Monday, February 17, 2025

Szczesny Leicas his Sp*rs Szczelfie

Wojciech Szczesny has revealed he was quick to despatch Arsenal’s equipment manager in search of his smart phone after yesterday’s North London derby victory so he could savour the moment with an on-pitch ‘selfie’ with the travelling Gooners.

The Pole, along with Kieran Gibbs, Lukas Podolski and Per Mertesacker, made a beeline straight for the away end at full-time where they celebrated by taking a few snaps and throwing their shirts into the crowd.

Speaking to Arsenal Player after the game about his post-game antics, the goalkeeper revealed:

“I asked Paul Johnson [our equipment manager] to bring my phone on to the pitch after the game and grabbed a selfie with the Arsenal fans, which was brilliant.

“They were fantastic all afternoon. They sang their hearts out and I am sure they enjoyed themselves. It was fantastic for us too and we wanted to give something back to them.”

Pleased to play his part in the club’s third successive victory over Spurs, left-back Gibbs says the result is proof that the Gunners have the character to cope with further high pressure games in the final weeks of the season. 

“I think we all know what we’re capable of,” he told the club’s website. “But a lot of the time we’re questioned for our character.

“I think today we’ve proved people wrong and now that’s finished we have many big games left in the season and we have to show that character again and again. That’s what will lead us to success.

“We’ve had to work really hard and we soaked up a lot of good pressure. We got the goal and in the end won convincingly.”

Arseblog News isn’t sure about ‘convincingly’ but quite frankly we couldn’t give a damn. A win is a win. And a win in a North London derby is always excellent…even if Adebayor didn’t score an own goal with his arse like we dreamt.

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Scott P

And what a dream that would be, if it had come true…


Do spurs actually have ‘it’s about glory’ around their stadium….

What fucking glory? They haven’t done shit, ever


what about the epic to dream is to dare or do or something ridonkylous like that …

baldini’s mates and agents in italy are having a great laugh with levy’s money

Andy Ward

to be fair they have written it in black & white…


Andy, brilliant!!

Corey Hotline

Here are some words that rhyme with Glory: Gory. Story. Allegory. Montessori.






not quite true jb, they won the title back in 1378 and on track to win it again according to those fans who live in a parallel universe

Woolwich Peripatetic

Funny, I looked at a list of clubs from London who’ve won the league and couldn’t find Spurs. Though they were on a list of Middlesex clubs who did…

Henry's Right Foot

@JB they have somehow convinced people that they are our greatest rivals. That has to count for something.


Schezzers is gonna be a great great keeper. I think he’s borrowed some characters from the likes of Seaman and Lehmann; the latter’s eccentricity for example.


Now he just needs to change his last name to Szczesmann


This is the first Arsenal team I’ve watched in many years that has more than just ability and talent…this team has heart and this team understands what it means to play for the Arsenal and to wear the cannon…

Proud to be a Gooner!


The Pole-aroid in the er..goal-aroid?


As long as there in no hem-aroid




sherwood’s reaction after ox missed the chance to score was enough to let us know that wenger no longer loves arsenal,he didn’t even bother while sherwood had his throat blowed out #wengerout 🙂

Dr Baptiste

Or maybe, through experience, he’s learnt to pick his moments to get out of his chair rather than getting out for every chance…

Also, you’re comparing Tim Sherwood’s reaction (a manager that has been in charge for half a season) to that of a manager that’s been in charge for 17 years (and that’s just Arsenal)? Is that what you’re doing?


He’s using this subtle little tool known as sarcasm Doc, I’m sure it’s in the medical dictionary somewhere 😉

In Soviet Russia, WENGA sacks YOU

The number of thumbs down you got is disheartening. Bloggs deserves better readers.
*the Joker’s voice*

Woolwich Peripatetic

Who, Tim ‘propah gooner’ Sherwood? Of course he was upset, he expected the Ox to score!

Alan Carter

Kieran’s right. This Gibbs us a decent platform to build on.

Lightening Pace

oh no, you didn’t….


Per is about glory 🙂 left side of the Picture?


Loving the puns on a Monday morning. And the Chelsea loss. And the Derby win. Shit’s great, yeah?

Sagna's Bald Spot

forget the selfie for a minute.. did anyone see Rozza take the time to give his shirt to the disabled Gooner? brought a tear to my eye, and reminded me why i support this amazing club.


Absolutely epic moment from Rosicky. This sort of thing just makes me SO proud to be a Gooner.

Yankee Gooner

Brilliant picture on Goonerglen1’s twitter feed:


Don’t normally repeat my posts, but I was rather proud of this….

“Sherwood throwing the ball at Sagna twice VS Rosicky making his way round advertising hoardings to give his shirt to a disabled fan.

Sp*rs bosses are temporary. Class is permanent.”


Sagna and Wenger were gracious in showing Sherwood what genuine class is. Levy can scour the globe but he won’t find a more natural fit than Tim.

Woolwich Peripatetic

Spurs bosses aren’t just temporary, usually they’re Arsenal supporters.

Devil's Advocate

To dare is to do
To dare is to dooooooo
13 League titles
You’ve only won 2.


Arsewood, Wenger rarely loses his shit. All because he isn’t showing what he learnt from overacters lessons like our fellow Gooner Sherwood, that is straight out of Di Canio’s book, it doesn’t mean that Wenger doesn’t love the club. Sat 3rd in the league, possibly be a point behind, how about backing the team for the season and analysing at the end of it, far more constructive. I bet you are a member of the Bleeting, Özil is shit, brigade.

Good Omens

An own goal with his arse – a header ?


That was truly special what Tomas did for the fan. It’s heartening that our longest serving first teamer embodies the passion for the club and the bond between the club and the fans.

Class is Arsenal.


I think @Arsewood was being sacarstic!.

Henry! Chance! Goal!!

Ever since the ‘wantaway’ brigade left for City, Barca, and United this team has developed a fighting spirit. This group is committed and don’t have their agents planting stories in the papers every other day. Even Sagna that’s running down his contract is not a distraction to the team.


We have good enough players. They just need to develop a big game mentality where they hate losing rather than fearing defeat. Now build momentum and smash Chelski!

Lightening Pace

Would be blody nice to see that bunch of smurfs from westLondon smashed into smithereens

Lightening Pace





Did i miss something, I thought Sherwood threw his gillet off because he got upset that ox missed, & basically hes an arsenal fifth columnist in disguise?


Common denominator in our players not being greedy cunts? Darren Dein’s no longer around. Coincidence? Like hell it’s not.


I’ll be honest, I’m fucking losing sleep in anticipation of this weeks game against the chavs. We win this one and we’re right up there, lose and we’re fucked. Plus AW’s 1000th game in charge.

I’d take a selfie of me removing my left nut for a win.

ArseCast Administrator 2_3

Nah, sherwood threw his jacket off when he realised that there was a spurs logo on it


The subtlety of his post is obviously lost on me.

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