Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flamini: I proved them wrong

Two-goal hero Mathieu Flamini says he’s aware of what had been said about him so far this season, but the Frenchman stuck two fingers, in the form of two goals, up at his critics.

He has, somewhat unfairly, become someone roundly derided and although this was his first appearance of the season, he played like a man with more than a point to prove.

Speaking to Sky after the game, he said, “I’m happy, happy for the team, and obviously personally very happy.

“I’ve heard many things, in the press, people talking about me, but I proved them wrong. I’m still here. I have no problem with anyone at the club, I’m happy here.

“I had a point to prove because I haven’t played for a while, today was my day but overall I’m happy for the team.

“It was important because it was a derby, you always want to win, and now we can start with a new dynamic.

“I am a warrior, a beast that spans the ages and consumes the hearts and souls of those that dare to challenge me. Who is this Harry Kane? I shall eat him for breakfast and spit out the bones at the feet of his family.

“I will feast on their entrails, smearing their gizzards on my face like war paint. Those who cross me shall feel my wrath and my wrath is quite wrathful indeed. It’s at least 7 on a scale of 1-10. Sometimes 8.

“I’m working on it being a 9 or a 10 but that requires real dedication and I like to party with royals. Anyway, the point is somebody needs to call these Tottenham suckers a Flambulance because my sirens are already out of order.

“Oh yeah!”

*puts shades on like Horatio Caine.*

Attaboy Mathieu, and what about that second goal. Ooooof.

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Stuart Steele (@Stuart_Ten)

Wham, Bam, thank you Flam. Or sumat.

Nasri's missing chinbone

Play him at nine, play him at niiiiiine, play Mathieu at nine, he’ll score all the time!


Fucking excellent

Gunner From Another Mother

“I am a warrior, a beast that spans the ages and consumes the hearts and souls of those that dare to challenge me. Who is this Harry Kane? I shall eat him for breakfast and spit out the bones at the feet of his family.

What’s fucking excellent is Blogs’ ability to start a sentence with a couple words of what seems to be a believable quote and transition it into pure comedy gold. Always catches me by surprise and leaves me laughing like an idiot.


Flamtastic!!! A liability sometimes but gotta love the man..

God is Bergkamp, Bergkamp is God

Only a liability if you’re shit

Coq's 3rd leg

That finish needs to be on infinite loop at the training ground tomorrow.


I was so sad back then when he leave us to Milan. And now I just realized that I will be sad again when he leave us at the end of this season. One of my fav gunners ever, no doubt.


Thierry said on Sky that he saw Flam training alone, why? He was supposed to leave but stayed (against Wengers will I assume), he’s not injured & trains alone because of that he stayed? If that’s the reason then I don’t understand that at all. Is it common thing, is it normal? We all know he’s not the best of what we have but that’s what we have.
Please, can anyone explain it to me?

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

I think he said that after the training he would stay for an additional training with the fitness coach or something…


Oh, ok that makes sense. Thanks, Cyprus The Immortal Gooner.
And kind thanks to those who bothered giving “thumb down” rather then giving the answer.

Eduardo Stark

What he showed today was a pleasant surprise. He played like Ramsey did in his breakthrough. Brilliant!
Overall it was a good team play. Chambers was unlucky with that clearance but albeit that he did very well.
It’s just Debuchy that still worries me. Out of place too often and keep giving space to opposition.

Andy Mack

Debuchy has been out a long time and is clearly very ‘rusty’ (hopefully that’s the reason).

Toure Motors

Flamin~g awesome

Goone's Farm

People going on and on about us not signing a striker and a DM in the market failed to see we already them in the form of Flam. Top performance! 😉

Goone's Farm

We already had them. Goddammit.

Jon Snow

Top top quality indeed!


What a devastating volley that was Flam !! We always believed in you !


No you didn’t. People were always on his back before this game. At least be honest.

Dan Hunter

Tongue in cheek


I, like most Gooners, spent the summer wondering “why are we not shipping Flamini out?”. Never had a problem with him, but given his lack of playing time it just seemed AW lost faith, as such I followed suit. But there’s a wonderful reason why we kept him…

Tottenham Hotspur exist. And Tottenham Hotspur can’t handle a burning hot naked FLAMe.

*apologies to those who may have built a mental image based on the literal interpretation of that final sentence.


Even bigger apologies to Flamini, I was wrong about you, you lovely feral Frenchman you!


The Flamster never fails to turn it up against the spuds! Wonderful strike for the second. A bit of an indictment on our recognized strikers that we’re relying on him to get the job done.


Didnt see that coming. Best part of the match was seeing him pound the crest on the shirt after the second goal and after the game. What a performance.

Nasri's missing chinbone

I loved the crest pounding too, but undoubtedly the rugby tackle on Danny rose was the best moment of the game. I think he saw arteta’s attempted assault on yours truly and decided he could do better.

And if I accidentally click on trying to post this one more bloody time I’m going to lose the plot. Fucking adverts.

Dan Hunter

Is your phone, like, the size of a wristwatch?


You have a phone??

Is your thumb the size of your phone?

Thierry Bergkamp

Thought the crest pounding was painful to look at, myself. It didn’t mean that much to him when Milan came calling now, did it.


Pretty sure last time I looked up “contract year phenomenon” on Wikipedia there was a picture of Flamini. Hopefully he can provide the team with more performances like that which will help him secure a massive contract and signing bonus somewhere. It’s really win-win.


This is exactly what i was going to say, Flamer is in his contract year so get ready for him to play out of his skin!


If he keeps taking his chances when he plays just keep him on one-year extensions. Problem solved!


Awesome job, Flamster! Worried about Debuchy though. You’re not with Newcastle anymore, Debuchy. No need to run around like a chicken with its head cut off! Just play your position!


Just an assumption: Bellerin is good at going up the field which Debuchy lacks in comparison. It just might be the case Debuchy is trying to do what Bellerin does, so that he doesn’t lose out in competition, although so far it has cost his defensive position.

eboue's cleft



Rate thunderbastard that.

A competent right-back performance away from that being an absolute piece of piss.


Take a bow, The Flamster! That second goal was a thing of beauty!! 😀

M Theobald

What a refreshing change to see a bit of professionalism. How many players nowadays, not getting the game time they want, throw their toys out the pram, rather than training hard and taking their chance when it does come around? Lots. But not this one.


I would challenge your point about “training hard” based solely on the looks of things when he took his shirt off.


You think people need a six pack to be fit? He was running for 90 and barely slowed down.


Flamessi. Flamendowski. Flamnaldo. Flamvani. Flamuero. Flamadona. Flamrahimovic. Absolutely fucking brilliant. He’s now scored two of the best solo goals I’ve ever seen.

The Gent's fourth illegitimate Rhodesian lovechild

Flam-tasy football. Flam-tasy finishing etc.

bims lay



Three lessons learned from our sage Monsieur Flamini:
1. Desire is King. Get up for it!
2. Always follow a shot.
3. There is nothing wrong with a little direct play mixed into the gameplan.

Bonus lesson: Shoooooooot!!! Both goals came from taking a rip at it ON TARGET. Which kinda goes without saying.


Beyond chuffed for him! Whatever people may think of certain members of the team don’t think any of them could be questioned for their passion and love for the team. Well deserved Flam!


Mathieu Bosman


Almost the forgotten man. Injury to the Coq and people worrying about whether Arteta is up to the task. I know who I’d choose to fill in if needed right now. COYG!!!


Always liked Flamini since me and him slagged off a police man around the corner from Highbury (long story short, I was working as a steward last game there against Wigan….Flamini was trying to drive through a road block to get into the ground, busy body bobbie didn’t know who he was so wouldn’t let him through, I told the policeman who he was, then had a good 5 min conversation with Flamini)


What car was he driving?


The Mattmobile


Oi sp*rs!

You’ve been flamed.


Spuds are still confused about what hit them. They were predisposed to stop Giroud and the Ox from scoring. The second goal was a proper proper stickers goal COYG

Yorkshire Gunner

Loved Ospina too – was I mistaken but did he push Ericksons shot in the second half onto the post with his right hand?it wasn’t picked up by Sky but I’m sure he did. Handled well throughout and came out well for crosses on two or three occasions.

I am worried about Arteta though – he was off the pace tonight and on several occasions was not in the right position to make the tackle.I’m hoping it will come back with game time but maybe Flamster has now a claim to be back up DM? He is certainly more dynamic.


Arteta played well. He made some good tackles, he was where he had to be when he had to be there, and his passing was accurate. He just wasn’t splashy about it.


both goal celebrations were excellent. i’d love to see the rest of the team’s reactions, especially ozil, when he scored the second. you can see nacho jump out of his seat for mathieu’s first.


What a way to reintroduce himself. Definetly ahead of negative passer that is Arteta.


Go on ye boyya


Flamini should be keeping his gob shut and just getting on with it. Saying “I told you so” makes him look like a plonker. He’s had one (very) good game – his first of the season. Let’s see what he can do between now and Christmas.

Great night: Spuds beaten and then an excellent draw.


Ah Fatgooner let the man enjoy his moment!


Where did you crawl out of?!


This is what you want to see from the squad players, he and gibbo and even Joel Campbell did some great work today! Special mention to Per slotting right back in like he hasn’t been away, thats not easy.


Back from the dead eh Blogs? 😉

Alexis' Dirty Sanchez

Matthieu Flam Basten


I could be wrong but isnt he joint top scorer now?


I hope the rest of the squad takes note on how to take your chance. The players not currently in our first XI (and a few who actually are) can take note from Flam on how to take your chance when given. I feel like he’s the only one between this game and the CL match to make the manager take note that he should be given more playing time. I feel like the rest of the backups over the two games basically validated the manager’s decisions to not play them regularly. I wonder if a potential longish injury to… Read more »


The second goal. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. And it’s the goal that beat Sp*rs.


What a goal! I sat upright with a wide smile as I saw him jumping in the air and meeting that volley perfectly. Mesut must have been teaching him things!


Striker problem solved! 😉


MOTM for sure. What was different today was Wegner usually pairs Flamini with a midfielder who spends a lot of time going box to box, like Santi. And since Coq does the holding role so well, Flamini sits. Today, Arteta held back most of the time, allowing Flamini the freedom to push forward. I can’t remember him being given that freedom before, but it obviously worked. But with Jack and Thomas injured, it’s good to have another mid in that role.


wenger needs to work on Own Goal, you know, teach him the right post to score goals!


That is a rad fucking goal. The French Jesus.

Dan D

That made me chuckle. Good work…

Kenyan Gooner

Flamini, whenever he plays, likes to get forward. Hope he gets 10 goals this season,


Ha ha Haaa…

Did he really say all that ?

Priceless stuff blogs.

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