Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ozil, Mertesacker and Podolski win World Cup

Three Arsenal players are celebrating tonight as Germany won the World Cup with a 1-0 win over Argentina.

Mesut Ozil started the game and played 119 minutes before being replaced by team mate Per Mertesacker who came on and won a massive header. Ozil created two brilliant chances for the Germans but the finishes on both occasions were poor.

However, he had a good game overall and could never be accused of nicking a living unless, of course, the journalist in question was a hyper-mega-global-twat. Which is certainly possible.

Lukas Podolski didn’t play in the final but was first on the pitch at the final whistle, second to lift the trophy after Phillip Lahm and posted the quickest ever World Cup winning selfie.

Well done to the lads, let’s hope they enjoy tonight, get some nice rest on their well deserved holidays and get back in time for the new season which starts in just over a month.

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Well done lads!


Personally I think the reason they won the World Cup is that Poldi, Ozil & Per were buzzing from winning the FA Cup and were fired up which translated to the rest of the German Squad. Haha.

But in all seriousness…….really happy for the Germans, thouroghly deserved, there are parallels to Arsenal, long term planning to reach their goal, theirs came to fruition, ours is coming too. The Arsenal guys will come back buzzing!


Arsenal win the World Cup, that miserable Per-hating sweaty scouser retires from MotD, and everybody in the Maracana boos Blatter when his ugly mug appears on the screens. Great night.


It really doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

Now, to follow it up, let’s unveil Debuchy, sign Ospina, sign one of Khedira, Bender, or Schneiderlin, re-sign Vermaelen, then go 38-0-0 and win a quadruple this season.


On a roll, boys! On a roll….

Chaillah the Gunner

now time to lift the champions league lads
and congratulations


It’s no FA cup


Germans you deserve it! Really grateful the game didn’t go to pens, was worried for Özil!


Well he wouldn’t haven taken one seeing as he was subbed.


He was clearly subbed because Germany were ahead with a couple minutes left…

Yankee Gooner





Platini asked for Ozil’s shirt that’s the second thing that made my day


Congrats to all three of them so proud…

A bit off topic but got to have a little rant it was a boring final but what made it almost unbearable was the commentary constantly going on about messi…

Im sorry but the way they go on this whole world cup final has been just about him iv had enough!!


If you’ve had enough, I’m not sure AFTER THE FINAL MATCH is the best time to tell us that.


No i mean iv had enough of everyone always sucking on messi’s cock….

Im sure hes world class but theres a football match here.. the camera’s wouldn’t stop focusing on him at every opportunity…

All these Maradona comparisons as welll…. puts me to sleep!

good assassin

I am an Arsenal Fan but I love Messi. I wanted to see him lift the World Cup.

Djangoon Unchained

To be fair, I can understand where you’re coming from. Mark Lawrenson decided in his infinite wisdom decided that if anybody is allowed to “lazily come back from an offside position”, then that anybody is Messi. One rule for Messi, another for everybody else; yeah Lawro, that makes perfect sense.

On a brighter note, we have 3 World Cup winners in our squad! And potentially adding another soon! Exciting times ahead!

chopra gooner

Vorsprung Durch Technik! Fantastiche! Well done lads! More Germans for Arsenal please – Müller, Reus, Bender, I’m so happy I can wish for anything. Congratulations to Özil, Merteswagger and Poldi! Hoewedes is a very hard working player would love him at Arsenal too,we need a versatile defender. COYG!


I’ve been thinking much in recent days about the sufferings of Abramovich. For years he’s been buying every flash Spanish and Brazilian player he can get his hands on while we’ve had to content ourselves with those inferior Germans, of which we now have about nine.

Petit's Handbag

Brilliant performance from Ozil, the set up for Kross to the edge of the box was perfect.
Whereas most players would of tossed it in the box, he somehow seen Kroos coming to the edge of the box.
Well done lads, and hopefully there’s a couple of teammates to join the Arsenal

Chris O

That cross reminded me of the Nasri-to-Arshavin goal vs. Barca in 2011 – same angle threaded through people and past one attacking player to the deeper one who can run up on it. Beautiful pass.

Giroud's Mistress

Except Ozil’s not a raging cunt.


Kriss kroos’ll make you…


Hart auf.


Arseblog as always, digging out the news from the deepest, darkest recesses of the internet and bringing it to us first.

Also, how good was Ozil today? Willing to take the ball even late on in extra time, recycled it well and created chances. His best showing of the tournament. So much for not showing up for the big games.


Ozil did not have a good game.

What is this obsession with defending him no matter how bad he is?


Hmmmm.. as far as I am concerned, I genuinely felt he had a good game. Not sure why you couldn’t see it.


I sometimes wonder what constitutes a ‘good game’ for Ozil in some peoples’ minds and what type of player they picture him to be.

He created more chances this tournament than anyone else on that squad. 3 on a platter today, two totally wasted by Kroos. Trusted by Low, some of the team’s highest stats, making attacking runs, there for link up play, right through to 119′ when they threw the BFG on for headers.


Did he lose the ball once? Did he misplace a pass once? I’m not sure he did. You used to say the same for Denilson except he passed sideways after about 5 touches and never more than a 10 yard pass. Ozil is the perfect possession player with a fantastic eye for a pass too.


I think he had an absolutely fantastic game until the late stages of regulation time, but in fairness I think errors crept in with tiredness during extra time – a couple of stray passes, unsuccessful dribbles, and a tendency to play the ball in dead ends. Anyway, I don’t think it’s reasonable to argue that he had anything but a great final.


“Lukas Podolski didn’t play in the final but was second to lift the trophy after Phillip Lahm”

lmao, you’ve got to love Lukas.


Our very own JT?


Oh stop trolling already.


No..Terry is a cunt.


With a comment liek that, up4grabs might well be our own JT.

Let's Find Hleb!!!

Seeing Messi take it would have been amazing but nothing beats our 3 mind me cough…4 germans…khadira# ozil# BFG# Mr aha#….

Let's Find Hleb!!!



In the words of our friend Mesut, in the aftermath of our FA CUP TRIUMPH…..

Ya Gunners Ya!

Well done gents.

The Beast

You Just mentioned Poldy, Mert and Ozil, what about Khedira and Draxler?


3 soon to be 4 (hopefully) Germans winning the World Cup can only be a good thing when they return to the mighty Arsenal. WELL DONE BOYS. WELL DESERVED

Let's Find Hleb!!!

Jens lehman is also a twat for pulling a ballack by not supporting ozil when the other Germans criticized Mesut…

david jenson

congratulations and well done on your well deserved victory in your world cup campagne. PER MESUT AND LUCASO AND OUR NEW BOY SAMI .enjoy your the moment ,have fun ,then con back home to the arsenal,and help us do the treble this year .

Let's Find Hleb!!!

Per…sorry the word merterswagger had to much swag for my phone…


How must it feel for players like Bender and Reus? Mixed emotions for sure. Glad Germany won. I don’t think we’ve seen Germany at their best. More to come from them

Four star German

Ozil, Mertesacker and Poldi you are my children x


Pictures of all three with the trophy, please! 🙂

Cyril Washbrook

“Per Mertesacker, congratulations on winning the World Cup. How come Germany only scored one goal today?”

Az ahmed

Are you watching England? That is how you build a team.


The other night I dreamt we signed Thomas muller and then loaned him out to Celta Vigo.

So pleased for for Per, that guy is a hero. Congratz ze Deutsch

Chris O

If you’re having Celta Vigo loan dreams, then you’re watching too much football.

This is even true of people who live in Vigo.


Delighted that Mesut played well. A little gutted for Poldi wish he had played at some stage. Glad he gave big Per a run out. When you consider that Reus, Gundagun and Lars Bender were missing through injury then low might be right Germany really could dominate for years!

Mate Kiddleton

Frightening really. To be able to bring on the likes of Podolski, Goetze and Draxler off the bench…


Poldi started the game against USA but was subbed off at half-time 🙁


sub was due to injury not bad performance


am so happy for the arsenal trio, they really need to rest now.
P.S can’t believe messi won the golden ball!

Özil Out

I don’t know he deserved it either. Probably just Septic Bladder doing everything possible to avoid headlines turning back to him and the outstanding job he continues to do now it’s all over.


Lehman supported Özil, he even said “technically he is the best player in the German squad”

Özil created 17 chances this tournament, more than any other German player.


Özil was fantastic today. By far his best game of all the WC-games and what a time to pull it out! Hopefully this will shut up some self-appointed “experts” for a while.


3 world cup winners in the squad. Brilliant! When they announced that Sanchez was wearing the number 17 shirt it was a double bonus for me knowing that our Lukas podolski 9 is sticking around too! Coyg!

African Gooner

Congrats to the Arsenal trio. Now we have world beaters in our squad. Let’s win BPL! P.s HTF did Messi win Golden boot (player of tournament) ahead of James Rodriguez? He did fuck all.

Mate Kiddleton

Hummels’ tackle on Sergio Aguero, 1 on 1 on the edge of the box… what a beast


Boateng was much better than Hummels today! Obviously, Hummels also played a great WC

Desert Fox

I thought Boateng was immense – was everywhere on the pitch and made some crucial tackles. Great performance!


Congrats to our Arsenal boys as they bring home the cup: Poldi, Özil, Mert and soon to be Khadira??

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Now fellas, go on a well deserved holiday and come back recharged and refreshed for our assault on the league title and champions league. More trophies to lift this year


i was on à look out for ozil célébration and didnt see much of him as comparéd to other players like poldi. i didnt see much in our fa cup triumph either and got à bit worried. i guess he is à guy who doesnt show too much émotion so we should give him à break and stop reading meaning into his body language and demeanour. Thats who he is and that is what makes him the great ozil.



Master Bates

Wenger said that even in celebrating he’s chill like a motherfucker.

Okay he didn’t use those exact words


So Khedira got injured before the he getting ready to be a gooner?


That is sooooo Arsenal definitely…..sign da thing! 😛

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Off topic: I saw this story and I couldn’t stop laughing. Shows you how out of touch some of the “sources” actually are


Liverpool are delusional.

Good luck without Suarez.

Brenda knows.


The best part of this is, once Alexis was confirmed by Arsenal, Phil Thompson then came out again saying “Sanchez has made a huge mistake joining Arsenal, now he will never get to experience the passion of the Kop or what it means to be playing for liverpool”

Bahahahaha maybe he took a look at who will be providing him passes and thought hmmm. The welsh Jesus/Mesut Ozil/Tomas Rosicky/Arteta/Wilshire/Cazorla ORRRR will it be Gerrard/Henderson/Joe Allen & Lucas Leiva.

Tough Choice Phil, i’m sure he’s going to be regretting that choice!!

Abbey Ngamilo

Uh arseblog!, keep up the good work mate, I love the sense of humour in your blogs. Fantastic.

Cliff Badtin

Six* Arsenal players. You forgot Khedira, Bender and Draxler. 😀


Arsenal have now had quite a few World Cup winners, more than anyone else over the last decade or so?
Thierry, viera, pires, Cesc, Cazorla, per, podolski, Özil any others?


Arsenal have had 7, Eastham, Petit, Vieira, Fabregas & the 3 Germans.

Henry, Pires. & Cazorla were not Arsenal players when they won World Cup


To be fair, neither Podolski nor Metersecker were heavily involved.

Ozil OTOH had a through outing and was effective for the team out at LW even if he wasn’t at his best.

May give us options to play him at LW (as alternate to Podolski),with Sanchez (or Santi) through the middle, walcott and Chamberlain at RW.

that would leave us with Giroud and Sanogo up top, unless we are able to load on one more for insurance in the forward holding role (it will have to be an economical buy, maybe a Michu?)

Runcorn Gooner

George Eastham 1966 squad player.There is a name to warm up us oldies


Wenger has been moving toward Spanish and lately German players. He was fortunate that his early reign at Arsenal coincided with a great period for french talent and he had market monopoly on it somewhat because of the xenophobic views of the PL back then. He has been quick to swicth on to youth development trends and where the talent is coming from these days. Where as Newcastle and that numpty Pardew think France is an excellent place for talent, Wenger knows better that Germany is where its at. Zelalem and Gnabry (and to some extent Eisfeld) are indicative of… Read more »


Gilberto Silva and Emmanuel Petit


At first glance, I thought BFG was showing his middle finger;

“We won!! So shut your holes!! Me and Mesut are best buddies!”


Good to see the German assistant coach correct some media perceptions about Ozil. Clearly not playing at his best but got better toward the end as he familiarized with his LW spot which may hint at possibilities for Arsenal next season. Stewart Robson did his dull headed best to have a dig at him and Metersecker’s lack of speed at every opportunity but the German clearly manufactures the most chances for his team even when not playing to the best of abilities. Great goal by Goetze who has otherwise been anonymous. Schurrle got better as games progressed. Overall, the two… Read more »


Brazilian here: Not surprising Brazil were favorites considering last year’s Confederation’s Cup. The problem was we had no plan B. Pato, Leandro Damiao and Ganso are duds, and this is from someone who also supports Ganso’s and Pato’s current brazilian club. I think this is their personal fault (Pato squandered his chance in Italy and Ganso suffered from injuries but has also very low work rate). We’re just in a terrible position striker-wise (oh, how aptly Diego Costa would have solved that problem! Alas it was not to be!). Lucas Moura was definitely someone who could shake things up (more… Read more »


Yeah, Brazil lack strikers. It would have been great to have had Costa back as a Brazilian in the Selecao. Damiao, Ganso and Pato were not well managed at National level and did not fully develop. Agree Hernanes is an excellent player that was not fully used. Never felt that Brazil have been so thin on top talent. Where there were once 3 or more top class talents in the team, the same cannot be said of the current situation. Roping in someone like Willian smacks of mediocrity. Something is clearly wrong with the way talent is not only developed… Read more »


Well done boys, Bright future ahead for Arsenal, reminding me when we have WC Champions in Henry & co..


Congratulations Germany.
Happy for our boys out there. Özil had a great game, even chasing down a player (into his own half) to stop a counter attack after a German corner.

Wonder if the stadium announcer, when reading out the starting 11 before a game, will say “World Cup winner, Mesut Özil!”. “World Cup winner, and Arsenal Captain, Per Mertesacker!”. “World Cup winner, Lukas Hashtag Podolski!”


To the guy who posted the Phil Thompson thing above…..”Thommo” (as they ridiculously call him on Sky Sports) also said Sanchez made a mistake by choosing Arsenal over Liverpool.
It was on skysports website if you wanna look it up.

Charlie G

The last time Arsenal had three world cup winners in the team, was France 98, Viera, Petit and Henri.
Hopefully, this WC spell the dead for tiki taka and back to the power high speed football we know from the first Arsene era.

canuck gunner

Being a supporter of Arsenal and Germany, I couldn’t be happier (unless of course we sign Khedira). And to think Germany were without Reus, Gomez, Badstuber, Gundogen – what incredible depth. Excited about the upcoming years for Arsenal and Germany.



We also have Zelalem and Gnabry.

Very exciting times for German football. Press have yet to switch on to the fact that we have been growing our Spanish and German contingent around our British core and that we really only have 4 french players currently. What a bunch of twits.


Muller, Schurrle & Schweinsteiger – look like Hitler youth.


If only Adolf concentrated on fussball instead of world conquest.

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