Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger to escape push punishment

Arsene Wenger looks likely to escape any punishment for his shoving match with Jose Mourinho because referee Martin Atkinson dealt with the incident at the time by issuing a verbal warning to both managers.

Incensed by Gary Cahill’s first half two-footed challenge on Alexis Sanchez, the boss was caught on camera giving the Chelsea coach ‘a little’ push as he bound down the touchline in an attempt to check on the wellbeing of his crumpled Chilean striker.

Broken up before Wenger could lay out the mouthy Portuguese tw*t with a ‘Paul Davis’ the incident was repeatedly raised by the media after the game only for both parties to play it down.

Even without the threat of punishment there’s probably a good chance the FA will waste a couple of stamps writing to Arsenal about the scuffle, no doubt throwing in a couple of lines about not shaking hands at full time and the fact the visiting Gooners set off a few flares before kick-off.

Of a bigger concern for the boss is the fact his side have now gone 15 games without a win against Chelsea, Manchester United and Manchester City.

Looking very frustrated as he spoke to Arsenal Player, Wenger remained adamant that his side had put in a decent shift even though they left the Bridge with nothing to show for it.

“A point was in it. It was down to us not to make defensive mistakes and use the dangerous situations we had and I think we were a bit short on both sides.

“We made a defensive mistake at the moment when we couldn’t afford to do it, and also when it was 1-0 and we were all over them I felt it was important not to concede a second goal. We did produce a good performance and both keepers had no saves to make.

“There was not a big difference today but we did not get the result that we wanted.”

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Both keepers had no saves to make? So how did we concede two?

I love Wenger, but sometimes I wish he would choose his words a bit carefully.

Gotta say the result still hurts this morning, probably down to the manner of defeat. Can’t believe we didn’t get a single shot on target…

Formerly Known As El Capitano

I think Arsene was right to kick off in the manner in which he did. Maureen clearly had made a point in his pre match tactics about getting his team to kick us off the park. Any little opportunity they were dishing out cynical fouls to stop us picking up any sort of groove or momentum in our passing game, and sadly it worked once again. Atkinson absolutely bottled it and he should of sent Cahill packing, it was a truly shocking challenge. If Sanchez had his foot planted it could of been so much worse, the reaction on Cahill’s… Read more »

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

Too many IFs and could have should have is the our story for the last 10 years :(.

Here some more IFs for you…
If we had signed the right players instead of 6 attacking midfielder.
If all our players were fit.
If we didn’t play Ozil on the wing and we have 4 wingers.
If we had a plan to play like an away team.
If we had a better manager and less stubborn!!!!!!!!!!.

If, if, if ….


What a terribly naïve comment, teams have been playing like this against us for years, it’s the managers fault for not coming up with a plan to counteract it.

Wenger knows what’s coming but chooses to do nothing about it and when the result is the same he just moans about it. It gets boring.

I actually felt embarrassed seeing him push Mourinho, he’s so out of his depth that he’s resulted to shoving him. It’s pathetic.


Mou deserves alot worse. just sayin


As soon as we wanted to break chelski players made sure we couldn’t, a little kick not to bring the player down but just to stop the run, we could have done the same, we need to do the same.
We need to smart up not play better, coz we played well yesterday.


Bloody well said. As soon as Hazard has the ball our defenders stand off him and dance around like fairies. We get the ball they kick us and shut us down instantly. The ref allowed this to go on so why the fuck can’t the players wise up and do likewise? It has to be said we just don’t prepare ourselves for this shit. Nor do we train how to shoot the ball. Both of which could really help us in the game. But it has to be said we were certainly better than last year and that’s about the… Read more »


We could allow tackles back in training, just saying.

A Yank

Probably leave us with 3 fit first team players by mid-Novemeber. Just saying.


Our maybe it’ll finally toughen our players up a bit & get their bodies used to impact……love them, but it can’t be denied that an overwhelming majority are cream puffs in the physicality department.


Saffa Gooner

We can’t do the same because our players will get cards.


He should have knocked the cunt out. I can imagine Wenger going home post game, blasting some fucking cannibal corpse and lifting weights, getting ready for the showdown at the Emirates


It was a terrible sight to see. I’m not talking of the spat but the whole 90 mins. Chelsea were sort of like “meh its only Arsenal” characterized by ridiculous yet precise wing to wing passes by Matic, field day for hazard all over the pitch. Ozil being bundled over with ease etc

We’ve fallen. fallen i tells ya!


Scratch that, hell in a cell match at the Emirates. Cesc as special guest referee! Who doesn’t want to see this?!


Chelsea’s defense are bloody awesome. Best keeper in the world, best RB in the EPL, great CBs (that was hard to type), and a LB that can also play RB. They even have Felipe Luis on the bench as a sub! That is scary good. We couldn’t get anywhere near their net. Matic is an amazing player as well. Say what you want about their tactics (well timed fouls), but you can’t deny we were bullied in this game. We are not close to competing against them in the league, I’m afraid… Yes, Cahill should have had a red card… Read more »


we need a matic type player,full stop! did ya’ll see the way he skipped past kosc’s what appeared to be an awesome challenge,with ease! am still annoyed that wenger can’t for a change infuriate mourinho!


Mourinho is the most arrogant ignorant person ever involved in football, he has no respect for any footballers or managers, it is all about himself.

He is one hateful human being, and how Chelsea fans can stand behind him and have his back, tells you all you need to know about Chelsea Football Club and their fans. Pure dirt.


Arsene is just as arrogant & probably more stubborn, but at least Mourinho can back it up with results. Arsene literally can’t say anything in his own defense when it comes down to what matters verse Mourinho & that is WINS/TROPHIES. Sucks, but it’s true & has been since Jose started in England…..upsetting facts, but facts nonetheless.


Wenger gave the cunt the lesson of his cunt
PS-Even costa was scared of flamini yesterday………….that man really has the spirit of gattuso!


Dude, NOBODY is scared of Flamini…..they look at him going crazy with confusion, not fear. What is “tough” about Flamini? Just a lightweight French rent boy that screams a lot & goes into tackles very recklessly so he seems “tough”. Song was a WAY more intimidating figure for us & opposing players used to walk away when they saw him walking to whatever shoving match was going on. Better DM than Flamini too, even with his “walkabouts”, but that’s not saying much.

Fool of a Took

This CFC side is frustrating to play against, but you do have to admire their defensive skills. All the minor fouls the commit every time we are about to brake is performed perfectly. Just enough to make sure our players falls down, but not enough to get yellow cards.

I admire Wenger for sticking to his philosophy, but sometimes I wish our players could be just as ruthless when it comes to disrupting the opponents attacks.

p.s. Mourinho is a cunt..


Except for that 100% obvious red card tackle in the first 10 minutes which should have seen them end up with a point at best. But which the ref just waved off with a yellow because it was an English player who made the tackle and it’s in the first 10 minutes.

With proper refereeing that game comes out totally differently because Mou’s plan backfires on itself.


You should be over on Untold, they’d love you over there…..bunch of brainwashed “everyone is against us” loonies. We had ZERO shots….could a red change the match, of course. But that didn’t stop us from having absolutely NO THREAT ALL MATCH at the Chavs goal.

A Yank

It’s strange in the US the broadcast must have shown 20 replays of Welbeck’s tackle on Cesc and how it was ridiculous he wasn’t sent off, but there was barely a fucking mention of Cahill’s tackle. It’s fucking maddening. What makes me even more incensed is the “Well, Chambers and Welbeck and Koscienly all could have been sent off so Arsenal actually got that better of it” replies. Uh, no. If your point is that Atkinson was shit, I’m not going to argue against that. But if he gets the Cahill card right (and it was an easy red), then… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

no need for the FA to intervene as Platini is already preparing a letter banning AW for 11bn games for pushing darling Jose…

Springbank 1965

Chelsea fans are so proud of their manager and what he brings to their club.

That says everything about them.

Arsenal fans likewise.


a “winning at all costs” mentality VS a “good enough” mentality

Adedoyin Adeyemo

A defensive milfielder coud have stopped Eden but we don’t have,our coach is our problem he knows what he want but he won’t just do it.A very strong milfielder then our team is complete don’t forget that we also need a CB and RB


– Chelsea were physically stronger – Chelsea won every 50/50 challenge – Chelsea broke-up arsenal play with little fouls – Chelsea frustrated arsenal it just boils down to intelligence and a big-game mentality – we don’t have that at the moment. tactically we set-up well which was a surprise…but nothing else. no one was up for a fight. that is the major disappointment – if we rolled up our sleeves and said “let’s go to war” I think we would have seen a different result…it was that fine of a margin. I’m gutted…everything was there for a result. I need… Read more »


I thought if5 was a close game. Nothing to chose between the teams. Sadly we did not make or take enough chances. The depressing part is the two sucker punch goals we conceded. Take down Hazard. Better defend the lobbed through pass and it would have been even. I take heart that we can grow stronger and get the season going. No doom or gloom. No. It is not an invim6cible season. But we can take positives and push on.


I don’t like Mourinho any more than most, so I was quite surprised by his reaction to this incident. I was totally expecting him to blow it completely out of proportions and drag Wenger to court or something, but instead he just brushed it off as a “in the heat of the moment” kind of thing.

He definitely reacted in the right way, but then again – it’s much easier to behave properly when you’re winning than losing. If they had lost, I suspect he would’ve gone crazy after the match.

Mark Hughes

I enjoyed Arsene’s smile to the bench after Atkinson told them both off.


Will Atkinson get away for his poor performance ?

I know the Premier League is well known for its physicality but it doesn’t mean you can allow everything.

Unfortunately, Chelsea players took advantage of that (and they really know how to).


Unfortunately there’s nothing unusual about that ref performance in a chelsea v arsenal game. Wenger should be used to it by now. For some reason English referees are very sympathetic to the “foul your way through a big game” strategy Chelsea is the biggest proponent of.

I would love to say it was a scandal that Cahill didn’t get a red card but it really wasn’t. Although it is a 100% by the book red card offense, I bet Cahill gets a red there less than 20% of the time with an English ref.


Even the FA know that Mourinho is a CUNT.
They should send Arsene some flowers and a congratulatory message too.

fresh prince

Do you mean Atkinson should be punished retrospectively along with welbeck getting a retrospective red not to mention Koscielny?


We had more chances than Chelski but fluffed them all. We need to be more clinical in these big games as chances are always limited!!


what match did you watch?

Merlin's Panini

I’d have knocked the little weasel’s lights out. I think all opposition managers should just punch Mourinho in every game. He might eventually get the message that he’s just a massive cunt.


Actually it was calculated cowardice from Arsene to confront him face on, knowing full well his opponents prowess lies in sneaking up from behind.

Dan the Arsenal Fan

Actually proud of Arsene. Chelsea plays like a bunch of bullies. Need to stand up and push back. Actually could use a few more players with that mentality IMO.

Llambro Stefan Pali

It feels that as soon as Mourinho brought his antics back to the EPL he has poisoned the well..

It’s not all about you.


Props to Wenger.




I can’t even imagine what the reaction would be like had it been mourinho who shoved wenger.


Our players are busy taking selfies at the training ground, so soft, anytime Wilshere starts we always find it difficult to score ( he thinks he’s playing FIFA). Nobody steps up during these top tough matches. No individual brilliance from any of them. We just fucking predictable.

Focus on your team

Take Mourinho out and Wenger still CONSISTENTLY fails against any decent side (forget top sides). I only care about Arsenal; I dont care if it is Chelsea or Sheffield Wednesday, or Charlton, or Real Madrid. I don’t give a rats ass about Chelsea or Mourinho – that misses the point.

Just two Qtr Finals wins in the Champions League in almost 20yrs.
3 League Titles when there was only one team to compete against.

Wenger has been trying his hardest; its just not been good enough. Sorry.


Please can we stop this nonsense made up stat about 0 win in 15 versus United, City & Chelsea. So what. Why these 3. You can take a sample size of your choice and say whatever you want with the stay. Why not add Swansea, Everton and Southampton to make it 0 win in 18. Yes our results against the so called top 4 is dodgy but add Liverpool to that mix and the stat about 0 wins becomes meaningless.


The 15 versus United, City and Chelsea means the last 5 matches against each of them. Or to put it another way, we haven’t beaten any of them for over 2 seasons in the Premier League. You’re just randomly adding 3 particular games against 3 teams that we lost/drew against recently – which doesn’t really have an validity in showing our form against the top runners for league. Liverpool last year was the first time Liverpool were in the top 4. And if you look at their last 5 years you can see why you might exclude them. 2013/14 –… Read more »


Looking at the previous 5 games against those teams, it was 5 wins from 15. Showing our form against the top teams has got considerably worse in the last 2-3 years.

last man standing

Bad result. But it’s good to see Wenger showing some “grit” afterall. Should have gone further and bitten the cuntinho’s nose off!


Leave the biting to Suarez!


I enjoyed Arsene pushing Jose. I can read lips and he said. “Sit down you little clown. I’m from Alsace and I’ll kick your ass”


The two managers should have met behind Stamford Bridge after the game. Wenger may be 67, but I bet he could have taken the MOUth.


No matter what you Think of mou – and I too think he’s a despicable creature – I hate to see wenger fall to that level. To me it’s almost as frustrating to see wenger lose his calmness and class as watching us lose yet again to Chelsea.

Saffa Gooner

Wenger rose to that level.


Pick me!

Black Hei

Nobody likes Mou, not even the FA. Wenger laid his paws on Mou twice and got away with it.


Just trying to lip read Arsene…does he say “fuck off” to the little lizard?


Lizards resent the comparison.


Kos challenge was NOT a red card offense. He got done by hazard and left a leg a flappin’.

Saffa Gooner

That little push meant a lot to me. Mourinho was caught totally unawares and he was rattled. Well played Wenger, it’s nice to see the hunger for a change.


But how long will the touchline ban from UEFA be?

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