Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Man Utd 3-2 Arsenal (inc. highlights)

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Gabriel, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Ramsey, Ozil, Alexis, Welbeck, Walcott

Subs: Ospina, Gibbs, Mertesacker, Gibbs, Elneny, Iwobi, Giroud

Teenager Marcus Rashford bagged a brace as Manchester United beat Arsenal 3-2 at Old Trafford.

The 18-year-old, making his Premier League debut, scored twice inside three minutes to put the home side 2-0 ahead by the half-hour mark before Danny Welbeck reduced the deficit with a header just before the break.

Ander Herrera then restored United’s two-goal lead with an effort that deflected off Laurent Koscielny. Mesut Ozil gave the visitors hope of a draw with a goal on 68 minutes but Louis van Gaal’s side held on for the points as Wenger’s misfiring side struggled to create anything of note in the final third.

The result, coupled with wins for Leicester and Tottenham Hotspur, casts serious doubt on the Gunners chances.


Arsene Wenger sprung a surprise by dropping Olivier Giroud, without a goal in eight games, opting instead for an attacking trio of Theo Walcott, Alexis Sanchez and Danny Welbeck. The Frenchman was joined on the bench by Mertesacker who was replaced by the returning Gabriel. Mohamed Elneny and Alex Iwobi, both absent against Barcelona, were also amongst the subs.

First half

Over the years Arsenal have been dicked on by Manchester United from every angle. There have been thrashings, poundings, spankings and hidings, unjust goals, great goals, ridiculous goals and own goals. We’ve lost in every way imaginable…so being 2-0 down at Old Trafford after 30 minutes isn’t unusual.

The thing is, we’re supposed to be fighting for the title. And United are certainly not. Louis van Gaal’s side have been stupendously erratic this season and with an injury crisis of Gunners-esque proportions they had little choice but to field a team of reserves, including an 18-year-old striker, Marcus Rashford, making his league debut. Naturally Arsenal let that kid score twice.

The game started pretty quietly as both sides knocked the ball around tentatively without attempting to up the tempo. An early chance for Nacho Monreal was foiled by compatriot David de Gea, Memphis Depay had a free-kick that Petr Cech did well to grasp and Danny Blind cleared a Gabriel header.

Then, as is so often the case, Arsenal pressed the self-destruct button. Not for the first time this term, Theo Walcott was dispossessed trying to run the ball out of defence. Ander Herrera stole the ball and United worked it to the right wing where Guillermo Varela delivered a teasing cross into the centre of the box. Koscielny missed it, Gabriel couldn’t clear properly and as the ball bounced free Rashford tucked it into the top corner.

Not for the first time this term, Theo Walcott was dispossessed trying to run the ball out of defence. Ander Herrera stole the ball and United worked it to the right wing where Guillermo Varela delivered a teasing cross into the centre of the box. Koscielny missed it, Gabriel couldn’t clear properly and as the ball bounced free Rashford tucked it into the top corner. (1-0)

Within three minutes United doubled their lead. Another ball from the right deceived Gabriel and Rashford, four yards out, was on hand to head the ball past a stranded Cech. (2-0)

On the ropes Arsenal had to respond. Out of nothing they did just that. As was the case against Leicester, Ozil swung in a delicious free-kick – won by Alexis – and Welbeck glanced a header past De Gea. It was the German’s 18th assist of the season. (2-1)

Second half

As expected Manchester United were happy to concede possession to the Gunners in the second half. Sitting deep, their entire game was built on breaking quickly when Wenger’s men committed too many men forward. It worked for Barcelona and it worked for the Red Devils.

In the moments after Olivier Giroud replaced Theo Walcott, the ball was worked to Rashford in the right channel. The youngster held the ball up well, played the ball to the edge of the box for Herrera whose first-time shot took a wicked deflection off Koscielny’s chest and flew past Cech into the roof of the net. (3-1)

United looked comfortable enough so it was something of a surprise that Arsenal found a second goal. A fine De Gea stop denied Welbeck from point blank only for Mesut Ozil to bounce home the rebound with a clear mishit. (3-2)

Elneny came on for Coquelin and promptly got booked. That came just minutes after Ramsey had escaped with a caution after raising his hands to the face of Herrera. We needed to be disciplined and we were anything but.

Chances were few and far between for the Gunners as the game ticked towards full time. Giroud and Gabriel both had headers; one over, the other straight at De Gea. That aside the Spaniard had little to worry about as United saw out the game.

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aussie gooner

First Campbell gets benched for an out of form and out of sorts OX. Then benched for a disappearing Theo Walcott. Then Iwobi comes off the bench before him. This all coming after he played pretty well in a period when we had no one else. Pretty obvious wenger doesn’t pick his team on merit, but on favourites.

We ain’t winning no fucking title lads. Fourth place here we come


If anyone other than City win the league, we won’t even have the lack of funds as an excuse this time. Sad days indeed.


This is/was the season of no excuses. No more need to penny-pinch. No international summer tournament. No champions league qualifier. No big-name players forcing a move away. Coupled with one of the weakest seasons there has been in terms of competing teams. Yet the same failings happen again and again.

Of course we can still win it but they just made it a whole lot harder.


I can accept barca defeat, but not this one. This season we are too often making people look fantastic, goalkeeper in particular, now its an 18 year old kid on his debut. For all the money we spent on world class players, We were screwed by this boy 3 times, giving him 2 goals and 1 assists.


I’m just getting tired of reading the headlines “Wenger seeks solution to goal drought” or Koscielny says “We must beat Manure” and tomorrow when Arsenal wheel out another tired (insert players name) calls for more mental strength or whatever I’ll just do a Victor Meldrew but then its heads up and back to hoping again for the Wednesday game. COYG


I think we’ll finish 3rd. Still quite an embarrassment considering the teams ahead of us will most likely be Leicester and Spurs. This was supposed to be the year we took the title.


Yes Wenger no good strikers available, I mean we can’t spend if there’s no one good.

Oh hold up Dybala – unbelievable for Juve this season. And Martial – went on the last day of the transfer window, so we could have been in early.

Great attackers, Douglas Costa, sure Griezman can be bought, AM are always a selling club.

No good back up defensive midfielders… Kondogbia?

Nah we bought no back up players and have Flamini come on. Oh and rely on Wilshere, Arteta and Roaicky…


Can’t agree enough.

Wenger’s arrogant statements season after season, “We couldn’t find an ‘upgrade'”, like we couldn’t find ANYONE better than Giroud (lol) and Welbeck (hahaha).

Literally trying anyone with good dribbling, height, and record for finishing could have worked. That’s how strikers are. At least you should have gave it a try rather than sticking with an clearly no title winning strange striker like Giroud.


I am amazed how everything is AW’S fault. Fans are always ready to blame the manager, but what about the players. I have read all the complaints about Ramsey, and somewhat justified. But what about Alexis? He has,absolutely disappeared since coming back from his injury. Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy as a player, but he really is a shadow of what he was before the injury. Also, everyone is dumping all over the team because we lost 3-2 to Manure, but no one is mentioning the obvious handball by Schneiderlin at the goal line that should have… Read more »


You sound older and wiser than I could ever be.


It’s wenger’s fault simply because the same issues have faced arsenal fc for nigh on 8 years now and the manager has singularly failed to address them to the detriment of the club. The defensive problems..the striking issue….the midfield …the mental (and lets face it physical) fragility…none of this is new. That’s why the fault lies fairly and squarely at wenger’s door.


Individual games can be decided by a deflection. They’re much more likely (over the course of a season) to be decided by tactics and the willingness of players to work for each other, consistency, and moments of quality. It’s been a fair few seasons. It would take a field of potholes the size of Gervinho’s forehead to convince me that there aren’t some underlying issues that need to be addressed at the moment.


We should be demolishing teams with our squad. Wenger is the one who has the handbrake on this group. Fans’ support should not be regarded as unconditional.

We should also be aiming to beat Man U when they are at the peak of their powers, pushing at the the top of the table themselves. Even when then are poor we can’t overcome our own issues.





Fucking awful goals to give away. That’s pretty much it then. Title gone, best chance we had in years and we fucked it up.


Fucking bottlers. Let’s be honest, we’re not gonna win the league again with Arsene Wenger in charge. We can’t even win it in a season where Chelsea and City (the only two teams who have better players than us) have been horrible. Fuck this shit. We need a fucking change, enough is enough.


We’re NOT serial chokers, says an affronted Wenger midweek – only come Sunday to serially choke against the worst United side in twenty years with 16 of their first-team players out injured.

These days things are so much better, says an always-look-on-the-bright-side Wenger, because no one is tapping up our players now – which, apart from Oezil and possibly Bellerin, is probably true if not altogether the positive thing that’s implied. Have to hope for Joel Campbell’s sake somebody is, though, because Wenger really, really seems not to rate him.

Five shots on target all game.

Remember the invicibles

Ramsey and Walcott the culprits again. Without Cazorla and Wilshere we have no midfielder. Terrible tactics and team selection as well. Welbz and Ozil did well. Gabriel was rusty as fuck.


i’m tired of how Ramsey consistently keeps getting the benefit of doubt – from Wenger and even here. He’s been awful all season but Wenger hardly if ever rotates him out of the starting 11. Holds on to the ball for too longs and makes the obvious ass seconds late; always trying out out some skill move that is clearly beyond; making errant passes even though he’s to slow to catch up.


The tactics do not help Ramsey he is alone in midfield. We played 70 minutes playing 424 ozil player false number 9 do schneiderlain could not man mark him. This left Ramsey and coq two against three in midfield. Our midfield is so far apart. Not like early season when Santi and coq plated close together and teams were not man marking ozil!

Remember the invincibles

Ramsey is more concerned with running into the box than being a central midfielder. His best position is on the right of a front three. At least that way we get some more security in midfield.


Was just thinking the same thing. I don’t know what’s happening to ramsey but he’s looking slower and slower each game. Not just pace, but touches, decision making etc.

Didn’t think we miss santi this badly.


The worst thing is you bring on a fucking 6ft+ target man in Giroud and still insist on creating play from the back. The exact same tactics United had wanted us to execute all game so they can hit us on the counter. Absolutely fucking useless. You’re chasing a game just lump the fucking ball in and hope for something. When the fuck did we become so insistent on possession play again? One season when we didn’t employ the tactic it worked wonders, now we’re going back to the same shit. Absolutely horrible and I’m afraid this time the blame… Read more »


Wenger stays!


Losing to Barcelona is acceptable, but losing to half a United team with some 18 year old nobody scoring glancing headers against us is just disgraceful.


Awful is the polite way of putting it. The most angry I’ve been this season watching this fucking team.
How the fuck did we manage to make this man utd team look like fucking Bayern Munich? Not a single player wanted to know in the middle of the park, it took Sanchez wandering central after 85 mins to even get the ball moved forward with any purpose.
Absolute shit outs today, both manager and players.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

We need to get rid of Walcott, his mediocrity and lack of effort are outstanding.

dr Strange

Wenger´s the one who plays him. To me it´s obvious who should go.


This is the main argument . All the rest are fringe points !


He was probably happy to have not missed any chances!

Third Plebeian

Comment of the day.


Thanks mate!! 🙂


Woeful display. Do the players give a shit about the title as it didn’t look like it today. I had a sickening thought today, what if us taking points of Leicester does Spurs a favour with their title bid. Still 11 games but you have to think we have fucked our title chances.


Ramsey’s positioning for the 3rd goal was woeful. Sanchez’s confidence down. Theo… wait, did he even play? There’s no coming back from this one. I’ve been positive about our title chances, but there is no way we are coming back from this one. You can’t go around talking to the media saying ‘if we want to win the title, we have to win this match’, and then go out there and put a piece of shit performance and lose the match. Better luck next season folks, but without a proper mentality shift in this club, we are not going anywhere.… Read more »


Pressure on and we don’t turn up yet again, what a load of absolute bollocks

Why the fuck did Walcott start he contributes NOTHING and he has zeor technique or heart, Giroud might not be scoring but he puts a shift in

When is anyone going to realise Ramsey just ruins our shape when he’s in the middle?

What a joke


Wenger: Guys, I don’t want Mourinho taking over at Man Utd. I DO NOT WANT THAT! Geddit? You know what to do then…

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

Mental Midgets FC

Third Plebeian

Managed by a man who doesn’t look capable of setting up a team tactically or mentally. We were all over the place today, and not for the first time when we’ve needed a result at a crucial juncture of a competition, we fall short.

Who in their right mind would pick Theo Walcott for a game? Also doesn’t seem very prudent to be picking Gabriel of Mertesacker.

The really grim possibility this season is that Spurs could very well win the league.


He is capable, we have seen it often. But he also often seems to need much too long to find solutions. Since Santi is out we have an extremly dysfunctional midfield. Maybe it is difficult to find the right solution there, but what you can say at least is that whatever he tried was extremely conservative, lacking verve and inspiration. And it still does not work. That is simply too little for an elite team. I agree that it looks like a mistake to pick Gabriel over Mertesacker. Mertesacker-Koscielny partnership is still one of the best, and only outstanding performances… Read more »


I say it all the time unfortunately. There is just a mental fragility to this team. I don’t know when it started but it is definitely there.


…and here endeth another title challenge.

Tarquin Farquar

Iwobi summed us up, coming on in fucking gloves. Fatgooner was right all along. We need change. Ozil will be off in summer if he gets the chance. You ain’t winning titles with players like Walcott, Ramsey and a nervous wreck called Gabriel.

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

We will still get fourth and Sangoal coming back lol. So, next season will be better and all will come here to say how we love Wenger.

To be honest it was just matter of f when we were going to blow it not if.

Arsene IS the problem.

Crash Fistfight

As much as I agree, could you please stop ending every post with the same sentence – it’s getting annoying (much like the manager’s performance) now.


Bunch of useless cunts. Lack of effort and they don’t deserve shit. They can seriously fuck off this week.

aussie gooner

yet Wenger still finds it in himself to point blame at the referee instead of at his own bunch of pussies

Cygan's Magical Left Foot

Don’t worry Arsene will make sure to comfort the players and tell them it’s not their fault.

Blind manager past his sell by date 5 years ago. After this season if you have any pride get out of our club, you’ve made enough money to live a rich man.

I want to see his cult to support the club not their cults leader.

Arsene IS the problem.


Yet all we hear from Wenger is that the team have passion, desire and mental strength? What effing mental strength? Let’s hear talk about fight, commitment, discipline, organisation and a determination never to lose. Week in, week out all we ever see is players caught in the headlights, frozen, timid and scared. Give me strength…


“Lack of effort”?
Alexis was shit… but he tried
Ramsey tried too.
Özil: 1 assist and 1 goal
Welbeck: 1 goal

Walcott: 62 min. / 0 Shots, 0 Key passes, 0 Dribbles, 4 Unsuccessful Touches (joint-most in the team) and 9!!! Passes

(Giroud: 33 min. / 1 Shot, 0 Unsuccessful Touches, 14 Passes)


By the way – I have to admit: I feel that Souness is 100% right!

“bordering on a joke”
“… a lack of something real players have… And these Arsenal players lack it in abundance, they just don’t have it, none. That today was totally unacceptable…”
“…They’ve come here today and been so weak, so insipid, and PUSSY-FOOTED…”

Me So Hornsey

Shit! Choke! Weak!


Groundhog day


We won’t and don’t deserve the league. Walcott absolutely USELESS again.


walcott has to go. not only does he not provide anything up front, but everytime he has the ball, he gives it away. completely useless and now on a massive contract.


Which ensures we’re lumbered with him because no one else will touch him. But he doesn’t write his own contract does he? Someone makes a ‘Managerial’ decision to give it to him !


If Wenger, whom I am an ardent fan of, doesn’t realise that Theo is playing badly and does not deserve a place on the bench, it is not going to help the team and players like Campbell who you have to wonder why he did not start. We just didn’t gel from the start. Sanchez – Giroud – Welbeck should have started upfront. I think we would have got something from the game. Oh and BFG. We needed someone with calmness and a captain. I now hope Leicester win the league, because I would rather they win it than the… Read more »



American Gooner

Well and truly bottled, congratulations Arsenal. Best chance to win a title in years and you absolutely piss it away, here’s to 3rd place as Spuds pip Leicester for the title

Crash Fistfight

What makes you think Man City won’t go past us? They’re 4 points behind with a game in hand, they now have Kompany back and have easier games to play, including a home game against us.


Best thing we can hope for is that Man U catch up or Chelsea and Arsenal drop out of the Champions league money making scheme that Arsene Blatter has coveted for so long. Only way Sepp is going to bugger off.


what a fucking bunch of clowns you are, you and all similar posters here. you call yourselves fucking Arsenal supporters? a fucking disgrace. i was watching the game today and i was sick most of the time, but i would never dare spilling out half of the shit that is being spilled out here by a bunch of fucking internet warriors. what did you exactly achieve in your life yourself and can you compare that to what those lads achieved? ever been among the best three elevens in the entire fucking country? best thirty perhaps? ever? it’s all so fucking… Read more »

Dan D

I think you need to calm down and stop contributing to the “bullshit.”

If you think that was good enough today and the comments in here are not justified not sure what to think myself.

It was woeful. Souness saying what pretty much everyone has said on here and he’s not some emotional fan in the heat of the moment.

We were piss poor and there is no hiding behind that. No excuses either,


We’re all angry that yet again the team we love has bottled it for one reason or another. I’ve had to live my life even when it was hard because giving up was never an option. The club I love has a team that gives up weekly. Makes me sad


Get real! These guys get paid a shed load of money. As does the manager. They are paid to perform at the highest level. They are professionals and need to perform at the level expected of an elite player. Most of them didn’t. Fans’ disappointment totally justified.


Absolutely disgusting. Goodbye to our season


That was nothing short of terrible. Once again this utd team win with one of the worst teams in history. We have been poor since Xmas. Can’t see us turning it around. Walcott is a sack of shit as is our passing. Gabriel not good enough and big players underperfming. Cannot believe it. So frustrating.


Time for Wenger to go!!!


Starting to agree. The team looked like they didn’t care today. Sad.


Klopp,Ancelotti and Gaurdiola all moved in recent times.We could have gotten atleast one if them if the Board had the courage or Wenger had the decency to do what’s right for the club.But our entire club,right from the board to the fans,is short-sighted and blindly loyal to Wenger.It’s too late now.We’ll probably win the FA cup and Wenger will sign a three year extension amidst the euphoria


Klopp,Ancelotti and Gaurdiola all moved in recent times.We could’ve gotten at least one of them if the Board had the courage or Wenger had the decency to do what’s right for the club.But our club,right from the Board to the fans,is short-sighted and blindly loyal to Wenger .It’s too late now.We’ll probably win the FA cup and Wenger will sign a three year extension amidst the euphoria


Rashford is 17 days older than I am; our defenders make him like Suarez


To be fair, I think our defenders have been good so far this season. Just currently our midfielders are no where to be found. Too far back, too spread out, too far forward etc. God I miss santi.




There’s a time for rational analysis and there’s a time for this: Fuck you Arsenal, you fucking twats. Fuck you Gabriel, go back to Spain please. Fuck you Arsène for getting the selection wrong. Goodbye Premier League.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Agree with your sentiment, but no with your words.


The same old Arsenal. Different players, same manager.


Truth be told. Wenger’s time is done.

Crash Fistfight


The one season none of the big boys turned up and we’ve left it to Leicester and Tottenham to win the league.

Thanks for the memories, Arsene, but I’ve had enough. Please go now.

aussie gooner

is anyone surprised ? I wasn’t even mad watching that. We couldn’t beat them at old trafford under moyes. now the same under LVG. we aren’t winning a title until big changes are made.

I Miss Arshavin

There is only one big change needed in Arsenal. The manager position must be changed. Wenger has to go and make way for another coach.

SoCal Gooner

All other teams have a chance of actually improving.

Arsenal??? Definition of stagnation as long as Wenger is in charge


beaten by an 18 year old in his first premier league game.

only one word to describe it: shite


Just so Arsenal though. You have to give them credit for being so consistently predictable.


We consistently make heroes out of average opposition players. It’s embarrassing.


No worries, we’re still on track for the usual 4th place trophy.


Hey faithful fans; I propose we push for getting a 10-year contract to Wenger, as well as securing we absolutely keep crucial players like Walcott and Wilshere……

Well, that was that for this season AGAIN. I will support Leicester or Spurs to win the PL now, at least somebody new who play good football…..


You are fickle.


Nope, I’ve been asking for Wenger to be replaced for the last 4 seasons

bims lay

absolutely…i understand the passion…but supporting spurs???….that got you my thumbs down! I share the disappointment and the pain from losing to manU, i even understand, though not in support of some of the hate directed towards wenger, and some squad members right now, but regardless of whateva, as a true gooner, even if arsenal dosent make top 4???…spurs WILL NEVER get my support. Fuck spuds!….and while we are on this, i don’t subscribe to the fairy tale nonsense either, so….fuck Leicecester too! Apologies to the romantics and the liberals in this forum, sorry, but no other team apart from arsenal,… Read more »

sad gunner

Politician Wenger chatting shit again. Said after the game that Manchester United had an experienced midfield and spent a lot of money. Like that’s the fucking reason we lost. Does he think Arsenal fans r as thick as shit? Your diversion techniques won’t work this time Wenger. We bottled it. We didn’t buy enough in the summer (striker, DM) and Wenger is no longer the man to make us champions. I love him but his legacy is being tarnished the longer he stays. I know we still have a chance to win the league but it’s unlikely now and the… Read more »

Girouds barber

really trying to stay positive but let’s face it, the best chance to win the league with all of our rivals at their weakest and we’ve blow it. Something has to change


Unfortunately, the media will be all over Rashford for scoring twice, and how he was the game changer. I think the hand ball just before half time made him more of a game changer than his two goals. If spotted (and given), we’d potentially start the second half 2-2 and a man up. People will point to we don’t have an out an out world class striker, and I get that, but remember we still scored twice today. The main issue here with this game has to be naivety. Within 20minutes, they had two of their defenders booked. If I… Read more »

aussie gooner

Please, don’t even begin talking about the referee. we could have easily had a red for that idiotic ramsey reaction. We didn’t play anywhere near good enough and even mentioning the referee after that shit is childish. we lost the game ourselves, not the referee


I agree. Rambo easily could have gone for that reaction. But again its just naivety from the players.


Blame the players you say? Who is the boss? If you set your team up to play a certain way and they are not applying your instructions. Its YOUR job to reel them in. But no, Wenger gets frustrated AFTER we concede goals not before. We all saw it, United did exactly what we couldn’t do to Barcelona to us. When the center backs have the ball, why does Ramsey keep pushing up leaving no outlets for them. How long did we spend just passing the ball in our own third?

Something has to change, something has to fucking change


Wenger decides which players he has in his squad so if they don’t / can’t do what he says then that’s his fault for not acquiring the right players. He’s not just been given a bunch of players and been told to do his best with them. He chose every one them and also chose not to add anyone else to this squad, even though he has the financial resources to do so. He gets blame because he deserves it.


What does Ramsey bring to the team? Why remove Welbeck? from an attacking and chasing point of view doesn’t it make more sense to remove that player that is doing shit all game (Ramsey) and put Iwobi there in the middle and keep Welbeck?


Getting beat by a third string manure side is a disgrace!!!


Actually not having Rooney in the team increases their threat, but I get your point. Horrible loss. Week ruined. Fuck this predictable bullshit.

Tarquin Farquar

Yep cos he never scores against us. Wish some would think before they write nonsense


pathetic. absolutely pathetic.


Never mind this UTD game, let think back to the Stoke game at the Brittania. We went there not to lose, Stoke were playing gash around that time, Arsenal didn’t have the mental strength to go to a tough ground to win. We played it safe…Leicester played them the following week and Won 3-0. That sums it up for me


This sums it up for me. I remember some studio dude saying you can’t go to a ground and play simply not to lose and expect to have the right mentality to win the league. I thought he was foolish then but I can see his point of view now


I think Wenger has done all that he can for the club now.


Forget Walcott paying so badly, what the hell has happened to Sanchez? Moves seemed to be breaking down anytime he got the ball. There will be no title this year, we don’t deserve it if we can’t beat that kind of a United side.


It’s having Ramsey in the central midfield, he totally ruins our shape, he is not technically good enough and a headless chicken tactically


Sanchez is a great player but out of form. He should have been subbed today. Wenger is relying on his expensive players regardless of their performances. He maybe should have put a tryer like Campbell on when he needed to find a solution. It all looks so stale and predictable right now.


At what point does arsene look at himself and say enough is enough.


What the bloody hell was that?


The usual…

nothing new

I have supported this once great club long enough and I have been eternally hopeful, but I don’t believe for any longer that we are capable of winning the league. As sad as it is, we have become a cup side and that’s it. Utter shite


Here we again.Just as usual. Piss poor game.

Glaswegian Gooner

2003, 2008, 2011, 2014 and now we can add 2016 to the list of occasions when we had a real opportunity to win the league and blow it in the most spectacular fashion imaginable. But this season is the most infuriating capitulation of all because the conditions couldn’t have been more favourable. In a season where City, Liverpool, Chelsea and United are all playing poorly, where all our traditional top 4 rivals are at their weakest, we spectacularly fail to capitalise. Well done to Spurs and Leicester for seizing the opportunity which we seem determined to slip through our fingers.… Read more »


Wenger – you need to take some responsibility for that shambles!

We're not the American army...

No chance mate. Of late he had castigated his own players. Wenger is blameless and under no pressure to win anything. It’s a perfect storm for mediocrity.


That faint little blip on the horizon you see? That’s our title chance running away and laughing at us…Leicester and Spurs actually want to win the league. Our players are paralyzed by a fear of losing the league and it has reared its ugly head in the same part of the season it has year after year. So sick of seeing this every damn year

Block 93

We don’t half miss Santi. …


We desperately miss him…definitely need a second creative player in the side. Perhaps on that right wing spot where all those wages we’re wasting on Walcott could have been very useful…

Crash Fistfight

We’re always missing someone who would miraculously make it better. Truth be told, we’d more than likely have bottled it with him on the pitch as well. Why the hell we decide to go to places like Old Trafford and try to dominate them (regardless of how shit they are it’s still Man U) instead of trying to keep the game tight? I posted this before and got down-voted to hell, but we fall to pieces any time we concede the first goal of a game. If we’d just kept it 0-0 and tried for goals from set-pieces/counter attacks early… Read more »


How did we bottle that one up.??



Lose against there second team wtf


That’s why I said do your fucking talking after the match alexis
How many games do you need to find some form
Please spare us the mental strength excuses
At least we will win the fourth place trophy
Get ready for another defeat next weekend against Spurs


Beaten by under21


We. Are. Shit. There was no excuses today. Such a gulf between our defence and attack, no creativity. Walcott was anonymous. Same every year, it’s unbelievable. Our league standing defies how bad we’ve actually been playing, probably the 3-0 reverse in October is the last time we actually played well

Dave A.

We’re a fucking joke of a team, worst united in years and we bottle it, great chance to win the league (City being as or more irregular than us, united and chelsea being shit and liverpool being liverpool with average players) and we screw it, if we cant win the league like this then i simply dont know when or how we could win it soon. I think Leicester are the favorites to win it now, and the saddest part is, even Tottenham have better chances to win the league before us.


Sad to say we just aren’t good enough at the moment. At least the ref was nice to us

Ex-Priest Tobin

The British project has completely failed. Please sell Walcott, Ox, Wilshere and bring in some good talent who aren’t injured all the time. On another note, Wenger’s idealism has gone on long enough. He’s an admirable man but we need a manager with more pragmatism. Not good enough.


What’s Wilshere got to do with today?


Walcott=useless. Subs=idiotic. Elneny and Iwobi contributed exactly nothing. On the plus side, I can check out for the rest of the season. I like having my Saturdays and Sundays free again.


Same old Arsenal

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