Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss confirms Alexis is back for Leicester clash

Arsene Wenger has confirmed that Alexis Sanchez will be back for tomorrow night’s Premier League tie with Leicester City.

The Chilean had to sit out the North London derby at the weekend but has recovered sufficiently to be included in the squad for the game against the managerless Foxes.

There was further good news with the return of Jack Wilshere to full training and that there were no injuries from Saturday’s game.

Wenger is looking for a response from his team after the poor display at White Hart Lane, saying, “We had a very strong run before Saturday so we just want to continue that. We need to respond strongly.

“We have to deal with our performances. The criticism is always there. We have to focus on our performances.”

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remember the invincibles

Can see Wilshere taking Ramsey’s place unless Aaron steps it up. It would be inconsistent from the manager to drop Gibbs, Szcz et al for being poor but continue to play Ramsey. This is of course only if Wilshere starts to look sharp in training. Cazorla and Ozil to play in the middle for me tomorrow.
Sanchez straight back in the team on the left hand side

My name is my name

Gibbs hasn’t really been poor though, it’s more a case of Monreal playing exceptional

why not

and he only came back into training today, cant imagine he would even make the bench considering the options we have.


Well it’s high time that we handed regular starts to Rosicky, maybe Ramsey can learn a few things by watching the experienced little Mozart from the bench. AW can bring Rambo on after the customary 70 min mark when hopefully the game would have been sealed by the reds. This might as well help Ramsey get his form and confidence back.


we play better whenever he’s on the field. was baffled that he didn’t start at villa and in the derby.


Think Wenger got his team selection wrong against Sp*rs… Rosicky is made for that type of game. Energetic and driven with an infectious will to win. When Alexis isn’t available Rosicky has to start.


Should have been

theo–Ozil/Little Mozart—-Welbeck

oh well… lets HAMMER Leicester and get over the blues


Plus a collection of some really awesome goals against that lot !


I have no idea why Rosicky didn’t start. In recent games, he has shown exactly what he can do, and I mean come on, he scored a belter last season at the Lane. Sp*rs can’t handle him.


My sentiments exactly James. He’s been playing exceptionally well. Why was he dropped? Quite often, Wenger’s selections confuse the piss out of me…..

The Only Olivier is Giroud

Good to see Jack back, too. He may not be flavour of the month (in fact, the only flavour of the month that seems of any importance to him is which flavour sisha pipe baccy to buy 😉 ) but squad depth will be crucial with us still being in three competitions.

Aaron Ozil

Alexis to score his first gunners hattrick!Then create a goal,dribbling past the entire leicester team and then unselfishly squaring it to Mesut who scores yet another goal!

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I’d like to see him pass unselfishly to Akpom to get the lad off the mark, like they tried to do the other day against Villa.

Gervinho wins the nations cub!

Unless Leicester has someone like moreno I think chambers could also need a match.

Sub P

They do- Mahrez

Mr. White

Ramsey has been so sloppy lately so the return of wilshere hopefully raise his level or bench him. Either way positive for the team

Runcorn Gooner

Back on track tomorrow.Our run in is one of the easier of the clubs playing for 2nd – 4th (Unless Maureen’s divers and thugs fall apart)
The competition for places will hopefully motivate the players to move on from this minor blip.


We should still rest Alexis, let him have another 2 games off

Ex-Priest Tobin

We have been so inconsistent this season. We had better get it together for this game.

monkey knees

Rest Giroud, bench Ramsey, start Theo and Rosicky, move Ozil inside. Give Gabriel a start, too. Bosh.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Bring on Akpom at 5-0 and let the team help him break his duck.


I’d rest Santi as he looks tired. Play Ozil centrally. Definitely play Rosicky. Tired though they might be, I’d keep the defence the same to try to boost their confidence. That includes Bellerin who had a torrid afternoon.
I hope Alexis truly is fully fit and not just going nuts not playing so is being rushed back as it’s only 3 days after he wasn’t fit enough to play.

Genuine question please guys – how do you do strikethrough on a mac keyboard? Like what Mr Blogs did with his managerless Foxes bit? cheers

Man Manny

Oh Leceister City
Deserve my Pity
You came to Ashburton Grove
When the Gunners want to prove
That Saturday was only a blip
And are ready to slip
In as many goals as possible
As though you were held accountable
Oh Leceister City
You deserve my pity.

Man Manny

What’s the verdict? Bad at poetry?

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Grove and prove? Bad at rhyming!! 🙂

inside tip

Next few games should prove to be easy for us way up until March 14th against West Ham, so the boys really need to step up an bag those points! COYG


I think I’d like to see a forward line up of coq with santi alongside, ozil in front with theo and alexis either side and welbeck up front. I think Giroud could do with a rest. Would also love to see gabriel make his debut!! Hopefully get a good win! COYG!!


Those criticising Ramsey must remember that he has not had a nice injury-free season and just when he scored arguably hit form (when he scored that screamer in the fa cup) he got injured again.

Start akpom and Sanchez ands Theo I say.


His modelling career seems to be doing just fine though. Ads popping up on almost a daily basis. Pick a career and concentrate on it, Ramsey.


Wilshere should definitely come in for Ramsey, who has gone backwards since last season. Aaron’s goals have dried up and his passing has become very ordinary. But whatever team we put out tomorrow should beat Leicester, who are dreadful and will surely go down. It’s always annoying to lose to Spurs, but at the end of the season Saturday’s result probably won’t make much difference to the league table. With a much easier run-in and a better squad I’m pretty sure we’ll nick that fourth spot ahead of our north London friends. But the question has to be: Is just… Read more »

Cliff Bastin

Maybe the plan is to finish 5th, preferably just behind Manu, then win the champions league.


I believe we will finish higher than fourth. We are getting better, we need to be consistent however, and with players’ injury crises now easing, and players returning ahead of schedule nowadays, it looks good. the premier league probably looks beyond us now, but we will make a statement in the champs league and the FA cup. COYG!!!!


Wenger about Wilshere: “I don’t know when he’ll return.” Does not sound like good news to me. And Chamberlane out for “at least two more weeks”. When it comes to injuries, Arsene Wenger is the biggest bullshit on this earth. It is not a coincidence that our players get more injured than others, not season after season. And he manages to make it even worse by telling us these stories about when they return.. Walcot wil return in ze beginning of September he told us, then it was october, and finally one year later he returned.. Ramsey will be back… Read more »

Canuck Gunner

You honestly think Wenger just picks some random dates for player returns? Personally, I have a hunch that he relies on various doctors and trainers who tell him how serious an injury is and when a player is physically ready to return. Like everyone, Wenger has faults, but I completely disagree with a lot of the criticisms thrown at him.


True we are much better than that! I mean the Spuds slip. Ramsey needs to keep it simple, he often tries too hard wanting to score another Galatasarasque-belter. Instead of passing and keeping the team ticking, he wants to search for spaces to shoot! I got a feeling Wilshear is a better player than Ramsey but we can still keep both coz two is always better than one. Giroud and Welbeck must rotate at centre forward, the latter being always better for away games. Giroud always plays well for home games and he is terrible away for no apparent reason… Read more »


That was quite some goal though. Never tire of it!

Canuck Gunner

How about Rosicky in for Ramsey to play beside Coq. Maybe give Santi a rest. With Ozil in the middle and Alexis and Walcott on the wings. I generally prefer Giroud, but would be interested to see Welbeck up front and see if we can finally combine Ozils’ passing vision with a forward line full of speed.


i think ramsey thrived in last year’s 4231 formation, but this new 433/4141 doesn’t suit him much. as much as i hate to say it, it might suit wilshere more, i.e. sitting deeper and not carrying the ball all the way up the pitch. jack does seem to be better at dribbling in and out of small spaces (similar to cazorla) which could’ve helped on saturday (ros is another option and should’ve replaced ramsey at half). what i don’t understand is why we don’t play 4231 more often against mediocre teams (like saturday) and play the more defensive 433 when… Read more »


I didn’t know where else to put this comment and I know I’m beating a dead horse, but, Blogs, you forgot to add to the pic of Rose stomping on Giroud that moments before he was tugging on his shirt so badly I thought he was going to rip the damn thing off. We all know you don’t tug on Superman’s cape but apparently you sure as hell can yank Giroud’s jersey. Seriously, fuck Danny Rose.

gooner 4life

se what I did there? chilli? chile? geddit?!
evidently stand up comedy has never been my strong point. even I admit.


I’d be tempted to hold Sanchez out at the beginning and see how the match progresses and then maybe give him 20 minutes late in the game. If he starts then Wenger has some decisions to make that will be interesting:

Giroud or Welbeck at Striker (I’d think it’s a chance to rest Giroud especially with an ankle knock)

Walcott or Welbeck at right mid (probably will go with Walcott for the home match)

Who among Ozil, Ramsey, Carzola, Rosicky in the middle two

Possibly give Flamini a run

Monreal or Gibbs at left defender

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