Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger confirms that knee knack could sideline Bac

Arsene Wenger has confirmed Bacary Sagna is a doubt for Sunday’s game against West Brom.

The right-back is struggling with a knee problem, and it may well rob him of his last ever appearance at the Emirates as an Arsenal player.

Sagna is set to leave the club this summer after 281 appearances since joining from Auxerre in 2007, and playing his last home game would have given fans the chance to give him the send-off he deserves.

Carl Jenkinson is set to replace him if he can’t make it, with the Arsenal manager unlikely to take unnecessary risks with the FA Cup final still to consider in a couple of weeks time.

Asked about Sagna’s contract situation, the boss said, “He can give you a much better answer than I can.”

And I don’t think we need to read between any of the lines to know what’s going on there.

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Hopefully he’s not frozen out because of the contract situation. We need him at Wembley!


Wenger has more class than that. If he doesn’t play the final it will be due to a real injury.


wenger definitely has more class than that (echoing up4grabs). when it comes down to it he almost always chooses the classy act (in his opinion) over the ruthless decision. look at fabianski being given the chance to provde his quality in the cup games – most managers would just stick with their number 1 when they know the ‘second fiddle’ goalkeeper is off in the summer.


I really hope he doesn’t join another English club


I really hope the rumours of him going to Man City aren’t true, it’d be a shame to see him join the likes of Na$ri there, hopefully he’ll get a nice lucrative offer from PSG or Monaco… or, ya know, sign a new deal… a man can dream…


Yeah if he goes to City it will show it was only about the money as he will get very limited playing time behind Zabaleta.


although someone like City could be interested in him from a CB perspective.


if he goes anywhere, I hope we all give him a standing ovation when/if he ever makes an appearance as an opponent at the emirates. some former players are cunts and deserve the boos/insulting songs (nasri, rvcunt, adebayor, etc). Sagna is not one of these, and fuck it, I would still cheer for him if he joined Chelsea. as nauseating as that would be, we have to show respect for one of the most consistent performers in the past 5-6 years. side note – how in the hell did he land his wife with that crazy hairdo??? she’s a stunner,… Read more »


A real shame! No matter where Bac ends up playing his Football next season he has been a true stalwart for this team & teams before it, deserves a fantastic send off which seems will sadly have to be given to him while he sits in the stands rather than bombing down the right side! If this is goodbye, thanks Bac, thanks for everything… especially THAT header against that lot up the road!


3 more years and he’ll get a testimonial at Arsenal. Move to City and he’ll lose out on the PL & CL that we’ll win next season, not just the testimonial.

Wenger's Glasses

Despite the Sagna situation, I would love to see Carl Jenkinson get more playing time. He got the brain & the skill, he just need more experience! He’s not as strong as Sagna tho, but then again, no one is. Ever.


In many ways, that’s exactly why we need Bac to stay. In the next couple of years we can ease Jenks and Bellerin into the squad, but only if we have a guy of Sagna’s caliber to mentor them and take up much of the load..


When was the last testimonial we had? That’s our problem.


We can hold one for Djourou before he leaves 🙂

He isnt coming Bac

Walcott will be the next one


errr Rosicky.

He isnt coming Bac

Walcott joined January 2006, Rosicky was May 2006….. guy knows fawkes all



Clock End Mike

Martin Keown’s testimonial was the last one at Highbury; Dennis’s testimonial was the first match held at the new stadium. We’ve not had one since, sadly.


Well Ian, that rarely happens at any team in the PL these days so it’s hardly just “our” problem.


Thank you Sagna for staying through when everyone else was leaving.

Wish you were staying but good luck wherever you go – ofcourse except while playing against us!


Sorry to say I will lose all respect for him if he goes to City. Zabaleta widely regarded as the best RB in the league so he’ll spend his time sitting in the bench counting his money.


The thing is though, there’s one RB better than Zabaleta in the league….

Switch Zabaleta to LB though, where he’s just as comfortable and City go to having the best FB pairing in the Premiership from having to play one of Clichy/Kolarov.


What’s wrong with Sagna?
He didn’t leave when everyone is leaving and is leaving when (almost) everyone is staying.
I love him to bits, but I don’t know how I’ll feel if he plays in light blue next season.
Please go abroad or sign a new deal Bac!


Personal economics. He’s trying to do the prudent thing. His career is reaching its latter stage, so it’s time to cash in on a big contract to stock up as much as possible for retirement. His wife, being a model, is also not in a lifelong career, and they’re acclimated to their lifestyle.

I can’t knock him financially, I’d likely do the same if needs must. But I wish the big pay packet could be in another league.

Given Wenger’s regard for his importance I’d bet the was told previously there was no way they would sell him.


If absolutly have to leave i would like him to depart the epl. If he decides to join Man City or any rival, he is no better than Nasri. If we win the FA cup he has no reason to leave arsenal except for increased pay. But then I would still understand if he goes to another league but joining our rivals would just be pathetic


No better than Nasri? Nasri had half a good season and jumped ship. Sagna has given us his best years, been our most consistant player and hasn’t been given a contract to reflect his performances. All the while seeing our best players leave the club year after year, he deserves one last big contract even if it is to sit on the bench at city. Where ever he ends up he should be treated as a club legend regardless. It’s very easy to praise players who stuck with us while we were on top but for a top 5 rb… Read more »


I don’t get this “deserves one last big deal before he retires”, he has made £20m in his 6 yrs with us, poor bastard, how will he ever be able to support his family when he retires.

While poor Bacary has to survive on £20m there are millions of children who struggle to eat a decent meal everyday.


Sagna is not unique there are many others who work to make more money.

If you are expecting players to play for a club mainly for the love of the club & fans, you are going to very disappointed.

the only sam is nelson

yup – why would we have the right to ask him to forgo £1m a year or whatever more Citeh might be offering, just so we don’t get a bit upset before forgetting all about it because Suarez has bitten the head of his action man or Jack has tweeted a picture of Poldi taking a dump on a Sp*ds shirt? It’s ridiculous. Although of course it’d be far better if he did go overseas and let’s face it, the weather on the Bosphorus is a lot better than it is on Moss Side. So, Fenerbace for teh win!

Julio Baptista's humble alter ego

That image of Poldi taking a dump on a Spuds shirt.. Brilliant. Made my day 🙂


Cannot disagree, but I’ve still got my fingers crossed that winning the FA cup might make him stay.

He has never said he wants to go, and he is only going to leave: for that one last big payday, or to win something big before he retires.

If its the former, all we can do is thank him, wish him well, and give him the best welcome possible should he play against us.

If its the later and we show we are back to winning ways, Maybe; just maybe….


Forgot to add. — If he is going, then he is on the bench on Sunday, and I don’t care if he is on crutches (or a wheelchair –murderball would suit him 🙂 ), he get subbed on at the end.

jack jack jack

I couldn’t hate our Bac. What a soldier. Loyal, tough as nails, and he gave us the best years of his career when his teammates were deserting every season. I wish him all the best!


Mehn! Was wondering if i would ever see jenkinson start a game before the end of the season, I know sagna is great, he is the most consistent rb in the league but since we are not certain of retaining his services for next season i expect to see more of jenkinson, he is arsenal all through, he plays with his heart for the club and personally I believe he will do anything to play for this club, yes he is not good enough but so was sczesney before he grew into our undisputed number1. All I’m saying is jenkinso… Read more »


Its been obvious for a while that he’s off. I just want him at the FA Cup final and perhaps lifting a trophy on his departure. He has been excellent for us for many seasons bar last season when he was recovering from the injuries. If he can get a move to ManCity, kudos, although he’d be competing for a starting place with possibly the best RB in the league in Zabaleta. Still, all the best Bacary.


Last testimonial I can remember was Lee Dixons.
Its such a shame bacs will be off to pastures new. Jenks has some big boots to fill.


A certain Dennis Bergkamp was the last one I believe

Momo (@MuhamLAD)

Solid player, a shame he isn’t going to retire here, he could’ve easily switched to cb as he aged. At least it’ll open doors for Jenko and Bellerin, once they get a feel they’ll come good & develop consistency. We always produced quality left backs, let’s hope we can do it for right backs now.

2014-2015 = 2003-2004

Prior to the West Brom last home fixture I hear there’ll by a protest against the 3% ticket price rise scheduled for next season.

Makes you think what that extra money is being used for. Now that the Emirates debt is repaid surely one good use of the extra cash would be to keep our best players?


The Emirates debt is not repaid. We will still be paying off that mortgage for the next 15 years or so.

Don Cazorleone

has anyone seen all this tosh about Fabregas being for sale this summer, can anyone confirm if we still have that buyback clause?

Don Cazorleone

or first option clause or whatever it might be

Al Gilmore

As far as I am aware the emirates debt is not yet paid. But we have signed or are signing a raft of new sponsorship deals which, together with new TV deal, will up our revenue and thereby increase what we can pay to our best players and what we can offer to transfer targets. But I have to say, the 3% rise seems a bit unnecessary and against what we were told when the move to Ashburton was first mooted – a larger stadium was supposed to reduce or freeze ticket prices. But, new paying power is one thing… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

Won’t Abou Diaby be the next player entitled to a testimonial? Although he’ll have played fewer games than team mates who have been here a fraction of the time. Blimey.

Singapore Gooner

Whether he plays or not, I’m sure Sagna will be there at the Emirates stadium. I think it’s up to the fans who turn up to watch the game at the stadium, to give Sagna as rousing an ovation possible, and cheer his name throughout the game. Make him feel so loved and treasured by us Arsenal fans that he cannot NOT have second thoughts about leaving. Make him know that he’ll never be this well received anywhere else but at the Emirates. Make him know that Arsenal…is HOME! And if he still decides to leave…well, then at least he’ll… Read more »

Clive Allen

I’ve always had a semi sexual mental image of Sagna taking Jenkingson under his wing, teaching him to shave and what not. In a steam room.

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Thank you Bacary! The man has been a wonderful savant of the club and wish him nothing but the best of luck no matter where he goes. Hopefully he can get a run in for his last home game and we can sing him off


90mins of We want you to stay, we want you to staaaay, Bacary Sagna, we want you to stay…..that should do the trick


He should just go abroad because we won’t be able to differentiate between him and the nasty na$ri & co.


I have nothing to say against Bac anywhere he goes if he is not staying at the Arsenal. Don’t ever compare our Bac with Nasri or van Persie. Bac is pure class and the rest are, well you know what they are. Bac if I am not going to see you at the Emirate next season, then I wish you best of luck for the future!


I’ll always love Bac for giving us things like THAT header.

And of course this (one of the nicest pictures I’ve ever seen, gives me feelings I can’t describe)……


Was supposed to include this link in my previous post….

…..though I’m sure, like me, you’ve all seen it thousands of times.


I have LOTS of love & respect for Sagna but the fact is that if he is not gonna be with us next year then I would drop him for the final fit or otherwise! Do we want Sagna rubbing his medal in a city shirt next season or Jenkinson using the wonder of his first winners medal as inspiration to push on and if possible become a top class full back? For me….thanks bac but no thanks I’m afraid!


Give him a cheer great enough to make him want to stay 🙂 though funnily i just have a feeling that he is waiting for the FA cup result. For his level of performance and consistency, the guy deserves trophies.


Anyone who believes that Sagna still might start next season in an Arsenal shirt is deluded….I’m really sorry but a player of that quality, with the agents in the game these days? That decision was made some time ago, I just hope that he goes abroad! He owes us nothing and has been a fabulous player over the majority of the 7 years he’s been with us but we don’t owe him either! Jenks has a future at Arsenal and recently signed his contract to commit to that, Sagna is refusing to sign the contract in front of him, which… Read more »

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