Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Ramsey can push team forward

Aaron Ramsey made just his second appearance of the season during the 4-1 win over Sunderland on Saturday. The Welsh international had been sidelined with a hamstring strain picked up on the opening day against Liverpool, and he marked his return with an assist for Alexis Sanchez.

Even with huge competition for places in the midfield this season, Arsene Wenger is delighted to have the 25 year back, and says he has qualities which will come in very useful as this campaign picks up momentum.

“He is a player who is box-to-box so overall he pushes the team forward,” he said. “That is what we want in our side. He can play in holding midfield, he can play if needed on the flanks as well. That’s where he is not happy but he can play there as well.

“He has a tremendous drive, he’s a bit Lampard-ish you know, where he likes to get in the box, likes to shoot from distance and has similar quality.

The manager has to decide if he’s now fit enough to start games, but having been very cautious with him up until now, he might not feel inclined to play him from the start against Ludogorets.

“I don’t know,” he said when asked if Ramsey could play against the Bulgarian side on Tuesday night. “I will have to analyse all that now, with Xhaka back. We play now in the Champions League and then we play Tottenham.

“So I have to see who I rest and who I play without diminishing the chance of the team to win the game.”

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If Santi is back soon, the only way Ramsey gets into the team in his favoured midfield role is if he replaces Santi. That will be a big mistake by Arsene, Santi makes such a big difference to the way we play. That only leaves the right wing for Ramsey, and I’m glad Arsene has mentioned that as I’ve always preferred Ramsey there instead of the middle, he does a really good job. He might not like it but in our current set up that’s his best position and only hope of getting into the team, unless Santi gets injured… Read more »


Santi’s only required when Coquelin or Elneny is the holding player. Xhaka-Ramsey is set to be a really great midfield combo on paper. Remember how effective Arteta-Ramsey was both offensively and defensively before Arteta’s legs fell off


I agree that Ramsey – Xhaka could work, but you’re taking Santi out of the team to accommodate Ramsey. We look so much better with Santi than without, that’s been clear for a long time now. There’s no way he shouldn’t be playing unless he isn’t fit.

Little Mozart

Keeping Ramsey happy will be a tough task for Wenger this season. Ramsey performs well for his nation and has dropped several flirtatious comments about playing in Spain “one day”.

Ramsey is a very good player for us but so are his competitors for his preferred role. I don’t envy the boss right now.


And you do envy him when he doesn’t have viable options for the midfield roles…?

Seems a strange perspective!


Ramsey is a great addition to the squad but he should be Santi’s understudy. While I understand he will want to play, it should not be to the detriment of the team (I’m not saying his inclusion in the first XI is detrimental, rather that we look more creative with Santi there). Perhaps Ramsey should get more runs in cup games to prove he can displace and, hopefully eventually replace, Santi Cazorla.


Wenger started xhaka-ramsey in the opening match of the season, with both coquelin and cazorla on bench When Ramsey got injured, he dropped xakha too, and stuck with coquelin-cazorla. i know i am adding 2 and 2 to get 5, but it seems like Xakha-Ramsey is wenger’s first choice partnership and coquelin-cazorla the second choice. the supporting arguements are that xhaka-ramsey has future longetivity, also ramsey and ozil get along really well. also, what we loose in cazorla’s absence can be made up for a little by the the fact that xakha has good passing and vision and ramsey has… Read more »


Xhaka didn’t start in the first match, the midfield two were Elneny and Coquelin with Ramsey playing behind the striker as Ozil wasn’t available.


Selling him after the Euros would have been the best time to do so. The depth is nice, but keeping him happy without a majority of starts will be impossible, I’d wager. And would have help offset other recent expenditures.
He can be great, but can also be a defensive liability. He’s a nice luxury to have have at the moment, no question. And to compete in all tournaments, it’ll be great to have the options. I just hope all the guys are willing to put team first in order to win.


True but without seeing how the Xhaka-Ramsey partnership pans out, it’s too soon to say who would be the better starter. On paper ramsey is the better long term option. Could we play ozil on the left and Cazorla in the middle? Both could take up eachothers positions during the game?


Iwobi and Ozil are doing that pretty well already. Cazorla wouldn’t be as effective in forward positions.


This may be controversial but it is obvious to me that our best pairing is Coq+Santi and that Xhaka+Ramsey looks like a good second alternative on paper but is obviously unproven to-date.

Anyone have any news on Santo?

Bergkamp's chips

I agree with you that Ramsey has done well on the right but it’s worth mentioning that Ramsey played with Flamini last season in the middle of the park + has been unlucky with injuries. Having Coq / Xhaka beside him will make a huge difference.

I like Flamini and all of his finger-pointing but even Santi might struggle playing alongside him.


More selective memory. When Ramsey played alongside Coquelin, we leaked 14 goals in 7 matches. Flamini and Ramsey were a good balance for a large spell through December when we were without Alexis and some of our best players. They held against City for a win and in a very high pressure match against Olympiakos. Their only falter was the match against Liverpool where Ramsey decided to push higher and get more adventurous because we started to dry up in goals. As a result there was a disassociate and Flamini struggled. I’d argue that Flamini was a far better player… Read more »

Welbeck's Hi-top fade

Without wanting to downplay Cazorla’s ability, I’m not convinced that a Ramsey-Xhaka partnership would be such a disaster. Runs from deep to create overloads sounds like a good antidote to deep-lying defences and it’s not like our Cazorla-inspired Arsenal was so much more effective, against Burnley say, than we were against Middlesbrough without him (late goal notwithstanding). Basically I think we have plenty of options.


He will probably play LW for the first few matches as Iwobi looks a bit jaded, no way wenger benches Walcott now unless he is injured.

What comes to Cazorla, it is pretty obvious that his partnership with Coq is the best alternative atm. Though he hasn’t worked nearly as well with other partners and I think Xhaka-Ramsey would provide the best pair long-term, as they complement each other on paper at least. At his age Cazorla can’t play every match either so having Ramsey back gives us so many options.


The BIGGEST mistake is that some people like to assume that everything remains constant. It does not. Players improve and also go through bad patches. I think Santi is key to us but there is no reason to think that Ramsey may not elevate his game like the way say Walcott has recently. Or for the matter Ozil who has started to score. In fact the position Ramsey is more likely to be effective for us is in Ozil’s positioin. The German can suffer from ‘fatique’ at times and could well do with rotation. Ramsey is very good attacking the… Read more »



John C

For me, Ramsey, as well as Giroud are plan B options to come from the bench to switch things up. Any prolonged starting from either player requires us to change our style of play. This season we’ve looked so much better because we’ve regained our quick passing and movement, the quick passing will be jeopardised with the reintroduction in the centre of Ramsey and the movement with either him on the right or Giroud up top, they’re the plan b we’ve always needed from the bench. I think we’re currently in the if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it stage… Read more »

Always a Gunner

Its great to see everybody raising the bar with their performance. Theo has set a good example from the start of the season. competition within the team is amazing this season which we had not seen in last few years. Nobody can afford to be complacent.


Just be happy that we are having all of these POSITIVE arguments over partnerships and formations. There is a very different feel to this quad.


Bit harsh of the boss to compare him to Lampard.

The problem Ramsey has is that he can literally play in every midfield position, but is he our best option in any of them?


Without wanting to undermine what a talent Iwobi is, I’m starting to wonder whether it might be a good idea for Ramsey to replace him as the creative wide counterbalance to Walcott’s direct game as the season goes on. It’s a very tough call because I actually think Iwobi at his best enables us to play more free-flowing football. But as expected with a young player he’s going through a period at the moment where he’s not having much effect on the team, and maybe Ramsey can freshen things up and offer more in the way of end product. Tough… Read more »

Stewart Robson's therapist

Ramsey doesn’t get into the team for the moment, simply because there is no reason to change the current set-up that is working excellently. However, he brings his own unique talent to the table and I have no doubt that he will play a big part this season. We could certainly have done, for instance, with getting more bodies into the box against Middlesbrough. Cazorla doesn’t offer those sorts of runs, but they are Ramsey’s trademark. To have players of his quality as game-changers from the bench, or indeed as legitimate starters when the time calls, is wonderful and truly… Read more »


Ramsey is the only midfielder we have who wants to get into the box and score goals, he is not afraid to get into the thick of it where the boots fly, it is something we really need against the packed defenses, when Ramsey is out, we have far too much tippy tappy sideways passing around the edge of the area, with no one willing to make those runs from midfield into the are to help the strikers, and no one willing to take a pot shot from edge of the area, its all “no you have it, no you… Read more »

Stewart Robson's therapist

With Xhaka back from suspension, Arsène now plans to put him together with Giroud and Ramsey for his Operation Supermodel triple substitution.


Plan A version 2.0, if and when Plan A v1. 0, struggles to breakdown opposition or needs to rotated.


The bench will need to be well stocked with hair product

Al Gilmore

We can’t play Santi game in game out for 90 minutes so Ramsey will get plenty of opportunities. I also would hesitate to call what his position is when he plays from the right but I wouldn’t call it being a winger. No one expects him to get to the byline and get crosses in. That’s Bellerins job of anyone does it. When he plays from there he can be our Ljungberg or even Parlour when he played there in the 98 season. Someone who tucks in and makes our midfield more solid when required but who anyone so had… Read more »

Wenger's love child

I think this conversation is a bit premature, Ramsey needs to get match fit and Santi still needs to get fit. I’m sure Ramsey is aware of the competition in the squad and I hope he puts up a good fight to show why he should start when he gets to play. What I don’t quite understand is Santi’s contract situation, he’ll sign almost anything we put in front of him unlike the other two… what are we waiting for?


The club has an option for a 1 year extension on Santi’s contract. Apart from giving him an all new minimum 3 year deal now (which probably won’t happen), we’re set.


I love Ramsey but my main issue with him is his interpretation of the wide role. We can’t know exactly how the coaches tell him to play that role, but it’s clear in his performances for Wales that he prospers in an advanced position on the pitch, and it’s not as if he’s going to be taking Ozil’s CAM position anytime soon, which means he should be embracing playing on the right. I personally think he looks good there, especially when we has freedom to roam. It’s disappointing because I feel like he’s one player who isn’t ready to accept… Read more »


Truth be told in this current Arsenal side, that number 10 role seems his best position as an impact sub when we are struggling to get a goal. His main purpose should be to score after Coq has made the tackle, Santi orchestrates the play, Sanchez/Iwobi/Chambo penetrates and Ramsey finishes the cut back/loose ball/rebound, with Giroud attacking the headers or sweeping at the near post. I did not mention Ozil as that would be the position Ramsey would play in and we know he does not fill that Eduardo effect (not that confident or deadly in front of goal). Similar… Read more »


Hope there is soon some news…good news on Carzola and Walcott. We need them to be available to to face the Tots. Even if Ramsey and Ox have put in a master class against Ludogorets, having the other two will give Wenger plenty of options to start and change the game as required.


I have a feeling as the season goes on wenger will move ozil slightly to the left and accommodate Ramsey centrally behind Alexis. He loves midfielders and a midfield of coquelin, santi, ozil and ramsey would be a solid base for the team.


I truly hope that doesn’t happen. Playing the best No. 10 in the world in a position other than No. 10 would be ridiculous.


Understand where you are coming from but Ozil can give an assist from anywhere but his shooting let us be honest is suspect. In front of goal Ramsey is more likely to score than Ozil that is all.


I don’t think the idea should be dismissed. Mesut has been developing his final-3rd game this season as the creative burden has been released.

If World-Cup winning Germany do it…


Right, my thoughts for the most part as to how it going to play out.


don’t see Cazorla and Ramsey as in any way similar. Much, much prefer Santi. Ramsey off the bench – he floats around too much, takes on too much and tries too much, which puts a lot of pressure on those behind him.


Ramsey showed at the Euros how intelligent a player he is at taking up positions on the pitch in order to keep the ball flowing and moving up the pitch. He was crucial in moving the ball around the pitch at pace and freeing up space for Bale. His booking was a real shame and he was sorely missed from his suspension in the next game. I believe, he will be able to achieve this role for this Arsenal team even with Ozil on the pitch. Where, Mr Wenger deploys him does not really matter IMO. He will be able… Read more »


Sorry to be a prick gang, but it really doesn’t matter. He’ll play 5-6 games, get into some sort of form, then his dodgy hammy will go. It is what it is.

Stewart Robson's therapist

Well, at least you apologised at the start.


you really are a prick …. a green with envy pessimistic ugly wart covered prick. are you Delle Ali?


I love how we are discussing Ramsey and all the permutations as problems and challenges. What a great set of problems to have! Yes, we can discuss who it should be in the big big games in the middle (I still prefer Santi+Coq), but there are so many games in so many competitions that everyone will get decent run over the course of the season. Add in some inevitable injuries here and there and this quality in depth becomes essential! If Ramsey is fully fit he could start tomorrow, he surely wont be starting vs Spurs yet as he’ll still… Read more »


Ramsey is such a talented young player I can’t believe he hasn’t earned a cap yet for England


So happy to see the return of Ramsey. Once he’s up to speed hopefully we can see some rotation with him and Ozil. I think he’ll excel in behind either Sanchez or Giroud. Good to have him back.


The sort of insipid thinking by some that players do not improve is exactly why Wenger has consistently proven time and again that he is correct. Coquelin, we were told by some should ship out. Wenger kept him. Ditto, Campbell…well he’s shipped out now. Alexis we were told cannot play up top. Gibbs we were told would be second choice behind MOnreal. Gabriel we were told would be better than BFG because of ‘pace’. Walcott we were told should be sold on. Iwobi we were told is miles ahead of the Ox who will never improve. These are the same… Read more »

The goooch

Sorry but he’s a Squad player at best.
Arsene comparing him to Lampard is non sense. Lampard done it week in week out season after season.
How many has Ramsey scored the last two seasons?


Imagine if spurs set up like boro at the Emirates. Do you think Santi would be better in that game than Ramsey ? I would personally opt for Ramsey and pair him with either elneny or xhaka .


Well it’s clear to me that Iwobi is giving wenger some big headache. It’s difficult to tell if the boy is a winger or a midfielder and that’s exactly the type of player Arsenal need in that position considering sanchez uptop is working. Iwobi reminds me of Pires. You require a certain kind of class to play there. Unless Ramsey brings something different to the team without changing the current set up he won’t get to play. I think we should let Ramsey and Ozil fight it out. It’s the kind of fight that’ll bring the best out of both.… Read more »

US Gooner

Ramsey is not good enough to start for a top team. His passing ability is average at best, he turns the ball over, and his finishing is suspect. He can be good in patches when he is not injured. Cup games are his best chance to start. He does not pass the eye test for a star. He’ll be another Alex Song if he goes to Spain.

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