Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Primorac: Wenger has no intention of leaving

Boro Primorac says Arsene Wenger has no intention of leaving Arsenal and labelled those fans and ex-players who are calling for the Frenchman to retire as ‘ungrateful’.

The Gunners have seen their Premier League hopes dashed since the tail-end of 2016 with December defeats at Manchester City and Everton followed more recently by losses to Watford, Chelsea and Liverpool.

A crushing 10-2 Champions League aggregate thrashing at the hands of Bayern Munich has further heaped pressure on Wenger whose current contract ends in the summer.

Speaking about the situation, Primorac made clear that his close ally, who has repeatedly said his preference is to stay in N5, won’t be backing down.

“Wenger isn’t considering leaving Arsenal,” he told Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List [translated by FourFourTwo Goal.com*].

“Of course it is ugly to lose 5-1 twice in the Champions League, even though it came versus Bayern.

“We understand how fans are not happy, neither are we. But as for critics, there are no less grateful persons in football than fans and ex-players.

“Arsenal’s strength in the past 20 years has been Wenger. It is not all about results, but also the business part of the club that matters.”

The Bosnian-Croat coach, who celebrates his 20th anniversary at the club this month, also dismissed suggestions that he’ll quit the Emirates this summer to take over at Turkish club Konyaspor.

“There’s been many similar stories in the past 20 years since I’ve been working with Wenger. But I will never go to that Turkish club.”

If the club were attempting a subtle PR campaign to soften the prospect of the boss signing a new two-year deal, it appears Boro didn’t get the memo.


*Usually we try and find the original source and then have a stab at doing our own translation. In this instance, we’ve not been able to find anything on the Jutarnji List website – we’re assuming FourFourTwo got wind of them from a print edition of the paper.

UPDATE – Here’s the original source. Translation was in fact first undertaken by Goal.com’s Croatian editor – here’s their article.

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“It is not all about results, but also the business part of the club that matters.” And this from a coach, not a marketing officer or other such suit. What a sad statement to hear from a coach. An indictment of the current state of affairs at the club.

Of course the business side of the club matters, but that should be the responsibility of the business side. The responsibility of the football side (manager, coaches, players) is delivering results (wins, trophies, and at a club like Arsenal, a certain style)– nothing else.

remember the invincibles

this just makes me sad


With £10m+ annual paycheck on the table, I doubt AW has a slight willingness to quit

We all live in a Perry Groves world

And why are we associated with ‘a certain style’? Mostly because of one man, and it ain’t George Graham.

Liam Bradys left peg

Definately not! George Graham knew how to defend.


In a modern big company it´s considered to be very important to have all the staff aiming for the same goals. Also have all understand that it´s in the best interest of the company if the all the employers have insight and understanding what different divisions within the company are doing on a daily basis. Arsenal have a well stated philosophy. We play attacking football at all costs. We usually dont buy overpriced players and sell players as well for a reasonable price. It´s one of the classiest outfit there is in the mad world of football. It´s so easy… Read more »


Completely agree with you. Arsenal have some of the worst fans in world football. I get the frustration but I think pundits and the media have brainwashed fans into thinking this club is going backwards. Has this club progressed over the last few seasons? I genuinely think we look better, our performances have improved over the last few seasons. Having signed some big names over the last few seasons, the club and Wenger have shown intention and ambition. We are a Cazorla away from winning the league.


We are a Wenger exit away from mi-table doom.


The football over the last few years has been generally shocking at times
It’s hard to define arsenals style now
Apart from the odd game here and thier we have been playing horrible disjointed football for the past few years
In the previous few barren years at least the football was great to watch even if the results were not

Igbo Amadi-Obi

Do we look better than when we were winning stuff, or just better than our worst period under Wenger? Funny how all you hear these days is Carzola, Carzola, Carzola. We have had Carzola for no less than 6 seasons. How do you measure better performance? Position on the table? Progress in champions league? Trophies? Or number of dribbles Carzola makes per game? And bybthe way, I think it is disrespectful to say that fans are brainwashed by pundits and the media. It presents fans as incapable of indepebdent assessment.


You’re right, it’s hard to measure performance because whilst our squad is changing so are other clubs. We are improving but so are they. What I meant was not having Cazorla available for many games is a major factor for our underwhelming performances. Our squad has improved year on year, would you agree? Half the world’s problems would disappear overnight if papers like the sun, daily mail etc ceased to exist. To make money is their only aim. When I mean brainwashed, I mean fans, and people in general, like to reduce problems to single factors. The world is much… Read more »

uncle D


uncle D

What!!! Good NEWS!!!


yeah exactly, f**k stan, and f**k u pete hillwood and the rest who sold us out.

Mein Bergkampf

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.


Wenger in, fake fans out!


Results on the pitch will bring commercial success. We are not going to land big money sponsorship on the back of embarrassing defeat after embarrassing defeat, and growing disillusionment among the fan base. People blaming the board for not giving Wenger funds to buy players are right delusional, 90m on Xhaka, Mustafi, and Perez, are we better? The biggest mistake the board are making is not being ambitious enough to get rid of Wenger and take the risks that are necessary to achieve success. Instead Arsenal is becoming a bit of a joke, always bottling it. Every year Wenger stays… Read more »


Those are very good players. 90 mill well spent. Can’t do shit if Kante Vardy and Mahrez didn’t come here. They wouldn’t come for Allegri or whoever your papa of the week is.

You should ask more of those who didn’t come in this summer or rather have been part of the squad for years. Ramsey, Monreal, Gibbs, Giroud, Ox, Walcott, Ozil.

It will be much harder without Wenger. Ask your favorite formal Arsenal superstar.

Glen Helders left foot

Sad really, he’s going to have to be pushed


Nah, he just won’t go. Fair play though, it’s a disgrace trying to push him out.


Why? He clearly doesn’t attribute any blame to himself for on the field failings, so he isn’t going to go. If he doesn’t care about having a winning team, what is the point of him managing?


I’m not taking the stand that he should stay, but saying he doesn’t blame himself for failings on the field and doesn’t care about having a winning team is absolute horse hockey pucks.


If that’s what you think then as someone who follows Arsenal very closely I can confidently tell you that you do not know Arsene Wenger. He said every defeat is a scar in his heart that never goes away. Does that to you sound as someone who doesn’t care? And the reason everyone wants Wenger out when he’s the only one in the working staff that should stay is because he is an honorable man that will ALWAYS take the blame, and defend his players PUBLICLY. Look beyond the 90 minutes and see what’s going on behind the scenes. If… Read more »


Look at Leicester.


Leicester is the outlier, has never been done before and will never happen again. Look at them, they’re in a relegation struggle.

For people who want to mention Brian Clough, he was an outstanding manager that built a great football team that went on to win the championship then the the premiership. Not to mention those were times when big money investments weren’t existent in football.


Leicester is an outlier? So Arsenal win 2-1 against Leicester and the next league game lose to ManU making Rashford look world class. Is Rashford an outlier too? Leicester pulled away from Arsenal not because they were outstanding but because Arsenal collapsed again like almost every year. It doesn’t seem to matter who it is, Arsenal will not challenge. 71 points last season, 75 before and 79 before that. 7 losses each season and 6 so far. It’s getting worse not better even after buying our world class players. That’s why change is needed.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Heard some fans wanted to get an airplane fly with a banner over the stadium this weekend. Thought it was a very bad idea but Primorac should have kept his mouth shut because these fans are encouraged now. I think change is required but not this way.


And we all know that is not going to happen but I thought he is conscience enough to step down by himself.


By the folks offering him the extension?

Who exactly will do the pushing?


As much as I don’t like them it will have to be banners and protests. Our club clearly isn’t overly bothered about not winning trophies and are happy with how things are so it is the fans’ who are unhappy that have can have responsibility to remind them that for us it’s not good enough


Most of us, if not every one of us, have a very strong opinion on many things regarding our team. I’m not sure we should all bring banners to Emirates or scream in the streets.
It would make a lot of banners.
And why should I spoil the pleasure of the game for my fellow-Gooners who disagree with me? Do I want them to bring their banners to the next game?


Stop going to games,stop buying merchandise.Hit em where it really hurts – their wallets. That’s the only way that’ll light a fire under the board’s ass and get these cancerous entities out of the club.


Cancerous really is an unfortunate choice of word


Nothing new. He keeps saying his mind is not made up yet so no big deal.

Unless you thought Arsene was a secret “wenger out ” himself.

Personally I lean towards a new start next season but I am happy to see Arsene have the last say in how/when he goes.
He earned that


The arsecast discussed it on monday – there is likely to be a 2 year transition where the club restructures – gets in a sporting director and devolves power from the manager – they said that ancelloti would be the quintessential safe pair of hands – why can’t wenger be? Sell off players (especially wengers favorites – ramsay, walcott, coquelin) and get the new sporting director to get new ones in. get wenger to coach them and he wont be as emotionally invested in them. the new sporting director will be. why can’t wenger be the guy who focusses entirely… Read more »

John C

Why can’t Wenger be a safe pair of hands and sell his favourites, coach the team and not be emotionally invested in the team? That’s how he manages, if you take those things away why employ him?


He can be emotionally invested in the team, just not his projects.
He came to arsenal with no emotional investment in players, got the team performing straight away and won the double with 90% of a team he inherited.

he indulgence shown by the board to him and him to players is the problem – cut that out and he’s just a to coach

John C

What your saying is for him to be someone else but himself, there’s no reason to keep him under those circumstances.


No – i am asking for this spotty leopard to do a different job more akin to the one he did at the beginning of his tenure. Take players that someone else bought and gel them together into a cohesive unit. Double 98 was not won through a complicated system of play, or a familial team spirit. It was a clash of the grahams arsenal and wengers arsenal and that clash threw sparks up that could have crippled the club. Wenger managed that and used the tension to creative ends. That was the platform for Double 02 and invicibles. Give… Read more »

John C

The back 5 Wenger inherited from Graham had been drilled for years on how to defend, so that part of the job was done for him. The same back 5 had to hold a meeting with Vieira and Petit after a home defeat against Blackburn in the winter of ’97 on how to do their job as they kept on leaving them exposed, so we can see who influenced those tactics. Back then the hierarchy at the club was far more balanced but there was no clash, the players all bought into it. Now unless we hire a sporting director… Read more »


Wenger had a formidable defence built with Sol, Lauren, Cole and Kolo. You remember what they went on and did? Yes the celebrated back four was special. To say Wenger can’t build good defences is simplistic. His flaws are his long-termism and trusting nature. I would have signed all the DMs we were linked with 10 years back. Imagine a proven ball winner who could get the ball early to Cesc / Van Persie / Ozil for a blitz the way the Wenger DMs of old would do. His getting his head turned by Barca’s style was a mistake. Also,… Read more »

Aussie arse

Agree with John about the defence. This same point has been made by former players of that era. Wenger is an honest well meaning guy but he is incapable of building a defence that can win the league

Clock-End Mike

Such short memories some people have…


Some fans can keep looking for ways to justify him staying such as succession plans, new appointments etc. but ultimately I don’t believe any of this until I see it. He could have done this when his contract expired last time and we assumed he would but he didn’t. Justifying him staying because of any fantasy plan we have concocted in our head with no real basis is daft in my opinion.

Wenger's coat zipper

Yeah, so we’re in for another 20 years

Eric Blair

All opinions on Wenger as a coach aside, it seems as if the club are planning with him for next season meaning he had better sign on and stay. I wouldn’t trust Gazidis et al with having to restructure the club and find and hire the right guy in the space of a few summer weeks. The planning for transition has to happen now, and it’ll take quite a while. Let’s get behind the manager and the team, finish as high as possible, and win that fucking record breaking FA Cup.


COYG @ Èric. ..let’s do it, coyg …


Oh dear
More ammunition for the Wenger out brigade which , understandably, is getting bigger each day.
It’s not going to end well I feel and all of his magnificent work done over decades will be tarnished.


I am not sure it is getting much bigger, but it certainly getting noisier. I think today’s Arsecast was interesting when they were talking about Allegri and the system that he works under at Juventus, as do most coaches. Arsenal have a system that is unique in professional football and it isn’t just that we need a new manager, which I think we do, but we need to have a new structure within the club to support a new manager. If we don’t put that structure in place it doesn’t matter who the manager is, we will still not be… Read more »


Good points DAC….and IMO you are bang on the money…


Calling fans ungrateful. Talking about business over results. Right way to poison the well further.


Well, you only need to see down Arsenal’s history over 100 years to realise that these past 20 years have been the MOST stable. Fans don’t know how bad it has gotten, or how bad it can get (Leeds, Newcastle). Sure a new guy would be nice, but the this constant cry for him to leave due to need for more cups and trophy is retarded. EVERYONE WANTS IT. Can we pay to play that game? We are ungrateful, because we impulsively forget the pros for the cons, and cons there are.

John C

I hate this rewriting of Arsenal’s history, you need to educate yourself.


This comment is wrong on so many levels.

gooner of Oz

“…need for more cups and trophy is retarded”
Spot on. Let us take a minute to laugh at all clubs whom are winning more cups and trophies with different managers.


Is he deliberately trolling us?
Even if AW desires to remain in his position, public utterances of this nature will only turn more people against him.

Wonder how the club will spin this.


Nothing unexpected there then. He won’t go and he will sign a new deal if we like it or not.


Such an unhelpful comment by a man who is meant to be his closest ally


Not surprised…dictators and those who benefit from their regime don’t quit easy. Wenger has lost my respect. #WengerOut


Down with the Islington Mugabe!


Ok you want him to go but show some respect


i should respect someone who has been utterly disrespectful to me?


You are dishonest to your federation.


He’s not leaving!?
That is an absolute shocker…

Monkey Nuts

By who? Ivan and Stan or Sir Chips. These bottle jobs are not going to sack the one man they’re all hiding behind.


Great news as far as I am concerned.


Said over and over this man is not leaving, they would buy a big star player in the summer and just when we are all happy, spring the wenger has just signed a new deal with the mix

Liam Bradys left peg

Its been signed and will be announced at end of season. That is from a 1st team players dad. The protests and banners wont change a thing so just get behind the team every game for 90min. Now that all the pressure and expectation is off, so might be the handbrake. Get on a run, beat spuds, finish 2nd, beat spuds again in final and THAT is all that matters

John C

Contemptuous at depth




So he is officially saying we are mostly about business, Wenger is doing well in that aspect and hense not leaving?
Now that I think, a couple of years back I read one of club owners called our Arsenal a “business brand”.
Fuck it. Im not a business fan. Wake me up when they finally talk about some football ambitions.


If im remembering correctly that was Stan himself. I remember because it also involved imaginary fans using nonexistent super helicopters from S.Africa to watch arsenal lose 8-2 to Manure.


“Wenger isn’t considering leaving Arsenal,” “there are no less grateful persons in football than fans and ex-players”. “It is not all about results, but also the business part of the club that matters.” Perfectly sums up the problems at the club. Too many people doing very well for themselves at the club without having any pressure to succeed past their basic objectives. I’m afraid people like Primorac and to some degree Wenger live in this little self contained bubble where they have totally lost touch with modern football and fans. ‘Ungrateful?’ If you look at the comments from the majority… Read more »

Holding Rob

My hope is that we’ll beat city in the semi final, Wenger will announce the fa cup final will be his last game. We crush spu*s in the final, and boom Wenger leaves as a hero.
But I fear this will only be a wet dream. What I think will happen is we don’t win anything, Wenger signs an extension. Even more people call for #wexit and Wenger leaves two years on, not with a bang, but with a whimper.


Is it confirmed that he actually said this? Source please?

Sounds so much like trolling article it’s hard to believe. Especially the bit about no one being more ungrateful than a fan. Why the fuck would you want to work for a football club if you don’t like fans?


Thank you.


Blogs, something tells me these quotes aren’t legitimate. Would love it if you prove this is fake with a follow-up piece.


That’s right Wenger had earned the right to own Arsenal.

gooner of Oz

I’m really hoping thats sarcastic


“It’s not all about results”

This club is dead. R.I.P


Moureen is all about results. That´s why he puts out a gameplan that consists of a list:
1.Kick Hazard
2.Kick Hazard
3.Kick Hazard
4.Kick Hazard some more.

Wenger insists he can get results by playing only beautiful attacking football without breaking the opponents legs. That´s why many of us love him. This is also why stupid cunts have gotten away with gameplans like above against Arsenal. We play beautiful football that is not the “english” way of doing it. Thus no protection against drulling orcs.
Farewell Ahmed former fan.


When was the last time we played beautiful football?


Wenger is starting to remind me of a French historical figure, Charles De Gaulle. The guy was heroic during the war, then went on to politics, but got disconnected from the reality of his time, and eventually had to resign after a referendum where he didn’t predict how many people would vote against his ideas.


Yop…most dictators start out very well, they embark on positove transformative programs at the onset which their subjects like….then down the line they become power drunk and gradually begin to lose the goodwill they had originally…

That Guy

Dictator? I guess you are a trolling Spurs fan.


Lets get it right here. We are not Chelsea neither are we Man Utd. We are not Barcelona nor are we Real Madrid. I think some forget this and though it would be great to win lots of trophies every year, we just dont have the same financial capacity as those other clubs. So Wengers inability to win much in recent years has to be looked at more objectively. With that in mind and for all he has done (and yes the business side should be handled by business people) Wenger should be allowed and trusted to leave when he… Read more »


Wenger did not turn Arsenal global. We were one of the most famous clubs in the world before he arrived, with fans on every single continent. Arsenal’s current profile is a combination of Wenger building on the successes of George Graham and riding the wave of the Premier League’s rebranding and global marketing drive. The construction of the stadium would have been impossible without a loyal (and extremely patient) fanbase willing to pay sky-high prices for matchday tickets and merchandise, while foregoing trophies. None of this would have been possible without Arsenal’s fans. They are the bedrock of this club.… Read more »

John C

One of the most accurate things i’ve read on here in a while!


Cheers mate. I love Wenger and we’ll always have the memories of his great title-winning sides. But if we really respect the man we should hold him to his own high standards.

John C

Exactly, but it winds me up when people come out with complete nonsense. Wenger just happens to be the incumbent Arsenal manager at a time when information is accessible to almost the whole world at the touch of a finger, he’s not the cause of it and it’s worth pointing out that no other Arsenal manager has ever had this benefit. Satellite TV, the internet, social media either didn’t exist or didn’t have the reach. That’s not to say he hasn’t improved our global profile but it must be taken in context. The same has to be said with his… Read more »


All this context is really important – the constant revisionism or shifting of goalposts just to accommodate him doesn’t help anyone.

Weren’t we one of a group of big European clubs who lobbied UEFA to change the rules to allow 2nd, 3rd and 4th-placed teams to enter the revised Champions League and also get rid of the old Cup Winner’s Cup? There was talk of warding off the threat of a “European Super League” or something like that.


Nah… Arsenal were a cup team and were never that massive outside of England and her colonies maybe.

Erratic form in the league, yes titles galore but mainly from yonkers back.

Graham years were successful to a degree but also a boring brand of football that was for most parts difficult to watch.

One European success was a lesser competition.


John C

You’re probably the biggest revisionist contributor on here and you can’t even get your facts straight, Arsenal won 2 European Trophies before Wenger and got to a further 2 finals, and it certainly didn’t take 20 attempts to win either. When Wenger arrived at Arsenal we had the second highest number of league titles, and at the turn of the millennium on analysing the final league positions from every year of the 20th century it was Arsenal who came out top. So Arsenal have always been the model of league consistency. Graham years successful to a degree?! The title decider… Read more »


Think John C said what needs to be said. On another note, “outside of England and her colonies” is an odd turn of phrase isn’t it?

No wonder your football opinions are as outdated as your rose-tinted imperialist version of England’s history.


Sorry, completely wrong about Chelsea who look like winning a second title in three years. Our turnover is higher than theirs, over the last five years our net spend is higher than theirs, and the wage bills are comparable (within 10%). So wrong, wrong, wrong. United I’ll give you, maybe even City, but at least get your facts right. Then we could mention Leicester of course. We are not a small club, we have not been a small club since prior to the great Herbert Chapman. Arsenal has and always will be one of the great names of world football.… Read more »


We need to compete against Chelsea and Cit. They have caught up and Wenger has failed to stay competitive. Many flaws in his team never get fixed.

This is a problem which recommends a new approach.

BUT should not be confused with how we should do it.

New manager yes, but don’t rush into it too quickly either because we can end up like UNited ofr Liverpool (A QUARTER of a century without the title and counting…plenty of managers who were decalred as genius come and gone)


Lol…y’all would say anything under the sun to protect Wenger…blinded loyalty without any substance. We had a net spend of around 87m and bayern had around 44m…can also use netspend to justify leceister surpassing our epl and ucl achievements over the last 7 years?


Nobodies protecting Wenger but blind spite is classless and frankly does not help in paving the future either.;)


I disagree with that comment. Even a cursory look at Any fan site shows that whilst there clearly are some fans who want Wenger out there are also many who want Wenger to stay. So it’s a little premature to say he’s lost touch with reality and that fans would vote him out in an instant. For what it’s worth I think some kind of change might be good, but I want Wenger to stay.


John, your final sentence tells me that you’re a very confused person.


I can’t stand this ungrateful stuff, you get it from fans pundits and those in the club. Its not as if we haven’t given Wenger time, its not as if this is the first season we’ve under performed. He’s been well treated by the club, given time, a salary and the opportunity to completely build and mould a squad that other managers could only dream of. How much repayment does Wenger need from the glory years? How many years do we have to sit back and be content with under performing before its ok to say it’s time for him… Read more »

John C

One thousand thumbs up to you


Spot on. He’s actually been given the opportunity to build about three different teams since we’ve been at the Emirates.


Spending money on marquee players ain’t gonna solve our issue…Wenger is a poor manager. We could have MSN and still not win the league…he’ll overplay them, not adjust to opposition and finish top 4…folks would still sayoung he’s the best for the job.

Matt P

spot on.
Wenger and his supporters are acting like he is bigger than the club.
Enough is enough!


And now – if Wenger signs on for further time and the same mistakes are made (which they will) – at what point does this ‘respect’ for Wenger last? And at what point do fans stop sitting on their hands and do nothing?

What will it take for people?


The situation with Kroenke and his LA football team is relatively instructive. The Rams had a coach for years who underperformed expectations but was widely respected (the Rams haven’t been particularly good in years). This was tolerated by Kroenke until this year when it became obvious that no one in LA was going to watch a struggling sports team. As long as fans continue to purchase tickets and go to games it just doesn’t matter to Kroenke – there won’t be a change from him until that becomes in doubt


God forbid any of you ever have to live under an actual ‘dictator’…


That’s gonna piss a lot of people off.. Happy Friday people haha

Le Jim

“There are no less grateful persons in football than fans and ex-players”.

Am I missing something? Don’t those two categories essentially make up all of the footballing ‘community’? I imagine managers and boardroom figures would make up about 0.1%. Very puzzling.

Stuck on repeat...

Noted that too Le Jim. Thought it was a very strange statement to make. Can’t see any other type of business effectively stating: “There are no less grateful persons to this company than customers and ex-employees”.


So Blogs – it looks like wanting a manager change, but holding out hope for this ‘respect’ for Wenger (which means doing absolutely nothing about it while poo pooing protests) and hoping that he would do the right thing isn’t going to happen.

I have to say that the people that are sitting and doing nothing fully deserve this. You get the Arsenal that you want which is placid, flat and boring. Well done all.


Wenger will always be invincible. Time for is change coming the man’s 67 but he deserves so more much respect! Just thinking Wenger out and everything will be rosey is naïve. Modern world short term, quick fix thinking. When Wenger Joined Arsenal we had the same number of trophies as Aston Villa. Fact! Look where they are now… If look at the 20 years at Arsenal before Wenger and the 20 years since he joined we have done more than considerable better. We were big but now we are a big global club. Of course there been up and downs… Read more »

John C

You mean Aston Villa, one of the biggest clubs in the history of English football? That Aston Villa? The Aston Villa that’s won the European Cup? That One?

Some of the ignorant shit people come out with is incredible.

When Wenger joined we had the 2 most league titles, 10. That was more than Manchester United, who now have 20 to our 13, he’s taken us backwards in real terms.


Where Liverpool? They have had half a century of constant management change. Any titles?

John C

So what? I’m not a Liverpool fan


So who is this guy again and why should we care? Why is his opinion important about anything? Why is he even being interviewed? Why is a coach talking about how we are a business? I think we as fans have to be realistic about what is going on at our club and know that we are being taken advantage of by a bunch of greedy people who only care about our money. I used to love Arsene Wenger but this is seriously turning into a nightmare. He won’t leave until he decides it’s his time because no matter how… Read more »


Wenger is a loser…ironically, he has no life outside of football yet he’s so bad at it! Fergie had other things going for him outside of the game…


It’s just boring now. It’s like watching repeats of episodes you’ve seen dozens of times. It would be bearable if it was father ted but ”tis a bit like watching lost. No repeat value at all.


Can you change your name to something like “New Paul” or “Father Ted Paul” please?

Yankee Gooner

Are you talking about the comment sections or AFC?

Richard suku

In Arsene Wenger we trust, hail Arsenal and Hail thee best coach of all time Wenger…
We’ll get rid of some of those players that are not performing well, and want to stay on the injuries list…
We’ll sign big name players, but for Wenger, he’ll stay.
Look at Manchester United today, playing eropa league football never exile since Sir Alex Ferguson left the team.
We’ll not let Wenger go,


Really? Funny you should pick about the only convenient example. How about we look at the most successful club in the PL? Sacked their manager months after winning a title (how ungrateful!!) and now looking at a second title in three years with a new manager at the helm. Or the most successful British club in Europe – sacked their manager months after a title win (nothing to worry Arsene of course) and now under the new man they go further in the CL than AFC have managed in seven years of trying. Seems there might be something in this… Read more »


Nope, we’ll learn from manutd and appoint a better manager who can improve us. That same manutd you mock have won the same number of trophies we’ve won in the last 13 years in the last 2 seasons despite managerial changes and have only 1 less point than us.


If arsenal bothered to take care of its sporting side, the business side tends to take care of itself,if not, substantially increase its potential.

But what do I know.

John C

Have you ever worked half a day in football or made 50,000 substitutions?


It seems the parasite has no regard for its host. Primorac takes £30K a week for sitting in the stands on matchday and saying ‘Yes, boss’. He’s been a hanger-on of Wenger’s since 1994. Wenger has had absolute power and no accountability at Arsenal since David Dein was sacked ten years ago. The austerity was a lie. The stadium debt was a useful excuse, but the money was always there. Project Youth was absolute failure and Wenger should have been sacked in 2011. We dropped 21 points on the run in to bottle the title, lost the League Cup to… Read more »




Time to show and make it be felt that you’re a fan of the football club Arsenal and not the business.


Marlow gooner

The next march I’m on it with bells on.!!


20 years is enough. He should realize that his players don’t believe in him anymore . If he signs this is gonna get ugly for real . Cause the way we playing I can’t see how we are going to win the cup .Hope am wrong! Anyway i will keep supporting the team and wait for better days . But no more money to that bunch in the boardroom.


What cup?FA cup?

He won two back to back quite recently.


John C l luv you!! your european comments were spot on and l agree with you and kaius on everything unfortunately l think he will still be here next season even if we finish outside the top 4 with no cup so as you’ve said it will be the same old shit next year but although l DO want him gone,l don’t think much will change until kroenke and his cronies go they will just keep employing yes men like wenger this makes me very sad as l don’t think kroenke is going anywhere for quite a while and means… Read more »


Why should Kroenke weigh in unless it affects the business side of the club. He is a business man first and foremost. It would be great to have a better owner or a fan based ownership but here’s where we are and frankly Kroeke is wise not to weigh in on matters he has less grasp of. Wenger will go sooner than later being he is 67yrs. Have any of you operated a top level club for 22 years, managed to qualify for CL throughout despite set backs, bought players like Henry, Viera, Llungberg in market or Koscielny? No. So… Read more »

John C

Thank you 80smusiclegend, i think you’re the first person who’s ever said something nice to me on here! haha


I like his straight talking.
Some people here apparently don’t like being called ungrateful for protesting in March when there is much work to be done on the pitch.
Fandom is strange.

3 points this weekend please. I’ll be a grateful fan for that


haha..some people sound upset with Primorac. Just because he says the honest truth. That said, I don’t think Wenger will stay that much longer anyway. He is already 67yrs. These people who hold banners want Wenger gone but they don’t care how its done. This should never be the way to do anything. A more measured approach is necessary and the Board is doing the right thing. There is no reason to commit to anything at this point, we need to prosecute the season and what’s left to the very end first. Wenger still has a lot to play for… Read more »


OK then; guys, let’s get ready for yet another season with a couple of brilliant games and the usual meltdown. Hey he is almost 70, can’t be there for too much longer, thank god


Board: “Hey Boro, you’re leaving in the summer aren’t you? Stand up and say this for us, as the hate and vitriol you’re going to get won’t matter to you.”

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