Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: I won’t rush Wilshere

Arsene Wenger has confirmed that Roy Hodgson is still very keen to take Jack Wilshere to Brazil but stressed that Arsenal are keen to ensure he’s fully recovered from his fractured foot before giving him any game time before the end of the season.

Last week the boss stated that the 22-year-old would be ‘polished’ in time for World Cup duty but having not featured for club or country since the beginning of March time is running out for him to garner much needed competitive playing time.

“I don’t want to rush his fitness. If he wants to come back he needs to be fully fit, for that I believe it is very important that we don’t rush him,” Wenger told press on Friday.

“We want to do the basic work on his stamina so he can support the demands of the Premier League and the World Cup. This time we will take the needed time to build the basic fitness up on a very strong level.”

Roy Hodgson is expected to name his provisional 30-man squad – including seven standby players – shortly after the Premier League’s conclusion.

The list is then due to be cut to 23 for the start of June, two weeks before FIFA’s showpiece tournament kicks-off.

“I have spoken to Roy about that and Roy looks to be very keen to take him,” the Arsenal boss said. I just reassured him that normally he would be fit if we don’t have any setbacks with him.”

Wilshere won’t play a part against Newcastle on Monday night and seems unlikely to be ready for the visit of West Brom next Sunday leaving only the last league game of the season at Norwich and the FA Cup final for him to feature in for Arsenal. You’d be surprised if he completed 90 minutes in either really.

There’s then a further 28 day gap before England play Italy in their opening group game with three friendly games scheduled in between. The Three Lions take on Peru at Wembley on 30 May before travelling to Miami where they take on Ecuador and Honduras.

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Caption the photo:


Boss, can I please please please play at Wembley, pls.


I swear I wasn’t with Giroud, Boss. Let me play pretty please??

Neil deGrasse Tyson's Sexy Science Voice

Nah, the picture suggests that already in a nice subtle way.


Wenger “Where is your God now?!”

Jack “Forgive him Dennis, for he knows not what he does….. But seriously, Sanogo? In a Champions League last 16 game?”

Santi Claws

D’you mind looking away Boss, I can’t go with you watching me


This one wins it for me.

Bergkamp's hooped sock

“Please play me, boss. I’ll even crap sitting down, like this.”


Post suggests you crap standing up?!?


john terry is a cunt..

Rocky Rocastle

Happy Birthday! 🙂

Az Ahmed

Please like our facebook page – 49 undefeated!


I have a feeling that despite his obvious maturity for his age jack seems to me that he is a fighter and will want to go to the world cup even if he isn’t 100% I actually wish that he stays fit so much, the light is off him a bit but he has such a huge potential!


Everyone probably already knows this but I just noticed that if we beat Newcastle and Man City beat Everton on Saturday, we will have qualified with two games to spare. That would be amazing prep for the FA cup.

AN Other

No need to rush him. We have enough players who can cover him for the last 4 games.

Gunner From Another Mother

Totally agree. Though I have to say I’m slightly worried that he said: “THIS TIME we will take the needed time to build the basic fitness up on a very strong level.”

Shouldn’t we always be doing that?

Vieira's Telescopic Legs

I want that Wilshere, who aged 18(19?) played an incredible 90 minutes against Barca’s midfield in 2011 and made xavi, iniesta and busquets look average, at the peak of guardiola’s dominance. Anyone who watched that game knows the heights this guy can acheive, but he needs time, patience and guidance. Ive def found him frustrating at times this season, his decision making isnt 100% but will come with time.

Bergkamp's hooped sock

He’s a little tempestuous now. True composure is gained only thorough persevering in the face of setbacks. He could come out of his injury nightmare as a world class player, fingers crossed that his attitude is right during this difficult period. A Pirlo-type player he could be, both style and class. Fulfil your destiny, Jack!

Facebook 49 undefeated

And prove that carrot topped idiot wrong


Don’t be silly now.

Wilshere had a good game, and he wasn’t outclassed by their midfield, but to say he made Xavi and Iniesta look average is severely exaggerating his performance.

Vieira's Telescopic Legs

*talking about the 2-1 home leg lol. Not the 2nd leg 🙁

Sam gooner

Right now he doesn’t need to be risked. But a footballer no matter how talented will have to shake off his injury problems if he wants to be great. I’m sure he will. Just hope it’s sooner rather than later


OT: sometimes I get confused about we fans, about 4-5 games ago a lot of us here were sure we have had enough of wenger and wanted a change (even if he makes top4 and win the FAcup) . Now after winning 3games and the top4 is not yet certain neither have we won the FAcup, the same fans are strongly back into wenger’s bum-hole, infact saying #wengerout is almost a sin. I know I might get thumbdowns buy I really wanted a change after this season, either wenger leaving or he changes his ways and bring in the players… Read more »

A Yank In King Arsene's West Stand

Someone else said this on another thread and I genuinely have no clue how you’ve gotten this impression that people are swinging wildly on their Wenger opinions. I haven’t met a single Gooner who has materially changed his/her thoughts on Wenger in the past month and a half – primarily because I think most are moderate anyway (I think people lean in favor of keeping the Boss, but can see why some would have him replaced), so the losses might have pushed them more towards “would accept a new manager,” but not necessarily into a full-blown desire for a new… Read more »

Rocky Rocastle

I support Wenger, and i would like him to retire as manager for Arsenal. But when Wenger does leave, we need to make sure there is a capable manager ready to take over. The last thing to do is give him the boot whithout having a replacement ready. I dont want to gamble like United did on a manager with zero experience at this Level and whom have never won anything. Martinez and Pochettino keeps popping up as possible replacements. But they have never managed at this Level, and their CV include getting relegated like Martinez did with Wigan, and… Read more »

Facebook 49 undefeated

For me it has to be Guardiola – he has the trophies, the playing style and he is still very young. A close second is Klopp, and in fact, I prefer the exuberant rock star personality of Klopp, but think Guardiola is the stronger manager tactically. He would turn Arsenal into world beaters. Frank De Boer is third even though he has not been as successful as Ancelotti, but I am thinking for the long term. Also, his style is brilliant. Also, he would bring in Bergkamp and Overmars with him! I want a manager who will remain at Arsenal… Read more »


The change is definately not wenger


I’ve criticised Wilshere quite strongly this season, and reflecting on it, I feel bad for doing so. He is only 22 after all, and usually I try to reserve judgement until a player is 23 or 24. Just look at Walcott, Ramsey, Sturridge for examples of players that age. I think we could really have done with him a while ago when we had all those injuries in midfield, e.g. Everton away, when nobody stood up to fight for the team, and you can be sure Jack would have. I suppose maybe we expect a lot from him, he has… Read more »

das pauly bear

I wouldnt play him and hope hog doesnt take him to the world cup

Santi Claws

Thank god you’re not a football manager then


“This time we will take the needed time to build the basic fitness up on a very strong level.” This sentence intrigued me. Does it might be related to our injury problem? Maybe the “very strong level” is actually the base criteria for player to withstand the Premier League and we might just not working enough on those fitness level to withstand four competition, which might make our player more susceptible to injury and burn out. Or maybe it’s the other way around, too heavy on fitness which burden the muscle, etc. Anyway, hope Wilshere will be taken care wisely… Read more »


For me I want all arsenal players in Brazil,(even Diaby).I just cant get enough of Arsenal.

Sam gooner

Viviano might be the only person in the world who’s got a paid vacation in London. Just saying


Wenger’s transfer policy simply doesn’t make much sense, bringing in players which he hardly has any need of. Viviano was mean’t as backup but has never been given the chance this season. We paid a lot of money on a player which was never even given a chance, anyone else who thinks we need David Dein back? Or someone else who’d be able to bring in the players we need. Wenger is a brilliant manager and I love him but we really need him just to say what players he wants and then someone should bring that player in no… Read more »

Az Ahmed

@Facebook 49 undefeated

I agree with you but this has been done to death. Get over it. We didn’t get Higuain, Suarez, Rooney and whole host of other players. We do need David Dein back or someone in his likeness and image (let’s poach Levy from Shite Hart Lane). You are right, but all I’m saying is, give it a rest. Not the time nor place to talk about transfers!

Angolan Girl Who Loves The Gunner

Today is my birthday 🙂 … so tomorrow a victory will be a great present for me by Arsenal & please don’t rush wilshere he needs full recovery, the lad needS proper rest to comeback stronger than ever!COYG!

Rocky Rocastle

Happy Birthday! 🙂

Angolan Girl Who Loves The Gunner

Thanks dude 🙂

Goon Sailing

Wilshere’s injury might be a blessing in disguise – he’ll be fresher at the World Cup and hopefully come back full of confidence for next season 🙂


Speaking with a cold heart, the best thing for Jack would be to not go to the World Cup.

The lad just can’t get over is injuries, and I’m not sure, but I’ve read he’s playing with 2 pins in his ankle. The best thing for him would be to stay, get a good pre-season, and crack on from there.

However, the World Cup is the pinnacle of a footballer’s career, so I won’t be annoyed if he does go.


Wilshere shouldn’t play again this season – and he shouldn’t go to the world cup. The priority should be getting him fit. As much as I loathe Mourinho, you’ve got to admire him as a manager. Look at the brilliant job he did today at Anfield: Chelsea were well organised and frustrated a Liverpool side which were smashing everybody. Then when they got their chances they took them. Compare today’s performance to the comical, Kamakazi Arsenal earlier this year. We were never even in that game. I really hope that City go on to win the title – anybody but… Read more »

Sammy Nelsons Arse

They won because Gerrard slipped. Why do people always want to pull jose off for parking the bus ! He’s a glorified Fat Sam wannabe only difference is he always gets copious amounts of money to spend.


Mourinho is an odious cunt and I don’t want him or anyone like him managing Arsenal. I don’t care who wins the league anymore, as long as it isn’t him.

Chelsea might win shit, sure, but everybody except their fans hates them, they play boring, cowardly football and are owned by one of Putin’s enablers.

Fuck Chelsea. I’d take Wenger and all his failings over them any day of the week.


Fatgooner, if Liverpool had won today my guess is your post would be the same, except for Rodgers’ name instead of Mourinho.
The least you could’ve done (and as an Arsenal fan, it’s almost your duty) was say “as much of a cunt as he is…..”

Az Ahmed

Even as an Arsenal fan, I appreciate the genius of Mourinho. He is amazing at masterminding tactical victories against the big teams. He knew exactly what he needed to do to stifle and choke the Liverpool front line. Look at it like this, the only time the fairy (Sterling) got in behind the defence was after 80 minutes. If you are going to say that anyone could have seen that you have to defend deep against Liverpool to stop them from scoring and try to snatch the goal. But there were other subtle adjustments which shows the greatness of Mourinho.… Read more »


can someone help me out?
there is one chant by the arsenal fans but i can’t catch the lyrics with the lame audio from the streams…it begins with “Arsenal they say (or sing or whatever)”?


Arsenal, Arsenal FC! We’re by far the greatest team the world has ever seen!


I can’t stand Chelsea, so I’m not overjoyed they beat Liverpool today. Good news (sort of) that City won. Liverpool’s fans have already been insufferable before they’ve won it (the ones I know anyway). Counting chickens and all that. The media? Pff. The commentator I had (Jim Beglin was co commentator) was saying stuff like ”On a human level EVERY fan will feel sorry for Steven Gerrard.” Every fan? Really? Going mental and asking for bookings for time wasting (they were but he was going nuts like he was a Liverpool fan). Saying NOTHING about their players diving again (Sterling… Read more »

Az Ahmed

I am over the moon that the Chavs lost. They are a bunch of cheaters and divers and got everything they deserved yesterday, from the time wasting, to the stifling defending. They had no answer because there is no answer to Mourinho. Especially Suarez clapping when Schwarzer was wasting time on the goalkick – priceless. He is nothing but a racist, diving arse and deserves to have the title snatched from him.


SteveeGee diving at the wrong end of the pitch.



Slipping up in the title race he is.


Great win. Can’t stand Chelsea but can’t stand Liverpool fans and the media pundits even more. Their like akin to a religious cult. second coming stuff. Brendan Rodgers overhyped much like martinez. I’m glad Chelsea parked the bus and the bus scored two goals. As much as Mourinho is a somewhat questionable individual, the man is a genius with tactics and highly pragmatic. Looks like City have the driver’s seat though. Toure has been outstanding. I begrudge their throw money at the problem approach but you can’t say it hasn’t been effective. less some arsenal fans think we can follow… Read more »


Yep. Brenda was daft today. She did a Wenger. Went all out attack when there was no need. A draw would’ve still put the title in Liverpool’s hands. Seeing as Cheslea parked the 747, he should’ve just told his team to defend. Imagine it. A draw against a CL semi finalist puts the title in your hands. You know that they will come and put 11 behind the ball. A defeat puts the title in another team’s hands. What do you do? Attack and risk a counter attack against one of the best counter attacking teams in Europe, or defend… Read more »

Rocky Rocastle

Manager of the year for me is Tony Pulis. One of the weakest squads in the league, and yet if the league started when he took over in oktober? Then they would be in 7th place which is nothing less than remarkable. Sure Rodgers done well, but he got a Kenny Dalglish signing smashing em in and creating chances like a Messi/Ronaldo Hybrid. In the weaker areas of his team, like defense, they have been horrid all season conceding some ridiculous goals, and Rodgers have never really been able to adress this issue. But when they concede 3 they score… Read more »


Much as I hate Pubis, I have to agree with you. What he’s done with Palace has been astonishing, and he’s done without the serial assault tactics of Stoke Shitty FC.



Less we are demented and many fans are, would be wise to remember Walcott and Ramsey at his age were also struggling for consistency (if not worse).

Give the lad a bit of time. There is such a thing as self improvement.


Ozil + No CL spot = No Arsenal.

Just to remind everyone how important the CL 4th place pot is pass the facile comments by media.

If we weren’t in the CL consistently for 16 seasons, I very much we would have the fan base and the sort of gravitas to secure the loan to build a stadium. (Oh yeah and Wenger’s success in early seasons was also quite useful)

Reality dose.

We can add a little polish this year with the FA cup too. COYG


I am of the opinion that he doesn’t need to play the rest of the PL season but want him to go toe to toe with the best in the world come June (and hopefully July). That’s how champions are made. We can only benefit from the experience. See 1998 WC.


One worry. If the worst happens and we finish outside the CL (or fail to get through the qualifier) it’s not unusual for some top players to have clauses in their contracts regarding qualification.

Not fear mongering, but it would be nice to know that Ozil/Ramsey/Theo/Santi/Kos etc do not have a clause where they can be sold on the cheap if no CL. I’m sure we’ll get there anyway, so I suppose I should stop worrying (famous last words).


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You heard it here first.

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