Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: No problem with Gabriel work permit

Arsene Wenger has confirmed that Gabriel Paulista will finalise his transfer to Arsenal tomorrow morning and doesn’t envisage any problems with the Brazilian defender sealing a work permit.

Villarreal confirmed yesterday that a deal had been struck with the Gunners and that Joel Campbell would move to Spain on loan in return.

Quizzed by Ray Stubbs on BT Sport after Arsenal’s 3-2 win at Brighton, Wenger said of the imminent acquisition: “Yes, the reports are accurate. It’s very, very, very close and it should be done tomorrow.

“We will be alright on that front,” he added when asked specifically about the work permit issue.

“He [Gabriel] is player who is 24-years-old, he is a good size, good pace and is a good defender. He plays only for one year in Europe, maybe there are some things to work on, but the potential is there.”

Good news.


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Thanis Lim

I have very little information about him ~~ any regular viewers of La Liga matches care to comment on his ability?


in la liga , he ‘s been oustanding at times, very pacy and aggressive a bit like Kos, and good with the ball, but most defenders in la liga are cause it’s a very thecnical league. he will need to adapt, strikers are more powerful in the bl. i don’t see him as replacement of mertesacker but of kos , cause he will need a partner who can complement his qualities.


The two pundits on Sky’s Revista show said on the ball is where he is weakest as he’s not really a ball playing center half. Which, if true, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Dick Swiveller

If he can pass it 5 yards to another CB or a midfielder, he’s good enough on the ball. Plus, he’s Brazilian. That counts for something.

Springbank 1962

1. All our CBs are good on the ball. They have to be given that we play our way out of defence. It’s what we do. Both to clear our lines and for the speed of our counter-attack.
2. Passing is something that can be improved though practice.
3. He’s 24.
4. Pundits? You’re listening to pundits?

The important thing is the work permit thing. And the Centreback thing. That’s important too.


anyone can tell why his counterpart Musacchio wouldn’t have been a better option? I think he’s a very intelligent defender, with great experience.

Only reason I can think of is that he would’ve cost more.

Mark Hughes

He’s been injured a lot this year and he’s also owned by Villarreal, River Plate and his management agency, which will probably have something to do with it. Don’t really need to be dragged into a long-winded ownership situation.


He is a ‘no nonsense defender’ of sorts. Instead of trying to play a ball to a teammate in a difficult situation, expect him to clear the ball into the flanks.

maybe that is the kind of attitude we need?!

John C

Exactly, last thing we need is David Luis Mk 2. The passing requirements of our current centre backs are to give it to the full back or closest midfielder, they’re not playing 70 yard cross field balls to our wingers now are they?!

Unyoke The Ox

Didn’t hurt Martin Keown or Steve Bould in their primes.

Also, I’d assume that he can muster up a few short passes when we aren’t under pressure. When our back four is under pressure and he is in doubt,,, get it out with clout!


Ive only seen some clips looks a bit dodgy on the ball, decision making a bit slack. Solid in the challenge though and quite quick aswell I think he has good potential.


According to the player is very old. Maybe made a mistake to some. Its not wise to buy a player who is 34.

Mark Hughes

Luckily we’re buying a player that is 24 and no one believes for anything

remember the invincibles

i hope he comes in and fights it out properly with Per and Kos. We need competition in that spot from a proper CB and Gabriel, given that we’ve signed him heh, is the man to do it. #GP5


United and Liverpool on replays

Spurs, City, Chelsea, Swansea and Southampton out

Arsenal progress

No problems with Gabriel’s work permit


It’s a trap. That’s what it is 😉


Now can someone tell me why Wenger has let so many forwards go. Why get them in the first place. And if they haven’t impressed him will he go and get a replacement. Have to say I am scratching my head over that. Especially podolski being let go.


Sanogo needs regular game time, Poldi wasn’t happy and Campbell wasn’t being played either. Also, I think it’s so that Chuba Akpom gets more game time this season so that he signs a new contract.

Unyoke The Ox

I hope that Chuba shows more passion than he did against Brighton. I lost count of the times that team mates had to urge him to close down on their defenders. As he had just come on, you’d assume that he was fresh and had the energy to do it.

I wish him all the best, as he’s looked good at youth level, but he really should be busting a gut when he does get a chance. Giroud and Sanchez do and they’re already first teamers.

Dirty Seagull

Podolski was let go because he wanted regular game time. He wasn’t going to get it at Arsenal, there are players that are better than he is. As for Campbell, well it helped get this deal done. It seems Wenger has more faith in Akpom over Campbell. And frankly so do I


Akpom looked good when he came on. Unfortunately he got hacked down by Seagulls each time, so we missed out on his final delivery/ attempt at goal.


So they can get some playing time.

Simple, really.

Anonymous Physicist

Well, we had at least one more forward than Wenger was planning for in the summer, as we wouldn’t have gotten Welbeck without the injury to Giroud. So I always expected us to let at least one forward (most probably Podolski) go in January. Then there’s Akpom, who seems to be taking Sanogo’s role in the squad. Finally, I don’t think Wenger was really dependent on Campbell for anything. He wanted to have him in the squad for a while to evaluate him up close, and it seems like the evaluation is that he isn’t quite at the level we’re… Read more »


I think we should have sold Campbell when teams were offering 15 million after his great World Cup. Hopefully, another good loan and we can make a good bit of money from a player that doesn’t seem to be in the manager’s plans.

Delford Magaya

David, Campbell is in the manager’s plans, that is the reason why Arsene Wenger do not want to sell him. He is in Wenger’s plans but he has not adjusted to the way Wenger want him to play and his role.

Andy Mack

He doesn’t get enough defenders and that was exposed by the unbelievable number of injuries in defence, so he was moaned at (rightly so CB-wise), now he’s letting some forwards go as we’re overstocked there because some injured players as coming back, and he’s being moaned at again…. The guy can’t win.

Mark Hughes

He can and has done in 8 of the last 10 games in all competitions. Unfortunately, winning is the only way to keep the moaners quiet.


Look, I like the look of him. I’ve only seen him on youtube but I like his pace, his recovery speed. The other thing I noticed about him was that he has really long strides that eat up space quickly. This allows him to out pace opponents and put in sliding/from behind recovery tackles as well. What we’ve gotta do is get behind him. He seems like a quality signing and one mistake shouldn’t make us start questioning him if it happens. Him and kosc in the back four look tasty. Yes I know he will rotate with Kosc but… Read more »


Love the way Arsene starts a sentence with “look” when interviewed. It’s assertive and probably borne out of answering the same bloody question over and over.


First paragraph: wise. Second paragraph (bar the winning & retiring): stupid.

Man Manny

Coming from the most respected manager in English football, I believe him. So welcome to Arsenal Gabriel Paulista; I hope to see you show your class soon.


Please don’t be Andre Santos part 2


why so negative?

Don't boo Paul Davis

Because of Andre Santos


Unfortunately he didn’t deal well with the relentless negativity and audible moaning of his own “support”. Wasn’t the greatest player but when his own gays turned on him he imploded.


Still won 20 odd caps for brazil, He can’t have been as shit as our moaning fans made him.
Ok defense isnt brazil’s strong point but they are hardly the faroe islands..
he is a wing back when we needed an attacking fullback – you would think the transition would be smooth but not when a vocal support give you no time and no patience…

(p.s thankfully he is gone, but i just dont think he was as bad as he appeared, if he was id be hammering on wengers door looking for a 4 year deal)

Man Manny

One more thing. If he nails a shirt here or at least plays regularly, I see him called to the Brazilian squad.


That is guaranteed thing that he will be called for Brazilian squad sooner then later, if kos who was bought from league 2 in France brake trough the France squad i don’t see why paulista wouldn’t.


As long as Thiago Silva and David Luiz arn’t hurt I don’t see anyone having the stones to bench one of them. Not because of merit but just because of who they are. He could make it onto the subs bench though.

Mark christopher

I thought the vermalen and Kos combo was tasty and really wanted it to work out. Maybe this is a step in that directipn

Man Manny

This team is arguably the strongest set of players I have seen in this club since the “Invincibles”. The 2008 team was equally strong but injuries dealt mortal blows on them… I believe we would have won the league on a canter that season if RVP,Rosicky and Eduardo were fit.
This present team has all the trappings of that team.


You already wrote this here: … I guess when people are desperate for clicks, they’ll do anything.


More of an update article this one with fresh Wenger comments.

In arseblog we trust.


Not really. But anyway, I was only taking the piss.


You know who is desperate for clicks? Your mum.


Here, have some more likes, since insulting, especially family members is the way to go. I see we are progressing as a society.


This was published in error this morning.

Please accept our sincere apologies for a single duplicate story after producing thousands of free news items for you to peruse at your leisure.

If you send us an email with your full name, address and bank details, we’ll issue you a refund at once.

Me So Hornsey

Blogs, make sure you pay him via PayPal in Troll currency.


Yeah, right. I’m gonna give you my e-mail and then you’ll just send me spam so you can get even more clicks. I see through your facade.



I am the Captain NOW!!

It’s so scary the way Wenger is so open about stuff these days. Denies the BS straight out and is upfront about any accurate reports. I guess swimming in cash helps. Not so afraid of the Billionaires gazumping any of his transfer moves now. With the way the season started, it’s been a generally satisfying January from an Arsenal point of view. COYG

Andy Mack

I think it’s more a case of we really need a CB and there’s no hiding this fact. When he does, he just get whinged at by the less ‘bright’ fans that don’t understand why he’s been secretive.
I suspect he’ll go back to being secretive in the summer and if it stops us getting into blind auctions to get the players he wants at the best price then ‘good’.


He did deny interest in Gabriel a week or two ago, when they were clearly working on it but when things were early enough that someone else could have tried to outbid us.



A xerioz gunner

GP5 loaded with GPS for locating attackers?

Tryson Mandan

Ah finally some sense has prevailed.
Turns out all we needed to get Gabriel a work permit was this;

“We will be alright on that front,” he added when asked specifically about the work permit issue.

“He [Gabriel] is player who is 24-years-old, he is a good size, good pace and is a good defender. He plays only for one year in Europe, maybe there are some things to work on, but the potential is there.”

You gotta love Arsene


Checked whoscored, his passing and interception fine, but his tackles not so much, does that bother anyone else

Dick Swiveller

From what I understand, Villareal like to sit deep and invite and absorb pressure, rather than aggresively pursue the ball, this results in fewer tackles being made.

Though, I don’t watch much Spanish football so take a pinch of salt.

Mark Hughes

It’s almost like he could do something to practice it through repetitive actions…..


Numbers of tackles is a pretty irrelevant statistic for defenders, as it really comes down to how the team plays, not the individual. It’s a more relevant statistic for midfielders generally.

His tackle success rate in la liga is 80%, which is about as good as you’ll find.


And yeah he likes to clear the ball


1st choice-kos/per, 2nd choice- GP5/Chambers, we got out central defense sorted out haven’t we….sweeeeeeeet


Not sure why anyone would be shock with Wenger concluding this deal ‘early’. You hang on to a late deal because : 1) You either want to string out the selling club for a true price because you know they will accept lower late on. 2) Or you wait out any potential rivals making sure they commit to their other targets first before you go in. 3) Or its a question of playing off one target of another to the bitter end again to drive down price on player As mentioned, Wenger has had his fair share of duds but… Read more »


Cant wait to see GP in action… Arsenal has depth, DEPTH! Wow, great stuff Arsene.

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