Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Poldi: I don’t need a kiss from Arsene, but…

Lukas Podolski has accused Arsene Wenger of a lack of respect, claiming the Frenchman did not bother to wish him farewell as he left Arsenal for a six-month loan with Inter Milan.

The German international, who scored 19 goals in 60 league appearances since signing from Cologne in 2012, agreed a moved to the Serie A giants last week after growing increasingly frustrated at his lack of game time at the Emirates.

In a parting shot, that appears to sever any chance of the 29-year-old seeing out the final year of his Gunners’, Podolski told The Sun [paywalled]:

“He said nothing to me. He did not call me or say goodbye. I don’t need flowers or a kiss from him but it is about respect, about saying goodbye. For me respect is important.

“I did everything for the club I possibly could have. I don’t believe I did anything wrong. I did not get drunk in a club. I had a great time at Arsenal, I want to thank the fans and the club.

“If I had been given a run of five or 10 games and played really shit, then I could say: ‘Fair enough, I am not good enough.’

“I didn’t play much and Inter gave me the chance. I had a good chat with [Roberto] Mancini and he made it easy to come. I’m at my best when I play in the middle as a No 10 or a striker but we will see what the manager wants. He is a great coach, he has great experience from Manchester City and is a great name in Europe and the world.”

If Arsene Wenger responds in this morning’s press conference, we’ll be sure to update this article. Don’t hold your breath…

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You know Poldi may be a pretty decent footballer but he’s an even smarter guy when it comes to the media


Having attended a meeting with him and his media team, I can confirm that he’s a canny man indeed.

Shame his career with us had to come to an abrupt halt like this. Not too fussed though.


I thought he is on loan, so it isn’t necessarily a goodbye from Arsene. Who may have other things to do as well.

I agree with the point on media savviness, this looks like a case of using the media to burn bridges.

James B

Poldi acting like a little Brat. I’ll tell you why the boss didn’t say goodbye – because you ran off to inter acting like a little bitch instead of fighting for your place like a man. His shift against the saints in COC was shocking. Not good enough for the German team to start. Not good enough for Arsenal to start. And now we have a future and living LEGEND in Sir Alexis in your spot who’s attitude and dignity is beyond exemplary that I cannot think of the words to justify how good our Chilean is. So fuck off… Read more »


Arsene knows best right?


That COC game was a long time ago. I’m pretty sure there were times that he could’ve come in and helped out the team. You sound like a bitter fan. He did not bad mouth the club in any way and he was very respectful throughout. What he said here was not disrespectful either.

James B

Bitter fan ?? Not in the slightest. I am a fan of the thing that’s most important – this club and it’s manager. Poldi is a player that thinks he’s slightly above everywhere he’s been – Bayern, National team, now us. Has he really ever dominated in either team ? Does he have talent ? Obviously. But does he have the work ethic to track back and protect his LB ? No. Weng watches these players day in day out behind the scenes and knows exactly who’s the right person for the job. If he had just stuck his head… Read more »


Get over yourself already, Poldi….. bighead, arrogant or what!


A little over the top there, mate.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Wenger can treat some players badly. It is uncharacteristic of him but factual. Gilberto had a good season, went on vacation and before he returned, Wenger already took the armband from him and gave it to Gallas with no prior discussion. Guys, remember ? Wenger’s attitude shows he too regrets what it could have been with Poldi.


However per AW: “It is just a loan without an option to buy. That means he is back at the end of the season.”



Dunno why but I hope Inter’s LB gets injured and the reserve gets injured too making Mancini deploy Poldi in that position


To what end?

ZA Gunner

I hope Poldi scores 75 goals in the second half of the season and we can sell him for huge money in the summer…


Why sell a player that scores 75 goals in half a season?


because it’s Wenger. If you take out all the two minute appearances I think his goal to game ratio is something like 1 in every 2. If I could be arsed to look into it again I think he’s second only to Alexis.

Gus Caesar

Scoring goals is not the only job that footballers have, they also have to play as part of a team and do other things such as helping out teammates and closing down the opposition.

Gus Caesar

Because a) he doesn’t and b) he offers nothing other than a nice shot.

Canon Fodder

What an utterly stupid remark!


We all love Poldi. Fact is though, he didn’t fit. Really does sound like he wanted flowers and or a kiss. He sounds like one of my exes with all that “At least say good bye…” They never mean it They want the whole shibang!


As he said maybe if he had a decent run of a dozen games we may have seen a different player.
He never really had that so it’s hard to judge him. He may not have been the most energetic of players but we bought him as a striker not a defender.
Had we been better in defence or had the midfield been organised to help the defence out more then maybe players like poldi wouldn’t be judged so much on their apparent lack of defensive duties.


He played salot of games for arsenal and it was pretty apparent what he could offer and what not. A good squad player but not a starter int the current team.


Puzzled why Wenger didn’t give him a call to say goodbye. That’s just common courtesy.


I’m puzzled too … can we say it is also common courtesy to expect Poldi to give AW a call and bid farewell?


Why would Wenger call him and say goodbye? He is not leaving for good and also he faked an injury not to play against Southampton when he forced his way out for loan deal. Not ideal from a player who wants to help the team, is it? If any courtesy, he should call Wenger and thank him and say goodby?

Hugh Jarse

Sounds a bit like Yaya Toure and his birthday cake bollocks to me


Except that Yaya is an exceptional player that works for and with his team, whereas Poldi expects his team to work for him…


The Sun… A reputable and upstanding member of proffesional journalism … Forgive me if I take this with a table spoon of salt

Black Hei

Yup, Podolski is not one to slag his mouth off. As usual, we will see a denial. This is like Gervinho all over again.

Gus Caesar

Respect is important for Podolski, except when he’s constantly bleating to the media about how hard done by he is and agitating for a move and then respect for his manager and colleagues seemingly goes out of the window. He had ample opportunities but failed to recognise that football is a team game and that the best teams are ones that work and close down as a unit – you just have to see Anderlecht’s third to know everything about Podolski. It was always a very odd signing anyway that didn’t make much sense; he had no track record of… Read more »


fck yeah, spot on. I never quite understood why we signed him, because I disaggree with most ppl claiming Podolski is an intelligent guy… what the… From what I gathered from the National team and his time in the Bundesliga, he always struck me as one of the most retarded peasants I have ever come accross, along the lines of Mathäus, who was a much better footballer imo. Lukas’ use of se German language is rather poor and simplistic and his use of the media stems from his convivial manner. Rather than letting his football do the talking, he likes… Read more »


He’s technically gone on loan…shouldn’t the goodbyes be saved for when he’s officially transferred away? I know he may be gone for good already but until that’s official why act like it is? Being a bit of a Bendtner here poldi…


Top man this Poldi lad, know how to reach a crowd. No, seriously, he works the media like a pro. Good to see him putting some of those 90k a week to good use in a quality PR team.


Another victim of Arsene’s stubbornness to play someone where they can perform well…All the best Poldi!

Gus Caesar

Which is where exactly?


At Inter 😛


lol very good


90k a wk bench warmer.
See ya.


90k a week bench warmer. Make it sound as if he didn’t want to play. He could have sat there every week collecting his cash grinning happily amongst the rest of the bench but he was frustrated and wanted to play. I can’t knock him for that!

How much are we paying Diaby?


Nothing – diaby is on a pay to play contract


Thanks didn’t know


He’s not on a pay as you contract. That’s an internet myth. No quotes from Diaby or Arsenal ever on this.


I never liked him
PR Whore

Dale Cooper

It’s repeatedly been reported Diaby doesn’t and hasn’t accepted his wages when he’s been injured for a couple of years.


no one ever quotes any source much less an inside source much less a reliable source even an un reliable source re diaby pay play contract,its not as if wengers wage systems have been savvi in the past,if i was on that contract id scream it from the rooftops in the media to get fans on side

Dale Cooper

I seem to re-call reading about it in an interview Diaby did about his work is muslim communities. I could be wrong though.

Perry S.

lol way to save face

Dale Cooper

Are you referring to me? Yeah, I’m desperate to impress, princess.
I was replying to people claiming Diaby hadn’t said anything himself in relation to him not accepting his wages when he’s injured.


Any source at all then?……..
Internets a big,big place

Gus Caesar

You think Diaby isn’t also frustrated and wanting to play? Unlike Diaby Podolski had the good fortune of not being beset by injuries (I won’t say fitness given his arse barely fitted through the dressing room door…). There’s only one man to blame for Podolski failing at Arsenal and that’s Podolski.


Gus because a man is not lightening fast it doesn’t mean he isn’t fit. Looks pretty healthy to me thought you had somehow diverted to arshavin when you were talking about fat. I was responding to wages and not playing.

Gus Caesar

He doesn’t look fit to me and it was pretty obvious that he didn’t to Wenger. My issue with him was that he was a lazy sod who didn’t do enough when he played.


I was impressed when we signed him mate. And his hoal per game tally is gd etc etc. But he wasnt a team player in my eyes. Not enough kms chasing back imo. Thats why i think its 90k a wk well be better off.

Gus Caesar



Poldi…Arsene showed you respect by allowing you to leave on loan because you were frustrated on bench…that’s how Arsene showed you respect

MAYBE he wants you to comeback after loan spell?? So he might have thought why waste a goodbye hwen you are anyways coming back …


what if…

Arsene: Goodbye Poldi!
Poldi:I will be back(terminator style)


Get Kim Kallstrom Back!

Black Hei

Get the poometer for Gundogan up! The toilet’s going to go bust!


Nailed on that one he’s just spent 14 months out injured. Welcome aboard Ilkay!


Well boo hoo hoo. If it’s not birthday cakes, it’s phone calls. He just went down in my estimation. You’re sub for Germany as well by the way. Suck it up mate!

Black Hei

“I’m at my best when I play in the middle as a No 10 or a striker.”



Because we were going to play poldi down the middle and shunt Özil and cazorla out of the way to make room.


Nothing against Poldi, really wish it had worked out for him but he agitated for above all season and reading between the lines he forced his move to Inter. At a time when arsenal are struggling for form that doesn’t sound like player giving everything for the club, f’ing annoying and selfish if you ask me. Not surprised he didn’t recieve a nice send off, possibly the manager and club have better and more important things to do than to make sure Poldi’s feelings are shown respect. Jesus, grow up. If you want out, then go and shut the fck… Read more »

Gus Caesar

Precisely. The sense of entitlement is bewildering.


Sometimes you have to look out for number one, in this case Poldi realised he was being under utilised and under appreciated.Why kill your career being a bench warmer when you can go elsewhere and play? All the best Poldi.


Quite frankly he’s lost a lot of credit over this move. Apparently he’s already “a fan favourite” or “icon” or something rather at Inter, say “the supporters” in the papers. Wonder how he managed that in hardly a week and by playing 20 minutes against Juve. Good media work there, Polds. I always thought he’s a decent and modest guy, but I’m starting to think that he’s basically putting on that loveable geezer act, but thinks rather highly of himself. He seriously said he wants to be “an Internazionale club legend like Ronaldo, Zanetti, Klinsmann, Brehme, Matthäus etc” – in… Read more »


It was a press conference for the Inter fans. It helps to get the fans onside with compliments and mentioning former greats of the club. Don’t think they would take to him if he said ” I’m only here for six months then I might look for new avenues if we don’t do well”.

Piss takers are people like Nasri and Van Persie


True, you have to play to the gallery. But how he becomes an ‘Interisti idol’ just by holding up an Inter scarf at the airport is still beyond me. He’s charmed the socks off them already – let’s hope he has the goals to follow that up.


because he an stablished international, something they havent signed in a while?

I’d rather say how sanogo and welbz has charmed so many fans already

Perry S.

they haven’t but welbz is hands down a better overall player.


Welbz has won the fans on his side because he puts a shift in and chases back every game even when he isn’t playing well.


“I had a good chat with [Roberto] Mancini and he made it easy to come.”
That’s…quite an accomplishment. Mancini didn’t even need to touch him to make him come. Roberto you silver tongued devil!


Saying goodbye is always hard, especially for a man as passionate as Arsene. I’m sure he was sat looking at a phone he couldn’t bring himself to dial listening to “viva forever” by the spice girls on a loop.


I heard Mancini did give him flowers.

Raúl Duarte

He’s asking for respect? He didn’t show respect and/or proffesionalism claiming “injury” against Soton and playing for Inter 2 days later


He allways did say “give me 10 games”. At Cologne he was a striker, and striker is his most comfortable position alltthugh Germany mostly deployed him on the wing, but they took into account his defensive deficiencies and worked around it. But Poldi did not get many chances up top at Arsenal which to me is a bit strange when Sanogo had so many chances despite being inexperienced, incapable of scoring and not really doing much. Then you would think the most clinical man in Europe would get a few more chances to gel with the team in this position… Read more »

Gus Caesar

There’s a big difference between Koln and The Arsenal and that’s the difference. You can get away with being workshy at a club where the expectations aren’t high but at the top clubs the competition is fierce and you have to grab any chance you get. The same principle applies to everyone including Campbell, Rosicky and Akpom – when you get your chance grab it because it might not come again.


So how do you explain him scoring a brace only to be dropped for the next game??
I bet if it was giroud saying this, people would agree with him because he “has nice hair”
Wenger did not use podolski to the best of his ability, simple as that.
Poldi was the best finisher in this club.

Gus Caesar

Quite simple – his all round game wasn’t good enough. Being a good finisher alone is not sufficient, you need to play as part of a unit and be prepared to do the dirty work as well as the nice attacking stuff, there can be no passengers in a team. For me Podolski never did enough to show that he was a complete player, he left his full-backs exposed and didn’t track back when he was played wide left and he couldn’t hold the ball up when he played up top.


And Giroud’s all round game is superb right??
Just like giroud is a poor finisher and lacks mobility yet wenger plays to his strengths, why wasn’t the same done with poldi…
I dunno about you, but i’d def take poldi’s finishing over giroud “great hold up play” and whatever seeing that its a striker’s job to score and CLEARLY poldi is a better finisher.


What you mean like the way ozil does soo much defensive work when he plays on the left?


He didn’t get a game at Arsenal because Arsene looked at his stat sheet after training and saw that he didn’t do enough. Compared to Sanago who most likely does do a lot, I’m not comparing talent, but work rate.

Players like Podolski require daily admiration and celebrity status. Self centred and I’m sure he will forget Arsenal with relative ease.



I’ll add that the story probably is true, he won’t want Arsenal fans clogging up his Instagram feeds any more, he craves new fans.


Really?? self centered?? Because he rightly complained about not playing enough??
Did you call giroud self centered when he said he didn’t want us to sign a striker despite being in average form??

Gus Caesar

Rightly complained? If he spent as much time working hard and being part of a team as he did whingeing to the press like a girl he might have carved out a career at Arsenal.


Agreed, but take offence at the whingeing ‘like a girl’.


Yeah self centred, because he didn’t work hard enough to earn a starting place. You can’t bring your Cologne ego and expect the same level of celebrity at Arsenal. Expecting to play centre forward every game. Famous on Facebook, not on the pitch. He’s probably a narcissist, they will drop you like a hat when you are of no use to them any more. In his mind he’s not loaned, but transferred!


What “cologne ego” are you talking about?? did poldi look like the arrogant type to you??
He was professional about not being played as a striker till the likes of sanogo were picked over him…

Perry S.

Giroud never said that. when we were in for suarez he stated he wanted the competition and that s big team like arsenal needed for goal scorers. please, giroud works his socks off for the team even if he’s not banging in 30 goals a season (mind you poldi wouldn’t either).?


And this season when giroud was playing with welbz up front, i saw more dedication in him and more than one time giroud tracking back in front our box to help the defense and the team with defensive duties when welbz stayed up top and vise versa.


Seriously…i could post a link if you want. when asked about signing higuain, he said he wouldn’t be happy about it. He was fine with suarez because “they could play together”.


He’s right about not getting a run in the team. Never got a chance to prove himself and yes, he is a STRIKER so why all the talk about him not defending?
How Danny Wellbeck got in the team ahead of him I’ll never know…

Gus Caesar

He got plenty of chances but failed to impress sufficiently each time.


Well put mate!


said it before he was long gone before Giroud’s injury “the teams style of play does’nt fit poldies” nuf said

Dale Cooper

Am I the only one who remembers Poldi starting at CF for an extended run towards the end of the 12-13 season, when Giroud wasn’t available, and him barely touching the ball every game? He was awful there, and he had his chance. This is coming from someone who rates him on the left wing, in certain games at least.

Wrighty's Gold Tooth

He’s lost a lot of my respect with these comments. No need whatsoever..

igor stepanovs

disgruntled player has a pop at manager who didn’t play him. who would have thought?



Arsene Wenger becomes more of an arse for every day that passes by. You are not a single piece better towards some of your players than Alex Ferguson was. You should feel ashamed over yourself arsene wenger.


You’re trying too hard.

Perry S.

I feel like some Internet arsenal fans are just as mentally retarded as poldi with his social media bullshit.


WFB detected.


I get that too, no need to name names….. we all know who they are….

Mark Hughes

Maybe he just didn’t see him when he had to go.


Wonder what this means for ze German experiment.


Poldi is a narcissist. Anyone constantly on social media telling you about every single detail if their life usually is. Recently opened a FB account myself, but I’m amazed at how many ‘look at me’ types are on this planet. I don’t care about your insignificant achievement of running 3 miles in 23 minutes. Or that you bench pressed 110 kilos yesterday, 4 kilos more than you’ve ever benched. Or your new shoes. Yes. My life was not enriched in any way by your brand new size 9s from Clarks. Or your dinner. Had a glass of wine and a… Read more »

Gus Caesar

Wish Podolski actually had run 3 miles in 23 minutes. 1 mile in 90 minutes would’ve been an improvement…


Ha ha!


you are not a hugger


Lol he came on as a sub for inter against juve and played on the fucking LEFT! Not s striker or number 10! Get used to it mate. Italian teams took you because the pace and quality is about your standard of work rate. How exposed will Milan be with you and shaquiri not tracking back? A goodbye? Wenger is a busy man and your a shit CF! You don’t even touch the ball for 90 mins upfront. The 90k a week is a good enough “your only going on loan because you don’t work hard enough” goodbye.


I never liked him
PR Whore

I love Diaby

Just imagine if Diaby had Poldi luck with injuries
Oh well
He’s burnt his bridges with that Sun interview
Hell be sold by the Summer

And Diaby’s contract ends this Summer


…. but, wish id kicked him in the nuts on the way out!


Why, why why, why do people so easily change???? I know and almost certain all these angry rants are simply because he left Arsenal. If a player leaves for money, you call him nam£$, but For God’s Sake, he left for playing time, yet its still even more bitter rants. Let this BS end. Why should he rot on the bench at 29 years of age when he could be playing elsewhere. Even if not a goodbye call, at least a fair well message should have been sent, courtesy demands that, on both sides. You wish him well for those… Read more »


…but its a loan no? Surely he doesn’t think he is off permanently yet so why the kiss and goodbye.

If he doesn’t perform at Inter, he will be back on our bench.



Call me naive but in this day and age surely no footballer is allowed to tweet/facebook/Instagram anything without being checked. Poldi has people who are well paid to do all this for him. Or do you really think he can photoshop and design images and speak 10 languages!? So it’s rubbish for anyone (especially Matthaeus) to say that’s all he does…because he doesn’t! Same goes for a press conference. Surely he was briefed beforehand what he was going to say in what situation. Again, He has agents and advisors who get paid for this stuff. This dig at Wenger (whilst… Read more »


Well, the writing was on the wall when Wenger recently made his Podolski-referencing comment which was roughly “what it is to be professional is to play hard for your club and to earn your salary” which was a clear rebuke of Podolski’s attitude. Same press conference when he labelled Inter’s bid a joke i think it was. I hope he does well enough that we can recoup some of his transfer outlay in the summer, but come the end of the season I wouldn’t be surprised to see another photo of a sullen looking Inter bench with a grinning Podolski… Read more »

Skinny Arse

Say bye for what? you’re the rat that ran out of training pretending you were injured, only to get on a plane and go Kiss Mancini’s chin Poldi!

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