Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flamini and Ramsey happy to return to winning ways

Aaron Ramsey and Mathieu Flamini faced the Sky Sports cameras after Sunday’s vital 2-0 win over Bournemouth. Here’s what the duo had to say…

On the importance of victory…

Ramsey: We needed it badly. We realised what Leicester did yesterday [beating Man City 3-1] and we needed to close that gap. It was important to get back to winning ways. We put in a shift and the game was won in the first half. There was no room for error today and the boys responded really well. We got back to winning ways and we have a big game against them next week. I’m sure that will be one that everybody is interested in seeing. Hopefully we can keep up a winning run.

On responding…

Flamini: Of course it was important to get a victory today [and] three points. I think we played well in the first half to score two goals. It was a good team effort and I’m very happy for the team and the fans. We deserved the points.

On his two-footed challenge that resulted in a yellow card…

Flamini: I was focused on the ball. We went together to compete and it was a good decision from the referee [to only book me]. Definitely not [an intention to hurt Gosling]. We both went for the ball and after there was contact. It’s the Premier League…

On Chamberlain scoring his first away goal for Arsenal…

Ramsey: Yeah, I said that to him as he scored. I’m pleased for him. It was a good performance from him today and a good goal. Hopefully he can keep up this form.

On playing Leicester next weekend…

Flamini: Of course, it’s going to be another big game. First we need to recover, it was a tough game today, they played well. It’s another tough game next week, we need to win it.

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While appreciating Flam’s contribution to the team win today, Coq simply has to start each game going forward if we want to play well and win these big games on the horizon.
Thanks for the effort Mathieu, but it’s back to business now

Bould's Eyeliner

Despite his lack of form, and his lack of understanding with Ramsey, he’s been an instrumental part of making sure we didn’t completely crumble our title challenge odds. I think it’s fair to give him credit for these past few games. It could have, (and maybe it should have against Bournemouth), been a lot worse, and at least we’re still in it. But yeah I agree, the coq needs to erect himself into the first team very soon. We’ve lost the fluidity of our quick transitions from offense to defense (and vice versa), and I believe that is what is… Read more »


Leicester will come to defend and unfortunately they’re good when they don’t have possession. Although we put 5 past them last time, it was thanks to an on-fire Alexis. This time it might prove more difficult but we have the home advantage.

Tarquin Farquar

Flamini could have cost us big time today with that tackle (let’s see if untold Arsenal dissect that in our favour) anyway thank god we got away with a yellow. Ramsey did ok but clearly cannot operate with Ozil or Sanchez. Oh how we are missing Santi.


Ramsey got MOTM! I give in on here…

David C

That’s never a red card. I remember the Coq doing that about half a dozen times last year without a foul even called.


100% a red card, so reckless and given our previous with dangerous tackles I’m surprised how many people on here disagree. Not impressed with Giroud’s rake either, though it’s fairly obvious he only meant to trip him.


A 2-footed lunge is a red card, no matter how we try to play it.
If it were Charlie Adam doing that on one of our players and getting a read, this place would be at melting point.

Let’s not be hypocrites, let’s be better than other fans and report things fairly.

I don't comment here often

I have to admit that it made me wince. It’s mostly the other guy’s planted leg that makes it look so scary. I think a booking is right because going to ground in that kind of 50/50 is a bit unnecessarilly dangerous. But if I’d made a tackle like that I would feel lucky to get away with the yellow.

Coquelin always makes sure he keeps a foot on the ground and has better control with his tackling.


The tricky thing is that not only did he get all ball, but he got to the ball well before the Bournemouth player. If he goes in two footed on a player with the ball, red. But that was more an interception than a challenge, not dangerous enough to rate a straight red. Still dumb though. I will feel better once Coquelin returns to the starting line-up.


All these people bleating on about the Rammini ‘liability’. There is no liability with these two. We had them marshall us for large parts of us leading the table, they played against City and a crucial game against Olympiakos hen the stakes were very high. Anything goes wrong, its always Flamini’s fault. We kept a clean sheet today which suggest he did not do as poorly as many would like to think. In fact when Coquelin came on, the defense was no better (if not more liable to space at the back when le Coq tried to charge the ball… Read more »


I think you’re letting the good result today change your perception (very typical here. Flamini was hailed as being awesome after the derby double, and opinions always swing). Flamini and Ramsey did not “marshal us for large parts of us leading the table”, Coq and Santi led us to the top and our performance has clearly dipped since we lost both and Ramsey & Flamini came in. Argue all the like, but the “By The Numbers” articles have all shown statistical evidence that the team has been weaker with Ramini than Coqzorla (less possession, less creativity, less interceptions and tackling).… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

Don’t mention the “by the numbers” articles to santori!


His Love for flamini is obviously blinding him. He can only mention 2 games that they’ve played well and even in the city game, ramsey failing to close down toure made us concede.
Anyone with half a brain can see this pivot is a problem…Ramsey can’t control the tempo of a game and flamini isn’t that much of a passer.
We will get eaten alive against Barca with them. The sooner El neny gets settled in, the better.
Anyone who rates Flamini higher than Wanyama should never be taken seriously.

Wenger's old glasses

Our good run was despite playing flamini, not thanks to…
If i see him start one more game im gonna cry…
If you look closely on his game there is no way you can be impressed, unless you’re blind, which is totally acceptable btw.


Elneny is a better than flamini…superior technical ability and can match his physical ability as well.

Dom B.

Flamini’s reasoning behind what he did is a fucking disgrace. Now I see that he is also a liar, or even worse, disillusioned. For me it’s the same as that ogre Costa and Maureen defending him that this us how football should be played. I don’t want such players at Arsenal, we are a classy club and we either win with class or we don’t. That doesn’t mean that we need to be pussies on the field, we need to be strong, decisive and moderately aggressive, but win with our ability, not resorting to such measures if we are weaker… Read more »


Great result today, much needed now let’s smash Leicester next week and go on a winning run!

Am I the only one (other than Flamini and the ref) who didn’t think Flaminis foul was a red? Won the ball cleanly, little or no follow through, minimal contact. If you’re gonna start giving reds for intent, we should ban headers in case someone might be thinking about possibly leaving an arm out….

another yank

Anytime two feet and the studs are up, a card is going to come out. It’s deemed reckless by the ref no matter what the outcome is.


2 footed challenges are straight reds, whether you win the ball or not. If that was against Arsenal people on here would be having kittens.

Crash Fistfight

Sorry, but I wouldn’t. It’s getting ridiculous that if you win the ball in an aggressive manner that is a red card. Flamini may have gone in two-footed, but he slid in with both feet – it wasn’t over the ball or jumping in to a tackle. I think people are more inclined to say they thought it was a red because Flamini is the cause for anything bad happening with the team according to a lot of people. For the record, I thought he was pretty poor today, and it was an incredibly stupid decision, as you never know… Read more »


” Flamini may have gone in two-footed, but he slid in with both feet”

Which by the rules, is a red card. Whether you constitute offensive or not, even you admitted he went in with two feet, which I must repeat again, by the rules, is a straight red card.

Something tells me if Diego Costa did the same thing, you wouldn’t be defending him.

Gudag Bedil

Arsene is playing safe with his recently recovered players. I expect next week we’ll see Coq as a starter.


Cost us with the tackle? Everyone’s favorite Wanyama got himself another red card.

Please if that was a Coquelin tackle, you’d have called it a committed one. Get stuck in, as Le Flam says, this is the premier league.;)

Tarquin Farquar

Give it for once fella. Your becoming an imbarrassment with your blinkered deluded comments

Crash Fistfight

I don’t remember the last time I saw anybody say they wanted Wanyama.

Your commitment to that fallacy is like people coming out with the whole “when Andy Murray wins he’s British and when he loses he’s Scottish” when that has been shown to be wholly incorrect.


We are extremely limited with Ramsey and Flamini. I will add however to say I’m not sure if other bringing Coquelin in we can do better than this. Points matter that’s all that matters


Ramseys fine. Good, even. But the Flame is way past it.

RamCoq could work.


It wouldn’t. Ramsey isn’t a central midfielder at all. He is never in a position to receive the ball from the defence, is more often than not ahead of Giroud, and is always the last man (apart from Giroud) back when the other team attacks.

Flamini might be shit, but Coq won’t do much better having to cover the whole midfield by himself.

Wenger's old glasses

Actually he would, because unlike flamini that likes to retreat to the warm bozzom of our back four, coq actually intercepts and stands his ground when possible.


How easy was that, win one game, and taddaaa!!, here you are, back to winning ways. Sigh, all these talks, couldn’t get any worse. Wait til you lot kick Leicester and united then only it’s actually “back to winning ways”

Evang. Simon

Moral boosting result lets continue the winning streak untill we win the title come may.

Tarquin Farquar

Now let’s sit back and watch the top of the table clash between!!! Sorry my mistake

Talking Heads

I am more concerned with the fucking dog advertising. Am I the only one completely annoyed with the fucking dog walking around the advertising board. That shit seems so realistic I always fall for it.

On the match, 3 points, 2 great goals, clean sheet, not a lot of nervy defending. Need to go on a run now. The title is still winnable and we should be up for it.

But fuck the fucking dog.

bims lay



Yeah that fucking dog, ha ha. And it looks like that breed, what’s it’s name? Ah the one with silky black coat, long body but very short legs. Looks like a giant mole, much cuter though.


A Dachshund.


Bless you!!!!


Think the dog was confusing Monreal in the first half…and silly things with throw ins kept happening over there.

Little Mozart

I felt we looked good and dangerous throughout, if a bit leggy at points. Alexis still needs time to get back to the form we love him for.


It was vital to win today. Job done! Petr Cech was invincible… as always! We’ll trash Leicester easily…


Thanks, Flame. Now, i hope to never see you on the firld for Arsenal again. Liability.


Bang out of order!


I disagree!


Rambo was everywhere in the first half.
Piers Morgan probably missed that, chilling in a gay club somewhere.


Everywhere apart from where he was meant to be and what’s wrong with a gay club. You homophobic twat

Joel Carter

Chilling in a twat club more like…

Tarquin Farquar

Could you explain, number one why that is funny and two why you are using the word gay to insult people. its the year 2016 for fuck sake


Am I the only one who notices Flaminis’ movement when the ball is nowhere near him? He covers across the whole back line when one of the defenders moves forward, usually with the ball. He drops into the space they’ve left to cover. Now most of the time he’s not needed because we keep the ball, at least until that defender has moved back into position. But he’s there as our insurance against the mistake that leaves us exposed. I mean, seriously, am I the only one that notices this? I like the way he played today, and in other… Read more »


You’re not the only one that notices it.
It’s because that’s one of the basic roles of a Defensive Midfielder.

dr Strange

So he’s doing his job most of the time. One of the main responsebilities of a dm is to cover where It’s needed. The problem is when he’s not doing his job. When he ? forward, when he’s all over the place and actually in the way of other players, when he drops down with the cd and gives the midfield to the opposition, when he gives the ball away or when he makes stupid lunges and gives away free kicks. He is a decent player with a big heart who works hard but I doubt he would be a… Read more »

Kenyan Gooner

There was no room for error today. Yes Rambo and actually there has never been one if you paid attention. You better rememember that against Leicester.


Well they both had a good game today. Ramsey pissed me off when he failed to square it to Giroud for a tap in. He needs to stop being TOO selfish at times. Flamini apart from the tackle, was good today. Still think this pivot isn’t the best and don’t know what will happen next sunday


We all know what to expect from Flamini, and generally he does not disappoint , apart from being over enthusiastic on occasions. He is in the team to do a job which he does most of the time. Ramsey on the other hand is still too pondorous on the ball sometimes, he needs rest and needs to step up big time. Of course a Santi/Coq partnership is way better than Ram/Flam. Also I thought boss could have replaced Giroud with Walcott during the last 20 mins or so especially as Giroud was visibly tired and was not doing his usual… Read more »


Ramsey is a very good footballer. Assist and a flick to Giroud for the first goal today. I really dont know where all the criticism comes from but I wonder if it originates from the similiar “specialists” who questioned Ozil´s aibilities last year. Maybe guy´s who always sucked at real football but are masterclass in FIFA 15?


Or maybe guys who want their midfielders to be midfielder rather than spending all game up front.


My critic is at his level of play for a CM.
He can get away being slow on the ball on the sides but its too slow still for good CM at Arsenal, not fit for one touch football.
By the way I can make a lot of assertions about people whose coments I dont agree with but that will be beneath our class.
So comment on comments not the commentators.


Point taken. Criticism on a player of his class needs to be more than an opinion. It has to be well structered, to the point and based on knowledge of the game. I’m not seeing much of that regarding Ramsey. Those who have played football, other than sunday league, know that the time you get on the ball in the midfield in the PL is extremely limited. I say again to you “know it all” folks: Ramsey is a very good footballer.

Naija Gunner

COYG this tittle is still up for grabs. And Ramsey did well today

Stewart Robson's therapist

Ramsey MOTM. Suck it, haters.


Both BBC and Sky. You seem to have been down voted by people who don’t like one of our players having a good game.



Full apology for that ” Piers Morgan in a gay club ” comment.
I feel like a twat and should have been in the Twat club myself with Morgan.
Hope you forgive me…………


Whoops..what a terrible performance. Not that it matters now. There was no cohesion in our transitions. Midfield is completely dysfunctional. Flamster and Ramsey just doesn’t work. Ox is the most unintelligent player in this unit. God only knows what Barcelona will do later this month.


I’ll summarize the issue people have with Ramsey…. Ramsey’s frustrations kinda reminds me of Diaby; in that both were meant to be playing as box-to-box midfielders, but it was clear as day to anyone watching that Ramsey, much like Diaby, is in fact a no.10 type player (not a playmaker per se, but a second striker). They just play like no.10s being told to play as no.8s, but every once in a while, their no.10 instincts take over. It’s also quite funny how pundits always say Ramsey is like Gerrard as all out midfielders, forgetting that Gerrard’s best performances were… Read more »


You may be right, but he played well today. Showed well for the ball from the CBs, turned defence into attack well, barely misplaced a pass, had a hand in both goals, made a bunch of tackles and didn’t get caught up-field so much that we were left that exposed.

We know Flamini and Ramsey doesn’t work, but Rambo is starting to make a decent fist of it, highlighted by a MOTM display today.

Sanchez' Toe

I can’t believe that some Arsenal fans are complaining after a win,going on about Flamini and what would have happened if he had gotten a red card blah blah… We won! That’s all that matters!Bring on Leicester!


More common sence in one toe…etc


Err sense


Only wish we had scored a few more as we have an inferior goal difference at the moment and it may come down to that in the end

Stewart Robson's therapist

People make too much of a fuss about goal difference. The chances of the title being decided on that basis are so slim.

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