Friday, October 18, 2024

Arsenal 3-2 Hull: player ratings

Sorry these are late but I’ve just got back to Dublin and I’ve been basically having rum for breakfast and beer for second breakfast because WE WON THE CUP!

But better late than never, here are my FA Cup final winning a trophy and Mourinho won nothing this season the piss-faced wankhammer player ratings.

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Humble Gooner

Only plus to Fabianski’s bad game is it could drive down his value and perhaps we can sign him up again!


I don’t think any club that seriously considered signing him would have changed their mind based on 1 game.


Which bad game? and dont be fickles. fabianski could even be the bollocks for Barcelona! (who are cunts and im glad they went trophyless)


I think Wojo would have stopped both goals, first one is the type that Wojo does great on, stretching out to his side with his long reach where Fabianski seems a bit slow to get down and wide to get to those compared to Wojo (and he was just a few inches off) and the second one his first parry was way to short allowing for the rebound shot. I also don’t understand why we don’t have someone on the far post for corner kicks, that goal easily would have been cleared out had a player been there (not the… Read more »


Dude, you will get thumbed down here for daring to suggest that Chezza would have done better than Flappihandski. Apparently both are just as good as each other.


Skill-wise they are so very close. I think the only real advantage Wojo has is two inches. I think Wojo possibly could have saved the first goal bcuz Fab’s arms needed to be what looked to me like two inches longer. His coming so far off the line was a huge risk, but we’ve seen Wojo do the same even this season and my theory is, when he (they) does that it’s because at that moment he doesn’t have complete faith in the back 4 for whatever reason. Last season it was much more understandable. But, after all that I… Read more »

I hate giroud

I dont ate Giroud anymore


Thank God! Cannibalism is horrible!


Le Boss: 10/10 his tactics were just brilliant. Switching to the 4-4-2 and bringing on Sanogo was master class. I berated the substitute when it was made but I gladly so glady ate my humble pie, never question Wenger, he knows what he is doing. And seeing him lift the trophy: priceless/10


Also perfectly illustrated by instructing Cazorla to hit the free kicks to the keepers left and of course when Wenger was doing his tactical demonstration with the water bottles. So glad to see him lift the cup, what a man, what a manager!

reality check

Santi deserves the most credit even though Rambo scored the winner. He created and scored the all important first goal when no one else had an idea what hit them. Thanks Santi for keeping your cool when scoring the free kick, just like you finished the semis.


Absolutely! He was man of the match for me. Cometh the hour, cometh our little Spanish man!


10/10? Would love to agree but fact remains that it was another big game and we were almost out of it within the first 15mins – at least it was the mighty Hull and we managed a comeback (Wenger deffo gets credit for changing it).


Did no one else think Rambo was very quiet for 90 mins? Deserves a 10 just for the goal.

Jack's Right Foot

I thought that he was one of the few who was actually running around trying to find space for Mertesacker to play short to or Arteta to play the ball forward to or Giroud to lay off to. It was frustrating seeing our team not creating space, but I felt Ramsey did pretty well. And he wasn’t frightened to have a pop which is nice to see.

Clock End Mike

It seemed to me that Aaron got better in the second half after Sanogo came on. Very quiet and rarely positive in the first half, if my memory serves (willing to be corrected).

To be honest, most of my memories of the game are emotional rather than analytical. I need to watch it again in the cold light of day next week.


He was quiet in the first half but came back after the restart with a vengeance.

Tamil Tiger

Arseblog please drink some more and give all the players 10/10
Extra bonus for Steve Bruce for being the fattest man in the stadium


Got to admit, I was a bit shocked at just how enormous Bruce has got.


Dat belly doe


The Brazilian commentators on ESPN were doing detailed analysis on Bruce’s belly!


Yeah but he’s a good lad – has some grace and class about him, unlike some other managers, and always says good things about us.


Apart from immediately giving an interview claiming the obvious foul on Cazorla (from which we scored the resulting free kick) oughtn’t to have been given. Straight out of the Ferguson-mourinho book of charmless graceless boorish behaviour.


Hardly that level of cuntishness! He said – “When you’re 2-0 up, it’s quite remarkable, it’s a great start for us, you just want to get to half-time, if you can. There’s a big couple of decisions in there, I’d like to see them again. Whether it’s a free-kick for Cazorla, I’m not sure. Certainly, with the equaliser, we all thought it was a goal kick. I don’t think it’s the time to whinge, but it costs you. They’ve got back in it with a bit of quality. It’s not the time to whinge and bleat but was it a… Read more »

Clock End Mike

Bruce did say some good things about us, and he’s one of the managers I respect more than most. But to say “now isn’t the time to whinge” and then mention all the things he’d like to whinge about was undignified, to say the least.


And the BAFTA for fat northern bloke looking most like Mrs Doubtfire goes to…Steve Bruce….

Danger Mouse

Beautiful beautiful day. I really feel that Lee Probert knew that those fouls in the box were penalties but didnt give them cause he doesnt like Arsenal. Should never be allowed to referee a big game game again. But we won despite his bias so fuck him. Beautiful beautiful day.


I agree. We had a good 3 or 4 genuine penalty shouts that could have easily been given on other occasions. But it showed that we were getting to them and eventually the ball went in the back of the net! Sanogo did so well to pressurize the defenders and had a few chances himself which were unluckily saved. Good times! 🙂


0/10 for BT sport, I had to switch to ITV.
10/10 for Roy Keane when he said ” if I threw Sir Alex in the air I wouldn’t catch him on the way down”.


Surely Giroud was MoTM. He had a very good game. He assisted to Ramsey, was involved in 2nd goal and he was unlucky when he hit the crossbar. He also did a lot of job upfront. Proud of them and of course this win will lead us to more trophies. This is just a beginning!!!


I feel we were watching different games. His backheel was superb but for the first 90 minutes I thought he had a shocker, one of his worst games in recent weeks. As for hitting the bar, you could say it was unlucky but from the position he got himself into there is no way he should be hitting the bar from there. But like you say, at the end of the day who gives a shit, we won!!!


he has a shocker until sanogo come on, you know why because he got no support at all until that and our team dont have enough pace to do that exacty that . when sanogo came on he was very good and the combo giroud/sanogo scare the shit of Hull crumbling defence.


Surely Giroud was Motm. He assisted to Ramsey, was involved in 2nd goal and unlucky he didn’t score the header. He also did a lot of job upfront. Proud of them and of course this win will lead us to more trophies. This is just a beginning!!!


Yeah but a bit harsh on Gibbs yeah he missed a open chance but blogs forgot to mention the goal line clearance he made if that went in the outcome would definitely be different


Yeah but he was at fault for the second goal. Instead of watching Fabianski make the save and recover he should’ve been tracking the movement of the goal scorer. Hope he doesn’t get routed to the spot like that for England next month!


Unecessary, blogs.

Like I said yesterday, ratings for everyone:

FA Cup Winners/10


Exactly, I gave everyone 10/10 because we WON THE FA CUP.


I honestly Podolski gave more when he was in cologne. A lot more is expected from him


Gibbs should have scored blogs but he also saved the match with his header off the line.

Almunia Djourou Squillaci Santos Quartet.

Lee Probert: Irrelevant.


Probert was as best rubbish, at worst downright biased. How this fool gets to wear a FIFA badge I don’t know.


Bonus Rating: 0/10 Lee Probert and his team for not giving any of those 3 penalties and putting every Gooner through that misery.

Oh well, who cares now. We won the FA Cup!!!

Clock End Mike

4 penalties, if I remember correctly: two fouls on Cazorla, one on Giroud, and Curtis’s goal-saving handball?


Well said about Rosicky — he and Jack made them look even more tired. Watching the match again without nerves, I thought all the attackers were actually pretty good throughout, considering the circumstances (chasing it for 75 mins or so). There were many moves that just didn’t quite come off or ended in what should have been a penalty. As Blogs wrote earlier today though, the lads just kept at it until scored. In the end, it was two set-pieces that tied it — kind of awesome. Wenger – 9/10: made the right move playing the first team last week… Read more »


Sanogo was something to see yesterday. Really really raw, but man, he changed the whole flow of the game when he came in. All of a sudden, Giroud more theatening and the Hull defence couldn’t deal with 2 Big bodies coming at them. Hope he stays fit next season so he can be a nice back up player and also gain experience through cup games

Jack's Right Foot

I can’t help but warm to him, most of the time he looks like a baby giraffe trying to run. But he tries so hard and there are definitely flashes or a great player coming through.


He reminds me of Kanu but without the immense skill. He seems to want to look for players to dribble around.


Would give Gibbs an extra mark for that header off the line that would have made it 3-0


120. Minutes of pure agony, turmoil, sweat, tears and pus.

But worth it in the end.


I gave to everybody 10, because we won. I fucking love them. No homo.


Mrs. blogs 10/10


I gave everyone a 10. They won a trophy!


How bad was the referee.

Santis Little Spanish Bollocks

That bit where Fab came charging out and left the goal wide open. My heart dropped out my arse and back again. Rambo is THE man.


Would have given Podolski a little lower to be honest, especially after Sanogo showed him up on the day. Also feel the ratings are a little harsh on Gibbs; he was relentlessly positive all game. And no mention of his goal line clearance?


Unless he is a Cunt which he aint its allowed.


Yeah i agree with Danger Mouse, if we hadn’t won the cup i would have been frothing at the mouth about that refereeing display, it was obscene. Fair play to refs who want to avoid cards and controversy and ruin the contest but he let Hull foul too much without bookings, let them take a free kick 8 yards on from where the foul took place leading to their second and turned down at best two stonewalls for us and at worst 4. I probably wouldnt want the handball given against us but you know it would have been and… Read more »

black bauer

10/10 Mrs. Blogs on the live blog yesterday


And for once Scummers were not called Cunts but feckers… Thanks Mrs. Blogs


Just on the ref. why do refs feel the rules of football change on cup final days. hull put in some fuckin ridiculous challenges in the first half. they went unpunished. and how we didnt get a penalty for at least 1/4 suspect challenges is beyond me.
The standard of refereeing is getting worse every year, moaning mouthy diving players dont help but really unless there is sea change in attitude between refs and players nothing will change.
Fucking great to be fa cup winners again tho.


Probert is actually a gooner! My dad reffed with him in the past. I thought most of them was quiet for the first hour, Arteta continually dropping into the back 4 left us short in the middle, looked much better when we went 442


“little Spanish bollocks”


Bonus Rating: 10/10: The size of Steve Bruce’s belly.

Neil "Razor" Ruddock




Angolan Girl Who Loves The Gunner

Everyone did they’re best, proud of the lads. And so happy for the Boss he totally deserves this so much. When i heard the final whistle, i started crying of joy and happiness, i couldn’t believe it. I started supporting the Gunners back in 2006 and this means so much to me, not just me but for all the Gooner family!COYG 😀


Steve bruce looked like a pissed fat uncle out for fresh air in that hour spell between the end of dinner and the start of the dancing. would love to see him after a bit of dancing. fuck me he is a sure fire bet for a heart attack.


Steve bruce at a wedding that is!

julian kee

Fabinski was a disaster (0/10). His footwork was horrible, and the second goal he was out of position. That last save, where he dove to his right, he was making a mountain out of a routine shot. And of course, the one where he went off the line was right off of Almunia’s greatest hits DVD. American Fox announcers 0/10. For those who didn’t have the pleasure, 1 minute before ramsey’s goal, they are saying how he should have been subbed. NICE. USA Arsenal fans 10/10. I can vouch that NYC was a mob scene. Arseblog 11/10. ROCKIN!


I guess by ‘out of position’ you mean caught up in the side of the net having saved the initial shot?

Yankee Gooner

10/10 for Arseblog 2013-2014!


Two points. Yesterday’s game showed us Podolski’s weaknesses and why Wenger keeps substituting him. Secondly, I don’t think people are paying enough attention to what Ozil was doing in the game. Yes, he missed a chance to score but there were so many times he either created chances for his teammates or put himself in a dangerous position only for others to misplace their passes. I know lot of fans love the helter skelter style of Santi but Ozil really needs a more mobile forward line in front of him to flourish. I am sure Wenger is aware of it… Read more »



The Goonericity

I voted 10 for all the boys. No fucks given.

Tom Watt

Gunnersaurus 9/10

Rdent gunner

Have watched the game three times, now.(Joyful tears every time)! There’s no doubt that Arteta was man of the match. Never put a step wrong. Played his unsung role perfectly. Also, thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Blogs live cast. Hats off! ATID!!


Bit harsh to give Gibbs 6. He cleared two goals off the line. Still so chuffed we won and at fucking Wembley…can’t wait to see the boost in confidence it will give then all next season.


What a couple of days!? Missed all my work but totally worth it… For now tho:


Seriously considering applying for extenuating circumstances cos Arsenal finally won a trophy 😀


Did anyone else see the sun on Sunday player ratings.
Aaron Ramsey, scorer of the winning goal, got a 7.
Tom Huddlestone, fat fuck ex spud, got 8! What. The. Fuck?

Springbank 1965

It was the same in The Mirror.

It was as if Hull had won the cup. And had played us off the park in doing so. What a bunch of Sp*ds.


Huddlec**t shouldn’t have still been on the pitch. Should’ve had a yellow for the grab on Ollie’s neck then off for the second yellow! Then we would have been playing against 10


10/10 For The Boss. Switching to 442 was pure masterclass. His choice for substitues changed the game dynamic which lead to the winning goal.

I WILL NEVER AGAIN question Wenger’s tactics.


Springbank 1965

Officials’ rating?

Four pretty-blatant penalties that could … should have been given. In the end it didn’t affect the destiny/result. But what was that all about?


My cat’s breath smells of cat food.

m a gunner

Gibbs 10 clearance of the line would have been 0_3

Ronaldo's Paunch

Bonus rating: Fans- 10/10. It’s been a long time coming, lads and damn it feels good.


For a Manc, Bruce is a pretty good guy. Arsene has had a pretty good relationship with him for a few years now. When he was at Birmingham we always sent him some players and he kept them if we didnt want them back. Played them a lot too so they came back to us hardened.

Great result, Ramsay will be top 3 players in the world within 2 years and will lead Wales to a world cup, with Bale as his go to guy for scoring the goals he sets up.

Dan D

I was lucky enough to be at Wembley on Saturday and I have to add a ten out of ten for the Gooners inside the stadium.

We sang as one unified voice, it was loud, it helped the team and it was really something wonderfully special to be part of.


Watching half way around the world I was stunned mate. After each of the Hull City goals you could hear this wall of sound trying to gee the boys up. Brought a tear to the eye – and then Santi triggers the fightback!!!

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