Saturday, July 27, 2024

Allegri dismisses Arsenal link

Massimiliano Allegri has played down suggestions he’ll quit Juventus to join Arsenal in the summer.

The Italian has been touted as a successor to Arsene Wenger should the Frenchman reject the opportunity to sign a new contract the Emirates.

Speaking after his side’s 1-1 draw with Udinese on Sunday, Allegri dismissed rumours claiming he has a ‘verbal agreement’ with the Gunners board.

“I repeat what I have already said before, it’s not true,” he said.

“The second thing, even if there was something in it, the first to know and learn my wish to leave would be Juventus.

“I’m contracted until 2018. I’m not the one to decide my future, Juventus will. It is they who decide because it’s the way I work and have worked previously.”

He added: “When time passes, as we did last year, we will evaluate what to do.

“And if these rumours were true, Juventus would be the first to know and I haven’t talked to Juventus yet.”

Weirdly, if you swap out Juventus for Arsenal, you can easily imagine all of the above coming from the mouth of Arsene Wenger.

The Old Lady are currently 8 points clear at the top of Serie A and on course for their third successive league title under Allegri.

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Allegri Allegedly Allays Authenticated Story


…except that we all know that Arsene will decide his own future, not Arsenal.


The board will offer him a contract and he will accept or decline. Ultimately the board decides on his future by offering him a contract. Tell me, if you love a club that you’ve worked at for 20 years and your boss wants you to stay on what would you do? Leave at the age of 67 to another club? I doubt it. I would accept it, hell yeah. For all his flaws AW only knows Arsenal. I do believe that the club should look forward and make plans for the next manager but AW is manager, at the very… Read more »


As much as I want this guy to come in and take over from Arsene at the end of the season, I genuinely do not see the board appointing him. He’s too bigger deal in football, they wont be able to push him around, nor will they be able to meet his demands for transfer budgets etc.. and I can’t imagine that he would be willing to put his managerial career on the line in the toughest league in the world without the financial backing necessary to assemble the squad he would want. Lets remember, this board have never had… Read more »


Good you are not wanted here we have the professor. Stick to your shitty team and league


Si, have you come to this website just to troll other Arsenal fans?

On Friday you commented that we would win the double – do you still maintain that position?

Thierry Bergkamp

Speak for yourself. I’m one of maybe many who would take him above any other manager in football, right now.

Wenger out!
Allegri in (please)!


Care to place a bet on which team would triumph on the pitch in a one off game right now? “Shitty” Juventus or Arsenal?

Your comment is that of an ignorant kid.


You can support that shitty team you want to bet on. Because the Boss is going nowhere.


Fool. He’s got many similarities with Arsene, the important one being a liking for beautiful football and player quality over rigid mission-based football. He’s also got the dissimilarities we would appreciate: a liking for tactics and experimentation.


Italian teams dont play beatifully all they do is defend. Genius.

Thierry Bergkamp

Clearly hasn’t watched a serie a match and definitely not juventus in a while


Our “defence” is a fucking joke, I’d take some of that Italian defensive muscle anyday.


I think I would like to see intense football at Arsenal. Tuchel, not the most consistent, is who I would like to see at Arsenal. Who hire as our sport director will be a decision of equal importance.


Tuchel has been deeply unimpressive at Dortmund his season. Sampaoli is a more successful exponent of “intense football”.


I agrew that Sampaoli is done great at Sevilla but Tuchel Dortmund being deeply unimpressive seems too far fetched for me. Dortmund has done well in CL, topping their group with Real Madrid in top form early in the season. In Bundesliga, he might mot have done as well as last season but there is still time and he can get near the top with due time. If you watch Dortmund regularly, their football, especially their attacking performance is really great to watch and I would be happy if he come to Arsenal.


i agree. tuchel has done well but he lacks consistency. right now he has one of the most enviable squad in europe let alone germany and there is a sense that he is underachieving with the team that he has got. sampoli , allegiri , lucien favre and julian nagglesmann are my choices. these three managers knows how to get the best of the available team they have. sampoli and most probably nagglesman will not be available to manage arsenal next season as both of them does not look like leaving any time soon. anyone of them could make arsenal… Read more »


Tuchel lost the spine of his team last summer and the board replaced it with lots of (very talented) kids. Kids are inconsistent. He’s being judged too harshly.


Allegri earns £4.5m a year. We pay Wenger £8.5m.

If we want Allegri, we’ll show him the money and he will come.

Wengah Numbah One

There’s a reason Wenger gets paid double Allegri and the reason is in my name


of course he’s not leaving juventus 😉


People who want Allegri to manage Arsenal need to not be swayed hy his achievement in Juventus. That team is far and above in quality to the rest of the league. Instead, look at what he did with AC Milan. I think it will be more inclined with what he bring to Arsenal.

If his achievement in Milan doesn’t sway you, probably better to think of alternative like Simeone, Tuchel, or Sampaoli. Allegri would be the answer if the question is, who would you rather managing Arsenal: Henry, Eddie Howe, Allegri or Allegri.


He won the league with Milan and then the club flogged Ibra and Thiago Silva, not to mention there were a lot of players on the decline.
The collapse of AC Milan was not his doing considering it has only gotten worse since.


some say that taking milan to second place was the most impressive thing allegiri has done after a transfer season where he lost influvential players like ibra , silva .

he also took juventus to champions league final beating heavyweights like madrid on the way.


Some might very well say that’s the most impressive thing he’s done. But they’d be talking out their backside.
He was second with Ibra and Thiago Silva and having a far superior team than Juve (although controversial game between Juve and Milan at the tail end of the season).
The season after they left they were third

gooner of Oz

What? In his 2 seasons he won a Serie A for Milan something they never achieved in the last 13 seasons. And since leaving he has won every other Serie A with Juventus and will keep that up with no doubt.


Am I the only one who would like to see Leonardo Jardim at arsenal?


No you are not the only one and I would HAPPILY swap Jardim for Arsene. Arsene can go back to Monaco and nurture the young talent emerging there. Life is circle he can finish his career where he started.


i think jardim is a little overrated. he is first and foremost a coach. he’s not tacticaly good enough against the likes of allegiri and others . he has been managing monaco for years now without winning anything. the only reason he’s being mentioned is because monaco are doing well now and thats becuase the previous winner psg is underperforming.


To be fair, these are fairly standard “At this time, I’m under contract here,” comments. They mean nothing.

Allegri is every bit as likely to sign as he had been (well, unless he’s been shocked by how much of a fucking shambles we’ve been recently).

As a sidenote, the Alexis “mess” (The Guardian’s term) has conclusively shown that a Simeone or a Sampaoli would simply not do for this club.

The “senior players” would not put up with a manager demanding that they reach and maintain Champion’s League standard.

Too many years of “stability” for that.

Stuck on repeat...

Think the most important aspect that everyone needs to understand is that change both must & NEEDS to happen…& I mean EVERYONE (from the mustached profit poaching for little actual interest tw@t, out of touch board, stubborn manager, & an underperforming team of players). What that change is, is up for debate. BUT we must at least ALL be on the same page that change is both coming & is perhaps now way overdue. You can’t charge the highest ticket prices, expect increased wages, charge “consultancy fees”, & so on for what is currently being delivered time & time again.… Read more »

Wengah Numbah One

What needs to change is all this negativity from Arsenal fans.
Keep all the analysis and cribbing for the off-season folks.

gooner of Oz

Although I admire the idea of Emery as Wenger’s successor Italians have always been a hit in BPL and Allegri have one of the very best when it comes to managing big teams out of deep troubles.


i wonder if Allegri is on wengers speed dial #onecanliveinhope


Given that we know there’s an offer on the table for Wenger, the club is obviously not negotiating with anyone else. Let’s be a bit realistic here. They’d never go behind his back. As for Allegri: Winning Serie A with Juventus is currently about as difficult as winning the Bundesliga with Bayern. There’s no real merit there. His only real merit was winning it with Milan in 2011, which hardly proves that he can go toe to toe with the heavy weights in the Premier League. I’m not saying he wouldn’t be able to; I’m just saying that he’d hardly… Read more »


This guy get my points. Arsene Wenger goes unbeaten with Thierry Henry and Co. Look what we wanted now? If we’ve got exceptional team or a league with just two teams in it, than he’ll be a save bet. To repeat my points, people who want Allegri and then somehow seems to think he would replicate his forms in Juventus (by easily winning the PL) would need to hold their expectaction. I’m just afraid that if he do sign with us, there will be unfair expectation. It’s different if it’s a manager who can break the status quo or competing… Read more »


i dont think its as bad as you guys make it out. people said the same thing about conte at the start of this season. now out of all the heavyweights conte is the one leading the league .allegiri is arguably doing better job at juventus than conte ever did . not to mention allegiri took the juventus to champions league final , now if that isint a good job i dont know what is .

Jack Action

Why on fucking earth would he leave for Arsenal? We have some amazing arrogance as fans. His Juventus team is amazing. It’s a club with great history and recent success. He has the same financial firepower he’d have at Arsenal. Unless he has some burning itch to go head to head with Mourinho, Guardiola, Conte, Klopp, Pocchetino, Koeman et al, there is no other reason for him to leave Juventus for a team that needs dramatic rebuilding owned by an American who could care less about winning so long as the cash cow is producing.


Yep. Same goes for other, successful managers. I think a lot of fans are delusional – they think we can just go out there and pick a top notch manager to replace Wenger. That’s not the case.


But their new logo is shit.

That’s all I have.


As long as Stan and Ivan are fucking about no manager worth a shit is going to pop up at the emirates. Having those two in the mix is like dealing with a pair of disillusioned children. A manager will always be fighting with one hand behind their back.

Kolo Tourette's

This man didn’t win a thing until he went to Juve. I don’t think he would be a step forward for us. I know people will thumb me down if they read my comment, and also i understand that it will probably be based on a hatred for Man. Shitty, but i really think Manuel Pellegrini would be a great manager for AFC. He won the league in Argentina with two big different clubs, San Lorenzo and River Plate. That success earned him a place in europe and had great seasons with Villarreal. That’s why he was appointed by Real… Read more »

Kochi gooner

Oh so he didn’t win anything at AC Milan?

And if Pellegrini is as good as you say, why doesn’t he manage in a top league as opposed to collecting a lot of money in Hebei China Fortune??

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