Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Crowley returns early from Barnsley loan

Dan Crowley has returned to Arsenal after his loan spell at Barnsley was cut short by the League One club – according to reports in the Mirror.

The 18 year old was due to spend 6 months with the Tykes, his spell there scheduled to end in January, but has reportedly failed to impress coaching staff there.

Crowley, one of the most highly-rated youngsters at the club, only turned 18 in August and it’s unusual for Arsenal to send players out that early. Normally it’s a sign they’re trying to fast-track the development, but in this case it seems not to have worked out.

It does seem a little odd as he has featured in in 13 of Barnsley’s 18 games this season, making 8 starts and scoring one goal.

It might well be that his return is due to the injury problems at Arsenal with midfielders Aaron Ramsey, Jack Wilshere, Tomas Rosicky, and Mikel Arteta all sidelined, with doubts over potential right-sided candidates Theo Walcott and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain after last night’s 3-0 defeat to Sheffield Wednesday.

The youngsters who were called in failed to impress, with Arsene Wenger saying they’re not yet ready to play at Capital One Cup level.

The midfielder appears to have been popular with Barnsley fans, so perhaps there more to this than meets the eye.

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I think we’ve taken him back. Probably has more potential than the likes of Kamara so here’s hoping he’s this season’s Coquelin, not necessarily position wise but we’re going to need a loanee to come good given how far away January is and our injury record.

Andy Mack

So you’re comparing a DM/B2B player like Kamara with a creative player like Crowley, and based on 1 game where the kids (all of them) got zero support from the seniors..
That shows a great deal about your understanding of the game.


No, I was basing it off of Crowley being more highly rated in general, and given that we’ll likely need someone to fill in a bench role with the likes of Arteta, Wilshere and Ramsey injured, I’d be more confident in Crowley than many of his colleagues to take that place.

Andy Mack

Crowley may well be a superstar in the future but don’t write off Kamara on this one game. He may not make it but he’s very highly rated in the U21s and could be our next Coquelin in a few years time. Also he’s a completely different type of player to Crowley and the seniors were shit, so all the youngsters look bad last night even though they aren’t.
You should have made your point about Crowleys potential without slagging of last nights kids (it’s the type of thing the shit hack press do).


It’s not slagging Kamara off to say that Crowley has more potential than him.

Andy Mack

If you were comparing 2 attacking MF then you may be right, but comparing an AMF with a DMF….. you’re slagging him off for no reason.


So you are saying someone has to Gnab his chance?


Get gnabry back from wba since fucking pulis doesn’t appreciate him


I too would prefer gnabry, or even akpom, but I don’t think a player on a full season loan can be recalled. This is why we could recall coquelin and crowley but not sanogo or jenks last year.


In principle I don’t think there’s a rule against it, but usually year-long loan contracts don’t have an early termination option.


£££££££ early termination option £££££££


If he can play on the right he is in the team.


Can we bring back Gnabry and Sanogo?

Daan van Lith

Sanogo is injured too I believe. Or there is another reason He isnt even on the bench at Ajax..

Little Mozart

Youth prospects seem more exciting after the emergence of Bellerin. Let’s hope Crowley has that something special.


Gnabry or jon toral would be decent stop gap solutions if we can bring either of them back. Perhaps the spaniard could follow in his amigo hectors footstops.


Gnabry seems to be Ox Junior (more trouble for Ref Marriner). Hope we bring him back instead of roting under Pulis (horrible visual)!


We definitely took him back due to our most recent injuries. He’s too good for Barnsley to reject.
I hope he pulls a Coquelin off

Me So Hornsey

You missed a superb chance at a pun there.


I find it hard to believe that a team in any position would be keen to send a player who features in the majority of their games back early. It just doesn’t make sense. Even if you’re not impressed, surely he’s at least valuable as a bench player if the rest or your team is crap enough that he’s played that much to begin with. His wages can’t be that high can they? And extensive youtube scouting suggests he’s basically their best player technically. He’s certainly not ready to be this year’s coquelin because he’s just not big enough for… Read more »

Andy Mack

He’s either been caught with the chairmans granddaughter, or a stash of coke, or he’s had a disagreement with the manager or coach.


Yep, reckon it’s factors outside football if it’s Burnley’s decision.
Or he’s not happy with how it’s going and we’ve pulled him out on his behalf




He was taken off at half time in their last match, so maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye


It seems strange that if we had to bring a player back from loan that we didn’t bring Gnabry back who has first team experience.

Either way good luck to Dan, hopefully he breaks into the squad and cements his place like Hector did!!


He has probably been brought back as cover for our now problem right side. Dan is an attacking midfielder who could start right side but tuck in similar to the way Ramsey plays I guess.

Anonymous Physicist

This makes some sense, although personally I would have thought Gnabry was the more obvious recall. After the reports earlier this week it’s hard to imagine WBA objecting, and it’s not as if he’s learning anything in their U21s that he couldn’t learn here. Crowley on the other hand is just going to end up on the bench for our next two games, while he was apparently playing quite regularly at Barnsley.


Gabriel – Mert – Kos – Monreal
Coq- Cazorla
Belle-in – Ozil -Sanchez

Subs. Macey, Gibbs, Debuchy, Chambers, Crowley, Flamini, Iwobi

But i guess Arsene isn’t this tactical. Regardless it will be interesting which team steps up vs Swansea


Tactical?! All you have done is shift Bellerin forward and plocked Gabriel at RB… Surely playing one person out of place on the right, Crowley or otherwise, is better than fucking it up for two players? Have you not learned lessons from Djourou?


I’d put Debuchy in at right back instead of Gabriel. With Hector covering him as a right winger this would be a great way for him to regain his form, without taking huge risk. We really need the entire squad to challange on all (remaining) fronts.

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

Think we’d be better off playing Phil Collins at right back than Debuchy these days


I’d pay money to see Phil Collins play right back for us. But NEVER EVER on a stage singing!


That was how i would have it anyway. But the enormous trust Wenger has in his players, Campbell will probably start on the right. Maybe having Ozil Sanchez and Cazorla behind him while also playing from the start could see him score a brace?

HAHAHAHA what am i saying.


Why not play all our cbs together and really endanger our season? Tactics.


Can we play a 5-2-1-2 against bayern? Play Gabriel,Mert and Kos at CB, Hector and monreal as Wingbacks and play ozil deep along with santi and coq while playing alexis and giroud together. We can take our chances in set pieces. I would like to see a different side of this Arsenal early in the season and i think this team is capable of handling a tactical shift since we have good ball playing midfielders. As much as i like our fully fit front three, i think our current defence is one of the best in Europe and maybe it’s… Read more »


I like it. You should be Interim Manager for Bayern.


My only issue with this formation in s injury to the CBs. If that happened we have no cover apart from Monreal having another go at CB. And we would all rather have him at LB wouldn’t we.


It just doesn’t add up…simply because Serge and Akpom could have been the more obvious Coquelins

Jack's Right Foot

Here’s to this turning out to be Coquelin Mk II

Unyoke The Ox

Why anyone would thumb that down, I’ll never know.


The thumb down bandit is on the prowl.


If Walcott’s out for a while maybe Akpom will be recalled?


Good. If only he was recalled this time last week because he would have given us some semblance of a spark in midfield last night.

Anonymous Kumquat

Notable yesterday I thought was our lack of creative midfielder. Take away Ozil, Cazorla, Ramsey etc and we’re devoid of anyone in the team who will get on the ball and do something vaguely useful with it. No-one yesterday wanted to do anything mildly risky, which meant it was Flamini, Per and Chambers who ended up trying (and failing) to be our playmakers. It was just like watching Man U play. So perhaps Crowley’s return is Wenger’s admission that we’re a bit short of creative midfielders at the moment, what with injuries etc. And don’t forget that Ozil could play… Read more »


Spot on.
Without Alexix, Ozil, Ramsey, Ox, Rosicky, Wilshere, and Carzola we’ve no creativity at all!


I find it slightly coincidental that Barnsley have sent back a highly rated creative midfield prospect, the day after Arsenal lacked any creativity from anyone on the pitch.

Welcome back Dan, I really hope you get your chance to shine.

I am also with the general consensus that Gnabry should be recalled asap. West Brom loan was never going to work out for a player like Serge.

Someone's Something

Barnsley-fans on Twitter…

“Crowley against Everton was shit hot. Looked a Premier League player. Shame he’s played with shite. Only player i turned up to watch.”

“I should have seen it coming, at Barnsley, it’s only natural that we send our best loan player back #barnsleyfc”

“Surely we haven’t really sent Crowley back?!?! That would be moronic #barnsleyfc”

“Disgusted at is letting Crowley go but even more disgusted at the reasons they’ve given.”

“one of our brightest sparks, if he doesn’t go on to play for England I’ll be massively shocked, he’s got natural talent”


They’re acting a bit possessive of him


“I just wish he’d been a bit more direct and had a shot now and again instead of trying to thread those Fabreagaseque balls through to Winnall all the time.” “Too much of a luxury player Crowley ! Very talented and possibly if we’d started better we would have seen a lot more of him ! We need battlers right now ! He doesn’t strike me as a battler ! Good to have had him here , it just didn’t work out ! I’msure he will be a big success and wish the lad all the best !” “Maybe Johnson’s… Read more »

Santi's Smile

Thanks for doing this research so I don’t have to. There’s only so much real work I can shirk.


Doesn’t pass, should shoot more often. Go figure.

Someone's Something

Always good with some counter.



Crises on the right is the only reason i think he is being called back.
Had this crises on right occurred at start of the season i would’ve suggested playing debuchy and bellerin together in short term ( later playing up top on the right). But not after seeing debuchy recently.
Hope neither injuries are too serious and were taken off as a precaution.


Who we need most to be recalled is Serge Gnabry.


British players and their injuries will cost us again. Why is it predominantly the brits that get most of the injuries at Arsenal. Wilshere, Welbeck, Chamberlain, Walcott, Ramsey. The next to go may be Gibbs to make it a straight flush! arrrrgghhhhhh


Yeah Englishmen like Diaby, Van Persie and Rosicky were always clogging up the intensive care unit…..

Le Apple

Not really going to be too critical about the youngsters last night.

We have most of our best talent loaned out:

Zelalem, Gnabry, Toral, Jenkinson.

Last night were the generation below that so can’t complain too much.

I really do hope Gnabry can be recalled as I remember him scoring against Swansea and he would shine surrounded by better players as his game suits ours more than Puliss’.

Here’s hoping we can show the togetherness to stay in the fight until the injuries lighten up.


We need the Jeff or Zelalim in the team (to be honest I’m just guessing and we should not be in this situation to begin with, injuries always screwing up our chances, Arsene should focus on buying fit players)


I have it on good authority that after the Jack Grealish farce young Crowley will be capped by Ireland very soon at senior level.


And specifically, what authority is that?


I think it was renowned authority Mr. S. Omeblokeinthepub.


Do what thou wilt!

Wang Coq

So who plays RM away to Swansea?


Flamini. Not necessarily my preference, but my expectation. AW typically just plays his best available 11 and asks them to adapt to the position they’re played in.

Other option, play Gibbs in LM and Alexis on right.

Or just Campbell on right. Personally, I wasn’t as negative about his performance vs Wednesday as others. His effort was very good and surrounded by 10 other first teamers he might make most of the opportunity.


Campbell was horrible last night. Can’t dribble, can’t cross, can’t pass, and can’t shoot.

Ger Scully

Didn’t the Barnsley manager or one of his staff recently say that ‘he should realise it’s not the Dan Crowley show’?


Yes, and that’s why they sent him back.

Clubs can say what they want. The Barnsley manager said last month that Dan was probably the best talent in the League One, but he was not working hard for the team (a big ego here I think), and since then he lost a spot in the starting XI.

But you can clearly see that he’s fucking great for that level and the Barnsley fans are pretty mad with this situation.

Yorkshire Gunner

That’s speak volumes about the approach to talented players in English football and is the reason why Ozil cops so much flack from the the so-called experts.

Gooners & Roses

To the tune of Mr. Crowley


Talking of failed loan moves. I wonder whatever happened to Hector Bellerin?

Lapo Gooners

Crowley back.

Bring Gnabry back, akpom recalled also.

and if Ajax wants to return SAYNOGOAL, then send him on loan to SALFORD CLUB OF CLASS 92.


cover for centre-mid perhaps as cazorla is shunted right?


Still looking forward to hearing a rendition of a song for him set to “Mister Crowley” by ozzy osbourne sung from the stands.

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