Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sp*rs 1-2 Arsenal – player ratings

As with many derbies it was a tight game, but for all their preparation, Tottenham could not deal with the resurgent majesty of the Flam.

Up he popped with number one, and after two the Sp*rs were done. Here’s how the players rated in our opinion.

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Stuart Steele (@Stuart_Ten)

No mention of Ospina’s super save? Was a worldy. Thought Campbell looked okay considering the lack of minutes he’s had, put himself about. Debuchy, a shocker unfortunately.

Stuart Steele (@Stuart_ten)

Ha, great work!

Bendtner's Ego

Something is wrong with the rating system.

I can’t seem to give Flamini an 11.


Why don’t you just make 10 Flammer?


The question is, if Le Coq is still recovering from last weekends outing at Mike Dean Fest 2015; does Arsene dare to Flamzorla against Leicester? Yea, or neigh?? What says you?


That’s a definite maybe …


Anyone noticed how the distance of Ospina’s kicks have improved so much?


Yes, he seems to have added about 30 yards to them!


I was thinking that too, at first thought the field was much shorter, but he was getting all of his kicks (in run of play with either foot, goal kicks and punts) well beyond midfield. Was a big issue last year for him, but looks like a different, much more assured player back there now which is great to see. What a solid backup option.


I was thinking exactly the same thing when I was watching the game. And he kicked it long with both his right and left foot!

He probably is an avid Arsecast listener – Andrew and James complained about his short kicks in almost every Arsecast last season – so he must have bulked up on his legs and worked on his long kicking in the off season and Copa America!


He was listening to Mr. Blogs criticisms on Arseblog Podcasts.


It was oddly improved since last week’s CL match. I was thinking Spurs must have shortened their pitch…


Perhaps its just the extra energy — or even wind — generated by the away fans.



To be fair to Ospina, I think his kicking has been better for a while. Don’t forget he came to us with a thigh injury last season which probably majorly affected his kicking


4 for Debuchy is very generous.

Goone's Farm

That’s a bit harsh. He did have a decent number of good tackles, headed clearances, and a proper effort on goal from distance. Plus he dealt well with that ball that fell for Kane in the box (which he let drop for him in the first place, but that’s why he’s got a 4 not a 7)


Yep he improved as Spurs did, was solid as anyone in the last 20, and the Ox had far more influence on the game than giroud and campbell, ramsey also deserved higher for being our most creative player. So do we all love Flamini again? but more as the box to box cm than a Coq replacement?


Debuchy also cut that little rat, Rose, down on the edge of the box in the first half, which was something I thoroughly enjoyed watching.

David C

Danny Rose has to be the player that rolls around the most in the EPL. I think he might have even passed Ashley Young.


I am certainly concerned with Debuchy’s form. He was unable to close down fast enough (i.e. marking was off); his positioning was mediocre; and his overall awareness seemed a bit off. If he doesn’t improve as the season goes, he may not have a spot with us next season with Jenkinson coming back from loan and Bellerin doing what he is doing at the moment.


well, he’s a good header of the ball, and he made a few good tackles. But his lack of pace was certainly exposed, and positioning-wise suspect. It shows why Bellerin is ahead of him right now. I see Bellerin and Jenks competing for RB next year. Another season at West Ham will have done him a world of good. Debuchy tries, but I fear it does not match our ambitions…

Social Pariah

I think we should get Jenks back in January then we can
pass Debuchy to the West Ham side

David C

you had me singing! thanks for that.

bims lay

Loved the arseblog follow on comment on the Debuchy rating…lol…left me in stiches!

RIP Hleb

Flamini getting anything less than a 10 is a disgrace.
Thought Ramsey was at least an 8 as well as he was our main attacking threat. Created plenty of opportunities and played some sincerely beautiful through balls.
And again, still not sure why Flam didn’t get a 10…


Sorry mate, Ramsey was poor again. Terrible passing, terrible shooting, half the player he was two years ago. If Jack was fit, Ramsey wouldn’t be in the team.

Gabriel logan

Finally someone who agrees and thought Ramsey was poor!! His passing was so loose at times and squandered possession in killer area’s yesterday which against good teams we WOULD have conceded 1 or 2 goals from. Ox was really last night, releasing the ball a lot quicker which is great to see. Not dribbling every time he gets the ball.


Bottom line on Ramesis is that, a year and a half ago, it would have been him slapping those two stonkers into the net and not Flam… both were typical Ramsey goals of that great season.

Mr. G

Long live Flamessi!


I’d have given him and Ox an 8. And maybe given Arteta a 5…

Chamb (oh)

You know how you are always the calm one in the football pub. Every goal whether spectacular or routine is met with a clap, cheers to your mates or mild applause.

Well Flaminis 2nd changed all that. It was a wonderful experience being so loud and out of order like Flamin.


Debuchy has looked in poor form all season and today was almost as bad as last week in Zagreb. Campbell just looked lost and nowhere near good enough for Arsenal. The Ox was equal parts sublime and ridiculous. Everyone else was good. Flamster was outstanding at both ends of the pitch.

Stuart Steele (@Stuart_ten)

Harsh on Campbell. Thought he worked hard. Gonna take him time to settle for sure but there’s something there, imo.


Agreed, he showed a lot of effort. His tackles in 50/50s showed he knows what this derby is about. I like him and I think with more minutes like tonight he will click more… I feel for Debuchy, I think he was instructed to go up at goal kicks like Sagna used to but Ospina kept sending up to Ollie. Plus Debuchy keeps getting thrown in a new back 4, either Mert, Chambers, Gabriel or Kos next to him. Or worse, having to cover for different wingers. Monreal and Alexis go together because they can communicate and got a good… Read more »

I don't comment here often

Every time I’ve seen Joel Campbell play I’ve thought “bad first touch.”


He did work very hard early, but looked to tire a bit in the 2nd half which is understandable with his lack of game time.


I thought he was better than Alexis, and probably better than the Ox.

Dan Hunter

Ox was man of match for me he ran rings around the Spuds. Flamini was good for his goals but Ox looked dangerous throughout


That ran in the second half by the ox summed up is season perfectly, dangerous on the attack but terrible end product . It’s funny because that is the kind of run world class players like ronaldo and messi can produce and has commentators drooling over but the delivery was over hit more than once today.




He still deserved a 7 at least. Thought he was our chest player too. Him and the Flam anyway! Also was a bit worried by Arteta, his score is pretty generous. Thought he was rusty

Dan Hunter

Get out while you can Joel


I’m glad Giroud got a decent rating too. Worked his socks off and really hasn’t been getting much service recently so it’s gonna be difficult for him to get on the score sheet. We seem to cross more when he’s not on the pitch which is odd too! Great result! Flam the man!

La Défense


Who says he can’t kick!

Me So Hornsey

Debuchy was left exposed by Campbell it’s true and when they scored it was inevitable it would be from our poor weak right side.

But Debuchy’s performance was extremely concerning in the event that bellerin should ever get injured. He was a liability in almost everything he did. He was so poor, the spurs tactics changed 2nd half to attack his side constantly. He made Danny Rose look like Roberto Carlos tonight.

I hope he can recover some form or confidence soon as it was sad to see. He looked lost.


His kicks are less accurate than last season, but longer. Last season he would reach an Arsenal man 90% of the time and Arsenal would invariably win the second ball if an opponent touched it.
Not too accurate last night, but long, but we won less second ball.
His work in the box under thee high ball was pretty good last night


Seriously blogs, Flamini has to get a 10+, He scored two goals to win the game against that lot and after the second he paid homage to the fans and what a second it was, he could of got sent off afterwards and I still would have gave him a 10………Flamini for President!


Bellerin looks light years ahead of Debuchy at the moment – due to a combination of Bellerin getting better and Debuchy getting worse!

Unyoke the Ox

If this continues, we should bring The king of banter, Jenko back.


I do have to wonder what the plan for Debuchy is after this season. I personally think a lot of his poor positioning had to do with poor fitness and lost pace. He looked knackered right after HT and seems physically incapable of getting up and down the pitch. He’s not a spring chicken and I hate to say it but his career looks in terminal decline.


Debuchy looked slow, slow, slow. He has no closing speed. On the play that garnered him the yellow card he was looking for a burst and there was none. Crash. Boom. Maybe he has not recovered fully from his injuries. I also think he looks more, umm, thick than he did last year. Perhaps his conditioning needs to improve. With his current movement his positioning will have to be perfect against slower players. Having said that I’m not sure a left back can play the way Per does at center back against speed merchant. Whatever is happening, he needs to… Read more »

Gunnersaurs's Lover

Unfortunately Jenko has become religious and currently works as the Archbishop of Banterbury.


Meanwhile, Sp*rs so shit, we have to score their goals for them.

Gunner From Another Mother

Best comment of the day right here

David C

I was gutted for Chambers too. I thought he played a great game and didn’t deserve that bit of poor luck/timing.

Walcott's left footed curl

I’m mystified by Ox. He does great runs, can take on a defender, shoot, pass and dribble. He’s fast and got stamina, seemes to cover the pitch well. Yet he often seems off. Dribbles two guys then fail to spot his team mates, passes when should’ve ran, dribble when he should’ve passed. His shots are seldom as good as they can.

I don’t know, he’s lacking something, perhaps decision making. I hope it will click for him soon.


Needs to pick his head up. All action, no plan at the moment. Pre injury I thought he did it better at times, hope he gets it back!


Anybody else think Giroud’s got some issues that need sorting out? He seems to be ridiculously angry on the pitch these days. He didn’t get any service, but he didn’t help himself much either with this run-out.


Yes, I do too. Said so last week when he came on against Chelski. Instead of giving it all, he just moped about and whined about lack of possession. He either needs TLC or a kick up the arse. Maybe there is something going on in personal life too?

I was stuck in the office listening to the BBC5 commentary – and they rated his performance highly. Apparently he ran the scum CBs ragged. Fair?


A bit generous perhaps. His positional play was good. He didn’t have many chances but muffed the ones he did get. Agree with you and phelan that there seems to be something else going on. He’s one unhappy camper at the moment. Maybe it’s frustration, maybe the criticism of him at the end of the transfer window got to him, maybe his wife snuck a peek at his phone messages? Summat’s up.


He defended well from the front, we had more closing down energy all over the pitch in this game than we’ve had for a while, nice to see the effort level raised for a derby


Bollocks, he held the ball up well at times, gave their centre cunts a bit of a hard time and ran in between. He’s not lightning quick but a couple of balls played in and he kept the ball going off the flank. Someone should’ve put his cross away. His chance was a good one and he should’ve put it away but so should’ve Theo, Alexis and Ramsey. Giroud had his shirt ripped off him twice. He has every right to be pissed off because his markers aren’t playing by the rules.


Phelan, maybe I need to watch the game again but I agree with you right now, then some more. I would rate Giroud 2 out of 10 – he seemed, in my eyes, the worst player on the pitch. Flamini’s 1st goal was against the run of play as the ball never stuck upfront. Giroud did not even run into the box to investigate potential fallout from Ox’s shot. He was constantly complaining and standing stock still when dispossessed while his teammates ran hard to fill up emerging gaps. Even when nicely set up by Ramsey (?) just outside the… Read more »


Too many times I’ve seen Giroud stand there after we lose possession instead of trying to put some pressure from the front, the contrast with Sanchez is striking. Even Theo chases back when he loses the ball, he just does not usually have the ball so much to lose it!

Dick Swiveller

He wasn’t bad today, did some good things and tried hard, which is an improvement on his previous few games so maybe he’s starting to come out of his funk.


Maybe watching the game again will change my opinion but I agree with you right now, then some more. I would rate Giroud 2 out of 10 – he seemed, in my eyes, the worst player on the pitch. – Flamini’s 1st goal was against the run of play as the ball never stuck upfront. Giroud did not even run into the box to investigate potential fallout from Ox’s shot. – He was constantly complaining and standing stock still when dispossessed while his teammates ran hard to fill up emerging gaps. – Even when nicely set up by Ramsey (?)… Read more »


at least 9 for Gibbs! His clearance prevented being down 2-1


You mean Ox, don’t you?


Andre Marriner, 10/10 for not being Mike Dean


Giroud played like a spoiled C*** tonight, barely raised a sweat. He needs to get over himself or get out in January. He obviously found out Wenger wanted a striker badly in the summer and now that he’s 2nd choice to Theo he’s trying to show his grievance by basically not jumping for any balls, not chasing, and basically playing like a C***, which for many is how he plays anyway. Ithought Debuchy had a very strong final 20mins – when we really needed him. Won a lot of 50/50s and pressed up the field hard top push them back.… Read more »

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

My user name has never felt more appropriate.


North London is Red!!


Debuchy maybe needs more playing time? Agree, he was poor tonight. All over the shop. Giroud & Alexis are both well off the boil. It seems like a confidence issue for both of them. Hopefully a couple of goals apiece will turn things around. We’re struggling without them. Stoked for the Flaminator! He always plays out of his skin against the spuds and we really needed it tonight.


I think both Debuchy and Arteta need some game time to get to 100% fitness. It’s a big difference between playing games and training. Both looked pretty solid towards the end of the match, making good clearances and tackles during the last 15 mins

Jess McArsenal

I think Alexis gave us some much needed impetus when he came on, although I expected him to bury the chance got in the box – always seems to want to cut onto his right unfortunately


0 for fans chanting anti Semitic chants. No place for that kind of stuff

Crash Fistfight



I think we are being tough on Debuchy. He is low on confidence after having his place taken by a youngster. He’s not exactly played much football over the past year. He is a quality player, he just needs some time to hit some form again. It is just hard to see that happening with Bellerin playing so well. He’s pretty much undroppable at the moment

Dan Hunter

He might have more chance of playing in CB or even DM than RB with Bellerin doing as well as he is


Giroud doesnt deserve this club.


Ramsey reverse pass for giroud that he hit at vorm was wet!


By the way, haven’t been checking Sky sports since Deadline day.

When did Owen goal make his transfer to Spurs? Thought the window was closed?!


Tough crowd, I’ll just go fuck myself!


Canuck Gunner

That Owen Goal guy had a good start to the season for us, but is becoming a bit of a liability. Time to have him benched or make sure he stays well away from our goal.
Couldn’t watch the game because of work, but incredibly glad for Flamini after so many people had written him off as not being good enough to cover for Coq.

Boilermaker Gunner

Let’s stand by giroud. He will score soon! He looks short on confidence.


Was not a consistent performance by use as we didn’t have much flow throughout the match and had some really bad turnovers that almost cost us, but great to gut out a win with so many changes to the lineup against a Spurs squad with a number of regulars at home. Some things struck me during the match: – Ramsey’s best role certainly is not in the #10 role, he did have a great pass to Gibbs on the one run, but he seems far more suited to the Carzola role between the DM and AM. Worked really hard though.… Read more »


10 for MOTM Flamini; 9 for everyone else for beating the Spuds.

Cyprus The immortal Gooner

I thought Arteta was pretty poor as a DM. All he did basically was run around his space. Too slow these days, no burst speed… There were challenges that FC34 would have all over but Arteta chose just to give them a couple of yards to cover for his lack of acceleration. Like him but I would pick Flamini as DM over him…


Flamini scored 2 at White Hart Lane! 1 of them a bloody volley from 20 yards. He still doesn’t get a 10?
I demand his rating to be reconsidered. Or we’ll start a petition.

Arshavin's fake moustache

I think we did sp*rs a favour removing those banners, they’re hopelessly cringe-worthy.


Bonus rating should have been 0 and not 10 blogs. You can’t condone such behaviour. You would be calling them some nice names if this was being done at our stadium.


But we aren’t and that’s my point. Anyway, I’m sure people will look at things differently after the euphoria has come down a few notches. Lets hope the FA doesn’t fine us and mar what was an excellent win.

King Kolo

I thought Arteta was poor throughout. He basically ran alongside the game. I know Blogs likes him but to say he ‘managed himself through the game’ is another way of saying he picked and chose his moments, not something a DM can do… He fouls far more now because he can’t keep up with play. The only way you can play him is if the Flam or Coq are next to him anyone more attacking next to him and we would be in big trouble…


Finally a win. Still it’s worrying that a 3rd choice DM scored our goals with all the forwards and attacking mids in the team. Hopefully this will be the start of a good run.

Stewart Robson's therapist

Ramsey’s actually pretty good if you play him through the f***ing middle. Who knew. (…)

Stewart Robson's therapist

Just to clarify, this comment is dripping with sarcasm. I love Ramsey and it kills me having to watch him shunted out wide most weeks. I want him in central midfield all the time.


And to top it off, the Spurms invited Wayne Gretzky to the match and in a pre-game ceremony handed him a personalized jersey … with his name spelled wrongly. How disrespectful and classless, and how precisely what we’ve come to expect from these buffoons over the years.

Pete L

“Spelled wrongly” – comical genius.


Personally thought Ramsey did very well, making some incisive passes.

Dan D

Re the Debuchy debate I feel he improved, as did the team as the game wore on. We were terrible for the first 70 mins, just kept giving the ball away and I’ve lost count of the amount of games of ping-ball and head tennis that were going on throughout much of the match. Thought spurs were dreadful too and it could / should have been 3/4-1 from our last 15-20 mins display. As soon as Sanchez entered the fray, we passed it and the confidence levels of the team seemed to pick up almost instantly. Super save from Ospina,… Read more »

Red side

Flamini s done more in 90 mins than Ramsey has all season going forward must be all those romantic strolls with ozil happy in love happy on the pitch

Stewart Robson's therapist

Ramsey scored the winner against a big rival this season too. He was stupidly denied by the linesman, Flamini wasn’t. Simple as.

Jess McArsenal

Missed Ozil in that #10 role, makes you realise just how effortless he makes things!

David Semen

I think Ramsey can count himself lucky that Jack or Rosicky aren’t available as I think he’s been pretty poor recently. Granted he made 2 incisive passes which led to chances (To Gibbs 1st half and to Giroud 2nd half) but aside from that he was generally sloppy in possession. His touch seems to be off when doing the basic things which is worrying, and then someone nips it off his toes and we’re left exposed.


Im sure Wenger is just hoping hes gonna rediscover the form of 2 years ago…he can always give a decent pass when hes got a bit of space and has the ball under control, but he always looks on the verge of a mistake at the moment …im sure opposition managers target him knowing hes likely to turn the ball over

Nacho Nacho Man

For Leicester away I’m hoping for – 4231, cech, bellerin mert kos nacho, coq & santi, chambo ozil alexis, walcott. From what I’ve seen so far this season I would consider that our strongest team at this moment.

King Henry XIV

Thank you Arsene for sticking to the squad rotation and believing in the players that we have. It’ll keep everyone happy with the chances that they are given and good dressing room morale.
Thank you Flamini for saving the boss against hellfire criticism with the sweet win.
Those players who do not embrace the chances will only have themselves to blame.

Podolski's Left Foot

I think I spent half the game playing ‘Where’s Debuchy?’

Lone Star Gunner

How bad must Sp*rs feel? Despite his midweek comments Arsene rotated quite a bit (some enforced), while with a few exceptions, they trotted out their starting 11 and really looked second best to what is arguably our second string. Ouchie. I guess they are shite or something, think I heard that before from some guy named Jack.


Thank you for pointing out how poor debuchy was in that game.. He had a very appalling match, kept driving forward while 2-1 up away at tottenshit. Even had a stupid shot from distance under no pressure at 89 mins. Infuriating

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