Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Report: Chelsea 6-0 Arsenal

Arsenal: Szczesny, Sagna, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Gibbs, Arteta, Rosicky, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Cazorla, Podolski, Giroud

Subs: Fabianski, Vermaelen, Jenkinson, Flamini, Kallstrom, Sanogo, Gnabry

Arsenal’s chances of winning the Premier League suffered a hammer blow at Stamford Bridge as Jose Mourinho’s rampant Chelsea side scored six goals without reply. Pressing the self-destruct button from the outset the Gunners found themselves 4-0 down at half-time and conceded a further two on the break in the second.

Having conceded early at Anfield and the Etihad, Arsenal arrivedin West London knowing a poor start against another title rival would likely be disastrous. After a couple of early warnings and a Cech save from a weak Giroud effort we promptly launched into another embarrassing capitulation.

On five minutes Eto’o curled in an opener with Gibbs caught out of position, Schurrle then doubled the lead two minutes later shooting between Koscielny’s legs before Eden Hazard scored from the spot after Chamberlain deflected a Torres shot around the post with his hand. Referee Andre Mariner, despite the midfielder admitting his guilt, decided to send off Gibbs in a case of mistaken identity.

17 minutes gone, 3-0 down, ten men. Happy 1000 games Arsene.

Vermaelen replaced Podolski as we looked to firm up the backline but it didn’t make much difference. Four minutes before half-time Torres broke down the Chelsea right fed Oscar and the Brazilian found the top corner from a yard out. On a positive note, Rosicky had a shot on target in injury-time.

Mathieu Flamini and Carl Jenkinson came on for Chamberlain and Koscielny at half-time with Vermaelen moving into the middle with Mertesacker and Sagna switching to the left.

Chelsea continued to look threatening on the break at the restart and twice came close to grabbing a fifth before Oscar curled his second through Szczesny’s fingers on 66 minutes. A sixth came soon after as Salah, off the bench, walked through the defence before sliding home with ease.

Arsenal toiled without success at the other end, Cazorla flashing wide and Rosicky forcing a save from Cech but in truth the performance didn’t even deserve a consolation goal.

The final whistle was a welcome relief. There will be all the usual inquests in the coming 48 hours but one thing is clear; we won’t be winning the league this year.

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Tommy Gunner

Shameful and pathetic


i throw up six different times.


We really need a decent sports psychologist for the team. The mental blocks are shocking. Mugsmashers have one of the best in the UK – we need one in….along with a quality DM and striker.

And why do we always play such a high defensive line against quick teams???


We have a quality DM but Le Prof prefers Arteta who’s useless in that role to Flamini.


Fucking right. Arteta is TOO WEAK AND SLOW. How can people not see it? I put it in caps. ARTETA. WEAK. SLOW. CANT PROTECT THE BACK FOUR.

Also. A 33 year old stood out this entire game. Rosicky. Take a bow. Whole new level of respect.

Just to highlight his contribution: 2 shots, 4 chances created, 1 through ball, couple of tackles, 100 percent passion and desire.

Just fucking love this guy.


I beg to disagree, Flamini is 30 or close and nowhere near the likes of Matic or essien at his best. we could go to a 4-1-2(narrow)-2(wide)-1 if we had 1 solid DM. We need a towering presence that can hold off the agrressive pressing from the likes of Luiz/Willian/Ramires/Rooney/Henderson and retain the ball.

My hopes for the next season
Szczesny/good backup GK
Sagna/Jenks Mert/ CD Kos/Verm Gibbs/Nacho
STAR DM/Flamini
Ozil/Ox/Wilshere Arteta/Ramsey
Theo/Gnabry Poldi/Santi
STAR Forward/Giroud

A Yank

@locksley A) Anyone else think we’d be better off moving Szczesny. Last few matches Fabianski has played he’s look way more sold. B) That line-up is all well and good until we’re out 8-9 men with stupid injuries like every season for the past six. C) Sell Giroud. Don’t even want him as a back-up. No goals in, what, eight games against the rest of the top four. And only two goals against the rest of the top six (although credit for both being against Spuds). D) Not directly related but where I’m from 6-3, 5-1 and 6-0 are people’s… Read more »


A Yank – I agree with you mostly, apart from Giroud – he is a good player and he has knocked them in for us before – the difference is we had walcott alongside him, giving him that option for the quick pass and turn which is what he is good at, especially for being such a hulk of a man. My annoyance is Loic Remy – however much you may dislike this mercenary he would have provided us with that goal threat alongside Giroud and looking back would have been a bargain for anything under 10 million, especially as… Read more »


We always play the same way regardless it was quick or slow teams.
Heck, we always play the same, period.

1000th time

Fine margins, Giroud v Eto.. one made a goal out of nothing and the other wasted an opportunity.


Yeah, after conceding *6* goals to counterattacks its pretty obvious you’re doing something wrong.. .. this would have been perfect match for a sit deep and attack fast-approach, much like those we saw early season. I have absolutely no idea why Wnger clings to high possesion as a method of defending, because it totally destroys the pace, timing and flexibility when we’re attacking. Most our goals come from movement, combinations and teamwork, which is dependant on several players showing initative at the same time, and the slow, possesion approach just destroys this. Not to mention, we concede like crazy with… Read more »


Read your own post again and then revisit that ‘Wenger is an amazing coach’ nugget.


@Crispy; he is. Wengers ability to bring out the best of players, trust them and make stars is second to none. I’d rate Ramseys performances early season as contender for ‘worlds best player’. Seriously, he was top 5 in most defensive *and* offensive statistics. He was international class purely for his defensive *or* offensive contribution. I know of no coach else than Wenger who could have pulled something like that off. We saw a pragramtic Wenger last half of last season, and we did amazing, so we know he’s capable. .. but if we want to take the last step… Read more »


Sorry you’re deranged……. Wenger’s ability to bring out the best in his players was wonderful today. It was a dream away at Liverpool and superb vs Man City.


Its such a shame we had to lose like this on Wengers 1000 game, its completely ruined the occasion, something he was meant to be proud of is now a stick to beat him with. But Ive got to say I don’t think he got his tactics right against city or liverpool so to not learn from his mistakes, lets just try and enjoy the weekend and hope we don’t try and have a confidence boosting 0-0 with Swansea.


What a day. My parents were evangelist who traveled from town to town in a trolley preaching to people and we lived on gifts and donations. I didn’t succeed in making any real friends, talk-less of love interest till the age 16, when I finally went to secondary school. I only got laid at the age of 19 because I was the oldest boy a class and so looked better than most. I was an honest and caring person which got me lots of favors from the lady folk around but found it difficult to get the top girls ;… Read more »




Don’t you count all the times you went down on your mum as getting laid?


I’m just going to pretend the season ended on December 31st. I know the players have.



I’ve always said this but as a relatively new Arsenal Supporter 1998 – Present (I was 6)…I have always believed that Chelsea are the only team worthy of being our true rivals. Especially Mourinhos Chelsea. I hate the man, I hate the squad and I resent everything that they stand for. S**rs are nowhere near worthy of being called a rival. We might as well make Millwall our rivals. Don’t get me wrong, it feels nice to beat S**rs but Chelsea? I would take up voodoo to make it happen. Only our arch nemesis can achieve their greatest win on… Read more »


totally agreed. i hate that disrespectful pompous cunt managing that shite of a club. it would have been so perfect if we would have beaten them and made it the perfect 1000th for arsene. but they spoiled his 500th and today his 1000th. if i ever run into that egocentric piece of shit while i’m driving, i’m gonna run over over 6 fucking tmes to make sure he is dead.


Come on that’s a bit strong.

6 times and there’d be trouble identifying the body…… You would delay getting any credit!


Actually, I think you are on to something here. The greatest ever Arsenal sides have had much bigger rivalries than that lot down the road.

This PL season we have 1 point from Chelski, and 6 from Sp*rs, reverse that score and:

Chelski would be on 64 points, two points ahead of us. (and we’d have a game in hand)
Sp*rs would be on 54, 8 points behind.

It fucking pains me to say this, but maybe the club, the fans & the players are focusing too much on Sp*rs.

Arsene Nose

Except for Rosicky.. None of the players deserved to wear the shirt today.. F*cking awful performance.. Just have to stay off social media for a good few days..


Sagna was good, Kos was decent before he left. But yeah, other than that…

Jack's Right Foot

I agree, shallow and pedantic.

Toby C

Wenger played the same way as he did at Liverpool, City and Sp*rs last season – too high a defensive line away from home. It’s brave and it’s bold but it doesn’t work against the top teams!!!


Oh how I would love to see pace again in this Arsenal side like all top sides atm have. Keep them on the back foot and break with devastating pace.

FReezin gooner

How do I face my friends


Bitch slapped.

Fucking embarrassing.


i feel like rocky after his first fight against mr t


At least that was over in 2 rounds. This is our THIRD hammering of the season. Any team can have a couple of bad days where the attack doesn’t click, or they lose a game due to a fluke goal, or they drop points from a game they should have won, but no title challenging team loses multiple times a season by 3 or more goals.


A bitch slap would be losing to a cheeky goal in extra time.
This is not a bitch slap.
Regardless of it being his 1000th game, he got it dreadfully wrong and it pains me that he did.
Maureen got it right.
I do hope the mugsmahers win the league and not cuntbag maureen.

Get 4th, win the FA cup. That’s all there is to it now.




Now it’s official. This team is shit. Sheep in a lion skin.


It can’t just be that though can it? Can someone please explain how we can pummel little teams and then completely fail to show up against the big clubs? We have the skill, but I honestly cannot figure out what the issue is…

Fireman Sam

Little teams …. and we can beat teams like Bayern Munich. In Munich. 2-0 to the Arsenal last March.

Sometimes the universe just don’t make sense.


Well, goodbye Arsene, and thanks for all the memories. I hope you go out with the FA Cup, but I won’t be in front of the TV, biting my nails, hoping desperately, praying that your legacy retains some sheen. There is no point in praying for those who don’t learn from their mistakes. You may have made the club a lot of money but you’ve cost a lot of dedicated fans quite a decent amount of cash and no small amounts of peace of mind with your insistence on allowing us to be subject to avoidable humiliations. 8-2, 5-1, 6-0,… Read more »


I feel the players let down Arsene today.

H. P. Arsecraft

Wenger let the players down and the players let Wenger down. It is a collective humiliation for all of us.


Insanely high offside line.
No shield for the back four.
No pressure on the chelsea midfield.

Just so fucking depressed.


I disagree, although it is true that apart from Cazorla and Rosicky the rest of them didn’t give even a decent account of themselves. Wenger should admit that his tactics were naive bordering on criminal. Considering the way Arsenal were on the ropes at times against Spurs, it wouldn’t have been inconceivable for Flamini to have started against an even better team like Chelsea. Also, why the high line? You don’t always have to attack especially away from home. It’s okay to sit back a bit and play on the counter. As it was, the game became a battle of… Read more »


I do wonder whether Arsene asked the players to play a high line like that. The game was all but over after 7 minutes: both goals the direct result of being pressed and not having any balance in the team. We were horribly exposed.
Maybe it was a case of the players wanting it too much?
But even after the 3-0 we were so, so naive…

fair weather fan

what? cazorla was terrible. what you smoking? that nutmeg attempt right in front of our back four that led to a goal was one of the laziest stupidest most arogant things ive seen from an arsenal player for a long time. dont blame mert and kos it was the midfielders that wernt good enough to hold the ball

Alex Cutter

You do realize that he built the team from top to bottom, and trains them every day?

When they shit the bed in EVERY BIG MATCH, the fault lies with him.


A thumbs up from me but the real shock is others doing the same.


4-1 vs Barcelona when we didn’t even have a single shot. 6-3 against city. But you can’t deny that this isn’t really Wenger’s fault. He chose a pretty decent lineup. It is the players. It’s the fucking players that piss me off. There is no way they can make up for these games. An FA Cup will never, ever make amends for what I’ve felt throughout the season. A true Arsenal fan will understand. I want to enjoy a season, trophies I don’t care for. All this team has managed to do this season is make me develop a severe… Read more »


I disagree. Sure, Wenger chose the wrong tactic(too high line) and maybe should have had on Flamini instead of Arteta. But you would expect the players not to do stupid mistakes. You would have expected them to run and work their arses off when they earn more in one week than I’ve earned in my life. Rosicky worked his arse off, as well as Sagna, but that’s about it. Too many mistakes that wouldn’t even be accepted at an U-18’s team. They come with a mentality that almost makes me wonder if they thought “we’ve already lost this, let’s try… Read more »

Bitter Pill

If we’re only interested in being competitive and fighting for the top four, ok, let’s give Wenger the 3yr deal. Hell, let’s give him 10. But if we are really serious about winning the league, winning trophies, shedding our tag of ‘bottlers’, and putting an end to the humiliation of being beaten 6-3, 5-1 and ___ by our title rivals, Wenger needs to call it a day. I don’t think he can cut it anymore. Even if he were to sign Messi and Thiago Silva next season, I believe it would just be more of the same old story. Wenger,… Read more »


I agree in part – everything good about arsenal is definitely down to arsene. unfortunately pretty much everything bad about the club is down to him as well.

Fireman Sam

Messi and Silva would be a good start if we want to get a 6-0 revenge over chelski any time soon. Throw in Suarez and Ronaldo too and maybe we could put 8 past Moyes’s Manure

Overly Optimistic Arseblog reader

Oh my God, when will the media finally admit that we’re title contenders!!

In Soviet Russia, WENGA sacks YOU

And of course you get so many thumbs up now whereas if you made the same point on a different day the response would have been very different. Utterly predictable.

I like your username too.

Fed-Up Gooner

Doesn’t make what he said any less true.

This was supposed to be the season we showed the pundits they were all wrong to write us off as contenders. Guess who bottled a glorious title opportunity AGAIN?!!

Same old Arsenal. Build you up, let you down.


I distinctly remember hearing and reading about this being the season that we were going to drop out of the top 4 from many Arsenal fans. We’ll win the FA Cup and although its hard to see now, we’re closer to the top than we were before.


What depresses me is that Chelsea played this game in second gear, it’s not like they were sensational or anything. Arsenal self-destruction at its finest.

Fireman Sam

That’s what bugged me most about the 6-3 citeh game. Citeh were just cruising


The fans played well today… wish I could say the same for the boys. I don’t mine losing but when there is no heart and determination, this gets me really piss off.


Well I would like to be sitting here thinking….. “Wow, that was a shock to the system, I surely did not see that coming.” Sadly, all of us I am sure had this sort of worry in the back of our minds….it isn’t like this chapter hasn’t been written before. I fucking hate this chapter and am beyond tired of it. The really awful, worrying, scary, and petrifying part of this is….what is being done about this? Players keep getting injured, we are consistently overrun by the big teams in the middle of the park, the tactics seem not right,… Read more »


the hole in midfield. you captured what I was feeling perfectly.
I’ve said here before this season, I miss the power of teams past. Why are we trying to be barca-lite, even they play with a strong holding midfielder. We need a strong player in midfield, can’t wait for Diaby and Flamini can be the understudy to that holding midfielder.
Team selection was odd, so was formation. But to give up the game in 15 odd minutes. SO so deflating.
We just fold against the big teams. No bottle. Its pathetic, abject and humiliating. what a day.


Pogba would be ideal, can’t see it happening unfortunately


I feel so dejected it’s hard to find the words. What a shitstorm.

Podolski Sklep

Today they were a disgrace to the badge. No more, no less.


Its like the players didnt care it was #Wenger1000.

but defensively we did look like we wanted to concede atleast that 1000


“Specialist in Failure”
As a club we have to move on. Wenger shouldn’t sign a new contract, he should realise he’s taken us a far as he can.


Today was horrible, and maybe Wenger can’t continue like this, but realistically who can we get in that is a top class manager that will really improve our situation, because we could just as easily bring in a manger with little experience in title challenging teams and end up in a similar situation as Manure.


Good Lord man – Get a grip! There are loads of top managers out there who would jump at coming to Arsenal. Not only that, they could take the current players and do much better than Wenger. Look at Diego Simeone at Atletico Madrid, Klopp at Dortmund – even Martinez with Everton. These guys are good young managers who would improve out set up.

Fireman Sam

I’d take Martinez


Ref: “Gibbs, you’re off!”

Ox: “But ref, it was me!”

Ref: “Shut up Walcott, get on with the game”


You could at least try and be original. I like plagiarists less than I like Chelsea.


bite me


I’ve seen this joke more times than I can count, suprised you didn’t follow up with the ” why didn’t gibbs come on at half time in the ox’s shirt”. Everyones a fucking comedian today. Shame the real joke was the arsenal.

Bendtner's Hair Band

Superb copy+paste skills.


Oh, you’re the type of guy that comes here after the game to Copy-paste a popular tweet to get attention.

Leave or change, thanks.


If i wasnt going to someone else was definetly going to. It was brilliant. i felt the non-twitter chaps had a right to see it also.

dont be a cunt about it


You can credit your sources


Sorry heroldgoon, misplaced anger is a terrible thing. I don’t think people are angry at you, people are just fucking angry. ( I drift between fleeting periods of catharsis and pure rage )

Gareth Murray

I was the first to post that quip on twitter and facebook, so ignore the idiots, if I hadn’t of wanted to share it, I wouldn’t have posted it on social media.


ha ha halarious! the injuries and shady sending offs are two very unwanted anomalies

TR7 > CR7

For shame heroldgoon, for shame.


TR7 > CR7
March 22, 2014 at 2:41 pm
Ref: “Gibbs, you’re off!”
Ox: “But ref, it was me!”
Ref: “Shut up Walcott, get on with the game.”

Are you fucking kidding me??????? Did you not think people would notice!??!

TR7 > CR7

Haha. I saw the animosity he was getting so I said that as a joke for myself.


Someone’s sitting on the door mat.

Rambling Gooner Cal

So would the ref have sent Gnabry off from the bench for “Gibbs” not going in to the locker room?


Regardless of the result I would like to congratulate Wenger on 1000 games in charge. However I think this game has exposed his biggest weakness and greatest strength, a refusal to use or lack of tactical acumen. Arguable it is his willingness to allow players to freely express themselves that has produced some outstanding performances over the years. Against the very best sides when things are not going well sometimes, you need to make big calls to effect matches. I honestly cannot remember to many times he has done that in the past.


Can’t win anything if we go away to our direct rivals with our legs splayed wide open and and “Fuck me” tattooed across our foreheads.
Half the players didn’t turn up, shitty passing, shitty defending, shitty Giroud.
I have been patient with Giroud, he’s the best we’ve got and we should get behind him and all, but he was useless today.
We could, as blogs brilliantly suggested, put a tree up front against Swansea.
Atleast the tree won’t go down when he loses the ball.


I thought the analogy with the flower from the local garden center was similarly apt. Only thing is, a flower can be trampled on very easily, like my patience when it comes to watching Giroud fall to the ground and raise his arms in the air like a geriatric whose been given coke.

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

Well, it has been some time since i had to turn fucking TV off after 45 minutes.

Didn’t know Ox and Gibbs were twins, evidently they are.


Oh poo, Arsenal, oh poo.

That is all


Fucking fucksickles of fuck and fuck shit cunt.

H. P. Arsecraft

An absolute embarrassment. The players, the manager, the tactics, the mentality it’s madness all over. Our tactics was the same as against Pool, City and Bayern and they crushed us. Why make the same mistakes over and over? The ABC of beating Arsenal: Play fast, put preassure on the midfield and the flanks and Arsenal will crumble like a pile of shit. Chelski are a bunch of cunts but they have a great team and a great cunt of a manager that knows how to exploit their opponents weaknesses. Maureen is clearly a better tactician then Wenger. 0 wins, 5… Read more »


I completely agree. He’s been a great servant to the club but its time he left now. He’s done wonders for us and has put us in a good position to move on but enough’s enough.

5-1, 6-3 and 6-0 in one season is disgusting. Not to mention losing to a pathetic United team.


I totally agree with your point about Arteta. I think he’s struggled massively pretty much all season and is a shadow of his former self. If he’s anything more than a squad player next season, I think we’ll continue to struggle in the middle of the park as that holding role is so vital with so much exciting, attacking prospects.


I didn’t enjoy that game. Not one bit.


masterful understatment

Wenger's Glasses

Just win the FA Cup. At all cost. Please.


Lord help us all if we fuck that up. Blood will be spilled.


How many clubs have had this happen to them this many times a season? Players were a bunch of fucking mugs today. Thanks for that, I don’t know how they can look Wenger in the face after this. Disgusting.


good point, its only the relegation teams (and spurs) that get regularly hammered for 5-6 goals against the top teams, look at freaking Cardiff going into half time 2-2 against pool

Mr. White

Feel for Wenger. The players let him down BIG time. We NEED to replace Giroud and Arteta in the summer from the starting XI. Everyone loves Giroud cos of his work rate but I’d rather have a striker who doesn’t work as hard but scores goals. Especially against big teams! He’s slower than me nan so we need to push our midfielders up to support him and when it doesn’t work, we leave massive spaces in midfield. You could argue it was cos we were a man down but it was the same at the start of the game and… Read more »


Ive been saying that from day one. Areteta was a decent playmaker at Everton and a very average DM for us. The best way to sum up Giroud is to name our last five first choice strikers.

Ian Wright -> Bergkamp -> Henry -> Van persie -> Giroud


If you are putting RvP in there, I got to put Adebuywhore above Giroud.


They are in chronological order.

Fireman Sam

Sacrilege. Delete that numpty from the list. He shouldn’t be mentioned in the same breath.


It was fucking ridiculous. If you ever wondered why pundits omitted Arsenal from the teams that battled for championship. That’s why.


We concede early, we are sixes and sevens. We score early, we are at sixes and sevens. That is absense of “Mental Strength” and is manager’s fault.
But he put out 11 players and they played like pussies, that is down to the players.
This is worse than the 8-2.


Fucking woeful, and now I’ve got to take shit from everyone who’s not a Gooner just like when we lost at Anfield. Goddamnit, why can’t the football gods give us ONE FUCKING BREAK?

Daft Aider

I think an FA Cup final win is the way to see Wenger off and we can have a proper celebration of his time in charge then

TR7 > CR7

Ref: “Gibbs, you’re off!”
Ox: “But ref, it was me!”
Ref: “Shut up Walcott, get on with the game.”


That jokes so funny the last time I heard it I fell off my dinosaur.

TR7 > CR7

I wasn’t to know it would be this way Mr Tragedy. But ask yourself, who are you really mad at? … Me? … Or your father? … I know it’s hard to find joy in the spoils of a match-day like today, especially in lite of the strife with your father, but try not to let your ongoing father issues leave you cold and bitter… Go to your father, set things right, life’s too short for such petty bickering.


Wenger is too addicted to the “beautiful game” and his small technically gifted players he forgets we need the big guys too when defending (which alas! is also an aspect of the game)

Giroud's abs

Do you enjoy reciting the vomit that the idiotic commentators spew during the game prior to wiping Mouhrinho’s ass?


Hahaha people are so angry today and they should too!. it was ashambles.


So Mourinho was resoundingly right. How painful is that?

Captain's Armband

I will never agree with anything that guy says, no matter how right he is.

It’s a matter of principle, something that guy has none of.

Daft Aider

Exactly, you can’t polish a turd


But you can eat a turd – which is exactly what we did as fans today.


He is a c*#t but, sadly, that doesn’t make him wrong, and it’s pretty hard to argue when you’ve just been turned over and f*€$ed up the a*$e.


Man, we’re are becoming so easy to play against. Don’t give us anytime on the ball and we’ll do the rest. A new low.

YouTube Graduate

Well this just pisses me off.

I was laughing to myself before the game: if we lost the “Wenger Out” would commence. Well, I’m not going there but, please.

Are we just going to make the same mistakes again, and again?

A high defensive line against teams with prober counter attacking ability. Liverpool, Man City, Bayern. Napoli even. And now the worst of worst.

Wenger, please stay but, put this right.

YouTube Graduate

*proper – and let’s not even start with my punctuation.

Arteta's hair

Worst performance I have ever seen my team produce. When we lost 2-8 at OT, we came with one of the worst Arsenal teams in recent time, and played an excellent United side. Today though, we came from an very decent season, and were supposed to be fucking title contenders.
This was not The Arsenal. This was a fucking disgrace.

Norn Iron Gooner

Those players should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

And Giroud can fuck off in the summer too, flat track bully, completely non-existent today, tho that sums up the whole team.

Completely pathetic.

remember the invincibles

And we’re going to get the same rhetoric from the players. It was unacceptable’. Then why do they do it game after game at the big away games? Wenger’s 1000th game and they should have been playing they’re heart out for him. Instead they turn up scared and play like pussies. No title for us. The FA cup is not ours. The way we play in big matches. We’re scared like little girls


and Giroud must be an astronaut

He occupies space


Man of the Match … ME For Sitting and watching the whole 90 minutes


Chamberlain: ref it was me don’t send Gibbs off!
Ref: shut up Walcott or you’re off too!


Terrible performance from our boys today. Something has got to give. 18 goals in 3 games against teams in the top 4 is abysmal to say the least. But it’s not been a woeful season by a mile, so let’s put this atrocious game behind us and focus on what’s in front. Beat Man City and we’ll have a chance again. Berate the boys for today, but support them for the remaining games. Arsenal fans, believe. Arsenal players, get your heads in the game. Arsene, buy some good strikers PLEASE! A good defensive midfielder might also help. Thanks.


Spineless and disgraceful a completely unworthy performance from everyone and everything involved with AFC today.

I honestly think the players should donate 6 weeks (1 for each goal!) to charity for that “performance”.

Me So Hornsey

Why no flamini/arteta combination against city, Liverpool OR Chelsea? I don’t get it?


They did play together against Man City… and we shipped 6. The fact of the matter is, whoever we play in midfield, we get overrun by bigger and better teams.


My mistake… Arteta was on the bench. So, I take it back. Good point.


It’s not about who we play, it’s about how we play. This squad can beat Chelsea, that is a fact. Man to man, we are better in many positions. It all come down to the tactics.

Captain's Armband

Piss poor.

American Gooner

I feel like this game illustrates three things: 1. We need a true holding midfielder, while Flamini and Arteta are great against the middle and lower tier clubs, in big games our back 4 is just way to exposed. We need someone who can truly impose a presence. 2. As much as I like Giroud, we need a world class striker. The very first chance of the game has to be buried, that completely changes the dynamic. You need someone who buries that chance. 3. As sad as it is, we seem to have a team that has trouble coping… Read more »


4. We need a new manager. We clearly lack a game plan against teams who have one.


If any Arsenal fan really believes that Arsene Wenger should sign a new contract then they are deluded. The man is way way passed his sell by date and is unfit to continue as our Manager. If we had a board with any ambition instead of being a bunch of bean counters they would show him the door at the end of this season.

Quite simply, this can’t continue, every thrashing we learn nothing! We do the same things every time, it’s mental!

Wenger out now!!!!!


Wenger out!


17 goals conceded in the 3 away games with title rivals. Got to be something in the players heads causing these episodes of self destruction. Feel for Arsene as his 1000th game will be remembered as an embarrassing mauling. City next week should be fun.

Pakistani Gooner

Ashamed to see these players play for us. This is the big mans 1000th game incharge. And this is how you repay him? Pathetic. Reaally devastated. Weekend has been ruined.

same same

No excuses can be made this time

How can a team fighting for the title lose by such a big margin 3 times in a season


This cant be explained by saying we had a bad day at the office


so far 4/15 points from the other teams in the top4, 5/21 if you include United. Don’t think it will get any better when we play City.


Groundhog day! Again. Wenger thanks but if there was ever a sign to resign, This is it. Arsenal need to get contingency plans in order. 6-3 you could say was unlucky. 5-1 was perhaps a freak, this is not a coincidence. The worst think is, I was not in the least bit surprised. When you have years of pain to your rivals, why expect any different. A conference team would have been ashamed of today. #bottlers

Pin Finish

I hate to admit it but this is the second time this season I have switched off the TV after half an hour. First time against Liverpool and again today. I can take losing games, but it hurts so much to see such a weak, scared performance. We look so solid usually against teams outside the top 5/6. Why do we look like a pub team against the big boys?! Today is not about 1000 games for Arsene (though that is an incredible achievement) it should be about how we can step up a level and compete for the title… Read more »

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