Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mertesacker: Not good enough in attack

Per Mertesacker said Arsenal lacked any cutting edge in the final third and admitted that Chelsea were worthy victors in yesterday’s derby at Stamford Bridge.

The Gunners didn’t register a shot on target in the Premier League for the first time since September 2003 and were made to pay either side of half time by Eden Hazard’s penalty and Diego Costa’s lob.

Speaking to Sky Sports after the 2-0 loss, the German international struggled to find any positives.

“Obviously we were more competitive this year. That was the first target today, to be much better than last year. Overall we have to admit at times we were good, but not good enough to score a goal here.

“In the final third [we weren’t good enough]. We defended quite well, there was always cover, there was always protection. In the final third we had a couple of decent possibilities to come through but we missed the last pass or the last touch.”

Asked whether his defensive partner, Laurent Koscielny, was lucky to stay on the field in light of the penalty conceded for a trip on Eden Hazard, Mertesacker continued:

“He [the referee] took the decision right. We were a bit lucky but overall I think it’s a fair decision.

“We defended better, that’s what we take [from the game] but we have to admit they were better, still better…and we have to learn quickly.”

Our first defeat in the league (and third of the season in all competitions) leaves us nine points behind Chelsea and eighth (on goal difference) in the Premier League standings. Somehow even Van Gaal’s laughable United have managed to squeeze into fourth, suggesting they’re not as dead and buried as some might have hoped. Right now, it doesn’t look pretty.

That being said when you look at the fixtures coming up, there’s a real opportunity to try and build momentum before the end of the calendar year. We start with Hull at the Emirates on the 18 October before facing Sunderland, Burnley, Swansea, Manchester United, West Brom, Southampton, Stoke and Newcastle. After that it’s four games over Christmas and New Year.

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We played well, but we’re just not good enough unfortunately to be with the super clubs like Chelsea Barca Bayern Real Madrid etc we are more with Manchester City Juventus Athletico Madrid which is still very good!

The most worrying part is United are 1 defender away from being a complete force again, and are undeniably a greater threat than us at the moment despite their leakiness at the back.


Premier League top 4 Predications


When I said we’re more with City Juve etc, I mean I think we can compete well with them.

Wilshere's Right Foot

Atletico won La Liga last season. How can we compete with Atletico but not with Barca?

Formerly Known As El Capitano

I’m still so bitterly disappointed with the result yesterday. I know that Chelsea were heavy favourites going into the game, but still, with the 11 men starting we hands down had enough attacking talent going forward to trouble them and nick a goal. I just thought that maybe this time we had enough in the locker to have a real go at them. My concern as a fan wasn’t us failing to create chances, but in us throwing too many men forward in are sweeping attacking moves, that we would be left prone to counter attacks, and with last years… Read more »


What’s with the thumbs down on Serge’s comment? Completely relevant.

Az Ahmed

We need to sign two world class defensive midfielders for these kinds of games – to protect the back line and to recycle possession quickly. We need a world class striker and we need a world class playmaker – we need to sign Mesut Ozil – oh we already did, so then why the fuck are we playing him on the left where he always has minimal impact? Why are we not playing Chamberlain from the start? Why do we need an entire back line and 3 midfielders to defend against one striker and one attacking midfielder – Eden Hazard?… Read more »


Flamini did good

Chambers was exposed a number of times. Don’t see anyone bleating for a world class RB.

Pure nonsense.

We were done for not because of a DM. We did not put away our chances. One touch too many. Simple.

both goals, one was through Santi and Chambers before Koscielny put in his foot. If anything we need a Cback before any DM.

Second goal was over the top and Koscielny Metersecker got their positioning slightly wrong although it has to be said it was a glorious ball from Fab.

Az Ahmed

Please read my comment again. I mentioned that we were not clinical in front of goal. The other point I made was about Defensive Midfielders. Chelsea protected their back line with Matic. We did not. Flamini should have dealt with Hazard before Hazard was allowed to prance into the box. Matic and co. did not allow us to get through. We had insufficient protection thus leading to panic at the back, thus a penalty given away. The second goal we gave away as we pushed up and were looking for the equalizer. If the first had not been conceded, would… Read more »

Az Ahmed

Additionally, if Chambers was exposed, it was because Ozil on the right meant insufficient protection for the back. Again you have inadvertently made the case for a world class defensive midfielder even stronger. The DM ensures the defenders are in position, and if the wing backs bomb down the wings, he ensures there is sufficient protection to plug the gap. Flamini, as well as he played, was still not good enough. and is not a leader, although he is willing to do some of the dirty work. That is not Flamini’s fault as simply put, he is not good enough.… Read more »


I’d bet to differ, I personally hold the defence responsible. The game would have been different if Hazard would not have been allowed to run through the entire defence. After that Chelsea parked the bus and hit us on the counter. I am sorry but it was nothing wrong with the attack, just the defence that was utter shit.


Chelsea always play like his against us…they make the game slow and shit and their moments of brilliance always defeat us. How many times did Fabregas split the most difficult of defences up with lofted through balls when he was with us? How many times did Nasri dribble his way through in that 1 season he was good. Our defence is solid, their attack is just better.


The defence is solid? Every big game you see individual misstakes leading to goals for the opposition. It has to do with the defence, Chelsea, there you got an solid defence.


In a game like Chelsea away, when you give the first goal away you don’t win it 19 times out of 20.

That’s what annoys me – we switched off letting Hazard run through 3 players, and as soon as they scored and sat back you just knew we’d be the better side but lose 2-0 with a quick breakaway. Absolute textbook Mourinho, and all caused by 1 lapse in concentration in an otherwise encouraging first half from both the attack and defence.

Formerly Known As El Capitano

Couldn’t agree more.
Kos is a class defender, he should of done so much better there than dive in like that, so stupid, the second goal was so sloppy from Per & Kos again, Per surely had to give Kos a shout to let him know Costa was just sitting off his shoulder, another lapse in concentration from two players that are usually so solid together.

So poor to not even register a shot on target until what was the 90th minute.

Just so bummed out after this one.


I Agree. There was a lapse of quality between the two teams, and we never really troubled Chelsea at all who controlled in a comfortable 2-0 win. However I dont agree that Fabregas is a much better player than Özil. Form wise right now he is, But if you compare the two the seasons they both played in BBVA for Madrid and Barca, then clearly Özil’s top level is quite abit higher than Fabregas Top Level. But curently Fabregas is in much better form. And i dont buy in to the Özil is to weak for premier league crap the… Read more »

Chairman Meow

actually sterling is notorious for being freakishly strong, but you’re right about the others


i cannot help but factor in how defensively minded chelsea play, and how they continued to cheat and were allowed to do so by the ref. to send players out with the specific instruction ‘to break up play’ and stop counter attacks when chelsea were exposed, is cheating.

when it is so blatant and the ref basically allows it by allowing several of their players multiple fouls, yet cards ours after one shoulder charge, AND you are playing against a team of sch quality, what hope can you have??


This is what I hate seeing from our fans, moaning about the ref. If the refs allow for little niggly fouls the real question is why can’t we instantly do the same? The refs are and always be shit but if we’re ruthless we should use that to our advantage. If we had stopped Hazard early with a littlekick Kos wouldn’t have to make that tackle.


but then you might as well support chelsea. wenger wants to achieve something with a bit more purity and i respect that.

Az Ahmed

That stat makes things sound simple, shots on target, but it is misleading for a big game. The more pertinent stat is chances created. We created a couple, which in reality, is all we should expect against the big teams and we need to find a way of putting them away. Wilshere was clean through on goal but miscontrolled and didn’t take it. Fabregas handled in the box but NO penalty. Fine margins.


We could win our next 7 or 8 league games but still not be top.
Sorry but to say we defended well is a joke. Hazard should have been taken out before he got in the box. Flamini was not on a yellow at the time and he is the CDM so it’s his responsibility.


It’s very simple, swap Flamini/Wilshire with Matic/Fabregas and the result would of been very different.

Fabregas already has more assists this season than every Arsenal midfielder put together. He should be wearing an Arsenal shirt this season & the moment the decision was made not to resign him was the day we handed the title to Chelsea on a plate.


now they don’t even need drogba to score against us..


I was thumbed-down before the season started when I said I would trade Ozil for Cesc. I’m not sure anyone in their right mind would make that trade now…

Nairobi's numero uno gunner

i wouldnt swap any of ramsey, jack or ozil for cesc but i would have still bought him if i was manager. i would rather have the problem of people competing for their position instead of handing Jack a guaranteed spot in the no.10 position when we have arguably the best no.10’s in the world in ozil. in my opinion, jack put on a good display. problem is, more often than not, its an individual display. it does nothing for the team. the two games ozil has started in his prefered position…we won. the games Jack has started in ozil’s… Read more »

serious note

so…jack and aaron better than cesc now?

would cesc not improve arsenal?

ozil and cesc can play in same 11.

people saying he betrayed us…well when you get something for 450,000 and sell it for close to 45 million there is no betrayal.

the betrayal is shown by jack aaron ozil ox etc who do not appreciate the support wenger gives them and make cesc decission look an irrelevence…..

those little shits need to repay wenger for showing faith to them instead of taking cesc back.

Harish P

I thought you guys would use this pic of Mert for sure:


Heh. Captain flipping the bird to John ‘Thundercunt’ Terry. Love it!


If the managers swapped teams before the match Mourinho’s Arsenal would have won.


I honestly believe we would have gotten a draw if the referee had some balls yesterday. I thought we matched Chelsea in almost every department.

Mach iii

The game was won on fine margins. It is their home stadium though, and that little bit of luck is destined to work for the home team. Big differences were how Ivanovic handled Sanchez, compared to Chambers on Hazard. Chambers gave him space where Ivanovic was all over him. There’s a stupid clip on the net of Ozil dribbling the ball into Fabregas. That’s so one-sided. Can someone upload a clilp of Ozil flying passed Fabregas, cause that happened a couple of times. The commentary told a story of their own. I have no idea how that one prick is… Read more »


The ‘prick’ was some bloke called Alan Smith


just shut off the sound, it kind of sad that your biggest gripe is the commentary

Mach iii

Shutting off the sound shuts off the sound and vibe of the stadium too. There are positives to take. Wenger actually had a game plan. They are one of the most in form teams in the world at the moment. I think apart from Real Madrid with their Cristiano Ronaldo magic. I don’t see many scoring against Chelsea when they sit back. It is a marvel actually how astute they are at the back. Their game plan is sit back, wait for the mistake, and score. Last season Atletico Madrid tore shit to pieces. Their main threat though, their game… Read more »


don’t put so much thought in shit talk of commentators or you will go mad
just mute those freaks


The difference between last season Arsenal and Chelsea vs this year is that Mourinho filled the gaps that needed filling, and he is not afraid to sell big players like Mata if he think he can do better like he did by bringing in Fabregas. Meanwhile Wenger says he is open to strenghten in any position if he gets the oppurtunity to do so. But that is clearly bullshit since he got the oppurtunity of a lifetime to walk the walk and not just talk the talk when Fabregas was handed to him on a silver platter. But Wenger decided… Read more »


Wenger shows faith in his players and his team. I don’t want him to be a Mourinho, a glory hound who cares only about finding a sugar daddy to fund his ambition, and he wouldn’t stay if he were. AFC is not Chelsea and that’s a good thing. It’s a club for the ages, not for “What have you done for me lately?” supporters. Yes, he’s made mistakes in personnel and in tactics. Criticism on that is fair. But if you want Arsenal to be Chelsea, then go ahead and swap jerseys, because that will never happen.


Ivanovic kicked the shit out of Alexis, never even got a talking to. He Chambers committed two soft fouls and had a yellow.


Standard Sky commentary Martin Tyler always does that. There was also barely a mention of how Cahill should’ve been off, some bollocks about not being that kind of player as if the very action that he has just done is up for debate. The worse things is that they are usually better than BT sport and fits with the there predicted narrative for the season so fair commentary isn’t likely.

We stand on guard for theo

mach iii for prez


bottom line is, we lost the match as expected….scrapping for fourth again..

Mach iii


Chelsea are in peak form.

We haven’t hit ours yet. Chelsea are unstoppable at the moment, and any team could lose at home.

2nd, competing for first is better than throwing in 4th place.


i hope you are right and we get some wins between now and year end…

I.P. from South Africa

With an embarrassing Wenger in charge Arsenal is becoming a pathetic excuse for a so-called BIG CLUB. Our defense is poor and we are devoid of any cutting edge to attack a team with solid defense. Wenger and Bould must be replaced before we will return to the Arsenal of Invincibles.

2014-2015 = the year we've been waiting for

Fuck me, this is going to be a lo~~~~~~~~~ng interlull

Me So Hornsey

Totally agree that Hazard should have been taken out by either Flam or Santi, if our raw 19 yr old right back knew when to ‘take one for the team’ doing it, it’s staggering that two of our experienced players didn’t think to do it.

Chelsea also did it all match tripping our players at the beginning of attacks. Horrible tactics but very very effective. And needed to win the big matches.

Formerly Known As El Capitano

I don’t think Chambers intended to take him out when he got booked.
It was just an accident, he just caught his heels and fell over Costa when he was trying to get goal side.

neill foo

The manager and the team is simply not good enough ! Simple as that ! How many times already we see the team let us down during big matches ? And how many more we need to make Wenger wake up from his dream ? Always a few players short and always the same excuses and always the same tactics !

Gooner from Pretoria.

Mediocre performance overall…positive jack is fit serge and Walcott returning so we can win all those fixtures…


As gunnerblog rightly pointed out, for Arsenal to do well in these games the big players have to step up. And Arsenal being a club which can only carefully splurge on the big players needs its big players to shine consistently. Therefore, it is imperative that our marquee signing i.e., Ozil does well. Which he is not. He has yet to shine in an obvious manner in a big game Whereas a Chelsea can keep splurging on big names, and even if one doesn’t come off, then another will. So, for them the imperative that a big players does well… Read more »


Not good enough in midfield. Not good enoough in defence. Not good enough wenger.

Big Chief from Antarctica

The Chelsea game said it all. One penalty and an assist which is meant to slice through our defence. That penalty was not from a wonder attack. Chelsea players were closing down on all of our players instinctively when we had the ball. There’s a picture of Wilshere from Stuart Macfarlane which highlighted that. Why can’t we do that, that example of Hazard, he went through 2 or three players before Koscielny hacked him down. And I don’t blame Koscielny, he’s usually great at man marking but Hazard is one of those players that you need several players to close… Read more »

Irish Gooner

Chelsea funneled our attack through the middle , like they always do. Which means we have to get through as many players as possible before we get near the goal. I just think tactically the players look a little stumped when our passing game isn’t working and we need more variety to break better teams down


Haxard weaved his way thru our mid and def sooo many times unchallenged. Complete joke. Where are the big players in the big games?? Fuck knows.flamini was a joke and why did aw take off santi when it was mesut who needed to be taken off for the ox. Rosicky shouldve had more than 8 mins too.

phil 44

I just don’t understand why Ozil is so lazy like a drunkard,does he go to gym? He is now useless,


We need a Matic


We are not good enough in defence in my opinion. We had to change to a 4321 formation to be able to compete with Chelsea and keep the score down. With a reported £170m in cash reserves that is ridiculous. Out with the cheque book in January.


We lost because our attack was slow..with Alex/Welbeck/Ozil you would think we would hit them fast, but more often than not, they put in their ‘reducers'(fouled us) when we started to get away and then the times we did manage to get away, we were very slow and never managed to have a 3 on 3 situation. We managed to do it once but then Wilshere fluffed it. Rest of the times we just passed around to get a clear sight of the goal which never happens with big teams.. we should have taken more shots..but our defense was culprit… Read more »


Stick together guys. Terrible performance. But let’s stay behind the team. When they come good we cream ourselves (last week Ozil against Villa was apparently ‘finding his range’) and when we (predictably) lose to a big team (which, let’s be honest about it, we are only called so at the moment because of historical reasons) we lose our shit. God someone needs to knock mourinho off his fuckin’ perch and that smug attitude. Really do want Wenger to do it. Please football Gods, let us have one 7-0 hammering of Maureen’s Chelsea at our ground at least once before Wenger… Read more »

sh gooner

I am very disappointed with the performance today. Some people are saying we did alright because we only lost 2-0 but we did not get one shot on goal! Its like our players are scared to take a shot. I also think the way we prepare ourselves for these games is criminal. Our players do not know a thing about the opposition and fail to realize that playing Chelsea/City/Liverpool away is not like other matches. -Alexis Sanchez was really surprised with Ivanovic and his little shenanigans to wind him up but he shouldn’t have been. We all know that Ivanovic… Read more »


Disappointed about yesterday, but it’s a long season and we’re only in October. Chelsea were running away with it Ancelloti’s second season there, and it all fell apart before Christmas. An injury to Costa or Fabregas, or a bad run of form, and things will change. I maintain that not buying Fabregas back was a huge mistake, but he’s not necessarily a panacea. I’m prepared to wait for a bit, but I share people’s concern with Wenger’s lack of understanding of big team games, and his seeming inability to motivate the team at times like this.

Bob the gooner

Had enough of wenger, let’s just say thanks but it’s time this great club of ours moves on and it’s time for you to go


I am not a knee jerk Wenger Out nut job, and I know we have played some tough fixtures this season, but he really should have left after that FA Cup last season. Head held high, instead we had a summer of strange transfer dealings, lack of reinforcement in the right areas, and now our habitual inability to beat any of our direct competitors. The default reaction to a post like mine is to mark it negatively, and ask me who I would get instead. Well, considering we are paying Wenger £8.5 million a year, i am sure even half… Read more »


calling moderators
post stuck in purgatory for an hour now…


Midfield goals a real problem for us at the moment. Walcott coming back will definitely help if he can avoid any post-crock crockage. Cazorla is in goalscoring decline (12 in 2012/13, 4 last season), Podolski (11,8), Wilshere (0,3), Chamberlain (2,1).

Ox and Wilshere really have to contribute in this area more, despite injuries and rotation they don’t get nearly enough for their positions.

Walcott scored 14 in 2012/13, and 5 last year before injury cutting out about 65% of his season. He is so so fucking important to us now.

Arsenal Fans

Wenger has tried hard but his best has simply not been good enough.

I think it’s clearly evident…


It pains me to read the comments on here sometimes. The negativity is horrendous. Yes we fell down(again). But I think there IS a genuine improvement in this team/squad. Chelsea are better than us at the moment and we lost a pretty tight game away from home against them. Just need to put it behind us and then press on in the weeks running up to January. Typically a good time of year


Yeah but a lot of the idiots on here are just waiting for us to lose to post, It’s their thing and they probably get more pleasure from it than if we win. I’d expect them still to be complaining even if we won the league, the UCL and FA cup, probably with some crap about being lucky or the opposition not being good. To be fair though a lot of clubs have people like them but I reckon we have more than the norm.


On the no shots on target stat, not one comment regarding how our whole attacking style last season revolved an undervalued handsome french bloke/big lad up front who could hold up play, and could also be a focal point for our midfielders to ping the ball into his feet knowing a flick on will follow. Goal of the season, and Rosicky anyone? We’ve had to change our attacking style of play whilst also blending in some excellent new recruits. We’ve witnessed some of our potential, unfortunately it will take time. Chelsea bought Fabregas, who looks for Costa and others making… Read more »


Yesterday’s match reminded me of those cartoons where a big guy holds of a little fella by placeing a hand on his forehead whist the little fella flails wildly at thin air, it was depressingly easy for Chelsea.


To be really frank I did not expect Arsenal to win but still losing to chelsea everytime is always disappointing as an arsenal fan. I never have any issues in the way Arsene wants to play but the problem is either he should have right players to support his style or try to adapt to the players he has at his disposal. Players who needs to be removed from arsenal squad to accomplish Arsene’s style of playing are Ozil, Mertasacker, Arteta, Flamini and replace all of these players and bring additionally one more center back and we should be really… Read more »

Man Manny

I don’t think we were that bad. The defending was ALMOST flawless. We managed to keep Costa quiet by cutting out supply to him thanks to great work by Wilshere and Flamini and the Back Four. If we can put in that discipline against lesser teams, I am certain we will start piling on points.
Our attack will get better with Walcott coming back.
It was a close game.
Let’s keep the faith. 31 matches still to play and I have a feeling this team will kick on from here. The fixture is favourable.
Keep the faith.


Spot on. Flam will need to be replaced. Need a more athletic DM. But I think we showed we can alter our setup


“Mertesacker: Not good enough in attack.” Sorry, Mert, but we were just not good enough – full stop. The depressing thing now is that everybody knows what’s coming. We’ve got zero chance of mounting a realistic title challenge – or winning the Champions’ League – and we’re gonna spend the rest of this season fighting to win that all-important fourth place finish. Luckily for us, Spurs, Liverpool and Everton all look like they’ll struggle too, so we’ll probably just about nick that much coveted final spot. But it could have been so much better. If we take a long-term look… Read more »

Mark Hughes

” Not when Arsenal have 100 million quid in the bank which he won’t spend. We have the money to compete but not the boss.” I didn’t realise Wenger had a 100% say on all the money that Arsenal FC currently have. I mean, I thought that the board and the owner would say yes and no to how much he could spend but apparently Arsene should just be spending it freely.


Why do you use the handle Mark Hughes? Is it because you’re dull, brainless and completely useless like him?

Mark Hughes

I commented on something you had said and you went with the classic personal attack.

Do you use the handle Fatgooner as you have fat in your head instead of a brain but happen to support Arsenal? See, I can do it as well.

serious note

why dont you answer the question mr fat? is it wenger;s decission how much of arsenal’s money goes into players?

do you let your employee run/spend/decide the budgets in your business then?

find another hobby


I don’t understand how anybody can argue with that, logically. As much as I like Le Prof and I do, I completely agree with Fats. We’re tactically naive and it’s this stubborn insistence in burying his head in the sand rather than admitting a mistake or that he was wrong that ultimately costs us year in year out. From playing arguably our best player out of position so that he’s practically impotent on the pitch (might I add that this completely ruins the dynamic of the team also) to refusing to buy players we drastically need. Arseblog has touched on… Read more »


please moderate, post stuck for 2 hours+ now…

Mark Hughes

If you’re this desperate, then your comment must be amazing. I will be waiting but you better hope it lives up to this hype……


well …urrmmm thanks for creating the hype….
(and downvoting a post meant for the moderator overlords on this site)


Welbeck, Ozil, Sanchez, Cazorla….and not one shot on target. Even fuckin’ Bolton and Leicester managed that. It was time for change ages ago.


Wenger can no longer complain about financial issues. We have the money there. We have money from kit deals, we have once again raised ticket prices?!

And our squad is paid more than Chelskis!

The whole World can see, we lack a World Class striker! And a Khedira type DM.

Come January, if We are still in the chase for the title, please, please lord Wenger will at least buy 1 of those!


can’t see Wenger buying a Striker anytime soon. just signed Welbeck and Giroud is signing a contract extension. a DM is more likely.

Up The Arse Nal

“Not Good Enough In Attack”. Or defence. Or midfield.
Not good enough but not shameful.

American Gunner

No Per, two goals came from two individuals against your defense


I missed the game yesterday but from what I’ve been told by those watching we played the same formation that has been miserably bad for us all season with Ozil on the left. Can anybody explain to me please, if this is the case, why we chose to do this against a team as good as Chelsea? Surely any sensible person would choose a formation such as the one used at Villa that accentuates our strengths. Our defensive midfield capabilities are hardly a secret so surely we should give our best players the opportunity to play in their favoured positions?… Read more »


We do this because this is Wilshere’s year. Not Arsenal’s year, this is Wilshere’s year to prove everyone wrong and prove Arsene right. And who cares if we lose Ozil’s potency and a few points along the way?


As much as they concede goals, “Van Gaal’s laughable United”, on current form, are going to out-score many teams and finish above us in the table.

Perhaps a little humility is required.

Mark Hughes

They have won the last two games 2-1, so if they kept that scoreline up then they will out-score most teams. However, they do only have +1 GD more than Arsenal, so it’s not like they’re scoring freely. Before those 2-1 victories, they lost 5-3 to Leicester.


mate, it’s not about the GD. That wasn’t my point. My point was that they win when we draw. They keep out-scoring the opposition, when we don’t and “Van Gaal’s laughable United” are going to be pipping us to 3rd/4th.

Hate to say it but we shouldn’t write them off. Not with flippant comments such as “laughable”.

Much the same could be said of Ozil’s performance yesterday. Except the words “weak”, “feeble” and “pathetic” might be more appropriate.

AS17 is for A.Sanchez not

Had anyone seen United’s fixtures! please. swansea. sunderland. burnley. qpr. leicester. west ham. everton.
Then arsenal’s. crystal palace. everton. leicester. man city. aston villa. sp*rs. chelsea.
except playin an everton side who travelled to russia on thursday and missed a penalty. there’s no team that united has faced that finished in top six! sides they dont have any midweek commitments. If we had the same run of fixtures, with no weekday games, we would be leading the table! stop flattering those buggers

Follow the money

Bielsa has Marseille in 1st place. We could have gotten him and been on the road to improvement. Change is needed at Arsenal. Badly. Fortune favors the brave

Black Hei

While you are at it how about Klopp, Brendan Rodgers, Martinez, Simeone and Moyes doing by the way?

palace gunner

Pers is not the fastest defender on foot but can read the game, chavs first goal leading to pen was an attack from into pen box fast dribbling, the second goal was a cross from to costa that stunned and caught defence off track as the team tried to score a goal kosc and sczny were caught out chavs with cesc shows coyg,


just took a little time travel back to to the early 2000’s Arsenal. man what a team, what players, personalities, leaders. and i’m not even talking about the amazing quality we had back then compared to now… very few players in the current squad give me that ‘Arsenal’ vibe (to me only Mertesacker, Koscielny and the home grown Wilshere and Gibbs).


Yup, sad that none of the current players would be starters for the invincibles.

Bush Hill Gooner

I agree with some of the posts today saying that for all our honest huff and puff we are simply not good enough at the moment to compete with a team like Chelsea. It pains me to say this but it’s true. We can go round in circles blaming our defence or attack or tactics but it won’t make much difference. We will probably finish 4th again this season which is our realistic level when jou consider the spending power and squads of Chelsea, City and United. Again, painful but true in my view. I’ll finish with a question for… Read more »


Maybe Sanchez.


Sanchez for Schurrle and Gibbs for Azuelpucueta (spelling…), maybe Ozil for Oscar, but based on Oscars performance, no way.


Other than Costas goal and one breakaway where he fed Hazard i thought he was marshaled very well by Merts and Kos.. For a defender or keeper one mistake is a goal..Attackers win you matchs and they get all the plaudits…But for instance..Ozil and Sanchez made numerous mistakes when losing possesion or failing to control the ball or being shrugged off it. As a game of football they where shite as the team made hardly any chances and neither did anything productive..Those are the margins in football..Costa got a goal off one mistake…Our attackers did not make Chelsea make one… Read more »


The tough thing is that this Arsenal side is not far away from challenging for honors. I just don’t trust Wenger to do it. If he can’t get us a top 4 spot this time he must let someone else continue his work. His players haven’t delivered for him. Someone else needs to be ruthless and get rid of the average performers and bring in some winning mentality to go with the quality.


What Gooners need to be asking themselves is will anyother TOP manager in Europe getting paid 8 million a year start the season with Arteta as his main DM? Will Morinhho or Pellegrini have Arteta as their midfield lynchpin? There lies our problem. When Chelsea sold Matic 2 seasons ago where was Wenger? Or whem ManU let Pogba go or when Celtic ven sold Wanyama? even Diame has scored 3 goals already this season, solid guy from midfield, apart from Ramsay how many of our midfielders scored 5 goals the whole of last season? Enough of this 8 million con… Read more »

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