Saturday, July 27, 2024

Carvalho fuels Arsenal link

Before the Le Coq’s rise to prominence, Sporting Lisbon’s William Carvalho was regularly linked with a move to Arsenal.

It was an easy rumour for the papers to keep running; the Gunners needed to strengthen the base of their midfield and the Portuguese international fit the bill…being young, pretty decent at football, built like a bull and whatnot.

There were whispers about complicated third-party ownership issues – apparently no longer a problem – and a fee in excess of £35 million, however, the rumour persisted in part because Carvalho himself went public on his love of the Gunners.

And he’s done it again…even if it comes with the caveat that he’s happy at the Estádio José Alvalade.

In an interview with homeland publication A Bola, the 23-year-old said:  “I am where I want to be right now, which is Sporting, but if I ever do leave then it’s a sign that my work here was well done. I dream of winning the Primeira Liga here.

“I prefer not to say too much, but there is a club with which I’ve always been fond of: Arsenal. Because of Thierry Henry, a player with whom I have always enjoyed watching.

“Maybe this is why I look with so much affection to the Premier League.”

Of course, loving Thierry Henry isn’t enough to secure you a move to the Emirates. If it was Arseblog News would have penned a long-term deal in the London Colney dungeon years ago.

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we could buy him next season to replace flamini and arteta.

remember the invincibles

we should buy him next season to replace Arteta and Flamini. Although if Arteta wants to hang around for a year longer that’s okay with me.

Big Chief from Antarctica

Arteta coached the U16s, last week, I believe. He will probably stay longer than that to work behind the scenes and that’s fantastic.

A Xerioz Gunner

We could as well sign flamini on a one day contract to come and demolish the Sh*t outta The SHIT…… #ShitDemolitionMan #Flamestar


No reason we couldn’t get him in jan maybe him and theo are the reason we held off from buying anyone


Have you seen much of him? Quite interested as to whether he justifies the hype or not, I’ve only caught the odd game of his here or there but I’ve never been blown away by any means. Also as a rule of thumb ‘experts’ and ‘pundits’ seem to be pretty terrible at diagnosing which defensive mids we’re desperately in need of, so I’m wary about accepting a player’s any good. If they had their way we’d have a midfield made up of Lorik Cana, Felipe Melo, Yann M’Vila and Etienne Capoue..


I’ve seen some of him in the U21 WC. He was pretty good but that’s just U21. I think it’s telling though that with all the central midfileders moving this summer his name was barely mentioned besides linking him with Arsenal irregardless of his injury.

Ted E.

I would say he was outstanding at U21 EURO (EURO was this summer, did not see U21 WC), but that’s just U21. I think he’s the real deal though, very excited about him.


Yes, you’re right, it was the Euros, not the WC.

Podolski Sklep

I think he picked up a big injury right around the time the window opened – make of that what you will.


He’s very good, but very different from Coq. He barely even jogs around the pitch. A bit like Arteta that way. He’s not screaming around snapping into tackles like Coq. His game is more based on good positioning and like Arteta he has a tendency to be dribbled past. He would not really be a great like-for-like sub with Coq. If we were looking for that player Schneiderlin was the obvious candidate, however, and we didn’t buy him soo….

Jirka Rotoped

Saw him in 4 matches this EURO 21 and he was every time the best player on the field. More than Coq or Flamini he was playing like Abou Diaby 2 – Terminator edition.


he is a work in progress but as see with Martial even young with potential can cost alot too

he isnt ready to play regular for us and he is very inconsistent, plenty of potential, expensive and i doubt wenger wil spend 32M on potential alone, as J.Martinez proove saying you love us in the press doesnt mean Wenger give a shit


Agented by Jorge Mendes. Not happening!


I have always been curios to know something. Has Arsenal ever bought a player through that scum bag Jorge Mendes?


He seems desperate thjough to keep his name in the mix.


Think any interested in him is drying up. Very good player at the u21s but he’s literally just back having broken his tibia. That €45 release too…

Mein Bergkampf

A Bola isn’t always the best Portuguese source. I prefer E Coli or M physema for my Portuguese sporting updates. A Bola tend to get a story and just run and run with it until everybody’s got it.


Why does name if these Portuguese publications sound like some kindda bacteria or something?

Robert Ochieng

Those sources sound like they ought to be checked out by the CDC!

Al Gilmore

Or Dia Horrea


“interview with homeland publication A Bola”

is that just one bola ?, so not as lethal as many bolas.

Bould's Eyeliner

One Bola is still too many Bolas. Not even once.


More positive news. On a separate note, did anybody see the Germany v Georgia game? I just caught the highlights. Check them out if you haven’t just to see Ozil. fucking stellar. ran the whole show…. And that ball he played over the top to Reus was one of the best passes I’ve ever seen!

bims lay

yeah, i watched the whole match on-line and ozil was just unbelievable……strong on the ball, tracking back and turning possession over, myriads of killer passes and his now trademark deft flicks…..magic he was!


Comment:goal gave him a 3 rating I couldn’t believe it after 2 assists?


If you get surprised every time does something stupid you’d die of a heart attack by age 30.


Wow. He did more in that game than some players would in ten. The man’s a magician.

Mesut Ohno

shame he doesn’t put in the same desire when he puts on the red & white of the team that pays him


Yeah, nicking a living

Stringer Bell

Are you John Terry in disguise or just a complete john Terry.


Uh oh, the troll is back…


Coq has been immense and I don’t think we should pay £25m+ for a back up for him. We should look in the £10m-£20m bracket first.

Although highly unlikely would love to see Jack eventually take over from Santi and have a Jack-Coq axis for years to come.


You pay what you can afford, and what the market dictates, it’s called supply and demand.
Our season to a large extent relies of Coq staying fit, Arteta can’t play more than a game a week, and Flamini was deemed surplus, but chose to stay.
Not moving for Schneidein or Kondogbia based on price was an unnecessary risk with £200 million in the bank!

Mesut Ohno

Yes schneiderlin has been immense since going to Man Yoo


Easy to say when you’re Rich

Ramsey's spirit

Thats just shoddy logic, you would happily spend 20 on a back up to, but wont pay 25 for rotation/ challenge for first team? I would be happy if we found a good value mid 20s(age) dm mc like him or 1 of the 2 benders. Having 1 young dm mc and then having an aging back up is a bit like having 3 dcs, you’re likely sunk if theres a prolonged injury or tough run of games, 2 rival dm mc players makes much more sense, evdn more so given theyre different stylistically as you gain another dimension tactically,… Read more »

The Only Olivier is Giroud

You guys aren’t letting the “Rosicky signing in a dungeon” thing go anytime soon, are you? ?

Mesut Ohno

I’d rather see Rosicky singing in a dungeon, that would be awesome


While ripping Slayer riffs on his guitar…..


I think he would be perfect when one or both of Arteta and Flamini go next Summer. He’s already excellent and he’s going to be a worldbeater.


I wish Wenger would especially because there is no one catching the eye in the junior squads. Also because one or even both of Arteta and Flamini would move on to other things at the end of the season.

Coq would not only require back-up but also competition to keep it going.


what happened to Bielik? Is he 18 or 19 years old now? Jeorge Bird would be the person to know I guess.

Sergei Samper, hmmm.


It was J Bird who had reported that Beilik is now playing CB regularly despite the apparent need for an understudy to Coq.


Off topic but have a read of this:
Gareth Bale: Wales qualification may top Champions League win

Just goes to show that trophies is not the be all and end all at the end of the day. Players, managers and trophies come and they go. But only the truly unique will be remembered. Something like going the whole season undefeated.

Andrew from Ghana

How long till we get a story on Michelle Platinum Thief….he is our best friend at least we owe him a trolling post especially in the interllul.


Oh Interlull, Interlull!
You made my weekend dull
Thank goodness for FIFA
And their clowns – HAHAHA!


I know Wenger will be inclined to invite him on a 5 year trial.


Anybody remember Yann M’vila?

broken heart of Dein

yeah hes like the only positive thing in an awful Sunderland right now

Gudang Pelor

Maybe if Sunderland is relegated next year, we can get m’Vila for knock down price?


Only if he’s not suspended for all of 2016-17 for an accumulation of red cards.


Dear Carvalho.
If you want to play for Arsenal, you need to work on your begging letters. Try this:
“It is my dream to play for Arsenal and get the opportunity to kick John Terry’s bollocks up through his throat.”.

That should get you a job.


I think he is a good player, woild be more than happy to see him at Arsenal, but it is a steep price tag. More potential than Schneiderlin tho

Chris O.

He looks technically gifted, but I also think he looks slow, and that bothers me given the speed of the Premier League.

That being said, I’m a rank amateur when it comes to evaluating talent so Arsene’s seal of approval is enough for me if we buy him.


This is an area of the pitch where I would really like to see us strengthen in January. A lot of the debate seems to centre around whether Arteta and Flamini are good enough, but the fact is, after both having short spells in the side they are out again, and so you have to question whether they are up to it physically. If you accept that we are going to have to strengthen in this area in the summer anyway, it would be nice to see us break with tradition and spend that bit extra to go and get… Read more »


some good points on the season hashtag. For planning the second half of the season, it does seem as if we need a couple of reinforcements to keep the squad fresh and going, IF we are in the title race.

Jose Antonio Reyes.
But on the other hand, Arsene Wenger rarely ever does this kind of “reactive” (I’m not saying it is) thing. So…


Good shout on Reyes, but even in that situation, I don’t think that was a purchase to fill any specific need, just that he was a player Arsene wanted who became available. Let’s hope something similar happens this season, because I think we will be very much in the title race come Christmas. If you look at our fixtures, I think we are capable of going on a run. Assuming of course that what seems now like an inevitable CL exit doesn’t affect our famous mental strength


As we all know we need quality alternatives in every position to have a chance to compete for multiple trophies. It’s been talked about for years about how we need a ball winning, stay at home DM that brings a physical quality to the game with adequate technical skills. Coquelin at first was lacking a bit technically, but really has come on and is doing a solid job in that area. Carvalho would be a great addition in my opinion as he can be paired with Carvalho in certain games or to kill games off, can cover or replace him… Read more »


Either him or Samper would do for me. Wenger will most likely go for samper who has superior technical ability.


Here we go again.

Many players are fond of the brand of football Arsene plays at Arsenal and indeed his developmental credentials.

It is also healthy for the player (and the agent) to link to Arsenal. Its a stamp of quality.

Lukaku recently said the same thing. Are we getting Lukaku as well? Why no article on that comment?

Please stop already.;)


We need to strengthen wherever. When the going gets tough,let’s go tough equally. It’s only going to be long and hard season. No tales by moonlight this time.


I love thirty henry” now can I get my arsenal pie?


He was at under 21’s tournament with Portugal and won best player award.

Some of this must be true, i hope it is


Two years ago when the rumours about Carvalho started I looked him up and I wasn’t impressed. However, in the time since he has become a much better player. It’s true that with the league he plays in, he’s a big fish in a small pond, but I see a lot more in him now than I did a couple of seasons ago. I’d be perfectly happy if he joined us.

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