Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss pleased with Elneny impact

Arsene Wenger has hailed the recent performances of Mohamed Elneny as the new man’s emergence in the first team has been one of the few bright spots in recent weeks.

The Egyptian international scored his first Arsenal goal in the Camp Nou on Wednesday night, as well as running 2km more than any of his teammates in the 3-1 loss to Barcelona. He also had a good showing away at Sp*rs, and with midfield injuries once more affecting the options available to the manager, his growing stature is certainly timely.

Speaking after the Barcelona game, Wenger said of the January signing, “He arrived in January and I integrated him slowly. He has made a big impact and his individual performance and his team attitude is absolutely fantastic.

“When you think that he’s 23 years old, that he comes from [a club in] Switzerland and that he’s not used to that intensity, I believe overall it’s very positive.

“He’s a very bright boy, very team-orientated and understands the game very quickly. He’s very keen to learn and he has a good combination of ambition and humility. That is a very good thing.”

Elneny will have another chance to impress in today’s Premier League clash with Everton, so let’s hope he can play a part in turning around the club’s recent dismal run of form.

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Pakistan Arsenal!

He really has been fantastic which is even more impressive considering our form! A bit off topic but I really really hope we go with the same front four which faced barca. Iwobi on left with Alexis right. Its different and could catch them by surprise! Big big day this. First Arsenal who HAVE to win to keep us optimistic and then Pakistan face India in the world cup (which is huge for me) this weekend would be perfect if both win. Sorry if this is extremely long! COYG

Indian Gooner

Completely agree with your bit about the front four.

But come on, we both know the outcome of the today’s cricket match.


More importantly though I’d have Welbeck up front again, hopefully he finishes better than against Barca but that was because he doesn’t have much game time under his belt. Wouldn’t mind seeing Joel Campbell up front either to be honest, he’s played there before.


Not to knock the guy, as I think he is starting to look okay in the deep midfield role, and he actually drops off and collects the ball from our CB which Aaron nor Flamini nor Francis do, so our midfield is starting to look a bit better. But I thought at the time his signing was bizarre. We had both Santi and Francis injured. So we needed a guy to come in and hit the ground running and be good.. I think considering we were well in the mix challenging for the league, we were in the FA cup,… Read more »

Pain and Arsenal

At the beginning of season everyone thot Cech or sanchez injury will be devastating to the team but nobody knew how extremely devastating will be Carzola’s injury. Good we have Elneny. Tho I still believe we need Kante and Mahrez.

Get rid of Theo. Give Ox another season to prove himself…Make or break


Apart from maybe 3-4 players nobody else has pulled their weight this season, some of them have been an absolute liability. Ox should be shipped out along with Theo and replaced with quality.

Arsenal hurts

much better than ramsey imho, play him n coq til santi comes back. not the dm we need though

Lord Bendtner

I wanna see how many passes he makes, cuz it seems like he makes a lot of passes n is a very team player. More games will do him very good


Everybody’s talking solely about Ramsey’s shortcomings (as our first CM), but I think that the real problem is Coquelin. While I like him really really much, he’s not anywhere good enough on the ball to be our first choice DM.

I say bring a proper DM who is good on the ball (this modern football and we are Arsenal) and let Ramsey flourish again like he did when he played with Arteta.


What are you smoking? Go watch Coq’s match compilations to see how important he is… Got to love how fans switch their opinions, at one moment he was one of the best DMs out there.


Which system do you think worked well: Ramsey-Arteta or Coquelin-Cazorla? Coquelin worked very well with a ball playing partner.

Arsenal hurts

arteta’s dead baby, arteta’s dead


I think both of those pairs have worked very well at times, but the problem is that we kind of have two players doing one man’s job. We need someone who can tackle, intercept and pass well enough, someone who doesn’t fade away when we have the ball and is rock solid defender at the same time. I know it’s hard to find those kind of players but that is what we should be looking for in the summer.


I believe Elneny could form a good partnership with twinkle toes Cazorla when he eventually gets back with Ramsey tucking in from the right to either bolster midfield or get close to Ozil…providing Bellerin plays right back of course.
Sanchez on the left with Welbeck up top. Monreal , Koscielny and Petr to make 10 but who plays right side of central defence as first choice ?


I really really like the example Elneny sets by running 2k more than hes teammates. I hope the rest of the squad gets the hint about what its going to take to start winning some games again. And if he continues to outrun hes teammates, in the next couple of games as well. Then i really think that playing for Wenger has become second nature to some of our long serving members in the team. We need some form of change, and the signing of Elneny has turned out to be a positive one!


Haven’t seen him play yet…but let’s be honest if Ramsey didn’t get injured he wouldn’t be playing much…even though Ramsey has been piss poor


Except Ramsey hasn’t been piss poor. Start of the season we were flying with Ramsey out right, Coquelin and Cazorla in the centre. Practised in training and well drilled in pre-season. Half way through the campaign we loose our first choice midfield pairing, and Ramsey, who by no is very accustomed to his role on the right is asked to do a different job. This takes time for those automatisms to click in, lest we forget that while Ramsey is an attacking midfielder, Flamini is allegedly the ‘defensive’ partner in that pairing. Not strictly true as while Flamini is pretty… Read more »

Bob Davis

Elneny has been a great addition to the squad. He has an excellent workrate and likes to shoot when he can. If he can add goals to his came I think he’ll be a real Arsenal favourite!

Me So Hornsey

He’s what we needed back in August. A runner in midfield with technique and discipline to help out Coq. It transforms the team from wide open to solid just like that.


I don’t think he has been that fantastic He has been OK He has a good engine and a good shot from range. My assessment when Arsene signed him was he was not coming in as a DM but as a box to box for Ramsey As a DM, he is still understandably not familiar to positioning and needs to be way more robust When let Coq got himself sent off, we leaked 2 goals in 2 minutes which tells you everything This is not to blame Elneny because it’s understandable he needs time to adapt nor does it mean… Read more »


Cant believe no one mentioned Jack wilshere on here …. is he still an arsenal player …

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