Saturday, July 27, 2024

Debuchy: I can’t stay at Arsenal

Mathieu Debuchy has confirmed stories linking him with a loan move to Aston Villa, but says that even though he’s desperate to leave Arsenal he’s having to think carefully about joining Remi Garde’s battle against relegation.

The French international once again expressed his desire to move away from North London due to the fact he’s fallen behind Hector Bellerin in the pecking order, and revealed he’s spoken with the former Gunner, now boss at Villa Park.

“Aston Villa are in great difficulty, and that’s why I’m taking time before making a decision,” he said.

“They’re a big English club, and I’m not ruling out the possibility. I have also talked to Remi Garde over the phone.

“Right now, I’m assessing my options. Whatever happens, I want to leave, even on loan. I can’t stay at Arsenal.”

How torturous his situation is. Part of a squad that’s challenging for the Premier League title, and with lots of football to play in the league, the Champions League and the FA Cup. It must be so hard for him.

It’s not even as if this is an Arsenal team with a record of injuries that provide chances and opportunities for players to force their way back into the manager’s reckoning. We literally have NEVER seen that happen.

Hopefully some bright soul can rescue him from such despair and maltreatment. God speed Mathieu.

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Post January Blip

I’m so disappointed with the way Debuchy’s handled this situation. Ok, he had a bit of bad luck with the injuries and the emergence of Bellerin but the constant whining’s just embarrassing.


Fuck this guy.

Go play for Villa you winging cunt. They’ll get relegated with you at right back, and you won’t have a sniff of the French squad this summer.




Somebody sell this guy on EBAY


Yeap. Corporal Jenks is coming in to provide Bellerin with competition. Our RB is sorted for years without a douchebag in sight.


Matthieu DeDouchey


Get out while you can, ‘Buchy!


He has to play regularly to make the France Euro squad. I reckon a loan deal serves all parties well.

Cape Town Gunner

I honestly don’t see how it serves us well, except for getting an unhappy player out the door. It leaves us critically sort of cover at right back. I’d personally be very nervous of chambers or Flamini filling in if Bellerin has an extended absence…

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Chambers was recruited as a right back. As a backup, he will need time to be sharp. What Wenger saw to recruit him was his ability to be a RB.


Nope, incorrect.

Arsene saw Chambers’ versatility as his strength especially in the centre as centre back or defensive midfield, not as a RB.

Yes he played as a RB for Southampton a handful of times, but we know his limitations there.

Letting Debuchy go ignoring the backup he provides, and soothing his sentiments could come back to bite Arsene in the season. Hope a back up plan is formalized before we grant this spineless Phrench guy his wish.


No, not really. With El Neny’s arrival, Chambers is now free to play there while Flamini and even Coq can play there as well.


Makes me appreciate nacho and Gibbs!




He is being such a Debuhce bag!

Jimbo Jones

Let him rot in the reserves. Absolutely zero team ethic and in it out of form I wouldn’t trust him. Most annoying Arsenal player I remember for a while!

Santi's Smile

While I often find it hard to understand when supporters slag off former favorites, I doubt this guy has never been anyone’s favorite. He deserves every bit of stick on his way out the door and during any trip back to the Emirates with a lower league side in a cup competition.


Sounds like that Diarra Dolphin head guy. Horrible!

Runcorn Gooner

Still got sympathy that the Orc Arnautovic put him out when he was playing so well but football is full of what might have beens best to get rid of now.


He just needs to leave now, before his attitude starts affecting the squad harmony.

A shame, I was happy with his signing but he’s making it very difficult to give him any sympathy right now.

Anonymous Physicist

So far I’ve been fairly sympathetic of him wanting to find regular football because he really wants to play in his home Euros. But if this is a direct quote, he’s crossed a line as far as I’m concerned. The flip side is: I don’t see why we’d want to loan him out (except to get his whining out of our dressing room). Either we get rid of him permanently and try to bring in a replacement, or he can suck it up and do his job. If he didn’t want to play for us he shouldn’t have signed a… Read more »


Couldn’t agree more. I’d probably want to move on in his situation and I have no issue with his previous statements about being unhappy – journalists probably directly ask him about this all the time, he’s just answering honestly. But saying he can’t stay at Arsenal whilst still being a Arsenal player is unacceptable. Also, I’m guessing he must be kicking up a fuss behind closed doors, as Hector would have been rested for him a couple of times recently otherwise. It will be ironic (and infuriating) if Hector picks up an injury from overplaying because of this. Wait –… Read more »

Cygans Magical Left Foot

When he was injured for a year taking 60K a week he was happy and never moaned.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

lol, would you moan about that? I like players who want to play all the time but they must focus on proving the manager wrong on the pitch. Some managers sit them down and say: Your job is to prove me wrong. We’ve got this situation with Podolski last year. Expect same outcome.

Mr. G

After this latest outburst from him, I honestly think we should just stick him in the reserves for the rest of the season. Punishment for his frequent cowardly, self-absorbed public sulks. So so unprofessional. This thankless whinging attitude deserves no sentiment. Quite frankly, I don’t want him to get into the France 2016 squad after the way he has been acting. I really hope he doesn’t, because of the total lack of respect he has shown our club, especially Hector Bellerin, a better player who Debuchy thinks he should be ahead of simply because of his seniority. And to those… Read more »

Arsene's zip


But with more swear words.




Whining little wimp!! Good riddance


Hope flamini gives him a fucking wedgie on the way out.
Wish you a helb like career me. Debauchery

giroud sandstorm


more like … debuchery


Really hate his attitude. Perhaps it’s an admission that bellerin is miles ahead of him and attempting to fight for a place is futile. Let him go, make it permanent Wenger.


The nerve of this guy ““Aston Villa are in great difficulty, and that’s why I’m taking time before making a decision,” he said.” Beggars can’t be choosers, mate If every time you play over a period of six months you’re, frankly, crap, that’s where you end up if you want to play every week. Being brutally honest. With his attitude and performances following his initial bright start at the club, how can he expect to play regularly for one of the favourites for the title, for a team near our level, or for the favourites for the Euros? I sympathise… Read more »


Douchey Debauchy

Safe Hands

Some people may be critical of this or any loan move to any club but what choice do we have? Yes we could tell him we need him we need him for depth etc but he’s clearly hankering for a move because of the euros. Id rather we get rid and deal with the rb cover situation than have his clearly poor attitude around the camp.

Safe Hands

Mind you if someone told me id have to play for villa id probably have a face similar to the one above

Mustrum Ridcully

One volunteer is worth ten pressed men. Let the man go before his attitude infects the squad. Flamini and Chambers can cover for Bellerin!

Mark Hughes

With that attitude you wonder how he’s lived his life so far.

Paying for carrier bags? “I’m going to go to a different supermarket. They all do it? How dare they! I can’t go shopping any more.”

Going to a restaurant? “I would like the beef please. You’ve run out? How dare you! I’m going to go to a different restaurant.”

For a 30+ year old, he doesn’t seem to have matured from around 15.

I only comment on the loo

Cheers Sparky!


Would a team battling relegation really want someone with that attitude? It should be more them weighing up their options than him!


He is sowing too much discord in our team.
With that kind of attitude, he can injure a player (?) to get his place back.
Get rid of him Arsene ASAP.

9 o'clock

He’s not creating discord. The closest players to him are his France teammates Giroud and Koscielny, and Flamini and their attitudes/focus are not in question. The worst one can say is that he creates some minor distraction, but all reports are consistently that this squad has the best spirit that any of them have ever been in.

If one player wanting to leave so he can play and regain his national team place is the worst drama within the squad, things are very good indeed.


Totally understand his desire to get playing time. He was france first choice RB before his Arsenal move, and has now fallen behind Sagna with France hosting euros next summer. Find it hard to believe that anyone here would have acted any differently than he is now

Luis Boa Muerte

Gibbs and Monreal recently, to give 2 examples without even thinking


And of course, Joel Campbell. Biding his time, taking his chances when presented. Sadly you can present neither case when it comes to Debuchy; been moaning like a drain every time he talks to the press, and the times he’s got playing time it’s hardly memorable. Wouldn’t mind him leaving, although short on cover we are well off with a better squad harmony. Imagine Walcott, Campbell or Wilshere having to keep up with his attitude, sooner or later all of them will be demanding playing time without actually having the performances to warrant it.

Arsene's zip

It’s fine for him to want to get first team action, and it’s fine for him to tell Arsene he’d like to leave.

It is absolutely not fine for him to do this in public.

If I went to the press and said I resent my employer, I would fully expect my p45 the next day.


The form of Bellerin has made it hard for Debuchy but the few times he has played this season he’s been poor so he partly has himself to blame. If he goes that will leave us a bit short. Maybe Chambers could play there but then we’ll need CB cover. The ideal solution would be to recall Carl Jenkinson but I don’t know if it’s even an option

The Limp Bar

Seems so many always want to hate anyone who wants to leave us, no matter what the reason. He always put 100% in for us abd he has been a victim of circumstance unfortunately for him.

Bellerin is a brilliant player and there’s no way he’d get back in unless Bellerin got injured, he’s coming to the end of his career and has been told by his national team manager that he must play first team football. He’s never said a bad word about the fans, the club, the manager or any other player. I say good luck to him.

Mark Hughes

If his recent performances are him giving 100%, we may as well put a mop out there to just lie on the ground.

Wenger's love child

Wish we could swap him back for jerkinson. Offer him to West Ham for next to nothing and terminate the loan.


yep I agree
straight swap with Arsenal paying the difference in wages would be ideal and fair


I hope all those who keep asking for Arsene to sign 3 players for each position can now understand how difficult it is to keep many international players competing for limited spots happy. Debuchy is now a problem for Arsenal. Keeping him is no longer an option and the club will need to recoup some money to buy his replacement. Sad situation really, especially for the club.


3 per position, so a squad of 33, will be nice!


It’s only fair that he leaves. In my opinion, the Euros have messed him up mentally.. His desire to play in the competition is really consuming him right now. What’s to say he’ll suddenly improve wherever he goes? Match-fitness? meh… Wenger gives chances to players. Blog’s right. This has NEVER happened before. He must not be on his game at training as well am afraid.

But what do I know.. I wish am wrong. But this situation cannot be blamed on Wenger. That’s certain at least.

Mr Eko

Sell him!


Some very harsh comments here. Him wanting to leave doesnt necessarily mean he has a poor attitude. Hes a footballer and at the moment, hes not playing football. Its only natural for someone wanting to leave if their getting starved of opportunity.


Honestly. I’d rather he goes and we get Jenko back as cover. Debuchy would be 31 this year and as a right back, i dont think we can get another couple of years from him.

Ersin Ramiz

He should have performed better when he had his chances

Stuart Steele (@Stuart_Ten)

I seem to be alone here but I really don’t get the beef with a Debuchy over this? He’s in the ‘prime’ age of his career, joined us in the understanding he’d be our first choice Right back, he’s got a Euros coming up that he needs to be seen to be selected for. You don’t know his attitude around the club, I’d like to think he was working his arse off in training every week pushing for a starting spot again. Can’t tell me he’s the only player with this ‘attitude’- the only thing that’s different is he’s come… Read more »

Edu's Braces

I think he deserves a little more understanding. He finally got a move to a massive club and was starting for the national team. Then he suffers an unfortunate injury and then another from one of the nastiest things ive seen on a football pitch (from jolly old reformed Stoke). Now he’s a reserve, out of the French team and, in his head anyway, his opportunity to become a national hero a la ’98 is fading before his eyes. He is being honest, hasn’t refused to play and has said nothing bad about the club or the boss just that… Read more »


Mostly my sentiments too.

Also, this is not Ca$hly, Na$ri, immature little boy situations. We are not a sinking ship.

He is because someone else is playing better and…..not on…the treatment…tab…le (worried about jinxing!!).

In terms of short term cover Chambers and even Flamini will be able to. Especially the former, who could do with some playing time.

It isn’t a season long loan, so we’ll able to recall Debuchy if we are scrapping the bottom for fit players.

In the long term, we would be well covered bringing Jenkinson back.

Dennis' first touch

Do we know for sure that he hasn’t refused to play? It seems that if his situation was really that of a player working hard in training and waiting for his opportunity to get match time or even win his place in the starting XI again, we would have seen him at some point in the past few weeks (after all Wenger rotated Gibbs in for Monreal a couple of times, but Bellerin was made to play every match). I also recall a few matches back (vs. Bournmouth?) that he was pulled out of the starting line up at the… Read more »


I understand Your point, but he don’t have to be so vocal about it. Now he is talking about Villa like a guy who didn’t have girfriend for two years and now beeing picky about the one that is flirting with him.

Edu's Braces

To be fair the Villa comments are idiotic, he would be going there with a lot of fans annoyed with him but it really seems as if he has no media training and answers questions straight up.


I think we can all relate to that perspective Edu, I know I did the FIRST time around. But come on now, this is the 4th time he’s gone public with the same story. Now that’s just being a whiny bitch. And when things are looking really great for us on the pitch, he couldn’t care less about how he can actually contribute positively. That just sums up my beef with the whole thing.


I have a lot of sympathy with Debuchy. He looked like a great replacement for Sagna, and even slotted in right away. His injuries were such bad luck (although you can’t ignore that gutless shove by Arnautovic). And who could have foresaw the emergence of Bellerin, who’s been utterly superb. BUT, you can’t deny that when Debuchy did come back for a few games he looked incredibly rusty and off the pace. It’s a real shame, but he could have shown his quality and given Wenger a real selection headache. Unfortunately he didn’t, and it only cemented everyone’s growing opinion… Read more »


How ironic it is that he would been guaranteed playing time the last couple of weeks if his attitude were at the right place. Bellerin could use some rest. But no. Good riddance!

Bring back my coq :(

Hector has been great and is ahead of debuchy ib merit. But cant let debuchy go, hector is loaded with too many games already. I can see debuchy play a big part once champions league and fa cup start to crowd our fixture list.
I can understand his frustration but he is starting to get on my nerve a little now with his whining.

Bring back my coq :(



I think people are being unreasonably harsh. This guy has not one but TWO almost career ending injuries. The type Ramsey had. Maybe not as visibly gruesome but a broken leg is a broken leg! Imagine not playing football for almost two years. You’re going to be performing far worse than you are actually capable of. Remember Wilshere a couple of years ago. Aside from the adrenaline fueled comeback performances, everyone was saying “he’s lost his burst” and some were even calling to sell him to man city… When you are out for that long you do lose your acceleration,… Read more »


For me, just look at how Giroud responded to finding little playing time. He got maybe three or four 15 minute cameos and made a huge impact and worked hard to get back into the team and then was the beneficiary of an injury. Debuchy never showed that when he had multiple full matches to impress and just seemed resigned to his place on the bench


We rail against players who sit on the bench collecting money, then we rail against a player who’s not seen much game time and clearly wants to go to the Euros. At this point even when fit he’s not coming on as a sub.
Let the man go and wish him luck instead of attacking him

Phil Booker

Generally, I’d agree but he’s using the press to force his case and that’s never a good thing. Perhaps he’s not being used as a sub because of his attitude?


He’s acting a bit like a cunt here… Not rvp level but still some cunty behaviour


If he goes, and it’s looking more and more likely if the constant talk of various clubs is anything to go by, I hope he joins us against Stoke where he puts his studs up Arnautovic’s arse and ends his career forever.


Wenger could have started him vs Sunderland at the FA cup instead of bellerin, but no he didn’t start that either, this obviously means he’s form is off, and also speaks of wengers trust in his abilities now.
Debuchy is becoming a liability, read deadwood..
So this means we are on the market for a rb cover or we summon corp. Jenks back from west ham.
Jenks could play second fiddle to bellerin but.. I’m not sure if he could win us the title if god forbid bellerin had an injury.
I think arsene should buy a rb cover.


Oh you’re breaking our hearts


So basically he’s saying “I [as an experienced international, who was keeping Sagna out of the France national team, am not good enough nor professional enough to compete for my place with a 20 year old newbie (ah Bellerin ❤️) so I] can’t stay at Arsenal [and maybe win more silverware!!]

See Ya Debuchy. Get a better haircut and dwindle in the Midlands.


Jog on mate. Sorry about injury, but you lack will power.


I never rated him. Didn’t understand how he held down the France spot ahead of Sagna. Now he arrives and whinges because a young kid is better than him and he feels he’s too old to fight for a spot. Time to corporal Jenks back. Then we’ll have two fairly amazing right backs!!!!

Red Grass

For every Monreal who will dig in to win back his place, there will be a Debuchy who will whine and refuse to fight.
Let him go. We still have Chambers to cover the right-back spot. Even if that may not not be his best position at least he trys and one cannot fault him for efforts.


Now what would be hilarious is when he gets his move he doesn’t play up to the required level and gets dropped to the bench for that side as well. Not beyond the realms of possibility when he seems far more concerned about complaining he needs to leave than getting back to his best form. Undoubtedly one of the worst attitudes from a player I’ve seen in some time at the club. Can’t wait for the “I made this move for you guys” when he’s off.

Two Bob the Builder

He’s not in the squad because he wasn’t, isn’t, never will be good enough. I can’t imagine he will get in the French squad either and perhaps his problems on the pitch have a deal to do with his character off the pitch. What a whiner!


I would not let him leave until we have reasonable cover. I dont see calum playing that role. if jenkinson comes back then fine. let him leave by all means.
that kid has got excellent attitude. the tuesday club described the corporal as a man who would run through a brick wall.
lots of games and we cant go fannying around just because a senior player has his feeling hurt.


Anyone else worried what happens if bellerin gets injured and is out for a few months? Can’t see us challenging for the title Chambers/Flamini at RB

Das paulybear

To be fair he should have been given a game or 2 over the Xmas. But that didn’t happen and it’s not good having his sulky face around the dressing room. Clearly he is a weak character. .

Phil Booker

If he’s he’s being kept out of the Arsenal side by a 20 old still learning his craft, what makes him think he’s good enough to play for France?


Looking at how this guy’s handling himself, whining and taking into the fact that he played god awful when he was given his chance earlier in the season, I’m able to appreciate Vermaelen’s perfect professionalism even more now ! Debuchy’s the anti-Vermaelen !

Lord Bendtner

I don’t know if the reason Wenger doesn’t put him in the squad even if as a sub that comes on for the last ten or fifteen minutes, is due to his attitude and insistence on leaving or is it because Wenger doesn’t want to mess the squad. But honestly knowing how Wenger usually does things I think it has more to do with Debuchys persistence on leaving.


Some have welcomed his frankness and suggested his attitude around the Club may not be as others have presumed. He really disappointed me in the spurs home game in November when, after one of our attacks, they counter-attacked quickly – he just jogged back. Very poor for a right-back, Bellerin would have sprinted back Usain-like. If he wants to go, which he obviously does, the sooner the better imho.


He’s obviously panicked at the thought of losing his international career. Bellerin is clearly ahead of him in the hierarchy and only going to improve, whereas Debuchy will only decline. It makes sense for him to leave. It’s not too much like the Monreal/Gibbs situation.

It would have helped if Debuchy hadn’t have looked so rusty when he was picked. It would be nice to be able to rotate a bit in that position so Bellerin isn’t overplayed.


It’s for the best. We don’t want someone like that hanging around. Best option is to not take him back after the loan and find a new right full who might actually enjoy the challenge of competition for places.


The little tosser! I was defending him yesterday. Bordel de merde! The guy is a proper twat. Putain!


Definitely think Jenkinson is improving this season at West Ham.
Flamini and Chambers can cover at right-back if needed. Both better than Debuchy (current form)
Let him f-off on loan, play well, and then we recoup some money we paid for him in the summer


He deserves villa, but do villa deserve him?

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