Saturday, July 27, 2024

Walcott happy with goal, disappointed with finishing

Theo Walcott says that he’s happy with the goal he scored, and that the team got three points for the first time at home this season, but also that he’s disappointed he didn’t get more.

The England international missed at least three gilt-edged chances in the game, and should have been more clinical in front of goal. However, it was his excellent touch and finish that put the Gunners ahead on the half hour mark, so it was a bitter-sweet day for the forward.

“I was pleased with that goal. I was disappointed because I should have got many, many more, but I’m in the chances so I’m happy with that.

“I’ve said to the manager that I’d like to play up front. I can play in any of those three positions up front, so it’s a good option for the manager to have.

“In the end we had a clean sheet and that’s always the most important goal. We know we’re going to score goals and we know we’re going to create chances as well.

“We create chances so we just have to put them away. We’re starting to get back to the old Arsenal. We’re very pleased after this game.”

“It’s nice to see Olivier among the goals as well, which shows it’s great competition that we have for places here. Everyone is staying fit as well which is important. We want everyone to stay fit with this important Premier League run.”

So, he should be happy with the goals, and we suppose reasonably pleased he was in good positions, but if he doesn’t spend the week learning how to hit a cow’s arse with a banjo, he won’t be doing his job properly.

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Tom Thumb

The funny thing is his goal was the hardest chance he had,world class finish . It’s hard to become a clinical striker if you’re only playing up front once in a blue moon.Needs to play a run of games up front to see if he is good enough to play as striker.Giroud will probably start next game which knocks wallcotts confidence playing up front which results in chances being missed next time he starts as striker.


I would argue with the ‘hard to become a clinical striker if you’re only playing…’ part. Walcott has been exclusively in the team, for the past couple of years, to score or directly assist goals, whether that is from the sole striking or from wide positions. He has gotten and will always get chances up front or from the wings. Thus, I would argue that being played as centre forward or wide striker should not affect his efficiency in front of goal. I do agree with your other point that the greater familiarity he has with the striker role, the… Read more »


*Minus 18 months on the sidelines with a torn ACL


Plus 10 years of playing in the first team and he still can’t control a football.

Me So Hornsey

Yes, awful control for the goal wasn’t it?

Bould's Eyeliner

Giroud should definitely start the next game, as Dinamo Zagreb is going to be playing very compactly, more eager to first not concede. We know Walcott can’t really handle parked buses.

Also this should have no impact on Walcott’s confidence, and if he’s that fragile, he’ll never really be a superstar striker, anyway.

Die Hard Gunner

Keep banging them in Theo!
We really need the goals.


It seems so obvious. The midfield and defense will be the team’s strength this season. If the forwards can just be good – not necessarily great – we should be competitive with everyone except, probably, City. The chances will be there. It’s up to the attackers to start putting them away with more regularity. I am quietly hopeful.


Comparing Walcott to Henry is crazy because Henry was a once in a generation player, but I think the real player Walcott should look to emulate is Van Persie (except without being a cunt). Van Persie was seen as inconsistent, injury prone and not a ‘true’ striker until he managed to put a run of games together and all of a sudden the ‘world class striker’ turned out to have been playing for us for years.


But… But united fans are saying that Martial is the new “Henry”.

Seriously some of them are comparing his goal today to the one Henry scored leaving carragher etc on their backside.


He says so little with so much.


Quite how he continues to get a free pass from the fans is quite beyond me.

Green arrow> Red arrow

I personally dont think Giroud & Walcott are clinincal enough but having attended my first match today boy are arsenal fans harsh on them, every little wrong move and these grown bitches started to moan and groan. Disgusting.


Go to a few hundred games and watch what actually happens rather than what Sky shows. Then judge.


Or perhaps you might consider how the attitude from the stands looks through fresh eyes rather than the jaded, group-think of all of the collective anger that doesn’t allow the enjoyment of the now because of the frustrations of the past.

Giroud Awakening

If it wasn’t for that beautiful ball by Ozil, we’d all be calling for Theo’s head.

Having said that, if he finds his shooting boots, we could have some striker on our hands. His movement and positioning really is excellent.

Seb Rooks

If it wasnt for his great touch to pluck the ball from flight and finish you mean. Give him some credit.

Giroud Awakening

It only took him about 5 goes to get it right. Aguero would have gotten a hat trick at least had he got the service Theo got today. Its not being negative, its pragmatism. Theo was poor today.


There is a difference between doing poorly and could have done better.

BoilerMaker Gooner

Against chelsea, aguero scored after 3-4 shots

gooner 44

i think true strikers are born with shooting boots
sadly theo is proving he aint a natural striker. great goal today from a peach of a pass but too many missed chances i,m afraid

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

By that logic all goals should be credited to the player who got the assist


I am very much PRO-Walcott brigade, if there’s such a thing.


Giroud and Walcott should play in the same XI

Walcott was wasteful today but he scored an important goal and he recognises he was otherwise shit. He is better on the wing and he should stay there once Welbeck returns. H


Who do you drop? Ramsey or Sanchez? Prbly neither.

Die Hard Gooner

Our finishing was the most woeful it has been. We would have won 5 or 6 nil at our moderate performance. It didn’t help that butland had a world class game. We really need to improve our finishing to beat chelsea. I saw walcott miss 3 sitters, giroud had a couple, ozil missed one, sanchez hit the wood work twice along with decent efforts and Ramsey had decent chances too. But I am happy that I am getting pissed about finishing and not creating chances. santi, Ozil, coquilen along with the back.gour were amazing. Great game though.


As mentioned goals will come. We have been creating plenty of chances and taking shots. It’s a percentage game. We aren’t as efficient as we should be but what’s not to like? Two goals from the strikers including Walcott who was effectively found by Ozil. Meanwhile world class strikers like Costa and Falcao or Benteke, where are the goals. Costa is one in 7 games. If Giroud and Walcott can sharpen up and take chances better, we can start raking up the GD but 3rd from 5 five games, I’d say we are about alright and well shoed in for… Read more »


I don’t know about anybody else, but I am definitely not counting us out for the title. I know ManC looks really tough right now, but it’s a long season. I still believe we have the talent to gain some really big trophies.

Andy Mack

$iteh season does appear to depend upon 32 year old Yaya Toure.
He’s their MF powerhouse who’s had a great start but can he keep it up all season?


Did you see Benteke’s strike yesterday? I’m not saying he should play for Arsenal but that was pretty much goal of the month if not the season.

Andy Mack

Great strike but the rest of his game is average and he certainly isn’t a ‘clinical’ finisher that everyone’s been screaming for.


I know Theo missed alot of chances…but let get behind him..and give him atleast Ten(10) game in a raw as a striker…I think we’ll have a better Henry in Theo compared to that chap in ManU!


OK Walcott is not good and giroud is average. Walcott scored today and 2 for England. Giroud scored today. Costa is world class, very clinical and deadly in front of goal, so is Falcao. Both played today. I watched that game but couldn’t see them, they didn’t score! So frankly if world class means going missing for 90 minutes during a game, then I’d rather have the average ones. My understanding is us arsenal fans, we value players only when they playing for other teams or when they retire. I won’t tell to all the pessimists to shut the duck… Read more »


Walcotts ability to score against part time goat herders really has no relation to his ability to score for Arsenal in meaningful games.


Do you know how hard it is to herd goats full time? Get a grip man!


Yeah and then go football training in the evening/ goat herding down time.
And don’t get me started on the San Marinese postmen filling the rest of the roles. In the team. Those letters don’t deliver themselves you know.


Walcott has 11 goals in hes last 11 starts. What more can he do


Well Theo had 6 or 7 really easy chances and only managed tonput one away. Benteke had zero chances and still managed to score 1, therefore if we had have bought Benteke he would have scored 10 out of the 7 chances today.

Andy Mack

Part of the reason Benteke didn’t get any chances is because he didn’t get in the right place often enough. He had a really poor game with one moment of real superb quality.
At least TW and HFB are getting in the positions to get a chance.
The orcs game reminded me of the Adebarndoor days where he needed 10 good chances to score 1 goal but the only thing people remember was the 3 or 4 he made for himself and his numbers.


1 Watch the Coq before he makes the sliding takle that led to the first goal……..his radar was up!!!
2 Gabriel………….hit that shithead (Arnoutavic)….the geezer who Fucked Debuchy last season…. the same geezer whos snots are very globular! Gabriel……he is one mean piece of shit.


Yes…that tackle and pass – all in on, economical motion! Sweet! And love that Garbriel stood up to Arnautović. See how mouthy he became when he was found out? Gabriel just shrugs as if to say “is that it?”


Let me take a moment to say Credit to the Referee for seeing Arnautovic for the crying priss that he is. The worst type of player that takes cheap shots to injure but then rolls around when he thinks he’s incited a reaction to get a player sent off. Disgusting. Bartonesque in his shamelessness.


Theo can be a huge threat for us over the course of the season, obviously his movement off the shoulder is his biggest threat however he needs to adapt his game for when we have teams sit very deep. By this I mean he needs to stop off a little, draw defenders out and then go behind.

I think if he had another 3-4 games under his belt he’d of hit a hatrick today, next week against the Chavs with how open they have been should be a good game for Theo..


Chav? Open games?


Premiership averages always even up (yes I know) so it IS likely that we bang a few goals in in our next Premiership game.
It’s a pity our next game isn’t against a team we don’t like very much at all, who were in a catastrophic vein of form…….hold on a minute….

Stringer Bell

I’m not convinced theo can make it at centre forward, his close control and skill let him down to often. But let’s give him a spin and see. He could have had two last week at Newcastle and could have had 4 today.


And he has1 goal . Out of (a conservative) 6 excellent chances. Tell me what striker is ever given that leeway. The man is the ultimate triumph of PR over talent.


7 starts 7 goals…

Andy Mack

Adebarndoor was given much more leeway.

Over expectations

Of all the world class goal getters you all know, please name one who scores all the chances he gets. Please, just one. You need to start appreciating what you have.


I just think Theo needs more aggression in his game


Is that you Alan?

Andy Mack

Yeah, that Henry bloke was a fighting animal…. really aggressive….and that Messi bloke, only way to be a striker, especially if your name’s Alan.


No need for the sarcasm, I just think he doesn’t make enough of a pain in the arse of himself. Don’t get me wrong, I like Theo and I don’t mean he should go round picking a fight with everybody. I mean an aggression in his finishing, In his runs, chasing down defenders like Alexis does, demanding the ball etc.

Andy Mack

I agree he should work harder ‘defending from the front’ but aggression isn’t his game and many other CFs are the same. Aguero is ‘robust’ but not especially aggressive but he is resilient and very hard working. Shearer had to fight for the ball as he lost what little speed he had when he fucked his knee, but his strengths were not the same as TW.


Maybe aggression is not the right word, call it a drive or desire or determination, ruthlessness or whatever, I think you know what I’m getting at. I know its not his game, but something I think he needs to and can add. He’s been at Arsenal a long time now, is one of the highest paid players at the club and wants to be first choice centre forward. He’s got great pace, a great touch and his runs are good, but it just feels like there’s something he could add. I don’t give a shit about shearer either, I wasn’t… Read more »


They’ll get there. Just a little rusty. COYG


The heat is on . Let’s give the boys total support. Against the blues next week,the game will be the ultimate test between Aw and Mou. I want Ox to start the game because of pace . I think the game will be over in the first half.


Theo Walcott : flukey player. He will always be prolific in patches

Andy Mack

He usually becomes ‘prolific’ after he gets a run of games and match fit.
But I guess you could say that of most good strikers.


Clockendrider you really need to drop it.


The one thing that is always aimed at Arsenal is that the are the best footballing team to watch.

I love having that monkey on our back!

Let’s not forget how good it is to be a Gooner!


Yeah cus flukeyness goes in patches and you become prolific?…duh
Can’t believe people are questioning if Theo’s “good” or not,of course he is but is also better suited to certain games.atlleast he was in the positions to get the chances.Remember a few seasons ago when he was really looking like a finisher and never being in the team consistently or being injured hasn’t helped him get back to that.


Still not convinced with Walcott. He needs to be more ruthless and technical in front of goal. Hopefully it works out for him really soon.

Andy Mack

If by ‘more ruthless’ you mean he needs to take his chances more, then I’m pretty certain he knows that.


What I like about theo… that he signed again

broken heart of Dein

thanks for the censorship of the truth blogs, be proud, good job really…

broken heart of Dein

of course talking bout my last comments not making past moderation, again good job!

broken heart of Dein

do you feel an honor in yourself doing this? :)) should i say again “really well played”, well as the weakest of men, really dont care if you delete this one again, as far as youve read it, bye, with pitty 😉

Andy Mack

bhod, we all get posts lost to the internets whims.
If blogs had deleted or cancelled it then he’d be 100% happy to tell you why.
He didn’t delete it…..




Thierry Henry’s shot conversion rate for Arsenal was less than one in five.

Just saying.


Walcott and Giroud score the only goals in an Arsenal home victory. What striker problems are they talking about it?


The easy chances they keep on missing almost every game.

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