Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger gives pre-Hammers fitness update

Arsene Wenger says Arsenal don’t yet know how long Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain will be out after revealing the player was due to undergo a scan on his injured hamstring today.

The England international hobbled off during the second half of Arsenal’s win over Manchester United with reports claiming he could be sidelined for up to four weeks.

The 21-year-old has, not for the first time, seen his season pockmarked with injuries; this latest being the fifth since his return from the World Cup.

“Chamberlain has a hamstring strain,” Wenger told on Wednesday.

“The only thing we don’t know is how bad it is because usually the scans are only done 48 hours after the accident. That will be done today [Wednesday].”

In better news Wenger revealed that Mathieu Flamini will be back in contention for Saturday’s visit of West Ham United and Gabriel, who injured a hamstring against QPR, will be back in training as soon as Sunday.

“Gabriel may be [available] next week,” continued Wenger. “He should come back into training on Sunday or Monday. Mathieu is training, he could be available for the squad on Saturday.”

Jack Wilshere, who recently underwent an op to remove a pin in his ankle, remains sidelined.

Asked whether rotation is on the cards this weekend, Wenger added: “We were at a high level of fatigue because we played against Monaco, Everton, QPR, Manchester United, all very physical games.

“I will have to test medically, physically, how the players are on Friday, and I will make my decision then. The big priority is of course West Ham.”

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remember the invincibles

imagine the progress lost if we lose this one. no no banish the thought.


Home advantage, on a roll having beaten United (we put 5 past Villa the next PL match after beating City), no Jenks playing, Coq better than Song. Great squad depth, Ramsey or Theo in for the Ox. That’s the positive things.

Plus I can’t bear to think of all the negative people coming out of their shells if we do lose.


They have lost or drawn their last 7 matches.

David C

I guess they’re on a downward spiral 🙂

Chelsea at home to Southampton, Man URE at home to Tottenham, Liverpool away to Swansea – looks like a lot of teams around us are going to drop points this weekend!

3 points for the Gunners please!!! No one wants to see a happy Big Sam this weekend.

alexis' shorts

Please don’t use that first phrase, you’re just asking the gods to strike us down. We’re already heading to the Hammers with hamstring issues, we don’t need a third omen.


Eh you forgetting burnley vs city. the last time they fought, burnley came from 2-0 deficit to a 2-2 draw. With survival in the balance they might pull off another shock 🙂

Merlin's Panini

GGGA – I can’t see that happening again. City will most likely have learned their lesson from that game and destroy Burnley. I’m guessing they’ll put 4 or 5 past them.

Merlin's Panini

Obviously I’d rather what you said happens, but I can’t see it.


West Ham’s best player can’t play against us! Loan clause! Chill


Is this a joke I don’t get? Did we buy Song back?


Corporal Jenks!


Besides, we WANT Song to play against us. He was crap in the away match last fall.


Well aside from the half volley disallowed for a teammate being offside…

Ramsey's Spirit

heres a question, assuming they stay up, would you sell, or re loan them jenks in the summer? im tempted by a little loan myself

Ramsey's Spirit

explain your thumbs down?




Assuming they stay up? The thumbs down are probably because West Ham spent a lot of this season above us in the table! They’re not going down!

andre santos

loan jenks till debuchy gets “old” and then bring him back. lol

da gooner

and what about our young star bellerin? much rather see his pace there when debuchy is old

Merlin's Panini

They’ll definitely stay up. They have 39 points already. I’d like to see Jenks come back next season. He should at least be given a chance to impress preseason, and if he’s not up to scratch maybe we’ll see him leave on loan or permanently.

Anonymous Physicist

It’s hard not to like Jenkinson, but it’s also hard to see him get in the team ahead of Debuchy short term or Bellerin long term. It depends on what Jenkinson wants as well. If he’d be happy to come back to play backup to Debuchy for a year (or in football speak: fight for his place) while we loan out Bellerin to get more experience, I’d be fine with that. But I imagine he’s really pleased playing every week, so he may end up happier if we sell him this summer. Loaning him out for something like three more… Read more »

ant g

Alex Oxlaide-Hamstringstrain


Impressed that Gabriel is back v soon, let’s hope for the same from the Ox.

Bould's Eyeliner

I can’t tell if the tiny disparity between the people who like and dislike your comment are just equally amused by your pun and/or frustrated/horrified by his constant injuries, or….

they are just lots of people who dislike your pun, or puns in general.

And yes, it has been a slow Wednesday at the office with glorious weather just a window pane separation away.


Still beat Manure.


John Terry’s still a cunt.

Everything is right with the world then.


A very funny cunt today, too, after watching him first mark then tackle Gary Cahill instead of someone from PSG on the tie-winning goal in extra time last night.


Proof that he is also a grand master of the cult of Onan.
It makes you go blind you know…..


Hope he gets well soon. Walcott and Welbeck both bring valuable things to the team, but check out this stat about AOC: According to, he is already the best dribbler in the League (and at only 21): Successful dribbles/90: AOC — 5 Jefferson Montero — 5 Hazard — 4.6 Sanchez — 3.8 Barkley — 3.3 Bojan — 3.3 Dribble Success Rate: AOC — 66.7% Montero — 52.1% Hazard — 63.0% Sanchez — 57.6% Barkley — 52.4% Bojan — 52.4% He dribbles successfully more than anyone else in the league. And, of all high-volume dribblers, he is successful more often… Read more »


I prefer Alex Offside-Chamberlain, though tbh Theo is our offside-king in truth


Off topic but Nacho Monreal has really been excellent this season………Good guy too he is…….I remember after the besiktas game when alexis was really tired he was the one who went to him and got him up
Nacho has really been of the most important players this season………..No disrespect to Gibbs but Nacho is first choice now

last man standing

Alongside United losing to Spuds, a win vs Westham will go a long way in cementing our third place as well as firing up the lads for the uphill task in France. Up The Gunners!

Ramsey's Spirit

even a 0-0 between spuds and manure will do, trouble is minus divemaria van gaal may be forced into playing the better mata


Mata still around? Shit.. I forgot that guy.


Ah, so that’s why he was running and squirting around all over the place, he’s Angel “Divearrhea”.

Sorry, if that was too much for any of you. Cheers.

Bould's Eyeliner

I think he’s a great player, who has a penchant for cheating, who must’ve had parents that had/have a penchant for horrible names.

Angel of Maria? What the fuck does that even mean.


I’m sure there’s a fair few irreligious Christians in England

Dick Swiveller

Well, his performances at LB have been excellent. He was starting to improve at CB towards the end of his time there but I’ll be happy if he never has to play there again, made him a better full-back too imo.

David C

it’s not disrespectful to Gibbs to say that Monreal has been much better this season. Gibbs was probably ahead of Monreal for parts of last year, but he’s almost always hurt and you can’t really improve from the sidelines. As well, it seems that Monreal is much better at stopping crosses coming in.

I wonder if Monreal has been watching Ca$hley Cole tapes from the Invincible years; the way he pops up as an out-and-out left winger to get himself in a scoring position is starting to remind me of the wee bugger that Che$ki stole.


We shall finish the season strong. Maureen’s mob will lose at the bridge tonight. All is written.




Your prediction are 100% correct sir 🙂

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

What a enjoyable week, beating Manure and seeing the arrogant one and his devils in blue shirts eliminated in CL! Wow ! We may turn the knife in the wound by being the only english club to progress to CL quaterfinals, amen. If Monaco believes the accepted idea in football that you always put Arsenal into troubles if you take the game to them, this may create spaces and allows us to get the 4-2 result we need. if they park the bus, it will very difficult for us because of our style of play. Already dreaming of us as… Read more »


We play first this w/e before City, Utd, Pool, Saints and Spuds so we need a good 3 pts in the bag to put the pressure onto them, hopefully this weekend they’ll be a few points dropped by the others.



Backline minimum change

Bellerin- Per- Koscielny

Gibbs in for Monreal who should be rested for Monaco.

Coquelin continues. Santi should take a rest (unless needed)

Ramsey and Ozil with Alexis and Walcott in on the RW.

Save Giroud for Monaco (They will pack the defense and hit us on the counter). Let Welbeck continue up top.


The thing about the squad currently is we have at least two options in competition for each position. Therefore I am surprised that Arseblog seems surprised that we have a couple of options in several positions. Perhaps you are more surprised that they are genuine options now and not just back ups? CF – Giroud, Welbec (Sanogo and Akpom) RW – Walcott, Ox LW – Alexis, possibly Gnabry (Plenty of senior players deployable there) AM – Santi, Ozil (Zelalem) CM – Jack, Ramsey (Santi currently holding this position with aplomp) DM – Coquelin, Flamini (Bielik) SM – Rosicky, Arteta (Senior… Read more »


We do not need a ‘promising left back’ we have one already, Bellerin, who has been outstanding.


Bellerin is a promising RB. At LB, we have Gibbs and Monreal who are both outstanding and both young and both here for the long term. We don’t need another for the future because they’ll never get in the team as long as Gibbs and Monreal are around.


We will need a promising LB MOnreal has been fantastic but we need someone to come into the squad and develop over the next 2 seasons given MOnreal’s age. Gibbs is also not young anymore at 25yrs. We need a succession process there. Bellerin is still young and we have in Chambers and Debuchy 3 options out there. LB which is traditionally our strong point is a bit bare in the academy talent -wise. We probably only need one established player to come in in central midfield. Most of the money will be likely spent here. Thereby the only other… Read more »

Ramsey's Spirit

I’d expect a walcott start on the right rosicky on the left ozil in number 10 and welbeck up top to give a bit of rest to alexis and giroud. id also start coq and ramsey but bring flamini on later in. back 4 has to remain the same really with gabriel unfit, im not convinced enough by chambers to start in the cb position for kos, mayyybe for mertesacker if the fatigue is so high. but hey wtf do i know lol but this is def the game to rotate in.

David C

I think you have to get Giroud back in the starting lineup just for his defensive work on set-pieces. West Ham still have some big bodies up top, even though I think they’re missing that striker who looks like a horse when he runs.

Man Manny

To think that many pundits and analysts were really talking up Man U at the beginning of the season. Falcao, Di Maria, Blind, Rojo, Shaw, Hererra and Van Gaal were supposed to set the premier league alight and challenge for the title.
Three quarters of the league later, Alexis Sanchez alone has made more impact than all that lot put together.
Our strength in depth will place us in good stead to finish the league strongly. I see us finishing closer to the top 2 than 4th, 5th and 6th – if we don’t overtake City, that is.


Poor old RVP.


Can’t forget the little boy inside him.


What happened? I could never switch to United after being like this.


He’s a douche, that’s what happened


What went wrong?!

Anonymous Physicist

The shirt may be Arsenal, but you may notice the bedcovers are the colours of Dutch team Feyenoord, which was his actual boyhood team (and the team he made his professional breakthrough for as well). Here in The Netherlands lots of children will have a shirt of some big name foreign league player (I’m guessing his said Bergkamp on the back, unless I’ve got the timelines wrong), but the team they actually support tends to be a Dutch team anyway. He may had a soft spot for Arsenal, but it’s not like with Jenkinson or anything. Also, we may mock… Read more »

Man Manny

If Van had stayed on, he would have had a prem medal, FA cup and Com Shield. He would also have been happier and more accomplished.


Man Ure don’t have a chance of finishing top four. Their next five games are against Scum (H), Mugsmashers (A), Villa (H), Schitty (H), and Chel$ki (A). It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that they take only three points from that lot. By mid-April they’ll be seventh or eighth and out of the CL race.

Man Manny

So let it be. That bunch of cheats and divers deserve everything they get. Despicable lot.


Trruuuuuuue DAT, Manny. True Dat! I’m ashamed the league allows them to keep all the points they’ve earned with their cheaty, divy ways. They should be given relegation.


Ending up in 5th or 6th is good enough.


Ending up in 5th or 6th would be perfect. Then they’d have to play Thursday night football most of the season.


Really shocking how poor they have been (though their results on paper are not that bad as they’ve gotten lucky in so many matches). Most surprising is the fall off of Di Maria, though Van Gaal certainly has a lot to do with his poor form. If you watch our opening goal he just stands there outside of the 18 watching Monreal almost walk into the box without anyone within 10 yards of him. Rojo, Shaw, Blind and Herrara aren’t the worst players, but all are performing far below what they cost to buy.


If you watch the tunnel cam on the FA game you can see ox stretching the hammy out before game and at halftime. Looks like it was a bit tight to start.


off topic but I want to know our 9000 away fan got back to London after the Manchester game on Monday night ? thanks


way to go to earn 9000 thumbs-up…


Gutted i can’t play because of my loan clause guys but i’ll be cheering you on from the stands!

Arsene's Selfie Stick

Really wanna see chambo have a run he looks twice as promising as Walcott did at that age. Like a cross of Maradona, Gerrard and of course Cygan to bring him down a peg.


down a peg? Like that he’s about as good at football as a light-bulb. Common, Frankenstein!


Ox’s performances sometimes makes us forget how young he still is. What a lad to have in your team. I hope it is a minor strain and he returns soon. His decisive dribbling is amazing to the eye and very important to our game as well. To be honest, hammers have been playing positive football even when they’ve lost a couple of games recently. But in the past few seasons, they’ve looked quite brittle every time they played against us. Jenkinson seems to be having a brilliant loan spell. Hardly remember any of our on-loan players perform this well. Hope… Read more »


“your team, our game..”

Make up your mind, dude.


Just found this gem in the Beeb’s analysis of Monday’s victory:

“Adnan Januzaj also attempted to deceive Oliver with a dive so late it almost came in the opening moments of Sunday’s game with Spurs. Desperation did not cover it.”

Truer words were never spoken.


Rest Alexis and Santi bring out Theo, he’ll be hungry for game time and want to impress…this is a good time to rotate for health and recovery. We need the 3 points…COYG!


Well, if Theo is not used in this game it will only confirm that something is on the cards regarding his future as an Arsenal player.

I find it a sad situation. It might be him/his managment pulling some stunts in the new contract situation and Wenger reacting, but it starts to feel like a juvenile situation on both parts.


How is it juvenile on Wenger’s part? If TW14 doesnt want to do defensive parts for the team.. he dont play.. just like Podolski.


It’s juvenile as Walcott is an obvious talent that can be used in specific situations/games. In the first place, if a player is not performing in the manner expected, that specifically is the managers responsibility. Even if he (or his manager) are playing up regarding the contract the smarter thing to do is a least place him in the shop window to increase/maintain his value before a potential sale. He came back from injury and scored three goals in four games. If he did nothing, fine, keep him on the bench. I have criticized Walcott myself (lack of defense) but… Read more »

Dick Swiveller

I guess it is juvenile IF we told him to warm up knowing he wasn’t going on, purely to cause him embarrasment, otherwise it is just, at the worst, risky.

Anonymous Physicist

Players warming up and not coming on in the end isn’t that uncommon. As the game progresses the managers plans will change. Walcott last started 7 games ago. Of the 6 games since then, I’d only really have expected him to start against QPR. Maybe Palace as well, but he could probably use the rest at that time. Against Everton, Monaco & United it made sense to start with someone more defensively aware. Against Middlesbrough it made sense not to start him, as he’d just played a couple of games in a row after coming back from injury. Of those… Read more »


It’s a blow for Ox but we’ve got players in his position desperate to play.

Theo has been in good form (when he’s played) and as we’ll be at home (and Theo’s been well rested), I think he’ll start against West Ham.

Anonymous Physicist

Agreed. I’d be extremely surprised if Walcott didn’t start against West Ham. He needs the game time, and we could use him gaining some sharpness.

Also, I reckon we’re going to need him for the Monaco game. He may not be the man to start with in a typical CL away game, but when it’s three goals or bust I’d say there’s no one better.


A good chance to bring in Walcott, Chambers, Rosicky to the first eleven. Maybe rest Ozil, Cazorla or Alexis as they have been playing quite a lot during the last few months.


In an important match I don’t see him resting Sanchez or Ozil, especially with Chamberlin out. Giroud surely will come back in after sitting out most of last match. The big question is what will Wenger do for the Chamberlin spot. He can go with Welbeck or Rosicky as a direct replacement on the right wing or bring in Ramsey and move Ozil out wide. Really hard to tell which way he’ll go. Other than that the only change I can see him making is maybe bringing Gibbs back in.


Chelsea going out? Haha! Comedy stuff!


I’ll open a bottle of wine now


A 10 man PSG knocking Chelsea out of the CL….makes me almost as happy as our victory over Manure. Almost.

Javanese Gooner



On a completely unrelated topic Chelscky are fucking out. No sympathy for the chavs. It will at shot that guy up a bit

Ex-Priest Tobin

I can’t even convey how happy it makes me to see that smug wanker Mourinho get humiliated.


This week just can’t get any better! The Chavs were shit and despite a hopeless referee they blew it.



My thoughts exactly…what a week.


Well said!


CB you know the saying Once A Gooner always a Gooner? Lol it should be written in stone lol. If for mercenary reasons you betray this club you end up like Ade(fucking)bayor van persie or Song etc.Unless you come back and repent your sins like Fabregas did for any redemption. It’s not a joke it’s fact lol


RVP the worst though, see picture above.

Fabregas I can understand supported Barcelona, Adebayor supported Money (nothing else) but RVP was wearing an Arsenal shirt when 12-14ish.

There again Ashley Cole was pretty close to RVP, being disloyal to the club he grew up with.


What a wonderful day. Just saw Maureen and his assholes were eliminated by PSG that played with only 10 men from the 31st minute on a horrible red card too. Couldn’t be happier unless we win the BPL.


I feel sorry for the Ox. Looked like all season he’s been on the verge of breaking out. That dance around 3 defenders before unleashing the Nacho man was so sweet….



And! Does anyone else notice that “he who shall remain unnamed” is going through his late season disappearing act at Chelski? 2:2!!


Now time for us to do the “impossible”? Go all out gung ho…

Black Hei

Blogs need to dedicate a news flash to that PSG-Chelsea draw so that we can all lol over it.

What disgusting behaviour from Jose Mourinho and his thugs. His post-match comments are even more disgusting, alluding PSG to cheating. What an unbelievable scumbag.


Can I just say that the cuntish-ness of Cesc has increased exponentially since joined Chelsea. Can’t believe that fucker ever played for us. End of rant.


Maybe it’s just me, but I simply see the Monaco game as a lesson. I fully expect to overturn the deficit through our powerful attacking options, great form and drinking the tears of John Terry.


I’d bet my hat that some other web-savvy gooner has posted this already, unfortunately I don’t have the time to check but just in case it’s not been made available to you wonderful lot, here is 40 seconds of pure gold:

More relevant to the Chelsea article, but can’t comment there. Censorship, I say!


Chambo and Chambers, the chat show.

In and Out, pace or lack thereof, Right wing fascists.;)


Re the Monaco game, I remember losing 3-0 at home to Inter Milan and winning the return game 5-1 so you never know play like we did against Manure and we could go further than Maureens shower of shit


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