Friday, October 18, 2024

Ozil not concerned by press criticism

Mesut Ozil says he pays no real attention to the criticism that has been cast his way in recent weeks.

While acknowledging his form hasn’t been as good as he would like, the German international says that’s a natural consequence of settling into a new country and a new league.

He also suggests the English press will find something else to write about in a few weeks time when he stops being ‘flavour’ of the Fleet Street month.

“Nearly every player who is new to Premier League needs time to settle in,” he said to Bild.

“Here, you meet other challenges. It was clear that I would endure a difficult spell because I missed all of Arsenal’s pre-season preparation.

“There was a time when I was not satisfied with my performances either, but I have come through this phase. I don’t concern myself too much with the criticism.

“Three weeks ago they wrote totally different stories and, in three weeks’ time, they’ll write different stories once again. That’s part of the business in England.”

Indeed, a quick glance at today’s Mirror suggests he’s bang on the money. An article by Darren Lewis proclaims that Joachim Low has told Arsenal’s record signing that he’s in danger of missing the World Cup.

In reality, however, Low said no such thing and didn’t mention anyone by name. But Ozil headlines make hits these days.

The former Real Madrid man is expected to return to the starting line-up for this weekend’s FA Cup clash against Everton.

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Ozil will come good eventually , hopefully this season.

One thing is for sure….


Ozil is class !


Very true. Apart from Torres.

WTF happened there? Maybe the old Chelsea striker curse…I dunno.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

He started to lose his touch while still at Liverpool, but people tend to forget that. The idea was that he would begin to flourish once more at a new club, but… Chelsea bought a lemon. For once Liverpool did good business.

Form is temporary but loss of class is permanent.


Not even the great Maureeeeeen could turn him around!!!



Good business until they spent how much on Andy Carroll?


I think you answered your own question. Torres lost 35 million on value as soon as he joined CFC.

I’d want Giroud to start over him every day of the week.


the actual expression is..
Form is temporary, class is BERGKAMP

Türkiş Gooner

WOW. You, Sir, made my day.

ringo xiii

Actually, I think you’l find the expression is ‘Class is temporary, Bergkamp is God’


He got off to such a fast start but I’m pretty confident he’ll settle in and adjust just like Mertersacker did when everyone was calling for his head in his first year. The injury to Theo really hurt him because it opened up space for his passes. One of his early games people were bashing Theo for blowing five of the six chances mesut created for him.

Stuart Steele

How we read this article: “I’m aware the press have criticized me, but I expected it to be a difficult first season. It’s no problem”.

How the press would read the article: “I hate the UK press, in fact i hate the UK. I can’t hack the football here. I want to leave Arsenal.”

Si in Galway

*THE Arsenal

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Why quibble over the name? Arsenal, The Arsenal, whichever is good for you is good for you. The magic isn’t in the name.


Quibbler, anyone?


Shouldn’t get too concerned. Still think looking forward to next season w Ramsey, Özil, Walcott, Cazorla and our new speedy winger all having a (short) preseason together makes for belief in the future.

A speedy winger and/or striker is all we – and Özil in particular – need. Give the man some weapons!


Got a feeling that we are about to see the best of Ozil. My missus asked why he cost so much, I said it was due to him having ‘great vision’ and being able to spot a pass and make the pass.

She said (without a hint of a joke) ”Oh. It’s because he has really big eyes and can see more around himself than a normal person. It’s cheating.”

Go Mesut, I think you’re great even if my missus doesn’t.


Heh. I won’t lie. I punted that theory to my mates last year.


My mates punted that theory to me, and I punted it back, so we came to an agreement that it is in fact his eyes that gives him his spectacular vision.


Ozil is right about one thing. The press can change their opinions very quickly. After his first few dozen or so games the press and pundits were creaming themselves over his passing and technique. He was the reason Arsenal may actually win the title. A huge transformation in the team’s attacks.

After a few average games and a few poor ones, he’s the worst player in the world. A waste of money. Lazy (although the stats on distance covered blew that one out of the water).

Best thing is to ignore them. He obviously does. Go Mesut!


It’s fun to read though.

Brilliant signing -> Needs to adapt, but lifts the whole squad -> a bit shit but still lifts the squad -> really shit, he missed a penalty.

I don’t think the people who often watch the games were under any illusion that Ozil would’ve been an instant hit.


Well that’s just it, we all know that players have to adapt and can take a whole season to do so, and it’s normal and happens almost to the man. I also get that some ppl just like to have something to whine about, especially the press. But why do we fall for it every time? We know it’s going to happen and being supportive during the initial rough patch is the best thing us fans can do.

Indonesian Gooner

Pirès had a very average first season then became the best player in the league the year after. Patience, what a virtue.


League Managers’ Association player of the year in his second season!


The pre season is crucial for a player….it’s too bad payers going to the World Cup aren’t going to get one! Maybe Ozil will come good in 2015/16 season!


What about the 2014/15 season then?


Loew will take Mesut to Brazil. No worries. At least he shows that he expected setbacks and that he is judging his own performances realistic. I was afraid he would write about Giroud in front of him!!


Fuck the critics and them clowns. Always doing their best to bring the Arsenal down.


Funny how body language and movement is so deceiving. Mesut ozil is one player you have to admire of you love good football. His running stats are so high simply bcos he puts in the extra effort to move into space. You can’t see that while watching football unless you are watching mesut. The same reason why he tops the arsenal passing charts most games. He’s always open. He’s always an option. It’s finding that space for teammates to pass to him and being able to help it on that wears down the opposition. I really admire that even under… Read more »

Thierry Bergkamp

Fuck the press and Arsenal “fans” who criticise Mesut


As far as am cornsern ozil is one of the best midfielder in the world today,I still believe that ramsey & walcot absent hurt him cos he made all the assist while they scores let’s give him time,after all he is better than benthner…..p

Az Ahmed

I have learned in business that target setting dictates that you aim the highest you possibly can, and that means the title because it is still within our grasp. If you aim low, you are more likely to miss our target. If Liverpool are being touted as possible champions then I do not see why we are not, seeing as we are level on points to Liverpool and only 4 points off the top spot with 30 points still up for grabs. We have the capability of going on an unbeaten run, especially with Kallstrom and Ramsey coming back soon.… Read more »


He needs runners however, Ozil and Cazorla whilst great and salivating on paper doesn’t seem to work. I think they play better when one doesn’t in the current set up. Or we buy a striker who can pull defences apart with his movement as Giroud is too static, then it could work.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

You put all the parts in the same statement yet missed the answer. What we haven’t seen yet, due to injuries, is Ozil and Cazorla and Walcott playing together. That is the answer. Next season we are going to be awesome.


He needs more time to fit in properly. However, thats English Press for you.

Good luck Ozil, Arsenal Forever!

sigmund freud

I can assure you he has no psychological issues.


This comments section needs a post about biscuits.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Biscuits are nice. The biscuitier the better. Dog biscuits are for the dogs.

Gary Baldy

I agree, that would be Nice.


I’m not a believer that Ozil and Cazorla don’t work together, however they both need another player in the team who will stretch teams, it allows Ozil to pick a pass and Cazorla to drift, knowing we have the outlet, Theo for example!

I have no doubt that Ozil will hit form again and be the player he was for Madrid and early on for us…patience Gooners..patience!


What a bad peice of so called journalism from that Darren idiot. I don’t buy into any of the shit these morons peddle anymore, as bloggs aluded to it’s all about getting hits on their piss poor websites by any means possible.

The thought of Germany not taking Özil to the World Cup is ridiculous.


I’ve heard very little from Ozil since he joined. Good to get some quotes; he’s clearly intelligent and reads the social/media situation as he does the game. Fortunately we are not a club that agrees with the last person we spoke to and we seem to know talent and stick by it; Ramsey, Fabianski, Wilshere etc. Look at city who think they are buying world class players year on year and never appear in the starting line-up. If anyone doubts how positive Ozil is to the club is very short sighted and should move abroad, to a new company, with… Read more »

Johnny 99

You only have to remember what they said about Dennis when he first arrived. Fools, the lot of them.

Gary Baldy

He is obviously leqarning how our mob work over here.

“Three weeks ago they wrote totally different stories and, in three weeks’ time, they’ll write different stories once again. That’s part of the business in England.”

I hope he added, as an aside and off the record . . .

” Sie sind ein Haufen von absoluten Fotzen ! “.



He just needs the right type of players around him we saw how well Walcott and ozil linked up early in the season… Theo simple couldnt put them away..

Now if you get Theo and a Striker willing to make runs you have a very deadly player to support them.

Tony Hall

You just put the winning goal past those wankers at Stamford Bridge thus causing Maureen to spontaneously combust fella and you may well earn a place in Arsenal history and newspaper headlines for the right reasons 🙂


Watched the Germany game instead of Steven Gerrard banging 40 yard 10’s and 2’s passes all game and Waz and Sturridge booting it for goal kicks (i assume). Mesut looked pretty good against a Chile team coached by Saint Sampaoli, disciple of the great Bielsa. Germany hurried a lot by Chile but Mesut bagged his typical assist and could have had more. Passing was good to arousing, moist in places. He played in a false9 ish role for a part of the second half well. BFG looked like BFG against a very good side. Anyone who doubts Ozil’s ability should… Read more »


Maybe there’s a reason why germany cant stop including mesut in their starting line up…..can this be class?



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