Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger open to England role. But not now

Arsene Wenger says he’s open to the idea of managing England in the future but underlined that he’s unwavering in his commitment to fulfilling his current Arsenal deal.

The boss has one year left on his current contract and has said on a number of occasions he’ll wait until the summer before deciding his next step.

Roy Hodgson’s decision to quit following England’s abject defeat to Iceland has left the FA trawling through the phonebook looking for someone anyone to take on the best-paid poisoned chalice in world football.

“Could I manage England? Why not?” Wenger told French TV.

“I would never rule that out, but I am happy and focused in club football. I have one more year to go with Arsenal and I have been with them for a long time. I have always respected all my contracts and will continue to do that. What will I do after that? Honestly, I don’t know.

“England is my second country. I was absolutely on my knees when England went out against Iceland. I couldn’t believe it. But when you watched the game you could sense, after 60 minutes, that the worst could happen. Did they panic or were they tired? I don’t know, but England couldn’t find an answer to what Iceland posed.”

There was talk about Wenger taking over from Gareth Southgate – who was penciled in to take over from Hodgson on an interim basis until 2017 – but that was shelved when the former Villa and Boro defender ruled himself out of the race.

Obviously, Arsene has spoken in the past about his masochistic tendencies, but we’re not sure he’d necessarily be up for the weekly garroting that comes with being the boss of the Three Lions.

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I think Arsene Wenger would make a fine manager of England. However, I also think he’s a much finer manager of Arsenal, and I hope he remains with us for a long long time yet.


Why do you hope that?


Because he has been one of the most loyal managers a football club can move. If we stop all that patronizing crap about being fantastically well paid, this man has won us a great amount of trophies, built us a stadium, and has refused to be smitten by other offers at Madrid & PSG. Do you really think these two clubs offered him less wages than he is at Arsenal? As an aside, from a personal viewpoint, Arsene has defined the club for a lot of fans. Although I was born in 1988 and started supporting the club in 1994… Read more »

Bank of friendship

Built us a stadium ??
Yes he said to compete with best in Europe,league titles and better champion league campaigns happened at Highbury.

Andy Mack

But they wouldn’t have continued without the income from a larger stadium. Although the TV money has made that a little less important, hindsight is 20/20.

Bank of friendship

Leicester ?


Job security. He would never be afforded the time he gets at arsenal anywhere else. He wouldn’t be paid any better at real Madrid either, arsenal is a great gig for a manager and he knows it.


So which is it?
“a little longer”
“a long long time yet”
because i think you missed the point

Mustrum Ridcully, Unseen Academicals

What if the France manager job was available?

Andy Mack

It’s believed that he’s been offered that job in the past and turned it down.
Maybe he’d consider it when he’s had enough of club management.


Considering how tetchy Arsene can be with the media during times of unrest at Arsenal.

I cant imagine it being well recieved when concerning the national team. Would be a nightmare appointment.


He’d be a mug to consider such a thankless role.


Oh England PLEASE take Wenger as far away of the Arsenal bench as possible. +10 years without a league is outrageous to say the least.

Mick M

Is it? They’d gone about 20 when I started going over there and no one was whining.


No body should be intimated by Mourinho statements, I know AW doesn’t, specially when it comes from a man who can not keep his job for mòre than three years.
Let’s all stop parroting his statements and propagating his ideas.
What we have is really special manager, let us cherish that and stand behind our team.

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

What’s outrageous is to call that outrageous. In my life I’ve seen Arsenal achieve more glory than than all but a very small number of English clubs have achieved in their entire history. And I’m not that old. I’ve seen league and cup doubles, the most dramatic and memorable league title victory that has ever happened, seen some of the world’s top players at their absolute best. Have I enjoyed our title drought? No, but I’m not so petty that it makes me forget all the great things I’ve gotten to see. The truth is, I feel incredibly spoilt to… Read more »

Bank of friendship

Well said Matt.
Let’s hope he accepts when offered

John C

I’m going to start an Wenger for England petition, flattery would definitely sway his decision.


I do get the feeling that one way or another, this will be Wenger’s last campaign with us.


…and I wouldn’t blame him!


During his tenure as Arsenal manager, Arsene has stated on several occasions that the job of England manager should be done by an English man.

There is no reason whatsoever to believe that Arsene has suddenly changed his mind on this matter.

In my view, Arsene was simply being diplomatic in answering the questions put to him by French TV, and suspect that we are much more likely to see Aliens landing a UFO in Parliament Square at the height of rush hour on a Monday morning, than we are of seeing Arsene take the England job.

Ox Sans Box

Clearly what England need is the tactical prowess, footballing acumen, and keen articulative powers of fellow Englishman Michael Owen.

Andy Mack

Owen and Shearer next please, just to shut those 2 whinging little fuck-wits up!

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

You have a Magneto memory buddy. He did say that. He also said he needed to be busy every day as it is the case with club football.


Where’s the Poo-Meter ??


It broke when considering this rumour. There’s not enough poo in the universe.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Hope he stays and offer a CL final to Giroud to redeem himself. Giroud was totally powerless and totally lacked confidence for the first big final of his life. Couldn’t believe Deschamps didn’t replace him after 20 mn. Poor Giroud, after that tortoise run, he lost confidence. A very good striker for us for half of every season.


Gignac -with fresh legs- was worse. and Griezmann, the flavor of the month, didn’t get it done either- and he was better with Giroud on. The fact is Portugal were set up to defend and did a fair job of it and none of the French could finish the job. Giroud had a couple of good chances stopped by good saves.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Yeah, I was too critical of Giroud there. Where was the guy whose value on the market is 100 millions? Pogba is a creation of his agent Mean’o Raiola. Hey guy, I kept on saying Sissokho would be a good buy for Arsenal. What do you think?

Andy Mack

He’s had a couple of decent games at Newcastle and one decent game for France. Not really showing much consistency though…


Pogba was certainly not up to billing. Two days’ rest vs. 3 was telling. I really haven’t tracked Sissokho to know enough but I thought one of the questions about him was consistency at Newcastle. He certainly showed for this one, but not as much in a few other matches but maybe that was Pogba’s muted showing leaving room for him and Matuidi. Dunno. I’m just some guy with access to the internet. He certainly looks like he’s got the ability, but again the question of who he replaces in the lineup arises. Ramsey? Santi? Coquelin? We’ve got a challenge… Read more »

John C

Sissoko is a mercenary in the mould of Adebayor, plays great when he wants a move or new contract, in between he’s a useless waste of space, wouldn’t want him anywhere near Arsenal.

Dan gooner

He should do both!


Arsene’s laissez faire approach to tactics would be a disaster at international level.

Freddy Ang

We’re talking about a man who has lost 8-2 to United and 6-0 to Chelsea, 5-1 to Liverpool and even blasted by City, his time is up, my time is now, we NEED to sign Cavani, Griezmann or Higuain, proven world class.


It’s a polite way of declining the job.;)


Fergie’s the only manager who can probably instill a bit of fear into this young England team and get the best out of them.

But he’s Scot and next to him, Big Sam is one who at very least (if crude) has always been able to work within his resources, understand the (technical) limits and tailor tactics accordingly.

This is not a job for Wenger who builds an entire system and takes time. With the world cup 2 years away, it would be a ridiculous move only the FA can dream of.



…and only the media can lap up.

He's the soup

Just need to naturalise Ligue Deux and we’ll be all set

Hereford gooner

At least if aw becomes England boss then half of the spurs team would become laughably injury prone

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