Sunday, September 8, 2024

Serge Gnabry linked with Bayern Munich switch

In what is a rather odd story this morning, Sky Sports Germany are Tweeting that Serge Gnabry could move to Bayern Munich.

The 21 year old was Germany’s player of the tournament as they picked up a silver medal at the Rio Olympics, scoring 6 goals in the process. His impressive performances have seen him linked with a number of loan moves to the Bundesliga, and now it seems the German champions are interested.

The translation of that (via Twitter) says: According to our information, Serge Gnabry (21) faces a switch from Arsenal to Bayern Munich.

Gnabry is now into the final year of his Arsenal contract, but Arsene Wenger was quite clear about his intentions when speaking about the winger last week.

“I want to keep Serge Gnabry and to extend his contract,” he said. “We stood by him for a long time.

“We built his confidence when he came back and I allowed him to go to the Olympic Games without having played for us at all, to get him back to competition and to help Germany.

“He’s been here for a long-time and it’s important he stays with us.”


The Sky story reportedly says that Bayern will immediately loan him to Werder Bremen, adding another layer of weirdness to the whole thing.

We’re a bit dubious about this one, as Wenger is a big fan, but perhaps there’s been a refusal from Gnabry’s side to sign a new contract, which might just force our hand.

All the same, 7 poos.

Thanks to ‪@maruojin‬ for the heads-up.

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I want him to stay unless its a loan move. I want Campbell to stay. I want Ox to stay. Can I keep all of them? I don’t know.

Kosc' Other Pocket

Don’t be selfish, Victor 🙂


It’s not that excessive considering we don’t really have many established wingers. When fit, Sanchez will always play, but otherwise it’s all up for grabs.


I’d rather we got rid of all three and got James Rodriguez in ?

Rectum Spectrum

60+ million for a guy who had a good world cup playing a central role that he wouldn’t be afforded at arsenal, and who hasn’t captured that WC form for his club, is a lot of money wasted.


We could probably sell him for 80+ mil two years from now, even if he flops. Which I don’t think he will. He has one helluva shot on him, is quick and intelligent and I feel like he could be molded into the kind of centre forward we’ve all been craving. Gnabry, Campbell and the Ox are just players the kind I’m tired of seeing, guys that are in there more to make up numbers than actually ADD something to the squad. Anyway, moot point. I was only joking with my comment. I know Wenger and Arsenal are far too… Read more »


His father confirmed that it’s a done deal…


He has the capability of being a very decent player. Injuries and a dip in confidence have curtailed his progression. If we allow him to leave for next to nothing we could very well regret it.


Up to the word ‘progression’ you could have easily been talking about any one of Theo, Joel, The Ox or Gnabry


This would be a blow if the guy refuses to sign with Arsenal. I think he’s better than Ox, probably better than Walcott too.


Absolutely agree with you, Gnabry has better technique then Theo & Ox and also has cooler head or whatever you call it
But at the same time Wenger has the tendency to over-use players so they get injuries which I don’t understand because you have squad you have to use them (rotate) & not when starter gets injured.

Ducks sake

That’s a myth. Ronaldo plays every game going, so does Messi they don’t seem to get injured.


They have a track-record of not getting injured. Those two genetically mutated footballers cannot be used for worthwhile comparisons. I think we’ve struggled with more injury prone players for years, and we’re starting to try stay clear of them now. Squad rotation is always important though, and the premier league isn’t fun and games.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Gnabry does not have better technique than Ox but can score more goals, apparently.


This sounds like his agent is trying to get him the best possible deal in his new contract…


He could be better than both of them but Walcott at least in form is a better player easily atm. Gnabry can become a really good player but let’s remember he hasn’t done anything in a top league yet. Hope he stays loyal and signs a new contract as I think Wenger knows how to get the best out of him.

Le Jim

It would be very disappointing if he was looking to jump ship on a permanent basis. Couldn’t see him being given a chance at 17 at another big club, nor could I see another big club sticking by him after a couple of years of injuries, and a failed loan spell.


Actually, Bayern are exactly the type of big club to give him a chance at 17, as they have done with Kingsley Colman, sticking by him after injuries as they have done with countless players (Ribery?). As for the failed loan? That’s probably more arsenal’s fault than his. Wasted a year of his life there. Sent him to a manager who has only ever given 4 youth players a chance in his entire career, and where one of the coaches nicely made it clear he didn’t fit Pulis system (actually playing football with feet). It was a bad choice by… Read more »

Le Jim

Fair point with Coman, there is a bit of a difference in terms of sticking by a world class players with injuries, and an unproven youngster though. Gnabry also didn’t help himself in respect to the loan deal by showing up overweight, if Pulis is to be believed.


That’s a big if.

An Ox-sized Coq

Kingsley Coman had already played for PSG and Juventus before he got to Bayern. Sorry but poor example.


Would be pissed if he goes and develops to become something special, meanwhile Ox stays as he is (as he has for the past 5 years).

Can’t blame the kid. That loan to Pulis’ Mordor must’ve permanently scared him. Arsenal need to take responsibility for that. Shockingly bad choice of club to loan him to.


Not many german’s turn down Bayern when they come calling……lets hope it’s all rubbish but if it is true I could see the appeal from his point of view. Fingers crossed that it’s just media fodder.

Granit(e) hard!

A tough one to call for me. I gave this a 5 poo rating. why?……well this is how i looked at it on the pros….(leaving) First, his Olympics heroics is exactly the kind of form that attracts “big clubs” to young prospects and so the rumour that Bayern (and probably few other big boys) are sniffing around would probably be true…that’s what their scouts are paid those ridiculous amounts to do. Second, Bayern holds a special “sentimental” appeal to German players, the same way Barca does to Spanish players (history, trophies, glamour, pretty football etc.) so when they are rumoured… Read more »


Man, these last few hours of the transfer window! How crazy can it get I wonder.


If we getting rid of Wilshire and gnabry and getting in draxler or James then that be great business

The Ghost of Pete Storey

I watched him a lot during the Olympics and remain unconvinced. Sure, he scored a few goals but he lost possession countless times and his decision making is suspect. He’s only 21, but I don’t see him as being any improvement to what we already have.


At the very least, we need to tie him to a long term contract and slap a 60m pounds release clause (supposing we do those) on his contract. Letting him go now is serious miscalculation on our part. However, this is not football manger. Also, I happen to be really lousy at football manager.


Flip off Bayern. Congratulations on winning Bundesliga by the way.


Yeah. What remains is just a few months of necessary formalities. Philip Lahm has already Look! Even Lahm agrees —>


@wenger, you said “We built his confidence when he came back and I allowed him to go to the Olympic Games without having played for us at all, to get him back to competition and to help Germany.

So… Why didn’t you allow Iwobi play for Nigeria, you chose not to pick the calls of the Nigerian Olympics team coach and effectively refused to allow the young man fulfil his national duties. That is double standards there Mr Wenger, double standards!!!

David Hillier's luggage

Iwobi was on the cusp of establishing himself as a first team regular prior to pre-season, Gnabry hadn’t played competitive football for nine months. The latter clearly needed game time and a confidence boost. It’s not double standards, it’s managing player development long term. Fans of the Nigerian national side need to take a look at the longer picture with their talented youngsters, and trust the club’s decisions. Iheanacho was held back by Guardiola as well to help establish himself in the their fist team. I think I trust the likes of Wenger & Guardiola’s handling of young players’ progressions… Read more »


Maybe because Iwobi is an actual first team player who we actually need. He even started our first game against Liverpool.
Gnabry situation is completely different as he doesn’t start games for us, nor is he really a first team player so he was a little more expendable in terms of allowing him to play during the Olympics.

Kevin of j town

Iwobi is better


Let Wilshere go BUT KEEP SERGE!! He is the type of players we miss: quick, aggressive, impulsive, technical. Bayern has enough of players!


Wilshere is also quick, aggressive, impulsive, and technical, and yet he gets slated for the same things you want to praise in Gnabry. We should be keeping both of them.

Little Mozart

Bayern don’t need another winger just yet so I was happy to ignore this until I read the bit about the loan to Bremen, which would facilitate Robben and Ribery’s (likely) final year there. Still, I’m optimistically hoping this is all bollocks brewed up by Gnabry’s agent to get a few more Deutchmarks out of us.

Merlin's Panini

He can have as many Deutschmarks as he likes, given they don’t exist anymore.

Jah Bless

Only “IF” Arsenal will be smart enough to put a buyback clause on him. Only “IF”


Not seeing this going through, I like to Imagine we stopped being a club that get’s bullied by Europe’s other big clubs. Also, very likely Gnabry was in Wenger’s plans this season hence the Campbell loan so I doubt he would let him go this close to the window closing…but then again, Nasri…so yeah, anything can happem, this is Arsenal afterall. Side note: Ox should have gone on loan, not Campbell. And if this deal goes through I fear for Ox because I doubt people will be as patient with him this season given the movements done to allow for… Read more »


Would be really gutted if Gnabry left, we only saw a glimpse of his talent in an Arsenal shirt. Would like him to be given more of a chance.

Tony Bateman

No mention of any transfer fee!


First Wilshere, then Gnabry? Seems unlikely but maybe there’s something behind the scenes we don’t know.

Ex-Priest Tobin

They’re welcome to Ox instead. Maybe even a package deal with Walcott?


Can anyone explain to me why serge is not tied to a long term contract… because i remember ramsey, jerkinson, gibbs, wilshere signing long term deals when they were injured and after 3yrs none of them has been convincing

ninja toenail

According to sky sports he signed a 5 year contract in 2013, according to he agreed a new ‘long term’ contract in October 2013 so he should still have at least 2 years left, meaning that we should be under no pressure to sell him. Would only sell him if they offered us silly money so we could go n get Griezmann, James or Draxler, then it be a good piece of business. With us movin on wilshire it might be that we got somethin big planned (wishful thinking)


He is in the final year of his contract


It’s been 2 and half years since he played league football.

Neither Pulis nor Wenger thought he merited a start last season.

Now, having done did quite well at a sub-standard tournament over the summer, Bayern want him?



Gnabry + £ = Lewandowski
Wages – Wilshere = Lewandowski’s wages

The Only Olivier is Giroud

If I were a Bayern fan and they sold Lewandowski only to replace him with an unproven 21 year old with a failed loan spell and dodgy injury record… I’d revolt to the extent where any Arsenal protest we’ve had in recent times would look like Wenger tributes.


You never know what you have until it’s gone.


Aw poop


pretty shocking if Campbell and Gnabry leave whilst holding on to Wally!


Would, in fact, be a horrible move if he truly wants first team football. If he just wants to go to Germany to practice with world class foreigners so be it. But he could do that at the Arse and still rap with Wenger, Per, Mustafi and Özil … Poo on this.


Better technique and dribbler than Walcott, better finisher to it seems like. Walcott got speed in a straight line, and we actually had to buy players like Özil and Xhaka to even make Walcott viable at all by getting consistent perfectly weighted balls into space behind the defence. But even jozy altdidore would score goals and be a threat infront of our midfield.


I’m all for players getting the chance to play and mature. However, we have lots of football to play. Champions League group stage, League Cup and FA Cup besides the league. He will get chances to play here. There will be some games in these other competitions where we need to rest our first team not to mention our usual three week injuries. My opinion…he stays.


C’mon announce Perez and Mustafi signing already. Until i see them holding the shirt it will just seem like a heartless troll by Arsene.

I feel like Milhouse waiting for itchy and scratchy to get to the fireworks factory


Sounds like an agent bargaining tactic to get a better deal with us.


If there is a man who is sick of Ox and Walcott,that’s me.But saying that Gnabry is better than them just becouse he had few good games in Olympics is so stupid.The thruth is that he is an unproven player who played some decent games for us and couldn’t get playing time in WBA,so this is ideal time for selling him.Sanchez,Iwobi,Walcott and Ox are in contention for two spot on wings,as well as Ramsey and Lucas Perez.Welbz and Jack played that position pretty well,and we have The Jeff as potential star.


His dad (also his agent) actually just affirmed him leaving to Bayern. This is a sad day. 🙁


Sorry, he’s not his agent, but still confirmed it:
“I would have liked Serge to make his breakthrough here at Arsenal. He still has a contract until 2017. But in his mind he is already gone.” He doesn’t sound happy at all “Bayern is like Arsenal. There, he will have a lot of competition as well. He should’ve been more patient here in London.”


kicker talks about a 8 mil € fee. Sounds like a good deal for us, but still 🙁

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