Thursday, December 19, 2024

Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea – FA Cup final player ratings

Ok, so I’m just home. Arsenal won the FA Cup beating Chelsea 2-1 at Wembley this afternoon.

Here’s how the players rated and let’s not forget that John Terry is a twat.

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We won the Cup!


Everyone gets a 10 for me! I’m so proud of the team, that win was great. Despite the season we’ve had I’m so happy we won the FA Cup, it’s been a tough season but at least we’ve ended it on a happy note.

We have to keep Sanchez no matter what, everyone played great today but what a game and what a season from Alexis. Arsenal – splash da cash because this guy is irreplaceable.


I totally agree with you brother…

David C

getting pissed at all the “Chelsea didn’t show up narrative” in the media.

How about Arsenal showed up and laid a thumping!

I’m going to watch the game again now!

nimble foot

well if they didn’t show up, it means they got cold feet, which in turn means the occasion overwhelmed them. Which also speaks of the small club mentality they have, the rent boys


Well played.


Ah ah aha


We won the cup. Everyone is great. Honestly , ive always believe in the team despite those losing streaks, it was just a matter of not being lucky.

Clock-End Mike

We won the Cup!

Clock-End Mike

… and John Terry is a sorry twat


And a full kit wanker

Kranky kroenke klub

Diego costa’s twatness is equal to that of john terrry.


Not quite, but if he keeps up his current pace he might might even pass Terry’s twatness ( can you pass infinity?)


Of course, I think that most of us learnt quite early in life that ‘infinity plus one’ is a valid number.


Ah my sweet childhood

Goooooooner for life

There must always be a stark in Winterfell,
There must always be a twat in Chelsea.


just one?

Donald\'s Trump

Nah, not until he stops a game to celebrate himself and fucks his mate’s Mrs and gets dressed up to take photos at a party he wasn’t invited to.

Only then will he be as big a cunt.

Cunting on the football pitch is one things but Terry cunts 24 hours a day.

Kranky kroenke klub

You’re right John Terry would cunt consistently and thoroughly both on and off the pitch, for all i know Diego might be a lovely bloke off the pitch…. but i choose to believe he punches orphans for amusement


There is nothing more to say, we won the cup!

Mesut O\'Neill

Spot on ratings ?


Ok, one more thing to say. I love Arsenal Football Club and I will until I die.


….plus we won the cup!


Hold on, we won the cup?


John trrry unhappy makes me happy


10/10 Bonus Rating for every single fan, whether singing at Wembley or singing at their TVs, who got right behind the team, showed their love for the red & white, and let the whole world know that we are THE ARSENAL.

(Yep, I’m still a bit drunk)


Ive always said there should be a rating for the manager aswell (usually after a bad result) but he has to get credit today, good tactics and substitions. I have been a Wenger out person for a while but to see the love he has for this club melted my heart a bit today. I am so glad for him after all the stick he has taken recently. Class act of a man and i have a huge respect for him. By the way, haven’t we looked a totally different side since we switched to the new formation, apart from… Read more »


Speaking of shit … what have they won? F all sums it up.

Scott P

Given that you spelled everything correctly and wrote coherent sentences, consider me impressed! Cheers 🙂


Arsenal fans are fucking awesome. The singing and passion came through the TV to New Zealand at 4.30am. Dreamed beforehand that Alexis scored. First race at the local Rangiora races today the winner was Alexy, paid $11. Wenger IN. Legend with a powerhouse team now. Give him one more go. Beautiful

My name is Jeff

Out of the ashes of our worst season in two decades came this amazing victory and trophy. It should always serve as a reminder of the class of this club even in the most trying of times.

Also, John Terry sucks.


……Diego Costa’s balls with a cup of goat milk!


“The magic of the FA Cup”


Trophy over the top four everyday for me. Delighted.


10/10 to seeing Costa miserable, too.


I think there should be an extra bonus rating for Silent Stan’s 1930s Chicago Gangster chic look.


Seriously. He looked like Nucky Thompson off Boardwalk Empire.

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

When I saw him, the only thing I could think was to wonder if it was merely a convenient coincidence his tie matched our kit on the day, or if he actually felt like pretending to care enough that he made sure to coordinate.


To me, he looked like Meg Ryan dressed as an old man!


He kinda reminded me of someone who had, had a make-over from a funeral parlour.


I read those ratings like a Skepta song

Donald\'s Trump

Chelsea man a get bang!

Faisal Narrage

Bonus points for Coq displaying some balling tekkers with step overs.


Haha yeah what happened there? He went full on FIFA for a minute!

Lads, we won the Fucking Cup!!!


NONE of the Arsenal players can walk into the Chelsea team. 😀 1) Ospina – Perhaps Wenger felt that Cech would be lenient to his old club? The Colombian has different attributes to Cech. He has better reaction but is poorer at crosses. He kept us in with some very important stops. That said, he could have done better for their goal. 2) Metersecker – Too slow lacks pace. Hasn’t played more than 37 minutes to this game. Arsenal are going to struggle without Koscielny, Mustafi or Gabriel. Metersecker was head and shoulders our best player today. Lots of critical… Read more »

cazorla\'s smile

Too long mate

Clock Ender

You really should get out more.


Have a day off.

Sideshow Mo

Brilliant use of sarcasm, Bruv. Bravo!


Your post is disturbingly weird.

Roberto Holdini

The only thing I like more than us winning the cup is the way the team performed. They showed that they really wanted it. If this mindset will survive the summer break we are heading in a much better direction than I thought we would


BFG! BFG!! And we’re the famous Arsenal and we won at Wemberleee!!!!

Shite season, but what a finish. Love the club. Love the fans. Love the squad. Love our BIg Fucking Captain. Love Atom & Humber. And love the manager. One Arsene Wenger. What a legend!!!


No longer a shot season.






Would be tempted to give our BFG an 11 he was that good!!


I agree with everything you say. But i.d still like to see a new manager come in


Take a day off!


i can get used to these cup finals.


they say a picture is worth a thousand words. suck it, john terry.

just gunning

‘suck it john terry’ x 250


Half expected to see John Terry in an Arsenal shirt lifting the cup with BFG and Kos. Was quite good seeing his sulky bottom lip sticking out instead though.

uncle D

10/10 to Arsene! He has earned his respect time and time again! The players won this one for him. Well done well done well done. We won the cup!


That block by mertesacker, Montreal and holding in the 14th minute tells you all you need to know about that performance. Desire. Commitment. Heroics.


Ok this is a bit freaky. I had a dream about us winning the match 3-1 just a few hours before the match. In which Alexis scores first Costa equalises. For some fucking reason Ronaldo scored the 2nd for us and Ramsey scored the third

I guess that’s close enough ?
Ps: Holding and Per looked like a perfect father and son duo. So happy for them ?


I would give Per 11


I think maybe we won the cup

Scott P

I still haven’t really been able to tell yet… What’s that I hear? Diego Costa’s head exploded out of pure anger and rage and John Terry is sitting in a corner crying? I guess we did win!


The best bit was seeing John Terry the Twat, all geared up and ready to hijack another celebration, with that sick as a pig look on his mug. What a performance from the boys today. Get in there… Ooh to, ooh to be.


I used to live in BKK and watched the matches at Royal Oak. Where do you go?

p.s. John Terry is a full kit wanker


Nicely rated Sir 😉


Best bonus rating of all time.




John Terry should have been made to wait at the bottom of the Wembley steps in full kit – including shin pads – and get down on his knees to salute every player from by far the greatest team the world has ever seen. Because… we won the cup!

a different George

Apparently there was even a plan for Terry to come on late so he could be part of the Chelsea victory. I hope it’s true.

BFG: captain, leader, legend.


When they equalized I thought it was stone but the fact that we scored so soon after made it even more hysterical!!!!!!

Ramsey loves a cup final.
Holding is my new favorite.player…I loved how he didn’t let Costa get to him .

Loved the cynical tackle from Ozil on hazard!

Love Xhaka bossed it.

If Welbeck and Ozil could finish it would have been 5-1

This is the performance we’ve been waiting for.

Benny Hill

Yahoo…. we won the Cup…. Hidup Arsenal(Long Live Arsenal in Malay)….


Hidup Arsenal!

Tasmanian Jesus

Big up for the referee, for once one of them cunts got the decision right inside our box.

And, we won the cup!


Wenger had referee schooled after pushing him and calling him a fucking federation twat at the Emirates v Burnley. Got four-game ban. Karma but good reffing, esp the first goal.
Ospina nearly blew it when he got clocked in the first half, should have got that ball. And some needless gaffing around at the end. But, overall, fuck yeah Arsenal, fuck yeah. Love the FA Cup


I personally thought the first goal was great and I bet Alexis did too… The amount of times he closes down his own passes is ridiculous. I’ve been waiting for him to score a goal like that all season, so it his hand, f’ing greatly deserved goal from a very rare industrious player in this modern game.


On another more random personal note, I’ve been playing Ox LWB on fifa 17 ever since we changed to 3421, couldn’t drop him or Hector in simulation world, was so chuffed when i saw wengers line up, also the fact he played welbeck too, Cesc left out, it all just set a positive tone, YESS, Costa you juvenile playground douche! Holding took that hit like a boss!


Per. What a legend. So happy for him and Arsenal.


Amazing win! Perfect scores for everyone. We must now make sure Alexis and Ozil sign da ting.


Alexis wants trophies. We got one. So sign da ting!


Blogs, home but still fairly hammered! Onya!!


i love these ratings, tbh


We won the Cup!!


I’ve said it from the day he first played in an arsenal shirt and I’ll say it again, Mertesacker reads the game better than any defender Wenger has signed. He may be slow, but his reading of the game more than makes up for it.


Per had a great season, even though he only played 128 mins. We would not have won this cup without him. Truly great player.


Sweet victory out of 10 for all…

Donald\'s Trump

Beeeeee Efffffffff Geeeeeeeeee.

Roflolabad at Cunt Cunterry. What a cunt


And Mrs blogs loves a cup final liveblog, innit? She did well to keep up with the frenetic pace of the game


Too right. Shout to Mrs Blogs..great, vivid commentary. Sign her up!


John the cvnt Terry, wanker face!

Hazard was invisible for the whole match!

Diving cheat Moses

Judas Cesc

Costa the twat

the list goes on and on……

Yorkshire Gunnet

BFG. Flawless.One of the great Arsenal individual performances.

To all the Xhaka and Ozil haters among the pundits – up your f…..g hole!


Cesc in no Judas we had the chance to bring him back but passed, whats he gonna do give up playing. I’d have him back in the morning El Capitano will always be a legend. plus we won the cup COYG


Yup, Cesc is no saint, but he ain’t no Judas. We passed him, remember. He talks fondly about us, unlike Nasri or van Persie.

nimble foot

Cesc peaked early and Barça really was the end of him. He’s kicked on quite a bit under Conte but I believe if he were to ever get back to his best, he needs Arsene. Good for us though we don’t need Cesc


I give 8 for Stan Kroenke’s suit. He drops two points for not having Kim Bassinger as his moll and Al Pacino as his muscle.


Hahaha, I burst out aloud for some reason.

Rob Pyres

10’s all round (as I can’t rate properly on my mobile) – next season blogs, I’d also like to see a rating system for the boss (whoever that may be) for his match day decision making, lineup choice etc. Would be quite interesting.

nimble foot

I don’t see the need for that. These ratings are most times subjective. The team could put in a great shift and still lose to two unfortunate goals, a rating for the gaffer would see people want to have his head even when the team did perform admirably

Getso gunner

My best moment of the game was Ozil’s tackle that nearly injured Hazard


Why can’t I give Per 11???????!!!!!!!!!

Fergal (captain optimistico)

Best ratings post ever.


£2m for Holding, what a steal. That kid is something special. Put him on a 20 year contract now.
Oh, and we won the cup.

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