Saturday, July 27, 2024

Roma linked with permanent Szczesny deal

Reports from Italy over the last couple of days have suggested that Roma want to make Wojciech Szczesny’s stay in the Italian capital a permanent one.

The Polish stopper is in his second loan season with the Serie A club, and despite the fact they bought Brazilian keeper Allison last summer, the 26 year old has been more or less a mainstay making 20 appearances thus far.

Szczesny fell out of favour with Arsene Wenger after some indifferent displays and a smoking incident which saw him lose his place to David Ospina in the second half of the 2014-15 season.

The arrival of Petr Cech from Chelsea made the goalkeeping situation even more competitive, and his last appearance for the Gunners was in the 4-0 win over Aston Villa in the 2015 FA Cup final.

A fee of around £16m has been mooted, which seems relatively cheap for an international goalkeeper with his best years ahead of him, but this summer he’ll have just 12 months left on his current Arsenal deal so that will certainly play a part.

Of course, we could always keep him …

Would you like Szczesny back?

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Dan Hunter



Lol, I think he’s a quality goalkeeper but I just can’t stand what an arrogant piece of shit he is. Who goes and smokes in the locker room after completely letting the team down. Fuck him, plenty of quality goalkeeps out there that aren’t complete cunts. I’m glad he’s not been at Arsenal and I’m glad we’ve shifted away from the spoiled young twats that everything too young.

Heavenly Chapecoense

When some people feel guilty or very bad, they act strange. That’s the way I explain the smoking thing not that he didn’t care.


I never said he didn’t care, I’m sure he did very much. But to completely shit the bed, then to smoke in the locker room away at Southampton when you’re playing for Arsenal? I’m sorry how is that acceptable? That shows nothing but a lack of respect for the manager and his teammates. And if it is acceptable how can we accept that it was a mistake if he did it again? That’s not it, it’s his personality, the arrogance, the idea that he can’t be wrong. Just because he likes Arsenal and has been with us since he was… Read more »


He’s a young man and had a fag (I don’t know about your sheet soiling allegation). I am sure he’s learnt from it and is far more “proffefional” now. I am also not sure there are many other proffefionals about to take his place like you say. 🙂


The story of him smoking in the locker room went public twice, who knows how many times Wenger was able to keep the matter behind closed doors. Italian football is no bs, they are really tough and don’t handle this sort of stuff. Typically speaking, they are treated more like men, and perceive themselves in a more humble way, as aposed to the English players who think they’re hot shit after an FA cup appearance. If he comes back with a solid attitude and performs brilliantly then I’ll bite my words. With supporting Arsenal and in general I’m always willing… Read more »


I’m typing on my phone you stupid idiot. These comments prove to me that most Arsenal fans are stupid. Give me a thousand dislikes, couldn’t care less. If I mentioned bringing back Szcz two years ago I don’t think there would be a single Arsenal fan that would agree with me, but now that it’s been a while and you’ve forgotten what it was actually like, what he was actually like, probably even watched a couple of YouTube videos. And now you want him back and will justify all his wrong doings. As usual, the grass is always greener on… Read more »


Not to mention his habit of running out of his box like a headless chicken. And that can’t be down to anything other than his arrogance. Look at those Arsenal videos, they ask him who has the best trim? He responds I do, of course. Best sense of humour? I do, of course. Best style? I do, of course, best voice? I do of course. He, and his father who does nothing but mouth off about Arsene Wenger and Arsenal can go fuck themselves. The guy who on several occasions blamed all of his son’s underperformance on The BFG’s pace.… Read more »


So you think people have forgotten the one or two misdemeanors he made and that he should jever be forgiven? I think you have forgotten what he has given to the club himself. We were shafted before he pushed/forced for a starting place. He markedly improved us in that area. I havent forgotten what mistake he made. And I also havent forgotten what a mess he got us out of. He is a good keeper, I miss his qualities. And he can still learn from cech. If he does and acts like a sausage again then he can be sold… Read more »

Shkodran Goals

Well, I used to smoke. And clearly so does Szczesny. The time you feel the need for a cig the most is when you feel really down or stressed. So, no it wasn’t arrogance. Still the wrong thing to do, but not i that way.


Forgotten he existed

Heavenly Chapecoense

You’re trying too hard to make sure people know you exist with this comment.


Im bringing him back if im arsene. Unless he really wants to leave arsenal. He has had his chance and he wouldnt be number one but he is a great keeper. Hell be a better keeper than the one we sent out on loan last season.

Edu's Braces

I’ve seen 2 Roma matches this year, he was phenomenal in each. I’m with you. (v Lazio & Juve if anyone is asking, no mean feat either)


What a fascinating insight. You based 2 years of his work on 2 years. I copied and pasted this from an article:

“Arsenal loanee Wojciech Szczesny was left red faced after an error of judgement contributed to Roma’s Champions League exit.

The Italian side were handed a tough draw against 2004 winners Porto, and could afford little room for error.

Szczesny could not oblige, running out of his box and being caught in no-mans land, before leaving an empty net behind him.”

Sound fucking familiar? Being caught in no man’s land?


I meant to say: you based two years of his work on two games.***

Edu's Braces

Thank you for your fascinating insight. I decided to follow your lead and copy and paste some articles. ‘dat roma keepa is well good innit’ ‘shit hair but the boy can goalkeeper finish’ ‘crash bang wollop what a keeper’. I rest my case.


We get it, you don’t like him.


And you just based two years of experience on one news article


Lets not forget that he’s married now, that should help him personally and consequently improve his game but Rome is Rome, sunny and beautiful.
Anyway I think he would rather want to stay at Arse but probably Cech’s still going to be nr 1 for Arsene.


You know, Szczesny could be our #1 now. Cech is great, but Szczesny would have stopped a couple of the shots that got by Cech this season (and yes, would have given up about as many goals coming out when he shouldn’t have). But one of them is improving and the other one is slowing down. I’d take him back if he’d come, to understudy one more year (maybe) then to take over as #1. Ospina deserves to start somewhere, but not at Arsenal. Wonderful shot stopper, but just not big or athletic enough to command the area. I love… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

He saved a penalty you say? Is that possible?


I’d take him back without hesitation. By any logic he should be better now than when he left. As shit as some claim he is he won GoldenGloves aged 24/25 . Good size , Good shotstopper , occasionally comes out for corners and will hopefully have learned a thing or two about organizing a defense in italy. Fucking hates sp*rs and is a gooner.

Gunsen Gunner

Sell him with a buy back clause in case Cech loses his edge over the next few years and Ospina backside starts itching on the bench.


Honestly Martinez has been looking promising, always progresses every season and has a fantastic attitude. I see Ospina leaving this summer and would love us to sign some one like Jordan Pickford who can challenge for his place but also accept that Cech is undoubtably the first choice but is getting old so that could change any time.

Mesut O'neill

Pretty sure Cech has already lost his ‘edge’.

Crash Fistfight

I was too much of a pussy to type the same thing. Glad the majority seem to see it.


So his Arsenal career has gone up in smoke


I don’t think Cech has done anything amazing for us this season, and by that I mean made saves that you wouldn’t expect any keeper worth their salt to make. He’s conceded goals that SZCZ and Ospina would have been eaten alive for too. I haven’t seen enough of SZCZ at Roma other than highlight reel saves he’s made to say he’s gotten over his crazy habits, but he’s younger than Cech and at the moment he’s outperforming him statistically. It would seem foolish to let him go all things considered.


So he was beaten a couple of times in his near post. I think you need to be realistic in your expectations. Those one or two big saves he makes almost every game is the difference between keeping a clean sheet or conceding one or two goals and losing or drawing the game.

Shocking to hear fans complain about the most successful goalkeeper in the premiere league era.

Mesut O'neill

Mike Tyson was the meanest man on the planet but that didn’t stop him from getting pummelled by some Irish nobody. Cech was good in his prime but now he probably ranks just inside top 5.


So what you’re saying is he is being judged by his own high standards when he was at his prime. The man is 34, adjust your expectations or you will always be disappointed. Other than courtois and de gea there are no better goal keepers in the league. And it’s not just his shot stopping that makes him brilliant, the man brings so much experience and stability to the side, something that goes underrated. He speaks 6 languages and communicates with all the defenders in their native language. Anyone who criticizes Cech really does not know what they’re talking about.… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

I think you’re doing the same with Courtois as people used to do with Cech at Chelsea. Yes, they are both good goalkeepers, but they are/were made to look better by having a team set up to be impenetrable in front of them. I think Lloris and Fraser Forster (and potentially Jack Butland) are better than Courtois. I agree with Blogs – there really aren’t that many brilliant goalkeepers around these days. Buffon has become a bit flappy and less reliable a shot stopper, Neuer is very good but he’s not the Superman that people make him out to be… Read more »

Someone's something

I hope Wenger keeps him next season. Cech lacks the feets that Wenger wants from a keeper and Ospina lacks the aerial presence when opposition crosses the ball towards our penalty area. I’m not say Szczesny is the perfect mix between Cech and Ospina but he’s a great keeper with some good qualities to him. And quite frankly, there is literally no keeper out there that will secure us the league. What this team lacks is continuity across the entire team, for an entire season (look at LC). If we have a great defence one season then the problem is… Read more »


Yeah we have problems getting the balance right. Might partly depend on injuries and us usually playing a lot of european and cup fixtures beside the PL compared to other clubs.

A Different George

Well, Ospina LOOKS like he lacks aerial presence on crosses, but he seems to do fine with them. I always feel more secure when Cech is the keeper, but I am not sure it is based on anything other than a pre-judging, rather than actual performance. They are different, but I don’t see much to choose between them.


I have to disagree about Ospina doing fine on crosses. He’s really average with them. He’s phenomenal at reaction saves, is brave, and has worked on his goal kicks and punts to get another 5-7 yards from them. I like him a lot. But it’s often an adventure to watch him trying to be first to a lofted ball into the box. I’d rather have Szczesny or Cech in goal for a big game.

A Different George

Well, maybe “average” on crosses compared to other world-class keepers–but I’m not sure. It often does look like an adventure, as you say, but I think he gets to them, doesn’t he? Cech gets them too, and always looks like he will, which is a better feeling for a fan, I admit. Some of my opinion is based on his play for Colombia; he was certainly the best keeper in the recent Copa America. I would add he is also very good on anticipating dangerous balls on the ground and smothering chances before they happen. Very good short distribution, to… Read more »

Make mine a Swiss miss

I’d let him go personally but i noticed i’m in the minority in the “should he stay or should he go now” poll.
There is a good keeper in there somewhere but i just feel he had enough opportunity and i’d like someone more reliable when we replace Czech.

richard of York

He smoked his way out of the arsenal, surely?


I do like him but the Serie A is nowhere near as competitive as the Premier League so the statistics could be misleading. If we did bring him back he’d have to be guaranteed to start as surely he wouldn’t give up first team football week in, week out as well as champions league. For that to happen it would mean Cech would need to go. But has Cech really done anything exceptional? Alright keeper but the Cech we signed isn’t the same Cech who done the business for Chelsea.

Alternatively fuck the lot of them and bring back Manninger.


Before I would let him go I would decide about Martinez. If we have enough confidence that he will be our keeper of the future then I would say goodbye to Szec. Hate to lose him though…he’s a Gunner through and through. That video of him singing to the Spuds was classic.


While Cech is solid, he will not get any better or younger, but Wojciech’s development should still be on an upward trend. I would argue that, by next season, they will be at about the same level. Ospina is very good but I don’t think he is ideal for the premier league. I think we should sell Ospina and let Cech and Szczesny battle it out.

Lord Bendnter

I feel pretty satisfied with Ospina and wouldn’t mind him overtaking Cech in the future. So sell Szhezney. Hes a decent keeper and Roma are a decent competitive team. It’s a great place for him to further his career. Im not gonna lose sleep if he leaves us.

Crash Fistfight

I’d argue that if you plan on Ospina being first choice there is no way Cech should be kept. For the money he is on he is not worth being kept as a number 2.

Gudang Bedil

Interesting situation, it depends on Cech’s performance though. He’s not been the best so far.


Cech hasn’t looked that solid this season but he still possesses that calm presence and seldom makes mistakes bar than letting in some shots that might have been saved by other keepers. Szczesny is probably one of the best goalies in the world purely by shotstopping ability but it feels like he is alway going to do that one stupid mistake that costs a big match. Haven’t followed him too much in Italy, anyone know if he still is prone to that odd moment of stupidness?


Yeah and we have Ospina too who is at least on the same level with Szcz for me.

gooner of Oz

1 I still rate Ospina as a better back up. Specially attitude wise. Szczesny just cant be on bench and behave like a pro.
2 I never trust him as our number 1.
A transfer would be wise for all parties.


I have seen at least 7 of those 20 games he’s played this season and everytime he’s been solid,last weekend he made 2 absolutely stunning saves in the dying moments of the game to help Roma secure a 1 nil victory. Cech as not been spectacular since joining,infact he’s cost us some points this season by getting beat easily at his near post and he never seem to bother himself about saving any pk’s. Szczesny is a fine goalkeeper with his best years ahead of him, base on abilities we don’t have anyone better than him..


Our goalkeeping situation needs to be sorted. Cech has been really disappointing from a guy we expected to be our Van Der Saar. Ospina – good shot stopper, decent no 2. but not confident enough in him over a long stretch. What’s our goalkeeping coach situation like?


Blogs made one of the best descriptions of Sczcesny 3 or 4 years ago: “He has all the confidence of a coked-up rock-star.” Maybe it’s this that led to the occasional childish displays?


i want him here next season as the no.1 . i love cech but feels like his career is fading out , wish was here earlier. Ospina doesnt give me much confidence just dont like the sight of him making the ball bounce from a throw and then grabbing it and other than that all youth keepers are untested.
Szczesny has it all maybe even added arrogance but he is a very good goalkeeper and its better we take our chances with him next season.


Letting Szczesny go, if he wants to come back to The Arsenal, is a horrible idea. If he wants to come back have him sign an extension and get rid of Cech at the end of the year. Make Szczesny win his #1 shirt v our other keepers but for sure keep the nut job. Having reasonable people in the #1 shirt is never a good idea.

David 9104

Anyone remember a great sane goalkeeper. Outrageous Confidence and fearlessness come with the job. personally as much as I like and respect the guy, I don’t feel Cech has been the same goalkeeper since his head injury. Something that serious must knock the confidence.

Crash Fistfight

Completely agree on Cech.


We keep a guy who loves to taunt the Spuds if we don’t sell. Thoroughly enjoyed the “it’s happened again” bait last May and he’s a great keeper.


Well if I was Wojciech I would only stay if I am offered Cech’s or Ospinaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’s position in the pecking order immediately. Interesting times ahead…


We’re best stocked club in world football when it comes to keepers. I’d love for Szczesny to come back. I have not seen him play since he left.

Cech gives us experience, size and calm presence. Ospina is a great shot stopper. Mature Szczesny would be a fabulous mix of the two with an added benefit of occasional bollocking for the defence when they don’t do their job.

Under no circumstances we should sell him.

An Ox-sized Coq

Unfortunately, I think he’s had his opportunity. Everyone keeps saying maybe he’s grown up and can handle the responsibility. Has anyone thought maybe he’s grown up and learned that there is more than just Arsenal for his career?


Bring him back. Still the best GK talent out of our academy in years. Martinez hasn’t shown the potential Sir Chez has.

Cech had BESn nothing more than a decent keeper. In truth, he’s been surviving on his name alone.

Meanwhile there is a reason chez has still kept out a very good and also permanent keeper in Alisson.

Wenger showed ruthlessness to push out Chez for Cech. Ironically now it’s time to show that same ruthlessness to bench Cech and bring back Chez.


This is such a uniquely arsenal issue to have. Most other big clubs just kinda get on with when it’s time for a player to go, or know they want him back. Again we find ourselves waffling here. I’m not blaming anyone in particular but it is peculiar. What do we do with he’s clearly gotten his head in straighter so the loan has worked in some respects. Cech is a world class keeper by reputation but his efforts this season are not as rock solid as last. Ospina is a great back up but I still think he’s just… Read more »


Bring him back, i don’t think we can afford another promising goalie with his caliber.

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