Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bendtner: I’m off in the summer

It’s hardly news that will shock or surprise anyone but Nicklas Bendtner has confirmed he’ll be bringing his Arsenal tenure to an end this summer.

The Dane is out of contract in June, and will become a free agent when his deal expires, bringing to an end an … er … eventful 9 year association with the club.

The 26 year old spoke to the Danish press before their game against England at Wembley tomorrow night and talked about his future and lack of playing time at the moment.

Asked if he might stay, he said, “It’s not the plan. I intend to try something else. I am open to all countries. It’s not that I think I must stay in England.

“The most important thing is that I get to play. It is imperative that I get real playing time.”

With his future obvious, Arsene Wenger has chosen to blood Yaya Sanogo instead of the more experienced Bendtner, but TGSTEL says, “I’m ready to play, but the situation is unfolding right now, means I do not get the expected time.

“I do not know how I rank in Wenger’s plans.”

I think recent selections have shown that he ranks below Sanogo who is below Giroud but maybe Wenger would prefer Bendtner over Podolski. Some might speculate the Dane might have done better with the late chance presented to Sanogo at Stoke, but it’s a moot point really.

It wouldn’t be any surprise if he did manage to make a headline or two before his departure though.

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It’s time now Nick. Good bye and good luck! Danskjävel! 🙂


Den bäste danskjäveln som någonsin Levt!!


Dabn klhehol Hllkdk Ljipdjd kokoksj

and good luck


In my biased opinion I find it weird that he hasn’t played more this season – especially considering our lack of options to Giroud. Think he’s looked sharp enough when he’s played (ignoring the league cup tie against Chelski!) and yes – he would have scored against Stoke 😉


Some would say he is already off .
Good luck and Goodbye to the Great Dane.

The Greatest Dane to ever live.


Den bäste danskjäveln som någonsin levt !!


Not the best player, but whats with all the Bendtner hating? He’s scored some really important goals for us over the years. I could care less if he makes headlines or not. Good luck elsewhere sir!


As one door closes, another one gets smashed off it’s fuckin hinges.

Merlin's Panini

and then a car gets smashed and some Paddy Power pants are exposed.


It’s a travesty we’re losing TGSTEL

Wenger Out.


With Park hopefully leaving there will be space to bring in two strikers. A well established stiker and Joel should do the trick. Bendtner has given us some good moments this season.


haha haha

that’s a nice one.


haha haha
that’s a nice one.



Lord Nicki B

The legacy shall live on.
Your move Barca/Madrid.
Beg him all you want


I wonder when he joins barca and forces Sanchez out if Sanchez fancies joining us.


How come he doesn’t have a precontract yet?


Perhaps he wanted to wait and see if he did have a future at Arsenal. It is very clear now (after Sanogo’s starts) that he doesn’t.

Thomas Moore

I say we blow the entire Puma Sponsorship deal on tying him down to a lucrative new 6 year contract.


Tbh Bendtner is a better finisher than Sanogo (yes) so I was wondering why he wasn’t brought on. Sanogo is a nightmare for defenders physically, which is good but not really what we needed against Stoke.


Well, since Giroud couldn’t handle the bullying by the orcs, maybe Sanogo was exactly what we needed from the start against Stoke?

Andy Mack

NB has missed open goals before now (and scored some good ones as well)!.
Give YS a few more games before hitting him with the ‘not as good as Bendtner’ tag!


Some would say he is already off .
Good luck and Goodbye to the Great Dane.

The Greatest Dane to ever live.


Watch Real Madrid bid 100 million pounds for TGSTEL in the summer window. Having said that, I’m sure he’ll do better in a slower league where technique is valued more than actually giving a f**k, and being a professional. So Spain, Italy and Greece or all possibilities.


he keeps saying he is leaving but nobody wants him (apart from Palace when Holloway was there, now Pulis is manager he won’t wont him). It has been realy hard getting rid of him. even when he had a good euros no one wanted him

Andy Mack

I think that lots of clubs want him but they’re not prepared to pay him what he wants.

Rambling Pete

It’s a shame it hasn’t worked out. I had high hopes for him and Arturo Lupoli when they formed that partnership in their youth days. In many ways Lupoli was the one people thought would make the breakthrough but he’s now a plumber in Sardinia which tells you everything you need to know about how difficult football is. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a plumber, it’s a fine trade and everyone needs their waterworks and drains to be in tip-top order otherwise you get blockages and that can lead to bad smells. I remember years back noticing a… Read more »


Ha ha … play Super Mario much?

Also the perfect replacement for TGSTEL is SuperMario then we get the crazy antics and the actual talent.

My Name Is Difficult To Pronounce

You’re back Pete! Now we just need #LOL back too.


Omg Pete! How much have I missed thee? Too much for my own good.

Gods left foot

I am not going sleep for days now over this sad news. How I am ever going to console myself…


TTTTWF – The Toughest Turd That Will Flush.


“I’m open to all countries” Malmö FF calling…


Damn! Looked foreward to a TGSTEL testimonial.


Well we needed him to stay, and he play a part in the season.

Cardiff 2-0 remains one of the best games I have watched at the Emirates this season, for all its excitement. Bendtner’s goal was like fairytale stuff. (I think it’s even better than beating Sp*rs in the FA Cup, because that was too easy).

Viva Vivas

Good luck nick,
The greatest striker that ever left

Daft Aider

And in other surprising news the University of California have today discovered that water, is wet

m a gunner

Not even bentners not good enough to score sat on the bench !


The shame about Bendtner is that there is probably a decent player inside him trying to get out. He was never a fantastic natural talent but he was the kind of player who needed to really apply himself if he was going to make it. Sadly, his attitude stank to high hell. Wenger’s asinine decision to award the Dane with a very generous contract before he had done anything of note didn’t help. The playboy Prince of Denmark’s head swelled to twice its natural size and he lost the motivation to improve his talents. He should have been kept hungry.… Read more »


it is a pity becuase with proper attitude and application he could have become a really good player

Belfast Gooner

I think Nick would have scored the goal from the chance that Sanogo put over the bar on Saturday. Not a criticism of Sanogo, just going on how Nick took his goals against Hull and Cardiff. Both typical Striker finishes and I think he would have hit the back of net again but the boss has gone for Sanogo so hopefully he will start scoring soon.


Not the saddest news of the calendar year so far.
Saying that im sure there will be olenty of non league vieing for his signature (scoff).

Naija Gunner

Don’t know why some people still hates him, I prefer him to Giroud.

Good luck Bendtner wherever u may be going, we’ll miss our dear TGSTEL!

He's got not hair but we don't care...


Just go already.

stressed steve

Never understood why wenger had Nick playing out right-wing though, a few years back. He may be many things, but a right winger he was not.


Hes a better striker than giroud.


Genuinely don’t like Giroud at all.
Not good enough to lead the line for Arsenal at all.


We don’t know what goes on in the dressing room, but NB was not popular with the other players and that’s huge on a team like Arsenal. I remember the time someone compared Szczesny’s attitude to Bendtner’s and the former corrected him: “I’m confident; Bendtner is arrogant.” The skills are obviously there, and he’s not afraid to put himself about. He had some awful luck with injuries, and when he was healthy, there was usually a hot striker that forced him out of the lineup. He may be a hit in France or Germany, and his Arsenal training would stand… Read more »

Saffa Gooner

40m pounds + Bendtner for Suarez, anyone?


I’d rather have the extra £1.00

Bendtner's ego

He’ll end up at Hull City for round 3 with Steve Bruce’s daughter.


Top ten richest clubs (source, Bleacher report). 10 AC Milan. Strikers? El Shaaraway. Ballotelli. Pazzini. Robinho. (worth 80m ish?) 9 Juventus. Strikers? Tevez. Vucinic. Osvaldo. Llorente. Quagliawhatsit, Giovinco. (worth 70m ish?) 8 Arsenal. Strikers? GIROUD, SANOGO, BENDTNER. (worth 25m ish?) 7 Chelsea. Strikers. Torres. Ba. Eto’o. (worth 30m ish?) 6 Man City. Strikers. Aguero, Dzeko, Negredo, Jovetic. (worth 140m ish?) 5 PSG. Strikers? Ibra, Cavani, Lavezzi. (worth 120m ish?) 4 Man Utd. Strikers. RVP, Rooney, Hernandez, Welbeck. (worth 90m ish?) 3 Bayern Munich. Strikers? Mandzukic, Muller, Pizzaro (Lewandowski inc for next season). (Worth 110m ish?) 2 Barcelona. Strikers? None really,… Read more »


I find that list totally irrelevant when you include müller and jesé as strikers at real madrid but excludes theo and poldi in ours..

Mr Media

Barca or Real is ready to sign him on a huge free.

Nigerian gonner

I will miss you bendtner….wishing you the best elsewhere


You don’t say.


I wish you luck on your journey to becoming a Barca player


Swap him for Suarez!

TR7 > CR7

Someone alert the statue makers.


He might have become a better player if he had shed his weight and wasn’t cocky,


camp nou, he’s comin’ for you..


I’ll play him against Spurs just to compete against that Togo bloke

Rocky Rocastle

Well, im allmost sorry to see him go. To bad he did not get that testimonial first. Haha. Would have been Epic. I also feel he should have got more of a chance to make the team this year with Giroud playing so bad over many games in a row. His season in general have been pretty bad. But it does not matter how poorly Giroud play’s, he seems to be untouchable in the first XI as long as he is fit. Giroud could probably show up drunk to a game, straight from a hotel after a long night screwing… Read more »

Az Ahmed

Reality is he is not Arsenal quality and never will be. He is more Spuds quality 😛

Bye God.


Give me a fit and on form bendtner over that prat giroud. He may have attitude problems, but this guy should’ve gotten more chances this season. i really don’t blame him; first he has chamakh chosen over him, then a mediocre giroud- you really can’t blame him. He’ll probably move to another team and thrive like carlos vela did while we stuck with “hfb” giroud.

Broken Hearted Gooner

Ok see you later.


2 good years in Spain and Germany, and he’ll be back in as the last-minute signing on 31st August 2016!


Bye bye – the airport is that way

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