Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ox wants to improve in the box

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is targetting more goals this season, saying that his finishing and placement is something he needs to work on.

The 22 year old was challenged by Arsene Wenger at the start of the season to hit double figures for the first time, and it’s one area of his game he’s looking to develop this season.

Speaking to Rabona, he said, “I’m always working on areas I can improve.  My finishing is probably something that needs work as I want to contribute with more goals.

“That’s not just about the actual shooting but also mastering that knack of being in the right area at the right time to score the ‘easy’ goals, as they say.”

He also touched on how he can learn from playing alongside the likes of Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez.

“As a footballer, you’ve got to remember that playing with the best players in the world is something you’ve always wanted to achieve. The likes of Mesut and Alexis are two of them, guys who have played for massive clubs in Real Madrid and Barcelona.

“It’s an honour to have the opportunity to learn from them. They’ve bought into the Arsenal way and what we want to achieve, so it’s great to have people like that in our team.”

He does have one goal to his name this season, the winner against Chelsea in the Community Shield, but with Arsenal struggling in front of goal a bit, it’d be timely if he could notch up one or two of those ‘easy goals’.

Read the full interview here

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Getso gunner

Hope we will start seeing the improvement at white hart lane on Wednesday

Flirty Sanchez

*Shite fart lame

the Car2n Goon

*shite fart stain

Social Pariah

The “abundance’ of midfield talent is dwindling fast with Coq, Santi, Jack and Tomas out
before the end of September.
Arsene’s lack of activity will be tested tonight.
Ox and Aaron have to step up.
Hat-trick for Theo!

Paul my Dickov

The ox has so much potential but he is just so inconsistent, when he’s good he’s almost unplayable (minus the end product) but when he’s not up for it he completely disappears and it’s like playing with 10 men. With that said he needs to start games, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do anything useful, or anything at all come to think of it, coming of the bench.


I was about to say Monaco then I remembered how that game ended. Remember that game against AC Milan where the ox played in the middle and he was absolutely unplayable, by far his best game in an arsenal shirt. I wish he could play like that more often

Richie j

Intelligent you know your stuff mate


Thumbed you up for your name!

Richie j

Yep, jus plain ole Richie j , your comment just stood out from the rest coyg , atid . . .

Unyoke the Ox

Think it was for paul my Rickover. Our Scottish striker from the early 90’s

less rambly pete

Fingers crossed a run of games would bring the consistency we’re looking for. The guys that came in to the CL game aren’t as bad as they appear but lack of regular game time hampered them. Difficult to drop somebody to give him that run of games though when the assumption is that he may be off the pace slightly for the first couple. Also who do you drop? Perhaps (and i sincerely hope this isn’t the case) is the Coq is out for a little longer than first suggested (we are Arsenal) Artetta & Ramsay will re-take the central… Read more »


It’s amazing how he realizes exactly what needs improving. Positioning is probably why he doesn’t start as often as he wants, and that’s the main thing he highlights. Great attitude and exactly what’s needed to reach the top. While he’s at it I suggest he also work on rolling around on the floor when a fucking cheat who deserves to go off and has been cheating the whole game kicks out at you. I don’t like to see our players doing it but it’s more being smart, if the opposition is at it the whole day and gets away scot… Read more »


As a side note the FA and media (partially at least) are actually acknowledging Costa is a cheat and actually calling Mourinho out for it. Pretty miraculous really. I suspect it MUST have something to do with money. Wishful thinking but I stopped watching as soon as Zouma scored knowing full well what the result will be, seeing how shit Dean was the whole game. Probably a whole bunch of Gooners did the same, and neutrals alike. Chelsea vs Arsenal should be attracting viewers but if shit like that keeps on happening the opposite would happen instead. Imagine most top… Read more »


Now while he doesn’t have to go down easily every time, there will be situations when it is justified. For e.g., imagine if Koscielny didn’t get up after the Costa chest-bump. Instead if he clutches his back and rolls around on the floor, maybe the unlit IQ filament in Mike Dean’s light-bulb (brain) would’ve had a better chance. Not ready to put my money on it by any means, just my 2 cents.

Man Manny

He has to improve in both boxes: defensively and offensively.

saiyan wenger

ox in the box


Yes, he and Santi (er, perhaps the whole squad) should certainly take up a little more shooting practice to dial it in a bit! The other thing I think I see with Ox is just his awareness of where his teammates are and what’s going on around him. It seems every time he picks up the ball it’s all about putting his head down and trying to take on every opposing player until he rushes a sloppy pass or snatches a shot. I think he needs to balance that a bit more with the head up working more methodically up… Read more »

Flirty Sanchez

That bravery to take on a player should, and will, be encouraged. In the short term it can lead to sloppy mistakes, in the long term he could conquer the ability and become a truly dangerous player. Remember Ronaldo’s opening seasons in the British League?


Oh by no means should he stop that- goodness no! What I said was he should not have that be the only option. Before his knee knack and in his central midfield appearances his passing and interplay was better than it is now. Keeping his head up and seeing which is the best option,will help him pick his passes better and know if there will actually be anyone on the end of a cross, waiting for a tap-in, or he should cut in and go for goal.

Simon20 is

10 is a good stretch target for Ox: I think I he starts scoring he might not stop: He is exactly at that step change point I think. Spurs would be great place to start! We are going to smash them btw.


Needs to be more defensively astute. Track the runners and no cute passes/ heavy touches in your own box.

Maasai Gooner

He needs also to work on his passing accuracy and tracking back.
Good lad though.


That Chelsea cunt have been hammered with a three game ban.


I know where he’s coming from, I have premature ejaculation problems too


wait, what


Ox I would love you to improve everywhere please!

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

If he starts scoring 15 goals a season, Barcelona, Real and Bayern all will be after him.Oops, I forgot Man City, the main destination for our players. The first year, he scores 15 goals, increase his salary with a release clause of 60 millions.

Gervinho's forehead

He still needs to focus on simpler areas
of the game before worrying about scoring.

More efficient crosses and final balls as well as defending are higher priority at the moment.

Definitely agree he needs a good run of games even if he’s not at his best to improve. So much potential – he’s so close to exploding and will bound to improve soon

Richie j

Paul my dickov


Our finishing has been appalling, very similar to this time last season… Common guys more focus in the final third please… We cannot carry on bragging about Arsenal creating the most number of chances in the country COYG..!!!

Down with this sort of thing.

Justice has prevailed.

Mike deans still a cunt.

Looking forward to my coffee.

Down with this sort of thing.


Sort of.


He really needs to focus his improvement first and foremost in the defensive box and then work his way forward. I really think that is what is limiting Wenger playing him more.

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