Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Chelsea 2-0 Arsenal (inc horror show ref highlights)

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Gabriel, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Cazorla, Ramsey, Ozil, Alexis, Walcott

Subs: Ospina, Chambers, Debuchy, Gibbs, Arteta, Giroud, Campbell

9 man Arsenal went down 2-0 against 12 man Chelsea at Stamford Bridge this afternoon to compound a difficult week for the club.

After the midweek disappointment in Europe, Arsene Wenger reverted to the team that beat Stoke 2-0 last weekend with Theo Walcott getting the nod over Olivier Giroud for the third successive game.

In a bright opening Diego Costa dived and tried to get Francis Coquelin booked because he is a massive cheat, while the first shot on goal came from former Gunner Cesc Fabregas – the save for Petr Cech was an easy one.

At the other end there was plenty of possession for the men in red as the home side sat off, inviting pressure on them to try and hit Arsenal on the counter. A poor ball Gabriel was almost costly, but Monreal defended well to prevent Costa a clear sight of goal.

An injury to Coquelin around the 20th minute mark had Arsenal hearts in mouths, his knee bent backwards landing after a jump but after some treatment he carried on. Cech had to make another save, this time from Costa, but again it wasn’t one that troubled him greatly.

The Gunners first effort on target came in the 29th minute when Walcott shot straight into the arms of Begovic after being set up by Mesut Ozil, and the first booking of the game came in the 32nd when Cazorla tripped Pedro. And the former Barcelona man might have put the home side ahead when found by Fabregas but good pressure from Monreal and a smothering save from Cech snuffed out the danger.

There were strong shouts for a Chelsea penalty when Gabriel forced Hazard out of play in the box, he was shepherding the ball out of play – but he didn’t have the ball. Strong stuff from the Brazilian though – no doubt pundits would be hailing the strength of a Terry if he did it. Pedro shot wide after being set up by Costa, before the half finished with high drama and an Arsenal red card.

After Costa put his hands in Koscielny’s face and then bumped him over, the Chelsea striker clashed with Gabriel who took umbrage at the behaviour. That led to both players being booked by referee Mike Dean, and as the two moved back into midfield, Costa, standing behind Gabriel, wound him up and the Brazilian flicked out a leg.

Costa, now casting himself in the role of 4th official, ensured Dean saw it and he produced a second yellow and sent the Arsenal man off. Pathetic refereeing, cheating of the highest order from Costa, but Gabriel fell for the gamesmanship too easily and paid the price.

Video clips: First yellowSending off.

It meant a half-time change was needed, and with Coquelin still feeling the injury, he was replaced by Calum Chambers as Arsenal needed to get a defender on to replace Gabriel.

There was a free kick chance for Arsenal when Alexis was fouled on the top of the D. The Chilean hit the set-piece into the wall and from the resulting a corner a Chelsea break was snuffed out by Chambers and Bellerin.

Hopes that Arsenal might see the game out were dashed when Chelsea were given soft free kick in the 53rd minute in midfield. Fabregas curled it to the back post, Zouma headed in from close range. 0-1.

Hazard tested Cech with a vicious shot in the 57th minute, but despite all the Chelsea pressure there was a big chance for Arsenal to equalise. As the ball bounced around their area, Alexis had the goal in his sight from close range but miskicked and sent it wide. He really should have scored.

Walcott curled one beyond the far post but it was almost 2-0 when Hazard dragged a shot just wide, before Chambers was next to go into the book for daring to make a tackle on the Belgian. Arsene Wenger then made two changes, bringing on Olivier Giroud and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain for Ozil and the wasteful Alexis.

Any hopes the changes might bring an equaliser lasted only a few minutes when Santi Cazorla picked up a second yellow for a foul on Fabregas. It was marginal, at best, but Cazorla was done no favours by the reaction of Fabregas who rolled around like he’d been poleaxed.

Chelsea got a second in injury time when a Hazard shot deflected in off Chambers, and in the end, I couldn’t be arsed to finish this report.

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Costa the fucking cunt.

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

Am I mistaken in that refs should make decisions off of what they see not what old man cunts are telling them? Speaking of which, old man cunt should be shot.


I want to fucking rip off costa’s face…and stamp on mourinho’s disgusting smirk

Bob's Mexican Cousin

A shame Gabriel went full retard with the flick, he was the man for the job of two foot tackling Costa in the neck

Santi's Smile

Shame no one dragged Gabriel away from Costa. Even after he was sent off, only Bellerin got in the way of Gabriel and the dickhead.

Viva Vivas

Are we the most naive team in the Pemier League?

My Name Is Difficult to Pronounce

Nah mate, Costa’s just the biggest cunt in the league.


We certainly are the most honest. I miss the days when we had guys like Viera, Keown, etc.

Wenger has actually stopped signing such guys. There are a lot of nice and intelligent guys. Would be great if there was some bran as well

Nigerian Kanu

We have no Captain. Arteta is championship league standard. Debuchy dang average. In all we are hopeless.

bims lay

YES mate, We are definitely the most naive (or stupid?) team in the premiership, no doubt….how else can you explain going down to 10 (9?) men in 2 consecutive games? sheer stupidity and naivity!……..we should have learnt our lesson from the mid-week match and the first thing we should be doing, if we are not naive, or stupid, is make sure we don’t repeat the same mistake, regardless of how much you are provoked….You re paid millions of pounds a year and so you should be able to MAKE SURE you behave professionally, even when provoked!…ESPECIALLY after the mid week… Read more »

Bould's Eyeliner

Are you actually praising Chelsea for ‘remaining calm’? Of course they were fucking calm, they started it, knowing what depths they are capable of sinking to, and they do this shit week in week out, seeking new lows to set new records. They eat this crap for breakfast.


Costa needs to be punched hard in the face. Ruining the game he is!


Looks like he`s had a few smacks already , judging by his flat pancake face ! ive not been angered by a players face this much since the Drogba days


Mike “Moron” Dean was in conversation with his linesman. But he clearly saw diego “massive Cunt” costa bumping Kos down but didn’t do anything.

Giroud was sent off for a similar bump last season.

Disgrace that the refs are so inconsistent and PGMOL does nothing about it.


This is why video should be used. It would be so easy, Howard Webb was sat right there and had a much better appreciation of situation than the guy(s) in the middle.


There’s no reason the video can’t be used as is in that situation. He had 30 seconds to decide. We saw the replays before Dean handed out a yellow to Costa and Gab. The 4th man will have seen the replay at that point too. There’s no excuse for ignoring the reply when making the decision.

Remember the invincibles

I’m amazed that no arsenal player tried to get him booked in the second half. Jeez. I admire them for their resolve to get on with the game. But it only results in an undeserved loss. Cazorla very stupid though.
We missed Coquelin. Hope he’s okay


Oh, come on. That was not a yellow. That Fab cunt made the most of a 50/50 situation to get him sent off.

Social Pariah

I didn’t think it could happen, but Fabregas has now offically joined the Biggest Cunts Club.
We already know who the other Members are.


Calm down, the replay showed that he was caught and it normally hurt that way eventhough, cazorla got the ball he also caught fabregas. The yellow was understandable in a way. Anyway, i couldnt come to terms with how costa got away with what he had done to koscielny and chamberlain… Its clearly two red card for him at least… And that dive…personally, i believe dean together with this game should be investigated


Fuck him. And his Barca DNA, the money grubbing, disingenuous, treacherous c*nt that he is.


Is there still a poster of Fabregas at the Emerites……..Burn that piece of shit


Fabregas was at the ref from the start. Looks like he has settled in nicely.

Walcott's left footed curl

I think it was a yellow. Though it probably wouldn’t have happend if Costa been sent off and Gabriel allowed to stay on the pitch in the first place. Tragic from Mike Dean.


Because we’re not a bunch of classless knuckle dragging cunts, like that lot!


I don’t care man, look at it…I feel like Costa’s legs deserve to be broken and his legs smashed so bad he can’t play football ever again…he deserves it


my exact sentiments


Cheating scum – society doesn’t want people like that in it.


A little extreme, no?


Coq is the big regret for me today.

Yes, there are other things but they can be easily achieved (like getting a cunt sent off). However there is NO direct replacement for him in the team. We need to change our formation to cover Coq’s absence if it happens.

David C

Why did the Ox stay on his feet. We are too honest, you have to match their pathetic dark arts especially when a terrible ref is falling for it!


Costa and Mike Dean and Mourinho have to be related. Cunts of the highest order.

It’s a joke that people claim that PL is the best league in the world without having competent referees. I could do refereeing of Dean’s quality. All I have to do is not watch the game at all and react to what the players and crowd wants.


Not just Costa. He’s an evil cunt but Fabregas was disgusting. In the referee’s face at every opportunity.

Fabregas is such a dirty player. Cheap piece of disloyal shit.

David C

But we loved it or turned a blind eye when he was doing it for us

David C

yikes, downvoted! Do people not remember what we were like when Van Persie, Fabregas, and Nasri were on the field at the same time? We were the textbook definition of “will give it, but can’t take it.”

Looking Forward

Indeed sad to remember him as a Gunner, a few years away from us and he has turned into an insipid cry-baby. Shame that there was a time, I admired his game and behaviour.


I don’t care if you guys criticize me Bt I must say I would be happy if shaw’s injury had happened to diego cunstsa in double fold and I hope it happens to him and fabrgas in their next match..



He even skips a bit. You can tell he’s a spud!


oscar should be sent off too for the 2 footed tackle on kos.

Running Coqmentary

CFC: Scummy, cheating, evil, disgusting, dirty, classless, knuckle dragging cunts.
I rarely swear or make deregorotory comments towards the opposition. I’m angry they’ve reduced me to this level. I include Mike Dean in the above description.


By my count, Costa should have got 2 red cards and at least 3 yellows in that game. It’s abso-fucking-lutely amazing he was still on the pitch. Only in England do we have refs this bad.


Kos should have hit the deck when smashed twice in the face by that cheating little cunt, played them at their own game.

Yankee Gooner

I’m just here to say “fuck you, Mike Dean.”


Just because he looks like Pierluigi Collina, he thinks he is Pierluigi Collina.


Dean looks more like the human inspiration for Roger the alien from American Dad.


I second that motion but roger the alien has more class as he knows he is a cunt instead of dean who plainly is a capital bribed cunt, with no morals and a face not even his mother could love…..


He’s a bollox, the son of a bollox and the grand son of a monstrous bollox, need I go on.


Whatever with the game. But a presence such as Vieira, and the first red would have never happened. Lacked balls/leadership big time when Gabriel was falling for that cunt Costa…Someone had to pull him aside and calm down, and we have Santi the captain nowhere to cool the situation down. This is what we get when the emphasis on captaincy is ignored, calling all 11 are captains… Ozil turns into a liability the moment we go down to 10,his deficiencies clearly becoming visible. Meh, fuck the result… Happens when we go down to 10/9,but leadership needs some sorting. And God,… Read more »


Coq was 2 seconds late to take Gabriel off of there. Someone should have taken Gabriel by the hand and dragged him away from that Costa thug cunt instantly.

Bould's Eyeliner

That someone should have been Cech, who knows both clubs very well. That was supposed to be his big fucking advantage wasn’t it. That other someone being Koscielny as his senior and partner CB. Don’t blame him either though, probably just as pissed for the shit Diego Costa did to him.


Ozil created the two real chances we had in the first half. He did well to create one in the second by fending of the thug. Even though defense is not really his thing, he did track back. He should’ve remained on the pitch. One brilliant moment is all he needs!!

Austin Gooner

The midweek game was clearly in Wenger’s thinking in taking Özil and Alexis off. Playing so long with 10 men and then less than 72 hours later doing it again. I see your point, but it seems sensible from the manager.

Bould's Eyeliner

Especially since Cazorla and Gabriel, maybe even Coq won’t play next week – it’s ever more important to just save Ozil and keep the team squad somewhat there. I agree – protect Alexis and Ozil from the ridiculousness, give them some rest, and on to the next game.


Tend to agree. Quite why someone doesn’t just man up and say loudly within earshot of both Elephant Man and Dean: “look he is just trying to wind you up and get the referee to send you off. You know Dean can’t wait to do it so just don’t give him the opportunity. They’re both cheats so don’t rise to it”.


Strong and vaguely competent referee and the Gabriel red would never have happened, because Costa would have been off himself and in no position to wind up Gabriel in the first place.

Austin Gooner

This was the key, yes. Costa’s bump on Kos might easily have warranted a sending off for another ref, and there would have been little room for complaint. Instead, things escalate, and the ref gives a straight red for a heel tap. Compare Costa’s bump to Gabriel’s nick after the fact, and the whole things looks like a sham. The key again was getting the first call right.


I think, in part, language played a huge role here. I don’t think Gabriel or Costa speak much English at all so the ref had no way of telling them both to shut the fuck up. Someone from Arsenal needed to get Gab out of there, but they all just stood around and watched him get wound up.


When I saw Mike Dean’s bald head at the start, I was like ‘oh no, not again’

Have any one seen Pat Nevin’s commentary on BBC? Unbelievable.


Did you see the partisan commentary from BT Sport? It was going on from the beginning. I expect that sort of shite from Owen and Hoddle… but Ian Darke has sunk to a Martin Tyler level of cuntery.


huh? Martin Tyler is an absolute gent

Crash Fistfight

Pat Nevin is a cunt, contrary to what a lot of people seem to think (for some reason, people think he’s balanced and insightful). You just have to watch his interview after Hazard kicked a ball-boy to see that.


I can understand Michael Owen being a biassed commentator, he is a complete idiot who doesnt know what he is doing. But Pat Nevin, he just chooses to be a cunt.

But the real question is, how does this cunts get away all the time? Costa never been sendoff in the premier league!!

Austin Gooner

We were lucky to have Lee Dixon in our corner here in the US countering the Gabriel should have kept his head narrative. Of course he should’ve, but that doesn’t change the fact that Costa should easily be off before the whole thing escalates and that Costa blatantly tries to get other players carded.




Just read that. Costa brought down by coq too. Not a dive and wave of an imaginary card to get him booked. Cunts from top to bottom that club


Mike Dean you fucking cunt. Of all fucking inept referees it has to be him refereeing this game

dr Strange

Is there any way to report a ref? This can’t go unpunished.

Remember the invincibles

Have a beer. calm down. It’s only a football game. One that we lose every season at that.


Er, I think you read too many red tops my friend, every Chav side loses to Arsenal,…
You might want to watch a bit more football and not let BBC pundits rule your chain of thought.

Romford Pele

Costs try’s to wind everyone up each game. Obviously we are one of the few who bites… Fuck Chelsea
We are one of the few who can’t beat them in the Premier League atm


Card-happy Ref was stupid enough to be fooled by Costa so I don’t read much into the game beyond that point. Regroup, move on.


‘Costa is the kind of guy who would have no qualms about joining ISIS’ -Reddit


Trouble, The Arsenal always seem to be ‘regrouping’.

They are well rehearsed with it.

Sh*te performance from a very naive team with no bite.

No leaders.


I really hope we had a leader who could have smashed Costa deep into the ground.


If anyone were to gift the cunts with 3 points it would be Arsenal

Finsbury Park Gooner

It was so depressingly obvious that we wouldn’t be getting anything out of this game today. Sorry but it was.


That’s harsh mate. Harsh on the players because we were doing pretty good and till the fucking ref decided to give them the edge over us.


Oh I’m not upset on the players at all. Just at the situation and how unlucky we are especially this season. It’s not the players fault Mike Dean got picked. It’s just of all the games chelsea could have gotten lucky, it had to be against Arsenal. The stars are not on our side right now.


Do you honestly believe with Chelsea’s current situation and Dean’s previous with us, that this was random?


If I was Gabriel knowing I’ll be off I’d have made the second yellow count. Kick his fucking head in next time. The cunt

Crash Fistfight

I hate to tell you, but it wasn’t a second yellow – it was a straight red (so a 3 match ban).


Surely it’ll be overturned?

Crash Fistfight

How? The FA/Premier League (whoever it is that decides these things) will say the ref saw it so it can’t be overturned. I think Costa might get a ban for the bit before the two yellows, but that doesn’t really help us. To be honest, I don’t think the long-term effects for us (i.e. bans) are a problem: Cazorla probably wouldn’t have played on Tuesday anyway, and Mertesacker is coming back to fitness (Chambers can play on Tuesday if necessary). It’s the immediate effect in the game that is annoying! More worrying is Coquelin – I pray to any god… Read more »


We should just and the youth team to Tottenham and say we’re applying the same level of interest to this farrago of a competition as the premier league do to training and selecting referees.


I’ve actually never been so angry before




What started out as a promising match turned out to be one of the most genuinely painful experiences of my life. Mike Dean made sure to ruin this match and from then on… Not sure there was much that could have been done. Can’t remember the last time I saw such blatant favouritism. Costa is the purest of scumbags. He suits that Chelsea team and its manager down to the ground. Gutted for the Arsenal today because I truly thought they deserved so much more than that. Out of their hands I suppose.


yeah for real, I also thought its gonna be a very good game. it was in fact a pretty good game though. And ive been waiting hella long for this kinda game but ffff costa..has just ruined epl..


Almost as if Mou birthed that waste of skin himself. Couldn’t design a more perfect Mourinho player if you tried.

I hope the Chavs are right proud of the shining symbol of their existence.


Disgusting behaviour from Costa. He’s the most filthy player in the world!!! I really don’t blame Gabriel for his reaction.
Proud of the effort from the nine men who played despite the result.
Again no coverage on the set piece for chelshits first goal


I blame Gabriel………was he really expecting Costa to be anything but an antagonistic bastard? He’s got to know that and keep his emotions in check for the good of his team.


I’ve never been so angry in my life. There are so many things to say but I’m so apoplectic I can’t think straight.


Well that was awful.


After the display today, I wouldn’t want to talk about the match but put out some interesting facts about the club: Have an enviable self sustaining financial model that makes all other clubs in the world jealous… The only team to have gone a whole season unbeaten in England in the last 100 years We are the first football team to have fielded an ex-astronaut -(Mikael Silvestre) We are the only team who have a resident Christian priest, Buddhist priest and Imam for the players Do you know at half time Wenger takes out a bible and forces the players… Read more »


After the display today, I wouldn’t want to talk about the match but put out some interesting facts about the club: Have an enviable self sustaining financial model that makes all other clubs in the world jealous… The only team to have gone a whole season unbeaten in England in the last 100 years We are the first football team to have fielded an ex-astronaut -(Mikael Silvestre) We are the only team who have a resident Christian priest, Buddhist priest and Imam for the players Do you know at half time Wenger takes out a bible and forces the players… Read more »


Other notable and likeable Arsenal fans: Anders Breivik, Reinhard Heydrich, Lavrenti Beria, Idi Amin and my personal favourite Pierce Morgan.


Well after midweek was anyone really expecting anything different. When it rains it pours.


Mike Dean better sleep with one eye open tonight.

Social Pariah

Hopefully with the fishes…


No one said he was dead, just that he sleeps with the fishes.


With a treasure chest for a pillow filled with ill-gotten riches from the dread pirate Costarinho.


Never has there been a bigger consortium of cunts assembled than at Chelsea Football Club.


And add to that Mike fucking Dean

Scott from London, Ontario, Canada

That was single-handedly the worst officiated game that I have seen in any sport. Ever!

Mark from London, Ontario, Canada

I agree!! Fellow gooner in London, Ontario!

Scott from London, Ontario, Canada

Nice! Maybe we’ll get to meet someday.

Cheers EH! (yeah, couldn’t resist there…)


It was a fake result

Finsbury Park Gooner


How much longer can we suffer the ineptitude of these people??

Fuck I’m so angry. I hope Costa gets ****** and **** a horrible ***** with his ***** in a **** of ****

Dan Hunter

I hope Costa gets circumcised as a result of which he gets a horrible infection with his testicles in a sling of barbwire


Costa should have been sent off, but what followed that moment from Arsenal was alarming.

Stupidity from Gabriel, poor basic passing, and worst of all- fucked up chances by both Sanchez (again), and Ramsey at the end there.

Same old story with added moronism from Gabriel, who was absolutely played like a banjo by the incredibly obvious Costa.


Exactly well said. Yes the ref had a piss poor game. But Gabriel kicked out and gave an inept ref no choice. Like he needed one anyway.
Least we have an excuse for this defeat

Someone's chin

“Costa should have been sent off”

There, I fixed it for you. Takes a right cunt to lay any blame whatsoever on our boys.


But he wasn’t was he. That’s the fucking point. We know what he’s like, he’s a crafty cunt but clever and tp play against him you have to be twice as cute as he is. Today Gabriel got suckered and payed the price. The kick out was stupid whatever way you want to look at the rest of the game.
If he didn’t kick out he don’t get sent off. Simple.

Big Chief from Antarctica

Mike Dean can fuck off to highest mountain, if tv replays were used, the cunt would be out on his way. I doubt the bastard would adapt.


Hopefully the FA will review Costa’s Face pushing and hitting on Koscielny and will ban that thug for a few games. Mike Dean absolutely disgusting per usual.


Never mind the red cards. We should expect nothing less from Chelsea and Diego Costa. What shouldn’t escape our attention is that we hardly made Begovic work even before we went a man down. Where is our plan B? After 6 matches we have only 10 points and our goal difference is a big zero. This ain’t good enough. Why are we playing like this?
P.S: Mike Dean is a fucking cunt too. And Fabregas is a special cunt for his role in sending Gabriel off.


The game was shaping up to be interesting. We were attacking and so were they. There wasn’t much wrong with our performance before the red card. Gabriel, Kos, Hector and even Theo were having good games. Ozil, Santi and Alexis were also growing into the game. The result is disappointing, but I didn’t really expect much after the red card.


Yes, we were playing well before the red card but we didn’t create clear cut chances. Theo was marginally offside a couple of times but apart from that, I don’t think we made their goalkeeper work. Anyways, our defensive play was good before the fiasco from ref. It’s just disappointing to lose like this.

Victoria Concordia Crescit

If Mike Dean was a magistrate and had to adjudicate on a mugging case, he’d give equal prison time to the mugger and the victim.


More to the victim for getting mugged.


Well ok..Ref may not have seen all the costa fouls but what exactly are the linesmen 4th officials roles if not to be on the refs ear to point him to something he missed?

The F.A should ban Costa for a year if there is any justice in the world. Prick cunt havent the words to accurately describe how i loathe this repulsive man.


Fuck off Mike Dean for fixing the game. Fuck off Mourinho for whatever inevitable shit he will spout in post game. Fuck off Costa for being your fucking self. And Arsenal, for bending over on the grass after one injustice at the home of the vilest of cunts… just go away.

Oor Wullie

I can accept a defeat when we’ve been outplayed but that was criminal. How is he refereeing that match? Yet another cunt to add to Chelsea’s squad full of cunts. Is there a more detestable team in the world? Ps Fabregas can fucking do one too, please don’t applaud him in any way when the come to us.


We got mugged today simple as that but where does that leave our season? Well three f.a cups in a row thats a record. I guess we can forget about the league and we were never in the champions league.
costa reminds me of that nistelrooy character too bad we don’t have any vieras or bergkamps


And i obviously don’t blame the team but here we are

Wenger C'est fini

5 years without even scoring in this fixture

Ramsey terrible, Cazorla has lost interest and Sanchez is our one season wonder equivalent of Harry Kane. Fuck 4th place I’ve personally had enough.


Why is it so hard for people to have perspective after a loss?


Fanblogs law:

Anger is inversely proportional to perspective.


Goodbye then. Don’t come back.

Wenger C'est fini

You keep it up mate. Fans like you are the reason this club doesn’t need to improve.

Enjoy the status quo.


Obviously what the club needs more than anything is a more hostile home crowd with more booing and verbally abusing the players and manager. I think that will help a lot.


If you are being paid to influence the outcome of a game at least make it plausible. Big mistake from Mike Dean. It was too obvious.

Crash Fistfight

New football rule established today: forward kick = nothing; backward kick = red card.


Why always Arsenal? Somethings need to change. Same ol shit different day.


Mike Dean will be swimming in Russian oil cash tonight.


Gabriel might as well break costa’s knee (Roy Keane Style) if he is going to get red card.


Somebody will before long. He’s going to start it with the wrong guy before long, but I actually hope it won’t be one of ours despite how cathartic it would be.

Tibetan Gooner

Mike Dean: Man of the match….


Gash is gash

Gooner from Pretoria(Cap city)

Well this doesn’t feel like a loss as the referee was also an opponent?

inside tip

Oh Dean, you massive tosser…


There is one positive that we can take from this game and that is that even with 8 outfield players, Chelsea were still inept and disastrous going forward. They are beatable and it looked like a cracking game before Diego Costa and Mike Dean teamed up against us. Such a pity that enjoyable football can be ruined by such incompetence and thuggery. Disgusting…


Chelshit: For the cunts,by the cunts,of the cunts!


The sending off of Santi was almost comforting, It just confirmed that the whole game was a joke.


I told you we can’t win this one. But don’t worry next season we’ll have a chance to win the epl. Like we said last season. And many seasons before that.


Diego the angel wasn’t booked i guess.


will not talk about mike dean- he doesn’t deserve my time. fuck him as always. collect money to pay for his retirement, sign a petition for his retirement or something. shit i’ve spoken a lot about him. apologies. my question is: doesn’t arsenal have a psychologist or something? i mean, that thug of a footballer called costa was always going to wind up arsenal players, but is it bravery or stupid to take the bait? wenger always seems to be cool, but is he successful in spreading that coolness among the players? as much as i love wenger, from the… Read more »


at some point you got to stand up to bullies or the cycle never stops gabs should have been more careful but collectively the whole team had to protect each other, both when giving it back and cooling it down. the old back 4 of george grahams where excellent at that as well as the invincibles. this teams a bit soft and def not street wise enough. little jack, gabs and maybe coq seem like the only ones to stand up to bullies on the pitch. van nisteroy was player like costa and look how we used to deal with… Read more »


Eduardo supposedly dived against celtic and was crucified for being a ‘bloody cheating foreigner’ and then you get costa.

some of the excuses the the media are making for his blatant cheating is getting stupid.


Costa is a cheating baiting cunt. The more I see of Gabriel the more I like him. Bellerin a star. Overall the boys played well. If it wasn’t for the absurd calls the ref made I’d fancy us to have knicked this one.

There has to be some kind of review process for the ref. Who knows if he was on the take? One of the only logical explanations for some of those calls.

Crash Fistfight

According to the commentator Fabregas said he’ll always be an Arsenal fan (or words to that effect). I think we can all agree that’s clearly BS. In the referees ear for the first red card and rolling around the floor as if he’d been maimed for the second.



he’ll be kissing the chelsea badge and saying how he loves them in his heart next #fraud-egass


that’s his barca dna shining through




How to ruin any premier league game in two words or less: Mike Dean

What an absolute joke. I was watching this with two mates – one the most biased Man united fan, the other a scouser
Even they couldn’t bring themselves to laugh at me when they usually would.
They were shocked at the ineptitude that bald cunt displayed for the world today.

Have a sleep or a beer guys, sometimes we can rightly come on here furious with the way the team has played but today, there was nothing we could do.


Loved seeing Gabriel stand up for his boy, good partnership forming. To hell with chelsea and the classless club they are, this game was a joke. Arsenal never laid down even when the ref gave it to chelski


We weren’t going to win that even without the sendings off. Why does Wenger wait so long to make a sub? Is there some research that says subs before 70 minutes are not productive? Both Ramsey and Cazorla were having poor games and he subs Ozil ( who was fighting for each ball) and Sanchez ( whose speed meant he was always drawing two or three Chelsea players to him every time). Wtf? Ramsey kept playing passes backwards and Cazorla’s touch was way off from his usual standards. Wenger is too set in his ways to offer the tactical flexibility… Read more »


There wasn’t much wrong with our performance before the red. Some players like Ramsey and Sanchez were having poor games, but we still looked strong enough to beat those cunts

Crash Fistfight

I actually thought Ramsey was having a good game today (don’t think that has been the case for most of the season). To be honest, I thought Cazorla had a decent game (contrary to what I had predicted previously) until about 65 minutes, at which point he was clearly done for the day and should’ve come off. I think you’ve got to say that his tiredness led to his sending off. I couldn’t understand bringing on Giroud either – how is he going to help when we’re having to play on the counter attack? I was hoping Sanchez and Cazorla… Read more »

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