Sunday, September 8, 2024

Gnabry set for West Brom loan

Various reports this morning say that Serge Gnabry is set for a loan spell at West Brom.

The German has been out of first team action since March 2014 after suffering a serious knee injury, and a further set-back last season.

Before that he was making Arsene Wenger’s squad on a semi-regular basis and made 14 appearances in the 2013/14 season, scoring one goal.

However, after such a long time out of action, and with his path to first team football at Arsenal a difficult one, a loan spell makes a lot of sense.

If he can regain his form and fitness, he’ll be a real asset for the Baggies.

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El blondo

Go get ’em Gnab! What a prospect


Good luck to him! But surely we can send him somewhere Tony Pulis isn’t?


Quite agree. Utterly sickening. Hopefully there’s a clause in the contract that allows us to recall him, which we’ll activate late, after the window is shut, all the better to leave Pulis in the shit. Then we can send Gnabry to Villa or somewhere more cheerful and attacking.


We won’t be able to send him to a cheerful place if we recall him after the window is already shut.


The Goblin King is an odious shit of a man, but (whisper it quietly) he is a pragmatic, efficient manager who gets results. It’ll be a good place for Gnabry to learn and improve. I just hope that the medical department at Arsenal have given him a full range of inoculations; you never know what you might contract consorting with those sorts of people.


At least he won’t be targetted by tony pulis…. this is a classic game of thrones move by wenger…
Pulis will be afraid to sent his team out to hurt us for fear they lose their most talented footballer

Bendtner's Ego

So, are you saying that we’ve sent one of our sons to the Goblin King to live as a ward under his protection?


The closer you are to danger, the further you are from harm.


That’s an intereseting point. What are you, a monk?


Unless its a fire….no?


I don’t know about that … rattlesnakes, tornadoes, lightning bolts, faulty electrical outlets, nuclear bombs …

Thumbed you up anyway for the nice zen-like feel you gave me.

Walcotts left foot

No lord of the rings fans at arsenal i guess

Anonymous Physicist

Pulis’s West Brom is quite a different beast from Pulis’s stoke though, isn’t it?

Andy Mack

He hasn’t been their that long. Give him time 😀


I think if he had been fit last season, he would be fighting for the first spot against the likes of Theo and Chambo. The guy has talent, lets hope he can make the most of this loan spell and come back stronger.


Great move for him. Could potentially cause some of our title rivals a problem this season and sneak us a few points!


Now I’ve got a reason to watch their games that don’t involve us


Hadn’t seen him at all during pre season either, thought he suffered a vicious beating at the hands of Gunnersaurus or something.

Anyway, good luck Serge!

Thierry Walcott

I bet he could keep Zaha out of the first XI at Palace, exciting player to watch. Good luck where ever you go. COYGnabry!


Best thing for him. Really hope he can crack on from here – as with so many of our young players at the moment.


There was a time he and the Ox were on the wings and causing havoc is what they did.

I’d imagine the ox, sanchez and gnabry. That’s a bag of trickery, pace, power, resilience and most of all are unpredictable and thereby difficult to mark. If we ever get to see them that way with playmakers behind them we’d have a feasting.

Hope he keeps the spot at westbrom to develop further.

Loaning goons out means they are extra motivated against our rivals which may help nick just a few points with luck.


He’s a Ronaldo in the making but needs game time to show his quality. No not quality but qualities.


If wilshere is gonna be out for so long surely better he stayed?


Tony poo less.


My guess is that we’ll keep him for another week or two till Sanchez and Welbeck are match fit. But Wenger knows best


I thought he’d get chances with us this season if I’m honest.

With Another forward player seemingly on the move out, anyone think there’s a chance we are clearing the way for Ben****?

Smoke/fire and all that jazz or am I just putting 2+2 together and getting 5


Never mind the thumbs down. Your comment may just turn out to be Genius!!
Let’s wait and see.

Santi Claus

Good move for both parties. Great prospect. Just watch out for Pulis in the showers Serge!

Merlin's Panini

This is exactly what Gnabry needs. This is his chance to really kick on and if he does he’ll be a hell of a player. Once he’s ironed out his game I can see him becoming a regular starter on the wings freeing up the Ox to play in his favoured central midfield position eventually. A couple of years ago we simply didn’t have the depth in the squad to allow someone like Gnabry to go and get regular football as we needed him for back up, now that we’re able to do this it just goes to show how… Read more »


Wow, his hair is amazing. Chambo take note!


Go Gnabster!


He’s still young at 20yrs so this loan will do him a load of good. Particularly, under Pubis, this may strengthen the defensive aspect of his game since his attacking instinct is already pretty strong.

With Campbell also possibly sold (Akpom etc all likely on loan), this may free up one more spot for an attacking player to come in.

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