Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wenger rules out another forward signing

Arsene Wenger has essentially ruled out signing another forward this summer, as he’s happy with the collection of strikers and wide-men at his disposal.

Speaking after the Boreham Wood friendly on Saturday, the Arsenal manager was quizzed about his transfer intentions, and with plenty still clamouring for another forward, he said, “Up front we don’t need any more. We need a goalkeeper for sure and after that it depends on how our midfielders get through without injuries until the start of the season.

“Maybe at centre-back we’ll still bring one in.”

Having signed Alexis Sanchez from Barcelona for £30m, it seems the Chilean’s versatility is what drove the Frenchman to do the deal. Capable of playing wide on the left or right, as a solo striker or with a more traditional front man like Olivier Giroud, he can fill many roles in the Gunners front three.

Wenger also has the likes of Theo Walcott, Lukas Podolski, Yaya Sanogo, and Costa Rican Joel Campbell to bolster his attacking options.

There have been rumours of an Arsenal move for Mario Balotelli but that was flatly denied this weekend by their CEO Adriano Galliani who said, “We have not received any offer and at this time, there is nothing from Arsenal.”

Meanwhile, it’s being reported that Colombian goalkeeper David Ospina could travel to London today to complete his £4m move from Nice.

More on that as and when it happens.

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Why has this story only come to light now?


Because Wenger loves transfer gossip. Even if he knows it’s bollocks. He just can’t get enough. Then he comes on sites like these and leaves controversial and provocative comments under the pseudonym fatgooner. I’m thinking that, apart from a GK and a CB if TV5 does leave, Wenger feels he has enough in all departments. We do have two players for every position and I can’t see him shipping Flamini or Arteta. I sincerely hope this is not the case, we were exposed time after time last season by runners from midfield that a real DM would alleviate, but Wenger’s… Read more »


Infinity thumbs up, just for suggesting fatgooner is Wenger in disguise! That would be such a Wenger thing to do, wouldn’t it? Come on here with all his “Wenger is crap” comments and bizarre transfer suggestions and just plain nuts team selections, just to confuse the hell out of us and rile us all up! Oh, the irony of suddenly realizing we have just given Wenger 237 thumbs down for his comments!


It is stated on todays Arseblog that the news where indeed given on yesterdays press conference, but that they where ’embargoed’. This means that no one can write about it until a set time. I am a bit in the dark of why football clubs would do that, but apparantly it is quite common, not least in politics where it makes a whole lot more sense to me.



Ermahgerd…Arsenal is run exactly like North Korea!

Except we don’t have death camps for dissidents, obviously. Or fire missiles at our neighbours. Or have missiles at all in fact.

Thinking about it, we’re nothing like North Korea.

Highbury Clockhand

That guy fatGooner does use the word ‘glorious leader’ a lot though, they use sayings like that a lot in north korea, maybe he’s from pyongyang, he has a kind of hysterical/dictator vibe moving….


I really don’t think we need any more options up front. With the likes of Campbell, Afobe & Gnabry knocking on the first team door i think we can afford to loan out sanogo to find his composure in front of goal and still have enough options. Abit worried about the defense at this stage if we arent expecting Mertersacker to start the season from the get go. Would love to see a new Central defender being brought in this week before we travel to the U.S, but the worrying thing is I haven’t heard of any names being thrown… Read more »


Djourou is gone and on a permanent with the HSV. Saw an interview with him on Sky Sport in Germany during a HSV training camp.


I thought Djourou had signed a permanent deal with Hamburg but yesterday he was still listed as one of ours on arsenal dot com. Probably they’ve just not bothered to update it for ages? Agree with the sceptism about Diaby and Sanogo. Poor Diaby has never managed more than three games on the trot so I’m not confident he ever will – he’s got one leg shorter than the other which puts extra strain on virtually every muscle he has, hence his terrible record. Real tragedy as before Dan Smith severed his foot from his ankle he looked like he’d… Read more »


I have a feeling that if Vermaelen leaves, Wenger will sign another CB, and count on the likes of Miquel, Pleguezelo and Hayden to chip in with appearances as 4th choice CB. Losing Sagna means we don’t have another emergency CB (unless Debuchy can do that as well). As for forwards, Giroud, Podolski, Walcott, Sanchez, Campbell and Sanogo really should do the trick, with Akpom and Afobe hoping to get appearances in the Carling Cup. Really hope Sanogo gets a goal in pre-season. The lad needs a confidence boost!


we tend to hv too much speedy forward though…wat if giroud gets injured? Sanogo? really? so we will pretty much b one dimensional without giroud….just saying….may b a remy would do u know


Just checked the facts about Djourou on transfermarkt.de


This piece says that his loan deal had a mandatory clause – with his 20th league appearences HSV had to buy him (something between 2,5 and 3,5 mio €). He stated: “I’m happy that HSV bought me”. His contract will run till 2016. The coach mirko Slomka said: “I’m happy that he will stay”.

murray's whale ale

Yaya’s a no-go


Not the one to judge players on YT videos, but saw this 24 minute compilation of Carvalho, seems to be the perfect Arteta heir with proper physical presence and brilliant distribution & tackling abilities.

Cyril Washbrook

“perfect Arteta heir”

Needs to work on the perfect Arteta hair, though.

Whose Noose

I read that as “perfect Arteta hair”.

Whose Noose

And I didn’t refresh the comments before I posted. Great minds and all. . .


Oh God, what will I do if he buys the DM, CB and GK before the deadline day?

Hank Scorpio

Please don’t tell me you’re banking on Diaby being LANS Arsene when you say you’ll see how our mids go with injury. If that’s the case I can only hope you hold onto your Coq.


That was, unfortunately, exactly how I read it.

I don’t think it should be an issue though, given Arteta and Flamini are not getting any younger, there’s going to be a gap there sooner rather than later; means that Carvalho deal looks like the kind of thing we’d want to do.

Alexis next big thing since Mr Bergkamp and Sir Henry??? Can the Epl start already with varane and khedira or and in ospina in…can’t wait???


Oh does?

in that case make this your by-line blogs.

“Wenger acts early to ruin Arsenal EPL and UCL title chances”

Four star German

I am somewhat unglücklich
with this news.


Warum? Am surprised this is getting any thumbs up – possibly because those who like it aren’t noticing the ‘un’? – but I agree with you actually, meine Unglueclichkeit centring on the shortage of non-home-grown places we’ve got left – one to be precise, now we’ve signed a foreign keeper. So unless can we loan out Sanogo or simply not declare him as part of our Premiership squad, there’s room for only one more top signing, when we need and have money for two. Central defender or defensive midfielder? To judge by last season, without both our defence is going… Read more »

Man Manny

Why do we limit our assessment of our performance against the big teams to the heavy defeats? We’ve also had close games with them. These things are one off. Do you think Germany can repeat the 7-1 with Brazil or Holland the 5-1 against Spain? Even without a ‘special’ defensive mid, I don’t think the scores against those big teams can be repeated. There is also no guarantee that if you have a defensive mid you won’t get thumped like that. The teams I cited above had very good defensive mids in them. I think a football match is more… Read more »


You’re so right. Why focus on defeats when they are all simply one-offs and, had they not happened, we’d have won the title by a considerable margin. In fact, if you discount these unrepresentative and misleading defeats, we DID win the league, and the Champions League too, as we do every season – just so long as you discount the irrelevant and entirely misleading way in which we failed to top the group and went out in the first round of the knock-out stages. Yes, indeed you’ve made your point with admirable clarity. No need at all to improve the… Read more »


These ‘quotes’ are from the appallingly bad Daily Express. They are totally different to the actual words Wenger spoke after the Boreham Wood game.


It amazes me that professional media outlets constantly get away with this stuff. You don’t get to paraphrase if you’re using quotation marks ffs

Malaysian Gooner

That’s interesting. Why would Arsenal go through the effort of embargoing a statement from a press conference / interview?

What could possibly have made them want to avoid this information getting out on Sunday rather than Monday?

Malaysian Gooner

Yup, I’m aware of that. But like you mentioned, the embargo usually doesn’t last longer than 11pm or “off stone”.

Could it be that the Arsenal press room are being extra cautious about the kind of information that goes out regarding transfers? They’ve made a few staff changes in the media team as well I’ve heard.

It’s not unheard of for clubs to have agreements in place during negotiations where if info gets leaked, the buying or selling club pulls the plug.


We all want you to be right @Malaysiangooner!

Bouldy's Tupee

With Arsenal signing GK/Ospina then does that mean were not signing another foreign player? If Wenger is still in the market for a CB then its a replacement for Vermaelen.
Miquel & Hayden then will need to come up with a strong consistent preseason. Now or never! COYG!
John Terry is a cunt!


Hayden looked decent against Boreham Woood but I reckon I might be able to put in a half decent performance agaionst them with Rambo in front of me!

I thought he looked good when he played last season too, against Liverpool I think it was. Gawd help us if he ends up 3rd choice CB though….


Yes, but Hayden wasn’t severely tested by Boreham Wood’s attack! People who watch the kids regularly seem to think the other, younger kid, beginning with A – Ayiay, something like that – is even better. Be interesting to see if he gets a go in New York or the Emirates Cup.


I remember hearing he was highly rated when we signed him last summer (or was it January?), I guess there’s a chance one of them could usurp Miquel for the 4th choice position with a good pre-season so it will be interesting to see.


But caught offside have said we are signing Balotelli and Khedira today. Who am I to believe?


caughtoffside always have us signing Messi for 160 m pounds every transfer window


More like caughtoffside always have us signing Yohann Gourcoff and Salomon Kalou.



What the…? English isn’t my first language, and I’ve mostly learned what I know by reading about football, but surely you must mean “swooping for”?


Yup… someone sat on this piece of info while i had a field day with my mates arguing over wether arsene should be in the market for another foward or not.


I suppose Park is a free agent if we’re really in need of a striker. What could go wrong there?


So is the Great Dane, isn’t he?


I don’t think we can – not after that picture the other day. I would imagine he’d probably be too intimidating to other, lesser players. A straight up gangster that one…


Not surprising to be honest. I wasn’t expecting another forward. In terms of depth at least, we’re OK. But quality is a concern. While Giroud will be a better player when he’s not fatigued, Sanogo/Akpom aren’t really ready, Campbell is a wildcard who seems more suited to the wide role to me, Walcott’s form in the middle is patchy, Podolski’s poor in the middle, and although Alexis is world class, I have doubts over his suitability to the central role at Arsenal. Like I said, not surprising and we do have the numbers, but it still seems like a weakness… Read more »


It wasn’t so much a ‘Centre Forward’ we were after, as much as a ‘Goalscorer’. Sanogog can do the donkey work well enough, from what I’ve seeen, to keep the guys who can score busy with chances enough to win games.

Wouldn’t say no to Benzema though.

Delford Magaya

I have said it before that, after buying of Sanchez, I knew very well that Arsene Wenger is not going to buy a central striker as most people use to think. I also agree with Wenger, there is no need for a central striker, we have Giroud, Campbell and Yaya Sonogo, that means up-front is fine, with the coming of Sanchez. What normally counts is the system of play that Arsene Wenger use. If he buy a strong defensive midfielder, then we will be home and dry.


Need has never figured much in Wenger’s thinking. He buys players he likes, not what we’re short of – Oezil being the classic example – so if a quality striker comes available very cheap at the last minute I wouldn’t rule it out. I wouldn’t even rule out Balotelli if Milan are really desperate to be rid of him and the price continues to drop.

What did people think of Willock? I’d never heard of him and was wondering who he was in the training pictures.


I thought Willock looked quite a decent talent. Nowhere near ready for the first team yet, but lots of promise.


This will be Giroud’ season


Do you need a special Giroud call? like with ducks? Or do you just roam around North London nightclubs with a shotgun?


I agree, we don’t need any more forwards. A large part of our woes last year was that we had only Giroud up front while many of our forward options were injured. Chambo, Podolski, Walcott and Sanogo missing large portion of the season. Cazorla was knackered after playing continuous football with the Euro and Confed cup leaving little time for rest. This year we will be much better with players getting good rest.
I would like a quality CB signing and the imminent arrival of Ospina.


I think Caughtoffside are the most reliable folks when it comes to transfer matters. Holding my breath for kharida announcement today.

No physical signs of Khadera traveling to London, perhaps, he would teleport. If Caught offside says it is, then it is what it is. They are never wrong.


Nah, it has to be Floo network.


Really hope him saying ‘Emirates’ or nothing at all.

But Imagine. He says Fulham to get to Stamford Bridge, Fulham, but rather ends up in Fulham FC.

Lethbridge Gooner

Before the start of summer, many fans wish lists were:-
Replace Fabianski:- Ospina link strong
Replace Sagna:- Debuchy signed
Sign a Striker:- Sanchez signed

If we sign a CB, it’ll be to replace Vermaelen, and if he pulls a rabbit out of the hat for a DM, all hail Wenger. That’ll be a bonus.


I’m undecided. Is Wenger actually being honest? Or is it his usual red herrings and smoke screens? Smoked red herring screens?

“We need a goalkeeper for sure […] Maybe at centre-back we’ll still bring one in”. Sounds like we’re keeping Vermaelen…

Andreas Marker

We DO need a striker to compete for the title!!

Giroud is good but not good enough, Sanchez needs to play a wide role (when) walcott is injured or podolski..

Sanogo needs to be on loan with Campbel..

and we really really need that DM, Khedira thanks, if not Bender

Gutbukket Deffrolla

If you think we bought Sanchez as backup for Walcott and Podolski then I’m going to ignore what you said about Giroud, Sanogo, and Campbell too.

Rad Carrot

Mmm. Not sure how I feel about not signing another forward, but alright. We really do need one more defensively minded midfielder though. I just hope all our good work so far isn’t undermined by a reluctance to finish the job.


I”m hoping, with fewee injuries in midfield and more posibbility of the Ox in midfield, that Arteta will be more rested and not look so tired in the big games at the sharp end of the season. If that’s the case we’re okay with not signing someone there until next summer but it’s still a big rsik imo.

Nationality?a gunner

I think we are in for a GK and CB, and that’s it for the summer. Would be surprised if we get a DM


I am more worried about the midfielder comment. I know we have a lot of midfielders, but there is a clear lack of DM in the squad. If we are hoping no-one gets injured before signing a midfielder then that is disappointing.

Not bothered about a striker, but DM, CB and GK are musts.


A keeper is a given and a cb if verm leaves. Nowhere near enough to win the league. Looks like money in the bank could again be more important than actually really going for the title.
Our rivals have strengthened hugely and anyone who believes manure will not come back know stronger under van gal is a fool.


I agree. City have strengthened and they’ll be more settled – first seasons under new managers are usually a bit trial and error. Chelsea have strengthened a lot. United still have a rubbish squad but look what van Gaal managed with the rubbish Dutch. Besides no CL will help United a lot, like it helped Liverpool last year. I’m still hoping we can get third ahead of them, but with our current squad – no proper DM, no adequate cover in central defence – and with a lack of non-home-grown places available – I can see us falling short in… Read more »


Chuba Akpom!!!


I fear that without a truly commanding presence in midfield next to Ramsey the struggles against our top rivals won’t have changed any at all. Sanchez, Debuchy and a top class number 2 goalkeeper doesn’t change those deficiencies. Arsenal might have 7-8 really good midfielders but none that will consistently stop the best teams exploiting our lack of pace in DM. Arsene needs to address the problems in the team. Has he really done that?


Sanchez has pace and Campbell has presence, energy, unselfishness and goals. Until Walcott and Gnabry (and possibly Ox who still has a knee niggle?) return in the autumn, Campbell could be very useful wide right – sweetest left foot in Europe, imo.

What we haven’t addressed is the defence. In fact, with the loss of Sagna and the cover he provided at centre back, we’re weaker than last year.


This is my first post here.. Great blog! As for not adding a forward. I don’t know how to react to this. I understand what Wenger is saying in terms of numbers but I also see Arsenal videos from last season and the first thing that stands out is Giroud’s misses that any good CF will score. And that would mean we’re winning games 3-0,4-0 instead of nail biting,awkward finishes. Giroud is a very very good striker but I really hope we can be opportunistic if a Benzema becomes available. That’d be perfect.Other than that, a front three of Alexis-Ox-Theo… Read more »


Speaking of Arsenal strikers (totally not a weak link coming up), I came across an interesting article about Sanogo, but it’s from a year ago and has an embarassing slip: http://www.just-football.com/2013/07/yaya-sanogo-introducing-arsenals-latest-french-prodigy/ People don’t realise how much Sanogo’s injuries have set him back. He spent 18 months out because of a knee injury, and when he returned he only had one season with Auxerre before joining us. These are his own words about his injuries: Arsenal: You grew up with people saying how great you were at a very young age. How did you deal with it? Sanogo: You try to… Read more »


I’m not doubting his potential. The problem is, he’s not ready to take up a first-team place. Since I can’t see any English club giving him the game time he needs – why should they? they’re not responsible for his development, they just want three points on a Saturday – perhaps the best thing would be to leave him playing in the academy league (if he isn’t too old) till January and then see how much he’s improved.


So we ideally need a DM who can be a back CB as well.. Alex Song anyone?

I wouldnt hate such a move actually; provided some discipline can be drilled into him. Not the defensive beast we would all like, but decent enough backup player and knows the club and manager.


*backup CB


I’d welcome Song with open arms. Always liked him. He did an excellent unheralded job doing the dirty work in midfield. A quality defensive midfielder who’s cheap and, even more important given our current squad-size predicament, he’s HOME-GROWN, he wouldn’t be taking up a valuable first-team space, thus enabling us to sign a much-needed defender as well as any other top-class player Wenger finds available at a bargain price at ten to eleven on the last night of the window. He can also cover at centre back so he’d tick all the boxes for me.


Song really?

Turd of a player that exposed our defence time after time by being out of position whilst looking for Hollywood passes for his mate and fellow turd, Van Persie.

Also became a bad apple when fishing for his move to Barca where he got bugger all playing time as they realised they bought a duffer.

Song…. No thanks.


Arsenal no longer pursuing Khedira but still in market for DMF, will sign GK & probably DF depending on Jenkinson/Vermaelen situations – David Ornstein, BBC


I’d also be very surprised if we bring in a DM.

After all, Wenger has always rated Diaby highly and stuck with him throughout all his fitness troubles. Should he finally catch a break and make it through the season, I do hope he can be a presence that will add vital depth and experience as a midfield anchor. Like in that game against Liverpool last year.

Black Hei

You do know Diaby never played as a DM for Wenger. Box to Box and even Winger, but never DM.

Wolf Gang

Anyone else think that Chuba Akpom should have a go instead of Sanogo this season? Or at least in the Capital One Cup. I mean the way he thrashed those two defenders on saturday had me jumping up and down on my sofa


Yes, I do, though from what I saw of him last season in the kids’ games his finishing (though better than Sanogo’s) is still a bit iffy. Hope he gets given a chance in New York and the Emirates Cup and he should definitely play in the Capital One.

Hank Scorpio

Based purely on his near nude selfie, I say we sign TGSTEL on a free transfer. Or perhaps not…

Chairman Meow

haha, another diabolical plan conjured up by the super villain hank scorpio ?!

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Looking at Sanchez’s ability to play through the middle, I believe the Sanchez signing is the Suarez signing that did not happen last year. Arsene will use Sanchez the way he planned to use Suarez

Hank Scorpio

Chairman Meow I recommend if you’ve not seen the photo to do so. I’d describe it as inexplicable.

Perry S.

if vermaelen were to go, surely we make Ramsey the next captain and keep him will the club as a lifer (or as close to as possible as we can). finish his career as an arsenal legend.


I honestly can’t believe some of the complete bollocks that I’ve read on this website today. Of course we absolutely need another striker – it’s fucking essential if we are to challenge for the Premier League and the Champions’ League this season. This is the reason why I was so vehemently opposed to Wenger signing a new contract this summer: he’s gonna do exactly what he’s done over the past eight years and leave us with a squad which is two or three players short of one that can win the title. Let’s just take a close, forensic look at… Read more »


Haven’t you noticed? Giroud is bullet proof, he’s virtually never injured. And that’s quite something for a Gunner. Last season Sánchez only missed 6 games with injury, the season before that 17, so not quite injury prone (granted, not quite bullet proof either). Plus we have that new American physio or doctor or whatever. I mean, it’s simply not possible for us to get more injuries this season than last. And anyway, why are you predicting doom for our strikers? Plus we have Walcott who can play at CF. Last season he showed glimpses that he ca do very well… Read more »

The Man Who Would Be Bling

Not as much of an idiot as a guy who gets his knickers twisted on a sports blog. Go kick a fucking can, mate. They’re free and they don’t argue.


Even if this was a smokescreen and we did sign another forward….fatgooner would still find something to moan about.
Even if Sanago came good this year and scored 20+ goals….fatgooner would still find something to moan about.
Even if we went another league season unbeaten….fatgooner would still find something to moan about.
Even if we won every trophy available to us this year….fatgooner would still….ah, you get the drift I’m sure.

Some people are only truely happy when they’re moaning. My ex was like that, and coincidently she was also fat and a gooner. Andrea, is that you?


I don’t know. For once, if you get past his tone, Fatgooner makes a couple of good points. Still, its early, and perhaps we will get a DM, CB, AND a striker. My issue with Fatgooner is that he is speaking too early, the window has not closed and the season has not begun, but he is responding to a quote from AW after all. And look, we all were in agreement that another goalscorer was needed at the end of last season. Don’t you think Alexis is not going to lead the line, only be the second striker when… Read more »

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Wenger sees the goals we lacked last season, and the source of them for the season about to start, as being on the wings. Walcott and Sanchez will provide the extra goals from wide positions feeding off Ozil and Giroud. Therefore Wenger doesn’t want to spend money on another striker when he can spend it in other positions that need it.

He expects Sanchez and Walcott to have a similar effect to what Suarez had last season with Liverpool. Would anybody have said Liverpool needed another central striker when they had Suarez? I don’t think so.


Hilarious, anyone who thumbs you down should get in a dustbin and dance.


Two things I’d take issue with: First, your scepticism about our signing a keeper. I don’t share that; I’m pretty sure Ospina is done already. Second, that you’re surprised by the comments. Where have been all these years? Of course Sanogo is ready for the first team and will be getting three goals a game even against the Premiership’s most solid defences, just like he demonstrated versus a conference side yesterday afternoon. Europe doesn’t have a more composed and reliable finisher than Sanogo right now. And of course we don’t need a defensive midfielder or to strengthen the central defence.… Read more »


That Sanogo comment was a poorly veiled jab at me, wasn’t it? If you read my comment properly, I said I think Sanogo has great potential, more than Campbell, and I’ll add, more than Giroud, Walcott, and perhaps even Sánchez; and that his injuries (broken tibia, knee injury) have set him back a year or two. I’m not ashamed to say that about his opinion, that’s my honest opinion from watching him. Maybe I’m just thick, fair enough. But nowhere did I say Sanogo is the finished article right now, or is going to light up the league this season.… Read more »


To be honest Kafka, I didn’t read all of his post cos I got the gist of it….which was, as is always the case with fatgooner posts, Wenger’s lost it and needs to be replaced.
But even if Wenger was sacked after the first game of the season….fatgooner would still find something to moan about. 😉

Policeman's bangers 'n' mash

A few short of the league yet again. We are not going to win the league with a forward consisting of Giroud, Campbell, Podolski and Walcott. It’s just maddening. If I was Wenger I would have also signed Fabregas and gone hard for Drogba, on top of the DM and keeper we’re going to get that would win us the league I have zero doubt in my mind. Sanchez is not going to lead the line at Stoke away. But this happens every year doesn’t it? Van Persie, Cazorla and Giroud wow that looked nice didn’t it? But it was… Read more »

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Suarez? Who the fuck was he before Liverpool bought him? Just a bitey bastard with a bit of talent. They didn’t buy Suarez as the finished article so why hammer Wenger for not being like Liverpool when he has bought Sanogo with all his potential? Sanogo ‘could’ become our Suarez.


Or a Chris Kiwomya

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash

A few short of the league yet again. We are not going to win the league with a forward consisting of Giroud, Sanogo, Campbell, Podolski and Walcott. It’s just maddening. If I was Wenger I would have also signed Fabregas and gone hard for Drogba, on top of the DM and keeper we’re going to get that would win us the league I have zero doubt in my mind. Sanchez is not going to lead the line at Stoke away. But this happens every year doesn’t it? Van Persie, Cazorla and Giroud wow that looked nice didn’t it? But it… Read more »


It’s not just about quantity but about quality.
Ffs, We started Sanogo vs Bayern Munich.
Hope it’s all a smokescreen otherwise we are in it for the 4th place trophy yet again.


Wenger the master troll is at it again!

Gbenga Ogunbule

@Policeman’s Bangers ‘N’ Mash. That looks dumbass of you to think like that. Poldi is one of the best finisher of the ball and Sanchez? We all know what he can do with the ball on his feet and Theophilos Walcot(wow) you know he is fast like a deer(football’s Usain Bolt).
Well, about Sanogo and Giroud they are scrap for now esp Giroud but Sanogo can still improve. As for Campbell, Cant really say anything about him for now

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash

Poldi has consistently disappointed for Arsenal and Wenger doesn’t trust him. He is not a lone front man. Sanchez is not a lone frontman. Walcott certainly is not a lone frontman. Wow Walcott is fast like a deer, but he won’t lead the line, will he? And if he does he won’t do the business like our rival’s strikers.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Giroud is not crap. Think like that and you’ll get depressed. It will serve you right.


In other news we missed out on M’Vila again… Wenger out!


I really was hoping we would have enough depth to allow Sanogo some time on loan to develop. Maybe his development will be quicker than I expect, though we’ve seen no evidence of that so far. I watched the whole match against Boreham Wood, and his finishing is exactly the same as it was 5 months ago. Yes, I know, it’s a pre-season match and all that, but you’d still expect a striker to be able to kick the ball properly. The likes of Rosicky and Ramsey may have looked a bit “pre-season lazy”, but their ball handling and passing… Read more »

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Yeah, and that Ramsey is useless too and should be put on loan, eh?? He’ll never make the grade without a loan, will he???


Expecting Ramsey like development is unrealistic. Do you honestly want to gamble our title chances on Sanogo doing what Ramsey did?

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Do you know who we are forgetting about in this equation? Joel Campbell. Maybe we don’t need another striker


I’m not forgetting Joel Campbell. I said above that he offers us energy, presence, unselfishness and goals. I said that with Walcott, Gnabry and possibly Ox unavailable at the beginning of the season with his sweet left foot he would be very useful cutting in from the right. But as this has got several thumbs down, it seems you and I are the only ones who believe he has something to offer. Then again, the thumbs down could be because I’ve also suggested that Campbell is currently much more deserving of a first-team space than Sanogo who I think, if… Read more »

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Maybe the thumbs down are because for every player you praise you also seem to have to belittle one? That may be your idea of being a balanced fan, but it’s not everybody’s way of supporting the team. If you made praising posts and complaining posts separately you might work out where the thumbs down come from. You can say 9 positive intelligent and funny things in a post, but if the 10th seems unfair in some way to somebody the post will get thumbed down.


Yep, sums it up to perfection. Such a shame the thumbs-down-getting types of comment aren’t simply deleted before they appear, or at the very least covered over like the low-rated one, or segrated in a separate area of the site – all optimism-conducive and heartwarming points to the right; all those expressing uncertainty, criticism and disloyalty to the left. In fact the approval/disapproval rating itself could be computer-generated, in cases of uncertainty purely on the basis of user-names. The only difficulty I can envisage is that the programme would have to be reversed in the event of a bad defeat… Read more »

The Man Who Would Be Bling

“expunged”? Are you a plumber by trade?

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