Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger respects Vardy decision, talks up Kante quality

Arsene Wenger says he respects the decision of Jamie Vardy to turn down a move to Arsenal and stay at Leicester.

The England international has shown that there is loyalty in football which is in no way related to his second massive pay-rise in a matter of months, and Arsenal’s search for a striker continues.

Speaking to beIN Sports, the Arsenal manager said, “I think Leicester have made a statement and Vardy will stay. We were on the case and interested, but not more than that.

“He has decided to stay at Leicester and good luck to him. He came late to the game and in fairness Leicester bought him from Fleetwood and he has been successful. He is 29 and he has chosen to stay at Leicester.

“You have to respect that.”

Sky Sports say that one of Vardy’s reservations about the Arsenal move was that he got no assurance from Wenger that he wouldn’t be played out of position – perhaps used on the right or left of a forward trio. Diddums.

Wenger was also asked about his teammate N’Golo Kante, impressive in his first Premier League campaign last season.

“It is very difficult to talk about that at the moment,” he said. “Kante is on the list of many clubs. It is an area where we have many players.

“We will see what happens in the next two or three weeks. It looks like Leicester have bought a player from Nice [Nampalys Mendy] with similar qualities to Kante, so whether they envisage to lose him or not I don’t know.”

We suspect he does know, and it wouldn’t surprise us at all if he was interested in him, even with the addition of Granit Xhaka.

It’s not the first time the Frenchman has bigged up the quality of Kante either, so if he has his beady on him it would be fairly typical. I actually had a dream the other night we signed Kante, but after we bought him he turned into a dog and Arsene Wenger was furious at Leicester.

Literally being sold a pup, I guess.

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I don’t care about wealth of options. Do it! : )


Total football. 10 midfielders.

Ox in the Box

Defensive midfielders at that. Every 2008-2014 arsenal fan’s wet dream.


You wait ages for one and three come along at the same time …


Can you believe it? I know I Kante


careful, these kind of jokes spread fast. You could say they are kantegious…


Kante as good as he is, will be surplus as mentioned by Wenger. Given that most of the teams park the bus against us it makes little sense to bring in Kante when we have just signed xhaka, elneny, coquelin for that position.

A striker, a wide player and possibly a center back should be the priority.


I did think the same. He works well in a counter-attacking team like Leicester, but what could he offer us if we have possession all the time? But to be fair to him, he’s shown more of his quality for France at the Euros.


Upgrades in any position would be welcome provided we address our obvious deficiencies. We would have a killer midfield with him, Xhaka and Ozil, or Santi, or Rambo etc

Santi Claus

Plus half of the aforementioned players will be injured by September



harold hinney

Including Kante if he were to come to Arsenal


Probably would injure himself while signing. We are cursed.

Mr. G

I agree. To be honest, of Leicester’s ‘big three’, Mahrez would have been my first choice for us to make a move for.

Charlie George

Kanté just get on with and sign a striker?



Christopher Wreh

To be honest, I do like Vardy, the way he smashed his chances home last year was very refreshing. And you know what? I think there actually is an element of human emotion behind his decision to stay at Leicester. He has an affinity with the club, they believed in him and we all know how that story ended. You can’t buy that. Fair play to the bloke, not often you see that in today’s game. Like Arsene said, you have to respect his decision. We didn’t embarrass ourselves, we weren’t humiliated and I don’t think there should be any… Read more »


If we bought Kante we would have to sell one or two midfielders, most likely Coq and if I had to choose between Ramsey and Wilshere, I’d keep Ramsey, at least he is slightly more fit.

I don’t think it makes sense, last season Coq was out with injury and Wenger changed the team shape, but the season before he was one of the best players in his position in England, if not all of Europe. I like Coq (that was awkward to write…)

Christopher Wreh

Hahahahaha, awkward indeed…

Can’t see Arsene selling Wilshere or Ramsey. I just can’t, they’re part of the furniture. It would be a really strange one to let Coquelin go as well, considering his story.

I just don’t think midfield is the most pressing issue right now. We’ll sign a striker, I don’t doubt that, but for me a proper centre half as well is vital.


CB should 100% be a priority along with a striker. Per isn’t getting any younger and his standards did dip last season, Gabriel is a bit of a liability tbh, has his good games but has a frequent mistake in him which is worrying. Kos the boss needs a partner worthy of being his partner!


Yes we all like coq here you’re in the right place 😉


I don’t think we’d have to sell anyone. And I honestly can’t see Wenger selling coq, Ramsey or Wilshere.


While I can’t comment on the amount genuine emotion Vardy has for Leicester, I think this whole saga was purely created to get Vardy a larger contract out of Leicester, especially so soon after his previous rise. Arsenal has been used.

I know that this is how the world works and being upfront and honest is difficult, especially when other parties keep moving the goal posts in order to exploit, but the idealist in me just can’t help be rankled.

Bould's Eyeliner

Whether Arsenal was ‘used’ or not isn’t really the issue here. Football isn’t a mafia (or at least it very well shouldn’t be), and contract negotiations are designed for this sort of thing. It’s Vardy’s prerogative to entertain his suitors, and Arsenal (and by all accounts I have read, this was of our own accord), initiated the contact. Leicester wanted to keep him at all costs, and that’s what they did. He said no, and signed for the club he was at. It’s that simple. There’s really no reason to read further into this, especially as he’s certainly not coming… Read more »


Not really, he had just signed a new deal, we offered the buy out, Leicester countered with a contract which he then signed. They wouldn’t have offered a contract had we not activated the buy out clause. As we quite clearly know Vardy isn’t exactly your modern day footballer so for him to show some loyalty, to the team that gave him his shot at the big time, isn’t exactly the strangest thing ever

Vardy with whiskey, Szczesny with cigar

We fail whenever we activate a player’s release clause (Suarez and Vardy). Not that we were humiliated but we look funny, do you know what I mean?

Andy Mack

If you look back at who we’ve bought, I’m pretty certain many of them had a ‘release clause’. According to the newspapers (so it must be true!) Xhaka had one.


Don’t really have to work that hard. Just write a check. It isn’t your money. So what if we pay a little extra for lukakua or someone else. It isn’t the end of the world to have someone who can convert Ozils numerous chances and score 20-30 a season


I actually disagree with comments that he wouldn’t suit our style of play. Although there are games where we play against the proverbial bus and struggle to break them down (there’s no evidence, by the way, that’s he’s worse than any of our current players at facing such a tactic!), how many times have you seen us “counter attack” from a cleared corner, turnover of possession etc. and the move simply fizzle out into nothing due to slow midfield play? We struggle at times to carry the ball at pace from box to box, or get it quickly to someone… Read more »

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Vardy himself said our style of play wouldn’t suit him but you disagree, lol.


Strong reading (or, at the very least, interpretation) skills there, when the post is very clearly about Kante…


The market is so thin when it comes to quality players with so many mid table clubs becoming rich. clubs like Leicester were all of sudden able to offer 4 yr deal worth 100,000 a week to a player who is 29 yr of age, and not only him, I think the will go for Mahrez and kante. We are a rich club as well, but again there’s a difference between rich and filthy rich. Vardy case is closed, but who else is available, I think the transfer market will be even tougher in the upcoming years, clubs will have… Read more »

Easy as JVC

You mean like a kind of internal solution? I think you could be onto something there.

Bould's Eyeliner

Well, I think the causes are twofold here: 1) Inflation of errythang 2) Only places in the world that are actually producing the top strikers are those from the poorer countries. So if we’re going to be looking at internal solutions, I say, we could also try something like… striker abandonment. Leave them in some harsh region with a bag of footballs and if they make it out after a year, SIGN’EMUP. Joking aside, it really is a curious development, that may provide insight into what constitutes a successful striker. Ever more so, we realize that the ‘killer’ mentality has… Read more »

Andy Mack

With the possibility that work permits will be even more difficult to get in the future for the PL teams, the players that have one or clearly will get one, will be in high demand.


Even Everton have new money, so Lukaku deals might be off the table too


Lukaku wants to leave and can’t force him to stay, but the issue is that as you said the have money and will want 50+ for lukaku, the will sell him to the highest bidder, if baern and anceloti decide to get him maybe we will have a chance for lewandoski, and bayren sell their player for reasonable prices so 30mil for lewa will do it otherwise I don’t see wenger splashing 50 + for lukaku and morata maybe 40 but 50 not a chance.


30mil for lewandowski? you can’t be serious


lol, Bayern are not selling Lewandoski for 30 million


Well…It was never on the table

AKB(Not the one your thinking of)

I am just thinking, why no other team is on the chase for that Mendy guy, if every team likes Kante, and Leicester think Mendy is similar to Kante….if those teams can’t get Kante, why not sign this guy and avoid overpaying for him next season…

p.s. I frankly don’t know much bout this guy and I may be too simplistic in my thinking

Martin Finley

While I rate Kante highly he would not solve any of the problems in our squad right now. Allready got Xhaka, Coq and Elneny filling a similar role And with Wenger likely working on a budget as usual I would prefer the money being invested where it would make more of a difference. Striker at the top of my list, but I would be open to the possibility of moulding Alexis into that role if possible. If not I dont care if we spend 80+ mill and go after someone like Aubameyang for example. Also a CB signing and even… Read more »


I’m greedy I want them all


I agree that Kante is not a priority for Arsenal although he truly is a dynamic and unique player and most teams would be fortunate indeed to have him. I also think a striker is the one signing that we need over all others and then for me it is a toss up between the following: left back (if Gibbs does indeed go), winger who can score and complement Ozil and Sanchez, or CB, especially if Chambers is sent out on loan or there is an established impact central defender that we can pry from another squad (which I personally… Read more »

Andy Mack

It also depends on injuries unfortunately.


In think Wenger needs to sell one or two, then go all out to buy a player that can transform this team.
The question is can we get a Pogba, a Lewandowski, an Aubameyang, a Suarez?

Jamie Vardinho

No they all play for clubs that have the ability to progress past the Quarter Finals of the CL


It looks like this summer again we are not signing more than 1 player (Xhaka). Wenger won’t spend on Lukaku unfortunately so let’s get ready to yet another season with Giroud-Walcott up front.


Not even Lukaku’s grandmother would spend on Lukaku,
I just can envisage a player with Cygan’s first touch leading our attacking line


The guys scored 25 goals with a awful everton side last season, almost always creating for him self and scoring, with arsenal midfield without doubt he will score 25 PL goals maybe even more, so I don’t give a shit about his first touch as long as he scores the goals, giroud has good first touch and flicks but he doesn’t score enough goals for us.

A Different George

It’s not even July yet. Everything points to Wenger buying a striker at least on Vardy’s level, a centre-back (not a big name–none are realistically available–but more cover in case Gabriel does not progress and Chambers is not trusted), and possibly (hopefully) a wide attacker. If Gibbs leaves, then a left fullback as well.

Jamie Vardinho

Unlike Strikers there isnt a shortage of solid CB’s. Not big names but good ones nonetheless.


I am sure Wenger is out looking for a striker as he knows that Giroud can’t carry us alone, though as always he is probably looking for a bargain and also keeps things quiet. Just hope that whomever he gets in can arrive early enough to be ready to go for the first match and not wait until the end of August as he did with Ozil, Welbeck and many others.

Andy Mack

Everyone with any sense is looking for a bargain and AW is no different, but I think he’s more interested in the players quality than the price. He’ll pay over the odds for the right player (as he did for Henry), but who the ‘right player’ is and if he’s available is a different issue…

Al Gilmore

But what if Conte buys Kante for Chelsea…

Conte, Kante and Terry the C…

You know the punchline.


It seems offensive to lady parts to liken them to John Terry


I would deinitely take Kante, he is class, selling Ramsey wud pay for him and leave the money available to strengthen up.front

Jack Wilshere's fibula

What happens every year? The Spanish flu hits the Arsenal squad and we end up with Flamini or the like starting. Plus, we’ve lost 3 midfielders so far, and only bought in the 1. Buy him.

Jamie Vardinho

Sorry to be rude but this isnt FIFA 16.

You have Coquelin, Xhaka and Elneny who can all play as defensive midfielders.

Buying another DM would seriously harm squad harmony


With the pound at 1.34 the price of anyone in Europe has gone up 10%..Wenger will wait until it bounces back to buy.


These things are almost always structured payments over time, so the short-term price isn’t a big factor.


So if the pound doesn’t “bounce back” …no signings at all until it does?? Downer! 🙂

uncle D

Gabriel Barbosa!!! What’s the difference between Romelu Lukaku and Morota the real Madrid brand, I won’t spend that fee money on Morota, it’s a hype!! Lukaku is a proven EPL striker who could replace Giroud in the long term! Common sense is not common aye!!!


Don’t think he could get a work permit. Unless that new rule that anyone you pay over 10 million for gets a permit automatically could work.


I live in São Paulo, and have the opportunity to see Gabigol play week in and week out. He’s good, but I wouldn’t be satisfied if he was to be bought as our main striker. He may develop well over time but right now he just isn’t ready to lead the line for Arsenal.


I think the key word in this article regarding Kante was “asked”.

Wenger was asked so he praised Kante and followed by” it is an area we have plenty of players at the moment”



Brexit may have an affect on further Summer spree.

Immediate Pound depreciation for starters plus wage/contract/eligibility issues forthcoming.

A bit of a mess really.

Good thing Wenger got one signing done and dusted early on.

At least left with one or two to go.

Maybe the reason why Vardy also looked a tad bit more attractive despite age.

We should still have sufficient to conclude a signing (or two) but its been made all the more trickier.


It won’t change shit!

Sam Crow

Xhaka Kan, Xhaka Kante


once i saw Vardy’s chin i knew he wasn’t coming …


Read this post here a couple of weeks back and haven’t stopped laughing since then: BUY ALL THE PLAYERS!!!

maasai gooner

Let’s go for Jesse Rodriguez..


Bye bye Vardy, Vardy good bye


After the fall in the value of the pound today, the good news is, Theo will look like a cheaper prospect for foreign clubs.

Stuart Pierce

I don’t think being rejected by a player at a smaller club is humiliating, considering that in our past, Tony Cottee, Frank McAvennie, Andy Townsend, Andy Sinton and Terry Fenwick among others have chosen other clubs and missed out on a clutch of silverware and historic wins. More humiliating for them.


Had it happen Vardy eventually sign for us, so shall we apologize to that dutch-cunt for leaving us. Overall Vardy’s decision are base on emotion which Vanpu$$y lack.


Just as brexit, Arsenal boardroom seem too focussed on internal, rather than what is happening around them. We need to be considering how we are doing versus the competition around us. Not just ‘oh we need a striker and midfield to be better than last season’. It SHOULD be ‘compared to other teams, we are comparatively weak in terms of first team and backup in this position… etc’ Same thing with relying on Fair Play. Godddamn most naive decision ever. When you got a money hungry organisation that is UEFA, PL and Agents you aint ever gonna get a fair… Read more »

Andy Mack

Only a complete idiot pays more than £1 more than they need to. if a Clause says ‘over £10m’ then £10m+£1 is sufficient. Next time you buy some clothes you can pay more than the price but that would mean you’re an idiot.

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