Saturday, July 27, 2024

Szczesny + Instagram + AS Roma = transfer story

Arsenal player follows opposition club and some of its players on social media website Instagram. Arsenal player is immediately linked with transfer to said club. Such is the world we live in…

Arseblog News isn’t really sure whether Wojciech Szczesny is trolling the football press or if he’s genuinely interested in photographs posted by AS Roma and its stars, however, he must have known either way that his ‘hint’ would be taken at face value by rumour-hungry hacks staring down the barrel of a slow news day.

For the most part today’s speculation linking the Gunners keeper with a move to the Italian capital has been reported within the context of the Instagram connection. But not everywhere…

Football Italia, taking their lead from regional publication Il Tempo, claim Roma have turned their attention to the Pole because their previous keeper target, Sergio Romero, looks set to snub them in favour of a move to Manchester United.

They add weight to their assertion by underlining that Rudy Garcia’s first choice stopper, Morgan de Sanctis, turns 39 next year and is set to retire. Il Tempo go so far as to claim that personal terms and a fee with Arsenal have been agreed. Hmm…

Given Szczesny declared his loyalty to the Gunners in the aftermath of the FA Cup triumph in May, confirmed his relationship with Arsene Wenger is solid, went out of his way to welcome Petr Cech and also took part in the Singapore tour it would appear a move away from the Emirates is NOT on the cards. But what do we know?

Arsene Wenger does have a decision to make about one keeper at least…whether that’s Wojciech, David Ospina – who recently said he’s willing to stay and fight for his place – or Emiliano Martinez is yet to be decided.

So in light of the above we’re going for a 7 on the poo-o-meter.


For what it’s worth, Wojciech also follows Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, a few models and Dan Bilzerian on Instagram. But he’s not yet been linked with them this week.


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But… But…. Instagram…. But… But… Daily Express said….


Son, you have to be very brave now: sometimes, the press is full of untruths.


Well don’t we all feel stupid….


.. Szczesny to Roma…?..naaaa….not in this life.

Master Bates

You are being modest with poos blogs


Whoa hold on a sec are you telling me the Metro LIED to me about this for the sake of clicks and ad views?!

The Namib Gun

Yes. Business is tough out there.


Even when Metro report actual facts that are true, they’re still lying cuntbags

Finsbury Park Gooner

I refuse to believe all this vitriolic heresy about our national press. Frankly, you should be ashamed of yourselves.


A solid 7 for stinky reporting


But… But schweinsteiger followed all the Man U players in order of position so it must somehow correlate to chezza’s following habits!


It would be better than Ospina leaving


Well said –

A combustive erratic kindergarten for a calm established international keeper. It is really a no brainer.


It’s all if’s and buts… but seeing as we’d never let him go to a rival Prem club, Champion’s League football at Roma for a year would be a fantastic landing pad for Wojciech. And leave us with the dynamic Cech/Ospina duo.

I detect no downside to this in theory – just the waft of the poo-ometer.


We must remember that Arsenal never won any trophy with the great Fabregas/RvP/Nasri trio. Maybe them moving on was for important for the club to move to a better place. And I will not even talk of Song, Adebayor, Clichy, etc.


Did you forget the “off topic” bit? 🙂


The Telegraph is reliable.
I like a man with a sense of humour.


Doubt it all you like, but they’re far more reliable than those trashy red tops, and rags like the metro.


A loan might be a smart move for all convcdfned, but I can’t see us selling him


That word was “concerned”. I think I just glitched.


I don’t know, I thought “convcdfned” got your point across very well. It’s a word that has no equal.


I will believe it when it’s on

John C

I can’t believe that one of either Szczesny or Ospina won’t leave this transfer window, so there might be some truth to this. We might not have a choice if a good enough offer comes in for one or other which one ends up going.

I’m not sure which one Wenger would want to sell but it’s clear he doesn’t believe either to be the best available otherwise we wouldn’t have bought Cech.

Plus, Szczesny wouldn’t be the first player to pledge his loyalty to a club then leave soon after.


The strength of a player’s claim of loyalty being proportional to the likelihood they’ll move? I understand that mathematicians are working on a concrete formula for it. They’re calling it ‘Delph’s Law’.


How many sleeps until the season starts please?


I like Roma tomatoes, I follow them on Instagram.


There is a bit of keeper merry go round at the moment anticipating De Gea’s possible move and Valdes out of United. Romero rumoured to be in their cross hairs. It really depends who of Szsc or Ospina wants to stay to fight as number two and who wants regular footy now more. The money is on the slightly older player, Ospina. You never know though. We are well covered either way. And Wenger has taken advantage of the situation on hand got Cech in early to bed in with the back 4 as much as poss before season start.… Read more »

Coq au Vin

Ozil never won the UCL with Real Madrid. They won it after he came to us.


Perhaps Santori was referring to the CL that Ozil will win with us this season.


If he follows that utter moron Bilzerian he should be sold as a matter of principle.


He is quite the turd, isn’t he?


Yeah, that was the most worrying revelation in this story. Though I admit a certain degree of envy over the amount and quality of tail Bilzerian scores.

Arsenal's Legend

I always no that someone will leave out of the two keepers Scez and Ospina but am surprised it was scez rather than ospina…… Am just happy that the department is now settled for years to come.

Stewart Robson's therapist

Declarations of loyalty from footballers mean nothing anything more. Not since Fabian Delph.

Stewart Robson's therapist

*any more


He’s clearly off to Dan Bilzerian then. Prefers his arsenal to the Arsenal.

*drops mic, gets coat and hastens towards the exit*


Maybe he’ll be loaned? But, that doesn’t make all THAT much sense other than consistent 1st Team Football and Woj getting to work on his Italian.


cashley Cole and szcezny have the same agent unfortunately . but I still rate ospina above szcezny at d moment


Sorry , I’m confused Jaywon, you rate Ospina above Sczesney at D? You know they’re both goalkeepers, right? Not defense!
Oh, you’re speaking like a twat, “my bad”.

Tomas Casus

Jesus, bit harsh mate. He only used a d!

pony tulips

Are you ‘PMS’ing mate?


Hi, please see our comment policy regarding personal attacks. Thanks –


I wish my D got this kind of attention…




Hi, please see our comment policy regarding the use of text speak, thanks –


Which models?

Hoosier Gunner

For science?

santori Great interview from a man who has built players for us and is no Wenger lackey. Interesting insight into the board and its workings, how we develop and build/balance youth with experience, the sort of understanding we need to imbue between the players with consistency. We build our own. We built a lot of players. We’ve rebuilt a bunch as well. Amazing to think we have had Jack, GIbbs, Coquelin, Bellerin, Szsc to name a few in the first team who have come through the youth ranks and as Liam says, it is important to not suffocate this even… Read more »


Worth noting what Liam says about Giroud. Quality.

He is our only traditional CF. BUt in the modern game, you get goals from wide areas too like RM and Barca. We have Alexis, Walcott who can do the same and we have Welbeck who like Coquelin and Bellerin last season can step up.

Name:downwards moustache

If it happens, then it happens.

Johnny Gooner

Dan Bilzerian Szczesny capture imminent. Likely to start season with only two players.


It’s hard for me to understand how people can rate Szczesny higher than Ospina… Ospina had a great world cup and Copa America, also had a decent first season with us.
Szczesny < Ospina


I think the reason why they (we) rate him higher is bacause we think that the only aspect where Ospina is clearly ahad of him is his focus/calmness. But it is not something that is mainly about football. It is about maturity not about skills. I think Ospina now is a great keeper but won’t be better in the future, while Szczesny (as Wenger said) “has the potential to be a historical goalkeeper for Arsenal Football Club”.


Bendtner had the potential to become a historical striker at Arsenal. If szcz has got what it takes then loan him out so he can show it, just like Cortious at Athletico.

Talbot's Neighbour

Loan deal makes sense…doesn’t fester on the bench… he does well and his stock rises… Get good value out of Ospina as a No2…winner winner Italian dinner


I consider ospina the more solid keeper out of szcz and himself right now, but I think in terms of potential Szczesny is someone I see as arsenal no1 for years to come.
Therefore, I can see sense in loaning wojciech out this season, keeping ospina as our No.2. Then after Petr had given us the title, we bring back a reinvigorated and more solid No.1, for the next 10 years of fruition!


Not that I’m saying I think this is a likely move. Far from it… It just got me thinking


I am of no opinion, I just feel exCECHlent!


@strevs, I think u re the one who is a twat. ospina has proved to be better than szcezny. what does the comparison to defenders have to do with their abilities which we have all seen.


‘Twas intended as a facetious joke Jaywon, my apologies.
But seriously, D instead of the – not necessary in the English language.


don’t let the door hit you on the way out szcz. now we can all relax knowing ospina will be backing up cech.


Bye bye blackbird
Pole in Goal
If it’s true and Ospina stays,
I hope the trolls apologise on his social media page
Some of our fans are not very nice people
Actually most are nasty pieces of rude boy work


Comment: It’s all if’s and buts… but seeing as we’d never let him go to a rival Prem club, Champion’s League football at Roma for a year would be a fantastic landing pad for Wojciech. And leave us with the dynamic Cech/Ospina duo.

I detect no downside to this in theory – just the waft of the poo-ometer.


So much hate for szczesny. Bit surprising seeing as though everyone claimed he was going to be one of the best goalies ever only 2 seasons ago. That’s football, I guess.

Anonymous Physicist

Emi Martinez FA cup hero 2016?


Darn …came here hoping it was true.
Wait’ll mid season when SzCz hasnt been starting I guess.


I understand why this article was created, Instagram/social media followings/posts don’t dictate transfers, people reading too much into things etc etc. BUT, out of all the transfer rumours going about, this is easily one of the more believable stories, and it doesn’t seem to have solely emanated from social media, more that social media added to it. It also makes sense, so I’m surprised at this being singled out as farcical considering some of it’s compeititors. Not saying I have a clue if it’s going to happen, but it does have more credibility than most given our excess of decent… Read more »


I think he’d flourish at a team like Roma. So long as whatever happens works out in Arsenal’s favour, I’ll be happy.
And then I’ll celebrate with a stealth cig and nitrous balloon in a communal shower.


Let him leave on loan.He needs to start for Poland.I can’t see him staying and fighting this season.


well – it’s true. It’s happening. he is going to Roma on loan.


Baffling how so many were convinced Ospina was the one who would go. Gap between them not that wide, but wide enough.

Coq au Vin


Coq au Vin



Chao baby
(I know it’s Italian)
Bye The Pole in Goal
See you in a year
Do a Courtois and return classy and undroppable

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