Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-1 Sp*rs – player ratings

Definitely not our best performance of the season, and in the circumstances a point felt very welcome indeed. Still, as well as they played in the first half, we were also guilty of not converting the chances we made.

Here’s how the players rated.

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Getso guhnner

Worst ever game by Santi in an Arsenal shirt. I will give Gives a 9.5 for denying spurs a 3 points

Getso gunner

Spelling error, wanted to write Gibbs


Gibbs gives!


Don’t know why people are down voting you, Santi was absolutely terrible in that first half and he seems to have had a legitimate excuse.


Oh well, at least it’s not Oxlade-Chamberlain.


A shiny new donkey for anyone who can name a sound more disgusting, more stomach-churning, more generally horrific than the Spurs away end celebrating a goal at our place.


There’s always Sam Alardyce eating hot and sour soup.

Norwegian gunner

sp*rs cunts celebrating a victory against us. Stuck in my head like an annoying song, worse than that crazy frog shit.


Chelsea’s away end celebrating a goal at our place?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets aggravated by Kane’s open mouth.

Norfolk Gunner

Why is it when I see Kane with his mouth open I think of Beavis and Butthead!


It’s not very nice to make fun of people with Down Syndrome

Parisian Weetabix

It’s not nice to make fun of people with Down’s Syndrome.


In the post match interview before he spoke I was actually expecting his first words to be ‘Matt Damon’ like in Team America. I was duly disappointed.


He does look and sound thick that’s for sure


I was more expecting something like that Lannister who’s become simple after a bump to the head. The one being watched by The Imp as he’s smashing ants.

BBC – So Harry, what’s your assessment on todays game against Arsenal?

Harry – Smash them, must smash them…


How good would Giroud be if he could be more clinical, So tired of seeing that reaction to not scoring from him.

Unyoke The Ox

He’s actually been one of the most clinical strikers in terms of shots/goal this season. He also has one of the best minutes/goal ratios.

Oor Wullie

I thought Coq had a better game than that. Calm on the ball and distributed it well throughout.


Yeah. Coq was quite efficient & he had even a lot more to do in the 2nd half with Santi off.


Thought the Coq was outstanding today – made some fantastic tackles and kept our midfield together. Also a good performance from Debuchy – some of the smart tactical fouls clearly show that he still has that vital experience and is just rusty at this point.


Oh Santi
Rest well and don’t go the England international ( ask for a bye)
As for Alexis , he’s shattered
Surely the National Manager can see he’s not on par

Özil was fabulous, but as Arseblog said, he needs to be stronger

If you can’t win, don’t lose


Disappointing not to go top of the league before the break but we’ll take it given the circumstances. We struggled to get hold of the ball and were losing most of our 50/50 challenges. Our substitutions just show how think our squad is at the moment. If someone did not know the score and saw us bringing on Flamini, Gibbs, and Arteta, they’d have thought we were winning and were bringing on players to defend our lead. We had no attacking options to change the game for us due to our injuries. For the first time, Arsenal will be happy… Read more »

Walcott's left footed curl

What’s with the Monreal rating?

Also, I find it a bit weird that Santi started if he was ill, bad call. Reminds me a bit of when Koscielny wasn’t taken off against Leicester last seasin after getting a concussion.


Was definitely thinking more of a 6.371-6.453 myself. Anything >6.8 is a little kind.


Yeah 6.864, come on blogs it was clearly a 6.48752 at best.

yo mama

Wtf u talking bout blogs, Gibbs scored last season

Crash Fistfight

Am I right in thinking the last goal he scored was fluffed by the respective goalkeeper at his near post as well? Gibbsy should shoot more often – he obviously gives the opposing keeper the voodoo or something.


Yo mama!

Walcott's left footed curl

Which season was it when he didn¨t scored but forced own goals from the opposition like he’d done nothinh else in his entire career? I liked that.

Gibbs is an OG machine.

Gunner pundit

Ozil is really starting to impress me he can just create chance after chance and his crossing from open play and set pieces for the best attacking midfielder in the league

Gunner pundit

Ozil is really starting to really impress me he can just create chance after chance and his crossing from open play and set pieces for the best attacking midfielder in the league


Deja vu


As I stood behind the goal watching Gibbsie bundle in the goal, I was struck by how Bergkamp-like Mesut is: he can have a quiet game and you’re willing him to take a grip on it and then he’ll split a defence or drill in a cross like that one. Love him.


Is he just starting now?


A fairly dire performance for much of the game – some of our reliable magic-makers were well off the pace – still, I felt we should have nicked the three points and grabbed the top-of-the-table spot today. It was there for the taking …


This is a championship team!


Shut the fuck up Goonity! How did Arsenal “bottle” it?. Titles are not won in November you Muppet, go and support team we don’t need you cliche` bullshit negativity around here.


Didn’t Gibbs score an injury-time volley at one of the European away games last year?

Think that followed by Podolski’s shot ended up winning he match for us.


That was in the CL not in the league.


Thought Campbell did well first half, was one of our brighter players.


Today just shows the importance of having fresh legs, that a fresh second choice left back in an advanced position could be more effective than a run-down Sanchez.

Hopefully with Ramsey and Ox back, we can see some more rotation, such as Ramsey in the the middle once in a while to elevate the pressure off Santi.

The team just looks tired, Sanchez especially.


Ramsey in the middle won’t work very well as he is nowhere near Santi in terms of playmaking and ball distribution.


Coq was much better than a 6. Did all the work himself in the first half because the little magician did not show up today.


Even with all the casualties it’s clear after the Bayern game that centra midfield reinforcements are needed. How can a midfield of Dier, Dembele and the other one take such control? We need to look for better quality if we really want to be the team we should be.


At last, a pertinent point raised..

All opponents have to do is exert pressure on ball carriers by getting close to them for the full 90 and we seem to be done (meaning Mert will end up passing back to Cech who’ll thump it). And add to that, the famed mental fragility.. The league remains a pipe dream at the moment..

Dan Hunter

Why did we allow Spurs to pay their game? If we had pinged the ball about the Spuds would have gotten tired of chasing the ball and given up. It was a frustrating performance for 75 minutes. Giroud could have should have scored. Jane shouldn’t have been allowed to score. Silly errors really. Alexis looked nowhere near fit enough to play.

For Gods Sake

After the 1st half I think a Point is a result.


its all about cechnology


Özil is so awesome that it makes almost forget the effort that it takes to make mz US Kezboard spit out an Umlaut 😉

Me So Hornsey


Debuchy had a vastly improved performance.

Not losing to the scum despite playing shit and our squad being decimated.

Set piece deliveries are the best I’ve seen since the Invincible days.

Our next 4 league matches are very winnable on paper.

Ramsey, Ox & Bellerin should all be back after the Interlull.

We’re still joint top.


I need to show respect to Mathieu Debuchy. At one point in the first half he was being overloaded by Tiny Totts, but he made a couple of tackles in the space of a minute and this grim, determined expression came over his face.

“We’re not losing today.”

Fatboy Gooner

Absolutely shit performance,
And in the end a draw was better than a defeat even though it still feels likes one!

I must say that your Arse blog commentator has been a bit of a jinx lately!

He made a remark about Walcott probably ripping his toe off when coming on as a sub against Sheffield Wednesday and two minutes later…. Walcott got injured.
And today as soon as he said “as long as we don’t concede a goal” … WE DID!

Ooooooh……. (Half an hour later) ?


Poor Santi! Explains a lot! Hope he’s feeling better soon.


Can’t believe some people were on the BBC blaming Metersecker fr the goal when it was Koscielny’s fault (second time running, he was culpable against Bayern too) Just goes to show most people have an ingrain bias that colours their judgement of players. Campbell did well today holding the ball for us under duress (he’s good at that) and fashioning a decent effort. Still we are struggling a bit given given we have a number of second strings with not enough playing time under the belt in Debuchy, Campbell, Gibbs, Flamini and even Arteta. It is understandable we will have… Read more »

Goone's Farm

Against Bayern that was Gabriel, but you’re right they did also try to blame it on Big Per. Laurent was a substitute at the Allianz.

Crash Fistfight

Thumbs down for saying Koscielny was culpable against Bayern, seeing as they didn’t score against us with Koscielny on the pitch.


Mertesacker got caught out. Kos should have bailed him out and didn’t. But it was sloppy of Mert to get caught out like that.


Lee Dixon on NBC commentary also blamed Mertesacker – said he left Kos stranded

Bellerin fan

I can see the ingredients that make champions in this team. Could have lost this game in previous seasons. I’ll gladly take a point today. Just a matter of time before we will top the table all the way to lifting the trophy.


Shame that Giroud was playing diego “cunt” costa sometimes. If he could have stayed a bit calmer, I’m pretty sure he would have scored.


Before the game i just knew we would bottle going top like we always have done years before.

shame i thought this time would be different.


Oh my goodness, but Oz can serve up a free kick.

I really don’t get the Spr*s thing- if you can type “Satan” you can type “Spurs”.


I just Wanna say, i thought campell was total shit today. Same with Sanchez. Every time they had the ball you just knew they were gonna loose it within seconds, sad to see… Hope they both come back stronger


Campbell improved again. I thought he provided an additional outlet and he did not neglect his defensive duties. Alexis worked hard but he’s definitely wearing out. Give Tottenham credit for playing wide open and playing us to a draw at our place. It was an excellent game for the neutrals.


Agree to an extent. But it is clear that Campbell is out of his depth at this level. His positioning and lack of strength make him a liability.

As a team, we need to have a lot better control over the game. Alexis needs to be patient like Ozil and become a reliable passer. Ozil apart, there is too much rush, too much impatience. If you lose the ball in transition (as Alexis does time and time again) with all piling forward, we’ll be ripped apart sooner than later.

Bellerin fan

Goonity, chill. Even the invincibles had times they needed to grind out draws like this. We played poorly and still could have walked away with all the points. Get behind them when they have days like this.


Hey arseblog, now that’s a very detailed score for Monreal


Koscielny did leave Kane onside for their goal but Mertesacker should not have been so so close to Debuchy far from the centre, he gave Rose an open space to hit the ball towards


Exactly! I think his positioning was way too questionable in that instance, sort of like Debuchy drifting into CB or Monreal when he was outta form last season.


Kindest ratings of all time. No starter outside of Cech and Ozil deserved above a 3.


other than the goal, cech was so good, he literally laid on the floor first before the ball came to him.

a few times!


The enigma that is Giroud continues. Scores a spectacular chest to bicycle kick in one then misses an absolute sitter in the next game. Oh Mesut could have had a hat trick of assists all from set piece deliveries. That would have been amazing!


It’s giroud All over . He has always done this for Arsenal !
He’ll score his fair share ( his record is solid) but he will miss sitters often.
He’ll be gutted about that header from the corner – that shoulda been a goal.


Comment:Let Mertesacker be man, Campbell was more to blame for the open space Rose had for the cross.

Tim E

Good point won. They looked more up for it and tougher in the tackle. We need players back asap. Sanchez is knackered,danny rose is so average, was there for the taking. What about sanchez and Campbell switchING wings once in a while?


Coq was at least 7. Worked hard and was responsible for both defending and playmaking today. Some Sant-esque dribbling too.


Did anyone else get bugged by Giroud’s attempts to get a foul, falling to the slightest challenge, especially the one in the box where his reaction could’ve seen him get a yellow card. He seems to let things get to him. I absolutely love him and think he’s a fantastic striker but he needs to stop letting things get to his head. Maybe it all comes from his passion for the sport and the desire to win plus playing for Arsenal is a gift, plus the derby. But he’s better than this. He missed a bunch of headers, which I… Read more »


I’m curious as to why Santi started the game if he was that unwell. Unless he kept the severity of his symptoms to himself.

Gooner Husker

The Arsenal of 3 or 4 seasons ago would have collapsed faster than Roberto Soldado’s career after falling behind 1-0 during the same week as getting spanked in Munich. This team battled for a point when the odds were very long indeed. The Coq-play has stiffened this team. That guy is a bad ass and he’s turning into a great handler of balls as well. Confident in possession and looking to distribute. Also, while Sanchez rated sub-par today, I say his presence on the field alone is huge. He has an energy and fighting spirit that this team lacked in… Read more »

Clock-End Mike

Very interesting that Robert ‘Dreamy’ Pires’ ultimate Arsenal XI, along with Seaman, Adams, Vieira and the like, includes Francis Coquelin as DM. Quite an accolade.

His full team, from last week’s Guardian (

Cole, Koscielny, Adams, Lauren
Cazorla, Coquelin, Vieira
Bergkamp, Henry, Sánchez

(and no Özil…)


Fair enough , although I’d swap out Santi for Ozil


Lauren was a beast at RB

Real tough SOB


What a sweet, sweet pass by Mesut! Keep the assists coming my friend


This team can win the league. Shitty performance today, no doubt. But the team seems to have the mettle to pull through anything that is thrown towards it.


Rose had time to sip some tea and have a fag before finding the killer pass. Same thing happened in Munich, hope we correct this flaw. Good result though.


Campbell is just not good enough at this level – Gibbs genuinely made a better winger than he did. We really need Ramsey back desperately.
Ozil and Coq clearly the only 2 guys who turned up to the game wanting to play football and win.
Alexis, if you’re tired, PASS THE FUCKING BALL


We should be winning by 3-1 and on top of the table had giroud’s headers were more accurate!


Ollie is exhausted, he was hobbling at the end. He’s doing his best and doesn’t stop fighting, it’s not his fault that Walcott is injured all the time and Alexis is knackered. Without Ollies goals we wouldn’t be anywhere near the top of the league , so please put things in perspective and stop scapegoating.


I’ll always defend giroud – he works his socks off for us

Yea he misses sitters
But he also scores enough for us.


They all tired & it was shown throughout, and you’ll see there’s no game changer last night, lucky to saw Gibbs in that position in a good time.

I don’t understand at first why Mr. Wenger chose Flamini instead of Arteta to substituted Santi, but i guess they wanted to just sit at the back and watch, then go all out 70 min off to save the game.


Flam came back from his injury earlier than Arteta so it’s fair to presume he is in better form. Also he scored twice in the last fixture. I think we weren’t physical enough so Flam was the right choice.


If we win the league, cechs saves in games like these will be highlighted. A good goalkeeper really can get you the extra ten plus points at the end of the season. Anyone being negative about this game is being a bit of an idiot. 5 wins straight in the league then a draw against an always hugely up for it Tottenham when we were clearly looking tired. That’s championship winning form. The boys now need a break and hopefully a few slightly less tough games and we can build fitness and momentum again and win another load of games… Read more »


Stat of the day:flamini still undefeated in pl matches at the Emirates.. P50 W34 D16.. One Flamini

glen helders left foot

I just can’t see this squad winning the league,hope I’m wrong but Wenger really fucked up this summer not getting in a couple more players


I feel your pain .
Hopefully we will get players back after the interlull


Giroud has regressed from his recent form. Maybe he needed to come in as a super sub. Alexis is absolutely knackered and is in serious need of a rest. God knows what he’ll be like when he returns after the interlull.

Oh, and 0/10 for Spuds fans who seem to love flinging things onto the pitch. If I wanted to see that kind of behavior I’d go to the zoo and watch monkeys flinging dung.


Alexis will be knackered or injured. I’m hoping Wenger will rest him against a shit team soon .

He never seems to rest anyone !!! ( Wenger )

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