Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yaya Sanogo joins Crystal Palace on loan

Yaya Sanogo has joined Crystal Palace on loan until the end of the season.

Despite keen interest from Bordeaux, Arsene Wenger insisted the young Frenchman continue his development in the Premier League to ensure he grew further accustomed to English football.

He’s a player the Arsenal manager has a great deal of faith in despite just one goal in his Arsenal career thus far, and new Palace boss Alan Pardew feels the former Auxerre player can make an impact as he attempts to steer the South Londoners out of the relegation zone.

Speaking about the move to south London, Sanogo told Palace’s official website: “When the Arsenal manager spoke with me about Crystal Palace I was very happy because I want to play more games.

“I think Palace are a good team, I watched the game against Tottenham and it was a great performance from the guys. I hope I can help the club have a successful second half of the season.”

Alan Pardew added: “He’s a young player with tremendous promise, somebody that I have tracked personally and this club has too so that fitted well.

“We have given him an opportunity, he needs to play more games and I think he’s ready for that and he proved that at Arsenal. It’s tough to get in their team but he’s closer to the starting action with us.”

Sanogo’s solitary strike came against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League and he’s been handed key starts in important games for Arsenal since his arrival in the summer of 2013.

Injury curtailed the first 6 months of his time at the Emirates but he started in the FA Cup against Everton and Liverpool, and in the semi-final against Wigan. In the final, with Arsenal trailing, he was sent on for the more experienced Lukas Podolski and his charging around seemed to unsettle Hull.

The striker will join up with Pardew’s squad this week and is available for their game this weekend against Burnley.

Good luck to him.

(Picture courtesy of

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Anyone else’s pants a little tighter now that the prospect of seeing a team spearheaded by Sanogo and Chamakh is now a reality?


If only they’d taken TGSTEL when they had the chance

Man like Ozil

No one club should have all that power.

Bould's Eyeliner

This is only Par(te) deux of the Alan Initiative to renovate Crystal Palace – who knows what tricks remains in their mind… maybe they will find Arshavin in exile somewhere in Finland.

ZA Gunner

Puts Suarez – Neymar – Messi to shame!


Forget about relegation battle…Crystal Palace should now aim for top half finish


Whaddya mean top-half? I reckon they’re in with a shot for fourth now!


Anyone else tired of the Chamakh jokes? I for one is.

Me So Hornsey


Am not Is.

But in answer to you, no I isn’t tired.


Probably american!

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I liked Chamakh and I will him to score every time he plays for Crystal Palace (with the one obvious exception). I’m sure it’s just my parenting instinct kicking in because he looks like a lost 9 year old, but I would love to see him do well and help us to success by doing brilliant things against all of our rivals. I know it was a bit of a long shot, but now that he has Sanogo to play off of, who knows what they might be capable of. Good Luck to the pair of them. […removes rose-tinted glasses… Read more »

easy tiger

Are you talking about Exxon Valdez?


No BUT I am tired of Sanogo jokes he actually plays for us and tries his heart out unlike some who played for us If ya wanna make jokes about a player how about that cunt Terry


Wenger finally has done it. Chamakh and Sanogo to link up. How it isn’t at Arsenal is beyond me hehehe.


Hope he learns a thing or two and return as the incarnation of the Dr. Jekyll version of Adebayor


If nothing else Pardew could probably teach him a thing or two about Headbutting. Or using your head as Pardew likes to call it.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I hope he learns how to tackle from Jedinak. We don’t have any strikers who make tackles in the opposition’s 18 yard area. It would solve the problem of all those turnovers we give away that leave us shitting ourselves as teams we thought were crap suddenly manage to string three perfect passes together to get a one-on-one with our keeper.

[Damn. I thought I took those rose-tinted glasses off]


Best of luck to the young fella!

Fuck the haters.


Good luck to him! Arsene wanting him to stay in the premier league is evidence that he wants to keep the young Frenchman, just allowing him to get the first-team experience required to build him up.

I like him and think he could become an asset to this Arsenal team. Good luck Yaya!

2014-2015 = the year we've been waiting for

Yaya Sanogo – you may not be a top striker yet but in terms of entertainment-value of your goal celebrations (tripping and falling over, doing the Sturridge dance only better, hugging the home fans) you are definitely Arsenal’s first-choice!

May your repertoire of celebrations increase infinitely during your time at Palace. If you can score versus Borussia Dortmund then you can put a few past Chelsea and Manchester City.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

…even for Crystal Palace. Go Sanogo!!!

Thierry Walcott

The best of luck Yaya! Bang them in!

Man Manny

Sanogo, to me, is an enigma. Good young player but I really can’t tell if he’ll make it here at Arsenal or not. I have never been more confused about a player.
However, I think the third striker slot is between him and Akpom.
Best of luck to them.


The fact that Wenger started him over Giroud vs. Bayern last season says a lot about the faith Arsene has in young Yaya. I think he might just be good enough to keep Chamakh out of the palace team and bang a few goals for them. Or we could witness the best strike partnership since Bergkamp and Henry- Sanogo and Chamakh!! Hahahaha


He had a great game vs Bayern and was unlucky not to score. I was watching the spurs – palace game and I was saying to myself the way that palace play he would do well there.
Best of luck to him


I agree, I think he just needs to score 1 premier league goal to kickstart it all and he could be banging in the goals day in, day out. He is one player I have a soft spot for in the squad, and I would be really really happy if he did well at Palace and subsequently do well for us.

Red Cannon

How ’bout Gervinho? Now that guy was/is confusing!


Fragile confidence. With that being the case Arsenal was probably not the best support base to play for.

Rohith J

Gervinho is a decent player. Has done well everywhere except at the highest level at Arsenal. Confidence is an issue.


Any n00b who has played Football Manager 2011 knows that Sanogo needs a loan move in his first year,
He will find the net 20+ times then next year upon recall will demand 150K weekly wages, which, if refused, will only cause him to become irreparably “unhappy” until he eventually forces a move to Real Madrid.
From that point on you can forget about winning the Champions League for a decade at least, since the bastard is also so very young.

You see, it’s all quite pointless really.
And its all because of Wanga.
Wanger ahhhht!

Brady's Mistress

It would be nice to think this was irony, bud judging by so many of the other comments on this blog, I have more than a few doubts …

Gutbukket Deffrolla

How could anybody called kiddersauce be a hater?

That’s obviously the name of a cheeky joker.

[Checks to see if rose-tinted glasses are still on]

Alan Jalzeera

I reckon he’ll do well at Palace. Then back to Arsenal for a 30 goal season, to end up at City as a £60m flop. You heard it here first……..


and last …


or go to barca after a DNA transplant to warm the bench

naija gooner

Comment: Best of luck yaya sanogo…I still believe this guy has the potential to be a beast of a striker for us.


This show coaching and management in football is not an exact science and its still an art despite the use of all the science and statistics.

Afobe is being sold despite his goal scoring exploits but Sanogo is held so dearly by AW despite the lack of goals.


This solely shows that League One isnt the Premier or even the Champions League


I’ve got a massive soft spot for Palace. Typically their supporters are happy and loud and have a good sense of humour. I hope Sanogo does well and they stay up again this year.


No they are seagull scum. I lived in penge and Norwood too many of em round there

Gutbukket Deffrolla

You have two homes?


Ambitious lad thrust into the really really deep end initially by a “nutty” Le Professeur. Hopefully now he can make a case to stay or not.

Mach III

Still a better player than Walcott.




Ever since Walcott missed that open chance there’s been this weird dramatic increase in criticism of him. I find it so weird. Gold fish memories. It’s not like he’s just come back from 12 months injury or anything. I suspect this poor soul has jumped on the group-think criticism bandwagon but has overdone it a touch. Either that or he is plain and simple a troll.


However, when Campbell missed his one on one against hull (I think?) that was ‘proof’ that he’s not arsenal material? Theo gets away with much more than any of our other players simply because he’s likeable and English.

Scott P

Campbell has the same problem though – no game time. Not that he’s that great or anything, but they both deserve to be rusty.


One thing i don’t like about some of our fans, and football fans in general for that matter is that there is never a ‘this squad member has his merits as well as this squad member who also brings in some of his own quality to the side’ it always has to be a ‘this player is shitter than this player’.


Yeah, Walcott is shit.

Except that he’s really not at all shit and has proven so for the Arsenal on many many occasions.

Campbell has not had a ton of chances and its unfortunate, but he also hasn’t really put a convincing argument that he offers something we don’t already have. His last outing I thought he played a nicely balanced performance, but something else must be missing we’re not seeing- perhaps in training. I don’t claim to know.

He’s also suffering from the squad having a ton of attacking players.


I wasn’t saying Walcott is shit, just pointing out that some of the arguments used against players we have no patience with could easily be leveled against the ‘good’ ones as well. I do agree that Campbell doesn’t offer something different to what we already have, or at least he hasn’t shown it yet.


The first part was meant more for the original comment- sorry for the confusion. For me the main difference in being a target of criticism is that I would put more on Theo regaining what he’s already proven than on seeing IF Campbell can step up. I like Campbell, but other leagues and international performances do not guarantee PL qualities. Unfortunately if he goes back out on loan we may never really know. All that said, I’m not impressed in general by the knives-out mentality toward the players and manager. Everybody’s got their fingers out and they’re just looking for… Read more »


You’ve obviously been watching a Bizarro version of Arsenal.

Mach iii

Walcott, bought from Southampton as a promising teen. Mentored by Wenger, supported by Henry.. It’s been years. Now, would he make it in to Southamptons first 11?


yes. yes he would. in a fucking heartbeat, yes.


Ya-YA… So good they named him twice.


he will come back as.. yaya somoregoals..
ok this is too much, need to get back to work


I’d bet on him banging a few in.


just one goal in his Arsenal career thus far ???
Must be mistaking something somewhere. . .

Man Manny

Coq, Ramsey, Rosicky, Wilshere, Ox, Walcott, Carzola, Ozil, Alexis, Welbeck and Giroud…an insane amount of midfield and attacking talent to have in one team. The beauty of this is that, apart from Giroud, Carzola and Rosicky, they are all in their mid twenties – meaning they will play together for years to come. Thanks Arsene! Your successor is already leaking his lips. (2 more years only). Sanogo, Akpom, Gnabry, Zelalem etc waiting on the wings. Arsene will deliver another major trophy to our teeming fans before he says his ‘au reviore’? It may even be the CL this year –… Read more »


i just wish we had similar wonderkids in the defence department ..
that would be like icing on a cake..
but since this is defence we are talking about we have to put the icing at the base of the cake..

ok i got to run now..

Man Manny

The defence is in Arsene’s hand. 2 good purchases and we are as good as any team in the prem.


The key being GOOD. Not just anything being better than nothing, unless we pick up a relatively solid 4th choice CB until we get the 3rd choice or starter in the summer.


if he gets a good run of injury free games at palace then we can then see if his performances can move him onto the next level, then maybe a chance to come back to AFC after all he is only 21

the only sam is nelson

what a look of delight on young Yaya’s face. One is reminded of Frimmers and his “human shield” pose with his new Barnsley shirt. apparently Alain Pardeux was nicknamed “Chocolate” whilst at West Ham, because his self-love was so all-consuming that he would have eaten himself, had he been made of chocolate. So at least Sanogo will learn the value of humility whilst in the hideous wilds of South London, we hope. Other than that, let’s hope he bangs in hat-tricks against City, the Glazerhawks and Chel$cum. Good luck to him, would be good to get a seasoned, goal-scoring centre… Read more »

A xerioz Gunner

I recall a comment by a gunner here about Sanago which still cracks me up…. “Its amazing how he lumbers both towards the left and the right while running, thereby confusing defenders on which way he is going (paraphrasing of course).
Good luck to the lad, hope he has scores more goals than Chamkka can ever dream of


I hope he does well and wish him the best of luck………… to earn that permanent move.

Rambling Pete

I say good luck to the young lad. Sometimes you need to take a step backwards to take a step forwards. It’s the same for footballers as it is for everyone else. I remember when I was a junior office clerk I thought I was on the way to the big time but my boss shocked me one day by ‘demoting’ me to the post room. I was offended, outraged almost, thinking I was too good for this but he explained that the man who did work down there had been arrested for plotting to kill a member of the… Read more »


that just cracked me up..
damn.. my manager saw me smiling at the computer screen…
oh wait .. he is coming here..

got to go


Nothing better than a ramble with Pete….

Reminds me of the time….


I read my Ipad to kill time whilst on the bog. I genuinely LOLd at that which dislodged a particularly stubborn turtle head. Cheers Pete.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Rambling Pete beats “Dangling Pete” any day of the week.

i want to boff chuba and im not even gay

This is great news. our medical team can now focus on getting our proper firstteamers fit


Our loaning policy is good, both jenko and sonogo will be in london and with worthy teams where they will get game time. As a result Jenko had been doing well at westham, hope the same for sonogo.


In another circumstance Wenger would have kept him. But the situation (fighting for FA cup, those Southampton impostors being where they shouldn’t be etc..) means it’s not the best time to nurture players. I wish him all the best, to flourish and come back to terrorise Terry/Cahill, Mangala/Company and all them thugs.

Giroud's 6Pack

The first French signing under the Palace Pardeiux era. Didn’t take long.


This is a bad move for Sanogo. He would have been better off at a Championship club, where he would probably play every week. If Pardew has brought him in as cover then he probably won’t get too many starts.

So far I’ve seen nothing from Sanogo to suggest that he’ll make it at Arsenal, but we’ll see.

Dick Swiveller

From what I’ve seen, he’ll give them more than Gayle or Chamakh so I guess he’ll get plenty of gametime.


Chamakh lost his place he is not even coming on as a sub, gayle is not typical striker a target man he is more of a second striker. I’m sure sanogo will get big amount of playing time, i hope he scores in the in his first game for palace and build on that which would make him a starter every week.


“We have signed Sanogo, he has not made the headlines. Why? Because he is not £50m to £100million, but I am quite confident he will make them soon on the pitch, and that for me is the most important,” the Arsenal boss said.

Funny that, cos most fans reckoned he was an injury-prone dud. But what do we know – we haven’t worked in football “one day”?


Best of luck Sanogoal! Who said, top clubs didn’t want our man. Palace is getting a gem….


Conflicted on this guy. His performances for France’s junior teams show a physical, mobile forward with a natural instinct for being in the right place to finish off attacking moves, though he found it tough to create his own chances. This is one side of side of his game that was most exposed at Prem level. Wish him all the best at Palace.

Who was the last 20 goal a season striker that France has produced? Anyone?

Dick Swiveller

Benzema, I guess.

I think with more space, he’ll be able to create more for himself and those around him, just speculation though.






I hate to nit-pick but i’m pretty sure Sanogo came on for Podolski in the Semi final against Wigan. Maybe it happened in both…


i’m sorry, i dont know why i did that. Sometimes i just cant help my urges.


Welcome back Rambling Pete!


Hope he gets a lot of game time for Palace and starts banging in goals for his confidence. Definitely changed that FA Cup final for us with his intensity.

Ex-Priest Tobin

If Sanogo is the best Crystal Palace can do they’re going down for sure.


Congrats,best of luck Sanogo.


He’s been put in a very hard position at Wenger’s will, so we of course wish him the best as he did try his all.

Why is Pardew continuing his Wenger 2.0(b) act though? Get your own material Alan.

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