Saturday, July 27, 2024

Iwobi: I feel most comfortable at number 10

Alex Iwobi says he feels most comfortable playing the number 10 role, as he did against Crystal Palace, but that he’s happy to do any job he’s asked to by the manager.

The 20 year impressed in the 2-0 win, scoring the second goal with a header, and in the absence of Mesut Ozil he ensured the Gunners didn’t miss the German too much on the day.

Having played most of his youth football there, it’s a position he feels at home with, but knows competition is fierce – especially at a club like Arsenal.

“It is where I have grown up playing, and where I enjoy playing the most,” he said.

“But wherever I am put on the pitch, I will do my best. It’s more intense, more thinking to it but it’s always hard to play in any position.

“There are a lot of players who can play number 10 – a lot of ball players in the team. Every day in training I am always learning and trying to add it to my game.”

And he’s still coming to terms a little bit with how much his career has taken off in the last 12 months or so.

“This time last year I was just playing in the cup games and happy to be there,” he continued.

“To be starting almost every week is just amazing progress for me. I’m still young, still learning and there is still a long way to go.”

Iwobi’s long-term future almost certainly lies in the centre, but such is his quality he doesn’t look out of place anywhere in that trio behind the main striker.

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Iwobi does look good in the No.10 role would like to see more of him there, as he does close down the ball when not in possession. Which is a big plus and he can go past players.


Yes, I noticed the closing down he did too. I was pleasantly surprised because when he plays on the wing I feel he doesn’t track back as much as he should. But at only 20 years old, he’s is a seriously impressive player. If he keeps developing at his currently trajectory, he will be undroppable in a year’s time.


Bright lad, good pedigree, strong and skilful, learning in front of goal.

Looks like a big future ahead if he keeps going.

Good luck to him.


Good ball control, works his way out of tight spaces really well, and more than often links up effortlessly with our forwards. Great skill sets to have when playing at 10. Hopefully he develops passing in between the lines and works on his shooting, then he’ll probably be unstoppable. At his age the sky really is the limit.

Mr November

The perfect understudy for Mesut, he would certainly be my preferred 2nd choice for the 10 role him. I know Santi can play there but he’s too important in that deeper role.

Holding Rob

I would play him in the 10 role over Ramsey and Wilshire, I think he’s better

Clock-End Mike

The three of them have different qualities, and at their best it would be hard to pick between them; but at the moment, I agree, Iwobi seems the most rounded and complete footballer of the three, and more similar to Özil than the other two as well, which means he fits better in the current team when we need another No 10.
(I admit, I’ve not seen much of Wilshere since he went to Bournemouth; but he can be something special too, and by all accounts he’s learning some good lessons there.)


Iwobi is quick, powerful, terrific passer and reads the game well. Understudy for Ozil definitely…would he be able to play in the Santi deeper role i wonder ?

Holding Rob

He has all the ability, and seems like a smart kid.

Public Elneny Number One

“The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and…”

Love Iwobi, i hope he develops as he looks like he may and doesn’t stall like a couple of other young’uns have


Ivobi for Prime Minister! I bet he wouldn’t look out of place.


I agree with him too

Kampala gooner

And I agree with you


Nest season, we bring back Jack, we get rid of Özil, Alex as 10 and the title is ours!




“Nest Season”, That must be a new mobile phone game.

Chris E

I’m with you on this. Alex can definitely do the job and Jack can do it too, not sure about Rambo anymore. We sell Ozil and pay Alexis anything to keep him happy. Ozil is a luxury player, we can not afford to play with a man down and that is what we do when Ozil is on the pitch. He is a magician with the ball no doubt but he needs to do more for the team.


Big potential that needs to become even more persistent. Loves going forward and takes on defenders at will. You often that wonderful feeling that “something could happen now” when he is on the ball. More direct 10 than Ozil. Nice to have both.


When Iwobi plays left wing with Ozil playing No. 10, he spends most of his time swapping positions with Ozil. Ozil is then free to wander all over the place as Iwobi has the middle covered. It’s why Iwobi is impressing in most games, and also why Ozil’s assists are down and his goals are up. I really like Iwobi, he’s a great talent for sure.


He’s an electrifying player, I really enjoy how he zips the ball on the pitch, good awareness. Definitely more eye catching than Ramsey or wilshire and he’s defensive side’s better than ozil’s.


I do think that he could be well suited to being one of two number 8’s in a 433 in case Özil gets injured or needs a rest. Together with either Jack or Ramsey + Coq or Xhaka behind.I am not sure we have the right wide players for a 4231 or 4411 as we are playing at the moment because they are all more or less wide strikers than midfielders. Maybe Ox on the right and Gibbs on the left but this doesn’t sound like the optimal solution. Theo, Lucas, That Guy, Alexis are all more attack-minded I think.… Read more »


He is a talent and have done extremely well since his emergence. I love so much his quick movement with the ball. The difference with him and Ozil, is that Ozil is slower in counter attack. However, Ozil brings more other good stuffs to his game.


He looks most comfortable there to be fair. He really does seem to glide across the pitch, visually similar to Diaby at his peak, very ‘leggy’/rangy’ in his stride. What’s best is that he offers something completely different to Ozil, he’s more of a ‘take people on and drive forward quickly’ player which is the opposite to Ozil who is more of a ‘creative pivot’. Almost similar to Sanchez who drives forward vs Giroud as the pivot. That gives us 4 combinations of AM and CF to play which can only ever be a good thing. More ways to break… Read more »


Imagine Debuchy saying, ‘ I feel most comfortable at number 2’
I’d have gotten my coat, but I’m Indian and winters in my city are just cool…so I’ll just take my Cardigan


I do feel he is better in midfield centrally for us. Now that we have so many competing and potential assets out wide – Alexis, Ox, Walcott, Lucas, Welbeck even the Jeff there may be need for more central players with Santi out and Elneny away. Personally I feel Ramsey is the best player in the number 10 role but Iwobi is /did a fine job. OTOH I don’t see why he cannot be an option slightly deeper as well next to either Coquelin or Granit. He might be a better option there in lieu of Ramsey in that regard… Read more »


Okay i get he does not play for England but honestly the amount of hype dele ali is getting and he cant even play no. 10 and Iwobi not even noticed. FFS he played in the best playmakers in the worlds position and did not look out of place. England shot themselves in the foot on not spotting his talent early, they listen to the pundits and thats why they think dele ali is a play maker smh.

Teryima Adi

Iwobi is a clone of Little Mozart and much more. The future is Red.

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