weekend for the trip to the Brittania Stadium. Jeff Weston Tweeted:

It remains to be seen quite how accurate that information is, what with him being an agent and not a buttock injury specialist.

However, Gibbs return would be timely as Nacho Monreal was withdrawn at half-time in the Sunderland game because of an ankle problem which has been ongoing.

Although Arsene Wenger said in the post-game press conference he expected the Spaniard, and Laurent Koscielny to be available this weekend, the more fit bodies we have the better.

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Is the agent allowed to post such team news when the club haven’t? Although good to know Gibbs is out only for a week at max!


Like agents give a fuck what anyone else thinks!


Jesus Christ why does EVERYTHING have to remind me of Forest fucking Gump?





Bould's Eyeliner

Don’t fight the tears, my friend. You cannot escape the Gump. Let the tears flow like the sap coming off of a John Williams soundtrack.


I thought Alan Silvestri did that score.

Bould's Eyeliner

I believe you are right. Thanks!

Petit's Handbag

This is a massive game…not sure if anyone seen the stoke fanzine bandied about online. I truly hate these fucking cunts more than any other premier league side.
We really need to win, I really want us to win & we will win if the players use that as motivation. Charlie Adam doesn’t deserve to be on the same park as Cazorla’s & Ozils.
Let the games begin Orcs


Have you forgotten about Sp*rs?

It’s alright, so has everyone else.


To be honest, who cares what Stoke fans argue about? I had no idea they even existed before all Arsenal fans started talking about them. Don’t feed the trolls. Literally this time.


Come on now. Let’s not generalise. The forum website that released that article are known to be a bunch of c*nts, even by Stoke standards. Let’s give the guys a break (no pun intended)

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

I hope Ozil drives a Hummer to the Brittania Stadium this Saturday.

How lucky it would be if he happened to ‘run into’ Ryan Shawcross, Charlie Adam and Robert Huth along the way!


I always think away games at Stoke should be written about in an old dusty book.
Like fables, in a Lord of The Rings-esq sort of way.

With stories telling of Arsenals slaying of Stokes Orks and such.. potentially involve Arsene as a Gandalf like sorcerer with his infinite wisdom of the pass and move game..

Mark Hugh’s as some sort of Troll or Ork king upholding their formative Kings barbaric regime – of violence in the tackle and an amateur like approach to footballing tactics.

Big Chief from Antarctica

Gibbo! Ever since that block in the WBA game he’s been improving to the point that I worry that Hodgson (who, by chance was their manager back then) might take him to pointless international friendlies.

He deserves the recognition though!

the only sam is nelson

getting upset about what other people say online (particularly when they’re fans of, say, other clubs) is as pointless as a perfect sphere


Buttock injuries are not to be sniffed at.

I brought a nice new coat today….must have had a feeling I’d need it!

Momo (@MuhamLAD)

He can be our Frodo


What a goal Joel Cambell


Hahaha, get in!! Joel Campbell. Good lad tidy finish too

Big Chief from Antarctica

With all the statues, Campbell can get a plaque if he now smashes a plate on that cunt

Tom Thumb

Great goal, but also great experience for Campbell starting in the knockout stage of the Cl


Joel Campbell, Campbell
He’s on loan from Arsenal
He just scored a wonder goal
Joel Campbell, Campbell.

Trex d' Gunner

Joel Campbell curls it in. In your face skunky



Henry! Chance! Goal!!

Skunky, are you watching Joel Campbell? Take a now, son!!




Ha ha the dutch skunk cunt missed


Yessssss fuck man united and your cunt skunk


Apparently, Gibbs is suffering from a badass disposition


I love roy keanes post mortem


You have to worry about Gibbs susceptibility to injuries.

Hope this is true and we have him back for Death Run 3.

Campbell looks sharp and definitely food for thought with regard our striker requirements at the moment. If he has a brilliant world cup, he will be even higher up the pedestal.


Love to hear Joel scored a stunning goal against Man U,


back four of Jenks, Sagna, Per, Flamini could be likley….


We need a fit Gibbs for the run in….Monreal is utter crap.


On the subject of Stoke. I have been reading their fans un-official forum, briefly mentioned in this mornings blog. It’s quite sickening what they say about us. Astonishing. Hopefully no one can say that Gooners stoop that low.
Stay classy Gooners!

A N Other

Any news on Ramsey other than the fact that he wouldn’t be playing for Wales?

michael carmichael

Earliest return date is scheduled for the 16th of march against sp*rs but should be fine by the 22nd against Chelsea unless he has another setback which for the sake of Dennis, he won’t


Campbell, anyone?

waitina from nairobi

joel campbell, he scores when he wants.

waitina from nairobi

olympiakos upstaged Manchester united by the same scoreline in the year 350BC

olympiakos 2 (plato, ’47, Socrates ’78)
man united 1 (Ryan Giggs ’90+4)

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