Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Arsenal 1-1 Sp*rs: player ratings

Disappointing to drop two points today against a Sp*rs team that were just not very good. Yet, we remain unbeaten in the league. Here’s how we thought the players rated.

PLEASE NOTE: We’ve changed the system slightly, you rate each player then click the ‘Cast Vote’ button down at the bottom, rather than voting for each player individually.

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On a positive note, seems as if Ozil is back in form – was involved in pretty much all our attacking play today.

this aint FIFA bitches

Didn’t see it myself, he was ok but not great.
From one of the “stars” of the team I would expect a little more in this kind of game but oh well he’ll still be picking up his £150,000 come the end of the week.

The Cabbie

OZil was man of the match and on this display he is to good for this squd

The Cabbie

squad even


I think Chambers was my man of the match. Don’t let anyone fool you that Wenger can’t sign defensive talent. It’s hard to imagine he’s just 19. How I was praying for that volley to crack the underside of the bar a go in. He’s combination with Chamberlain was a joy to watch. They interchanged positions seamlessly and just got me thinking Wenger should allow this combination to develop further.


Did you seriously just slag him off after admittedly not watching his performance?


Definitely thought this was the most Ozil has been involved in a match for a long time with Arsenal, was all over getting the ball and did well to keep possession always looking for passing options ahead (though Spurs were packing in pretty well so there wasn’t much space to thread balls through).


I was really thrilled with his decision making. Sure he didn’t do anything significant, but he pretty much always made the right choice in a match where solutions weren’t plenty.


Great, now we have our 2 attacking DM’s (Ramsey and Wilshere) injured because Wenger wants to play them together, when 1 of them could have been rested today with Santi/Rosicky/Alexis coming in instead. Drop the 4-1-4-1 and start playing Ozil in the middle with Ramsey and Wilshere rotating between them. they’re both injury prone anyway so it works out for the best. now we’re in danger of seeing Flamini and the Ox as the DM’s against Chelsea if Wilshere isn’t fit by then. i feel that if 1 of Ramsey and Wilshere were benched today for Santi we would have… Read more »

The Ghost of Paul Robinson

The attacking DM is becoming a critical part of modern football….


Just curious what the feeling out there is about giving Chambers a chance at the DM spot sooner rather than later?


Right, because we have a bounty of defenders battling to start, so may as well move one out of position.


Never heard to an Attacking DM… Box to Box Midfielder maybe? The engine that both players have, and the fact that Ramsey is Right footed and Wilshere is left footed gives a good balance in midfield.


Well, if we’re playing a 4-1-4-1 then we don’t need two ‘attacking DMs’, now do we? But more seriously, is Wilshere injured? And I don’t see what’s wrong with The Ox is CM (or ‘attacking DM’ as you call it). He is a CM after all. Calling it ‘the *danger* of seeing Flamini and The Ox’ seems a bit much, if you ask me. It’s all irrelevant anyway if we play a 4-1-4-1, because Flamini will play deep, and in midfield we’ll probably see Cazorla, which is what you want. If we play a 4-2-3-1, The Ox and Flamini will… Read more »


Ozil Ox Calum and Gibbs were excellent today
Flamini will play DM against Chelsea
Pause Freeze and think about that for a moment
Okay he may have his game of the season, but I don’t bank on it
Diaby is not ready
We are being tested this season with injuries.


Can we have an additional category to mark Arsene for his tactics and formation?

I am Not Football

Can’t change it to ‘Arsenal Today’ or something…ehh!


When the financial crash happened people blamed the CEOs that ran the banks and not the staff that worked behind the counter on the high street. Wenger picks the match day team and chooses the formation, often moving players out of position. To rate the players and not rate the man that recruits, trains and picks the team is a little strange, after all the players are working under the intructions they are given. On a side note as a red member the club charged me £130 for yesterdays match. Its funny how they sleep well at night charging fans… Read more »


Haha, fair enough!


Why don’t we just hand out torches and pitchforks while we’re at it.


Because a lot of numpties who have never managed anything beyond their kids under 11 sides really have a valid contribution to make in criticising the tactics of a man who has managed for 30 years.
Honestly what a load of nonsense.

Good Arse

But people who couldn’t kick snow off a rope are okay to criticise professional players? One rule for one and a different rule for the other…….hypocritical.

I am Not Football

But its the numpties discussing tactics that make the numbers…and the drama…and money, ain’t it?


Alex Ox was in cracking form today. When Alex Is was on the pitch, I could understand why the Ox is getting picked over the Is.

Arteta's hair

to be honest i don’t like tottenham


but fuck me Lloris was amazing, what a goalkeeper that guy is, the rest are cunts


it seems like our impact half-hour sub is down to the Ox or Alexis. They can come in and run circles around be tired opposition. Who do we go with? A tough question for the boss for the weeks ahead. I am sticking with Alexis starting but Chamberlain makes it tough to keep him on the bench.

Me So Hornsey

I don’t understand why Wellbeck didn’t do what he does best. Make runs and pull the defenders all over the place. He seemed to try and play like Giroud and play the battering ram which is not really his game and was meat and bread for Kaboul and Vertongen.
On the plus side Ox, Gibbs & Chambers performances and Ozil looking good.

Cazorla has to start home games he’s by far our most effective player when operating in tight spaces against small teams parking the bus.


Your last sentence about Cazorla explains why Welbeck couldn’t play that game. Most of the night Spuds were parked like a championship side. No space to run behind, and Gunners 4 across attacking filling the lateral spaces. That’s why we have Cazorlas and Oxen to dribble and pick through those tight spaces.

But yeah, drifting outside to pull markers out more might help.


How about a bonus rating for Jenkinson who was a beast coming on as a sub for West Ham vs. Man U. His crossing should have tied the game but the bloke who scored was slightly offside.

The West Ham players just kept feeding him on the right and even the commentators were impressed by how much of a difference he made.

Fair ratings for the Gunners today. Welbeck’s ‘swing and a miss’ worked as a great dummy today!

Up the Arse

I don’t like when Flamini has to play in all honesty. Sure he throws himself about, but really he’s a placeholder 90% of the time. Arteta was really solid in that opening 30 mins. And Ramsey’s touch just outside the box before getting injured, my god was that sexy.

Gary Baldy

We definitely lost some tempo when Arteta went off. We didn’t really regain that until the second half. It unbalanced us greatly.

this aint FIFA bitches

Lost tempo? Spurs caught us on the counter 3 times In the first 30 mins & every time I could see Arteta trundling along trying to keep up & failing with the spurs attackers.

Arteta is good in certain games but not against teams who counter well.

Gary Baldy

A fair point but there was certainly a lull in the play after Arteta left the pitch.

I didn’t say it was Arteta that was creating the pace beforehand but something definitely changed at that point and we became quite disjointed and not really as bustling as in the previous 20 odd minutes.

Maybe it was a change in the mood of the crowd, being tired of the Spuds fouly/time-wasting tactics, that I picked up on but it took a while for the team to get back into any rythm again, which didn’t happen till the second half started.


Arteta is the reason we dont get beaten on the counter attacks like we used to by teams like Utd because he never goes that far up the pitch.


I though Flamini was pretty good, other than the error that cost us the goal. Yes, it was a poor touch, but the first thing I thought about was that there should have been more communication, someone should have shouted that some spud was closing him down, and then he wouldn’t have dawdled on the ball like he did, because he still had a bit of time after that poor first touch. But even before that, perhaps the pass to him wasn’t the best idea. Yes it was a costly error, and it was certainly his fault, but I think… Read more »


at this level, i think he should be aware of whats happening around him.


The rating should rate Arsene performance too, to evaluate the manager nuance on how to position Ozil. Ozil just being shit on the left, but why can’t Arsene realized this ?


exept today he was very good and he play on the left!!!!!


we got alexis sanhez and arsene benched him for the derby! one of the most if not the most important game of the season! arsene is nuts!

Big Mac

To not start our best player in the most important game of the season is worth a sacking on it’s own. Why are Wenger afraid of having pace on both flanks. Maybe Sanchez didn’t start because he actually tries to help out in defence?


find it amazing that anyone is trying to blame Szczesny for the goal, he gave the ball to chambers who had lots of time, who in turn gave it to Mert who had lots of time, who in turn gave it to Flamini who had lots of time, Flamini gave it to tottnum, wilshere could have done more to get in a tackle, apart from that, the goal was all down to Flamini f.ucking up possession, but it seems a section of Gooners have decided this season to blame Szczesny for as much as they can no matter what actually… Read more »


Say today more.

Gary Baldy

A view from the lower tier North Bank. Tottenham, small team mentality. Come to Arsenal, waste time and foul the fuck out of us. They should be kicking off on a Sunday at 10.30 on Hackney Marshes. A disgrace/joke of a team. Under the circumstances we did well, the ref hamstrung us withtwo early booking for Wilshere and Ramsey while letting some lillywhite chap go for an awful foul on Gibbs in the first two minutes . . . They came for a draw, thouhgt they had nicked a win and frankly were no better than a common or garden… Read more »

Andy Mack

Thumbed down by? …. Trolls?


Chambers and ox very good down the right hand side, nice to see good interplay between them. I like the look of chambers at rb, solid defender, gives us little extra height and good going forward. Good to see ozil finding his form but he needs 2 runners to really flourish, playing no 10 with welbeck signed up and walcott returning he will be deadly especially away from home feeding through balls. Sanchez and ox have good pace but are more dribblers who can mix things up. Ozil reminds me of Bergkamp who thrived as he had runners like henry… Read more »


We need a dm everybody sees it, we have money in the bank we have problems with the squad why don’t we use it to maximize our chances of winning trophies instead of making due with arteta(slow and not natural position), flamini(old and past his prime, squad players at best) or even diaby(we can only hope). Wenger has again cost us this year like he did last year when he didn’t buy a striker. It can’t keep happening season after season. I am beginning to think all wenger has is a footballing philosophy and no tactical game plan and in… Read more »

Gooner4life Foz

Bonus rating for Adebayors stupid shit haircut and the fact he is so utterly crap and plays for a bunch of cunts too.
Well played Oxlaide-Chamberlain today. For me he’s a starter because he always looks to go forward and make something happen. Come on you gunners

Yankee Gooner

Disagree that Arteta didn’t play enough to really rate him–just compare his 30 minutes to Flamini’s and you’ll appreciate the top top quality. Flam seems a different player this season than last–maybe he should start tearing his sleeves again?

Gooner Inside The Beltway

Rather than the binary clarity so desperately desired from today’s North London Derby, or perhaps more accurately, the run of fixtures that began with Man City and ends with the coming Interlull, the waters have never seemed more muddy. This was nothing more than a 90-minute Rorschach test for Gooners around the globe. Glass half-full or half-empty? As I try to first assess, and then articulate my own thoughts, I feel very much like Boone from Animal House. The angel on one shoulder reminds me “six games into the season we are undefeated, still in the mix and have yet… Read more »


Thumb up for “Captain Lego Hair”


That is quite possible the most well crafted comment I’ve read on here.


On the plus side, Adebayor was really poor, wasn’t he?

When Debuchy comes back, and maybe before, AW should try Chambers at DM. It’s getting ridiculous how open the area in front of our CBs is. Arsenal looked pretty good on attack, putting a lot of shots on target and forcing some good saves. Our corners even generated some menace. Kaboul had a great game or we’d have won. Two points dropped.


It wasn’t open today until Flamini came on, for the rest of the half there was a massive hole in front of our defence. Hate to say it but Flamini is simply nowhere good enough to play for the Arsenal.

Flamster Hamster

The one thing about Flamini that drives me crazy is that he gets pulled wide by attackers far too easy.


For someone who has played in Serie A, he is a tactical dunce.


The missus said Adebayor’s hair looked like spoilt cauliflower.


I think this was the best performance from Chambers so far, he was immense. His suspension is coming on very fast though, then we will have to play Bellerin or Flamini at right back.


I pray that Wenger goes with Diaby for the match at Chelsea and not Flamini (or even Coquelin) as Flamini really looks slow and off the pace this season in big games (though it could be the color of his cleats that makes it appear that way). Not sure what level of fitness Diaby will have, but for him to have an input at all for us this year it will need to be in a match like this where Flamini will get overrun. The only positive about Ramsey being injured is that it will provide Ozil the chance to… Read more »

The Cabbie

Ozil`s touch today was amazing ,now he needs the players around him who have the quality to match his


I still don’t get how in the space of 2 months, some of our players have become so bad. Obviously Ramsey isn’t the one of 2013-2014. Flamini went from the guy who scored the equalizer against City last season, to a huge liability. Arteta is worse but you can’t expect a 32 years old to get better. Özil is still not the Özil who faced Napoli. Wenger seems to judge Cazorla not good enough to start now. Rosicky and Podolski… hey their names rhyme! That’s about it for these two. What happened to our so-called fantastic midfield? Can they only… Read more »


Come on lads, we had 69% possession (that is mind blowing) and we played a lot of nice technical attacking football.

I take a lot of positives from that game, especially Ozil’s majestic performance.

It’s weird, I wasn’t in any doubt we would come back from 1-0 down. There’s something fiery about this team that makes me think we could be challenging for silverware this term even though Chelsea appear to be running away with it at present.

We totally outclassed Spurs today and I’m looking forward to the return fixture.


Dont worry, Costa is gonna break down sooner or later.


I think all it will take is a poor Chelsea performance (loss) and Cesc will get benched by the special one.


In January we need to put offers in for both Schniderlin and Lars Bender, ideally we sign them both.
Also sign Nastasic he’s wasted at City.
I’m sure il find something else to moan about even if we did this, my guess would be the lack of a world class striker so I hope we go for Draxler or Reus and put whoever we get uptop.
At least then I can concentrate about purely being pissed off about not winning the Euromillion superdraw.


It’s a marathon guys, I know we need to not drop points do much we’re playing catch up but in all honesty this team has some swagger to it, new players and tinkering with formation, I see injuries early vs late in the campaign, I really think we’re going to catch fire and settle…in turn becoming unstoppable. Come turn of the year we’ll have back key players. Amazing all the negativity, yet we’ve not lost yet this season. I’ve got a good feeling this year


With regards players getting worse, that’s called form mate. It comes and goes unless you play for teams like Barca that piss their games most weeks. I thought today showed what we’ve been missing with the ox out wide. All this talk of him as a cm is crazy to me. His best attribute is pace and dribbling so get him out wide where he can do the most damage. Also thought alexis should of started on the other flank. We need 2 pacy wide players imho to stretch teams that park the bus. Apart from that we did ok,… Read more »


Wenger is a tactical cretin. Not only does he play Ozil on the left, he brings on Sanchez and plays him on the left too, AT THE SAME TIME!! Gibbs is there as a left wing back for good measure, just in case. No penatrarion and the crossing was ridiculous all game….title hopes down the shitter and not even October.
If we lose on Weds, we might as well wait for next August.

Podolski's left foot

Welbeck’s fakie though!

Podolski's left foot

Assist of the season


@ blood. I think that mentality is a little off balance, you realize we’ve not found true form yet and nobody has beat us in the league…the ucl group will start to take form soon enough. We will advance.have faith in this squad and the manager, smooth seas don’t make good sailors…and we’ve got a Hell of a captain at the helm

monkey knees

Is anyone else jolly excited about ozil finding some awesome form?!?!


I may be pretty wankered as I drank a lot today, but I did secure a Nando’s date with a right sort so I’m proper gassed. What Im trying to say is I love Chambo, he’s such a boss. And Chambers, that shot from 25 odd yards, phwoar. Love the potential in that kid. Chambo is world class though. Honestly so excited for his future 4:32 I think it’s time for bed #COYG


Bonus rating goes to Adebayor for looking like a piece of broccoli, played like one too.


Look at Welbeck in that photograph, he looks excited that his dummy worked and his boy Alex is about to hit it in the roof! Other than that, I don’t know why the Aston Villa squad and formation was not used today. We are clearly clearly better with one of Ramsey or Wilshere in the team (let’s see wilshere get a game and Ramsey sit, unfortunately he is injured now so a moot point), and Ozil in a central position with less of a responsibility to look after Gibbs. By the way, I don’t know if people are seeing how… Read more »


Complaining now for a draw in a derby?Lemme see you next week against that other cuntish lot. We’ll celebrate a draw like yesterdays cunts.
Save your health and avoid seeing Soler MOTM

fresh prince

Arteta was just as bad as Flamini, not sure where you guys get your blinkers from but spurs broke 3 or 4 times before arteta went off and they were always 3 vs 2 but played shit passes. But he’s our captain so obviously doesn’t need upgrading! As for Flamini getting caught on the ball, here’s a thought for our vice captain.Get rid of it for fucks sake, there are spuds buzzing around everywhere and you pass it 3 ducking yards. But he’s our vice captain so obviously doesn’t need upgrading even though his top speed is a wind assisted… Read more »

Tony Hall

Slag off the Spuds all you want but at the end of the day we were NOT good enough to beat them. They gained a point and we dropped two and that is not good enough at home.
And Chambers needs to stop collecting yellow cards, 1 more and it is a 1 match suspension.


Obviously disappointed not to get the three points, but what a treat to be alive at this time to watch Ozil play football for the Arsenal


Too much power corrupts anyone. Not enough people question the manager and his decision making. Yesterday, Arsene didn’t know. Best squad in a long time and we’re a tactical horror show.


Yes its 2 points dropped. But tell me how is it s a “tactical horror show”? We have 70% possession, some good chances and only gave away a goal by an individual mistake.

2 points dropped hardly due to tactics, but simply a lack of quality in the final pass and fluidity in the team. Get real.


Spuds came & parked the bus. And wait to counter attack. Simple stuff…but makes it difficult for us to break down. But we got a few good opportunities to win the game but for some saves by the spuds gk.
Ozil is getting into form…he must be really pissed with all the unmwarranted & unfair criticisms…especially from iwn fans. He is like showing to these people…take it you mouth fuckers!!
I will show you what class is…the rest of the players be better on the same page!!


The Arsene unquestioned support continues. We’re not allowed to question him because he has been in management for over 30 years? Always make do with useless DM when he could’ve hot someone better.


What really bothers me is the “undefeated” part. The fact is we only won 2 out of 6 games, and that’s not good enough. The night is young and all that, I know, but I’m getting the feeling we’ll miss these points come the end of the season. It was a good game overall bar the injuries and Flamini…

Saffa Gooner

How shit were Spurs. Unbelievable that we couldn’t put 4 or 5 past them. It’s as if something just isn’t clicking yet.

James Butterwick

Ozil is the David Gower of world football. Lazy Dave. Bloody marvellous yesterday though. God help us, weren’t Tottingham inept though? Sad to have to admit it but the odious Chelsea are going to beat us. Injuries have again reared their ugly head and Chelsea have that streak of cuntliness, from their manager to their centre forward, that our sweeties just cannot match.


I think some of yesterday was down to the ref too, a lot of the spuds got away with fouls especially on wilshere and the one where he turned his ankle after he got kicked should have been a pen!!

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