Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wenger reveals sadness over Diaby

Everyone knows Arsene Wenger wanted Abou Diaby to make it at Arsenal. He kept him on when others would have cut him free, and gave him every chance to get fit and play football.

Sadly the Frenchman’s injuries made the decision to release him this summer pretty much the only one the club could make, and speaking to the official site, the manager spoke of his dismay at how things worked out for the former Auxerre man.

“It’s one of the saddest moments for us at Arsenal not to have had the opportunity to get the best out of Abou Diaby because of injury,” he said.

“I’m very sad because this boy is a massive and a huge talent. It’s sad as well because he didn’t deserve what he got.”

For some the fact Diaby was at a top club picking up wages was enough to not feel any sympathy for his plight, but Wenger spoke of how concerted his efforts were to play football.

“He’s a serious player,” he continued. “He was always at home every night, prepared well every day and was not rewarded. I hope he will be rewarded somewhere else in the final years of his career.

“He was the closest to Patrick Vieira we have seen here, with even a good offensive potential. In France, he’s regarded highly because every time he played in the French national team he made a difference.”

Hopefully someone will take a punt on his talent, and he can get a few years under his belt before he’s forced to retire.

Arsenal have, reportedly, left it open for him to use the training facilities in order to stay fit and, with any luck, find a new club. A nice touch.

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Can sense the pain in Wenger’s words. People criticise him too often for his reluctance to turn his back on his players, but that very same trait has brought us some of our best ones over the years. I have no doubt Diaby would have been one of the best, and it’s a crying shame shame of them all that Wenger’s confidence hasn’t been rewarded. I think of all those he had faith in that he had to let go of, this one will have hurt him the most. Best of luck, Abou. As Wenger said – I hope you… Read more »


Who gave this a thumb’s down? Wouldn’t think john terry would be on here.


Let alone six, though he must have children who are of posting/trolling age by now.

Third Plebeian

By the way, how boss is that pinky ring? Diaby is a wizard!

gooner 44

just proves what a class act , both A F C and Le Prof are.
Good luck to diabe , whereever he ends up.

David C

408 thumbs up and counting! wow.

Nice sentiment; hopefully Diaby will join the MLS so I can watch him when he visits Toronto.


He is the equal to Pogba in his chance of becoming a great like Vieira, and look how much he is worth. We really lost out with that horrible challenge. Diaby lost out on a glittering career.

Feel for him, hope he gets some games under him before he retires


Do yourself a favor and watch this about Diaby:

Andy Mack

This was rather good as well ;


Mesmerising performance, I remember that performance well, a real standout. He could’ve been one of the world’s best, such a shame.

Coq Au Vin

That was fucking excellent indeed! The ending had me in tears… Of laughter.

Tom thumb

He would be be one of the top midfielders in the world right now if it wasn’t for all those injuries,he has all the attributes you want power pace technique passing dribbling,such a pity but I hope a team takes a gamble with him because it will pay off big time if he can stay fit.

Beezus Fuffoon

Sad indeed! All the best, Abou, you deserved better!


Good luck to him…. its always sad to see the good guys finish last in life but hopefully like you say he can have a couple of seasons playing regular football…. maybe in a less physical league like spain


I reckon he could cut the mustard in the EPL. There must be a deeper lying issue with regards to how injury prone he was/is. Think back to that Liverpool game. My man ran the show


The underlying issue is that one leg is shorter than the other since the initial injury, can’t keep your body and musculature balanced when you’re constantly compensating for that.

Coq Au Vin

I hope Dan Smith rots in hell!

Perry S.

CLASS. et all.

Hater of Terry, The Scum, the Spuds and the Mug smashers

I remember in 2010 world cup when he absolutely stood out in the French team when the other 21 players were busy misbehaving and being mediocre. All the best Abou.


Have some fantastic memories of plays he’s made and things he did on the field, but unfortunately far too few and far between. So graceful when moving at his best with great skill. Will always wonder what he could have become without the injuries. Hope he can find a team in a good league where he can play and get back to enjoying the game.


theres not a lot about Diaby that has’nt been said or written before if any one in football deserved a chance it was definately him good luck and i hope some good karma goes your way


Hat off to Wenger for his humanistic approach – cant have been easy with all the ruthlessness that goes with the modern game. That what makes Arsenal different and the best – maintaining an eye on values and not just the money.
I can think of others who have also gained from his understanding and patience – but failed to appreciate and repay it – namely a certain Dutch striker who seems to be heading for Turkey. ‘You guys’ know who I mean and I wonder if he now regrets his 2012 move to Manure

Frankline Ngeno

In other news Ozil pays for another eleven Brazilian kids to have surgery. How generous is that!

Andy Mack

That’s great.
So is this;

M Theobald

Maybe Diaby will use the training facilities and Wenger will see his fitness and re-sign him, ala Flamini. We can but dream.


….or sign a months contract if he proves his fitness.

Who knows what could happen next?


Darn it theoald, you got here before me.

Exactly my point. Hey its good to be optimistic


I love you diaby


I hope Diaby makes it as a coach in the same way Ian Cathro has. If he applies the same dedication, he will make it.


Wages permitting, surely there must be a club with a young and talented manager out there willing to take a punt on both Diaby and Goucouff? Both supremely talented individuals that arguably the core of a French national team for years if not for injuries.

Al Gilmore

Stay classy Arsene


One of the best players I’ve ever seen at arsenal in terms of his potential . If you think I’m exaggerating just watch his performance against an in form Liverpool they could not touch him. It was like watching a viera but with more skill. So unfair . It’s a shame many ignorant afc fans never understood why Wenger persevered for so long with him.

John C

I think you’re exaggerating as i watched his other 179 performances. He was slightly better than average, nothing more and had many more bad games than good. Between the 2007-08 and 2009-10 seasons he played over 100 games for us and he was hardly setting the World alight with his performances in fact he drew far more criticism than praise at the time. All this viewing the past with rose tinted glasses and rewriting of history regarding Diaby’s talents is starting to wear thin with me and i also think it patronises him. Yes, he was a talented player and… Read more »


If fulfilled, Abou would be playing for ManCity by now, following Arsenal French players of late. May be do a Van Perse to Barcelona.


You spelt “Fenerbahcę” wrong mate

The Only Olivier is Giroud

So, so sad for the lad 🙁


It’s such a shame, actually it’s gut wrenchingly awful what happened to about. The amount of work he put in and never got the recognition or chance to fulfil his career. Poor diaby.

chippy's chip

Yep ALL of the above PLUS Dan Smith is a cunt.


I wish all the best to Abou. If he’d stayed healthy he’d have been a world beater. I’ve always admired not just Diaby’s skill, but also the dedication and perseverance he showed in constantly working to get fit again. It’s a crying shame it didn’t work out for him, and I hope he gets on with another club and gets his chance to shine. In other news, and perhaps a bit off topic, I see RvPoo has told the Sun that he’s talking with Fenerbahce because he feels “betrayed” at Man Ure. Holy fuck, is this guy serious? This is… Read more »

Danger Mouse

Why were you reading The Sun ?


I wasn’t, it was a link in the BBC gossip page.


How sad can it be. He deserved way better. All not over yet, honestly hope he gets to do what he loves most and play a full season of football. Best of luck buddy. You will always be a gunner for life and no matter where u end up, we will keep on supporting you.

Frankline Ngeno

I hope one day Abou comes back to us in one capacity or the other like that American Kabasisomething guy. The one who ended up being our scout after injury scuttled his career.
I am certain he will still cut himself a niche in some football related field. This is especially so with how he applies himself. Its not all doom. What he needs to do is reinvent himself. He could one day be another Wenger. I am a half full glass person like that..


Diaby, what a pitty. He would have been an arsenal legend and he was so good he probably would have gone Real Madrid. Good luck to him now.


He could have been one of the best midfielder in the world without those injuries..

Trex d' Gunner

All the best Abou. Its a real shame he couldn’t fulfill his obvious potential with Arsenal because of thugs like Dan Smith and Essien

Petit's Handbag

Greatest player to never get to play

Kenny robo

Yep soo sad could have been so different All the best to Abou and Arsen Wenger is the most beautiful man ever,genuinely cares deeply about people, a master of quotes,the press and brings so much sense in the mad world of football,when we win the champions league it will be with a team of men playing for their club and manager not some bunch of money grabbing filthy individuals led by a questionable individual with loads of money who in all fairness should be in jail not pumping millions into extensions of their tiny penises Apologies for ranting All the… Read more »


We are a class club.


Just listening to the Ox talk about him, it’s a very sad story.

Yeah, footballers do live very privileged lives, but there comes a point when professional pride comes into it, such a shame Abou couldn’t fulfill his potential.


Heres the link btw.


Good from the Ox and we also now know how to cook rice and beans!

Arsenal's Legend

does using the arsenal facilities also mean being attended to by the newly signed medical and fitness staffs? may be they can rejuvenate a dying career. Probably still give a 3 years outstanding display on the pitch with arsenal. I believe in miracles.

The greatest player that never play.

we love you Abou

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Perhaps it was their know-how that finally convinced Wenger that Diaby wasn’t going to make it with us? I’m sad for him, proud to have Wenger as our manager, and hoping they both have a fantastic 2015-16 season.


Really feel for him. Could have been a legend for us. Great potential and ability. Hope he gets to play for a decent club. Good luck Abou…

Merlin's Panini

So sad he couldn’t get gia fitness back. I don’t think there’s a more determined footballer out there. Many would have given up and retired years ago in the same situation but Diaby just doesn’t give up. He really deserves a proper run of fitness wherever he ends up next because his attitude and his talent are unparalleled. I just hope he doesn’t have to call it a day.

Ken Mungai

He was always home every night. All you need to know about Wenger.


Sometimes it’s good to look at things from another perspective. Silly challenge but he surely didn’t want to end Diaby’s career. It’s simply a very unfortunate incident.


Although it always winds me up when players say in their defence that things are “something you see all the time in football”, as if the abundance of shite tackles that result in some ankle twisting, cringe inducing collisions makes it okay that talentless fucks still infect the leagues.

Perhaps if we get a few to jump off a cliff, all the others will follow because “it’s alright if others are doing it”.

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