Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Kroenke outlines his Arsenal ambition as Wenger signs on again

Stan Kroenke has outlined his ambition for the club in a lengthy four sentence statement issued after Arsene Wenger signed his new contract.

The manager will now stay until 2019 after the majority shareholder sanctioned a new deal after winning the FA Cup against Chelsea last weekend.

Dubbed Silent Stan, because he’s reluctant to talk too much in the media, he spoke about Wenger and the future today.

“Our ambition is to win the Premier League and other major trophies in Europe,” he said.

“It’s what the fans, players, staff, manager and board expect and we won’t rest until that is achieved.

“Arsene is the best person to help us make that happen. He has a fantastic track record and has our full backing.”

If one of the complaints about Kroenke is that he hasn’t really ever outlined his ambitions for the club, then he has at least mentioned it today.

It’s not an expansive statement by any means, and one most will take with a hefty pinch of salt, but it’s something of an improvement at least.

For more: Here’s what Wenger said about summer plansHere’s what Silent Ivan had to say at last

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Prove it.

Dan Hunter

In other words…. renew your season ticket then feck off


Like I don’t really understand Kroenke at all he is a really peculiar billionaire, like how did acquire so much wealth? Because he clearly has zero ambition to make more money, which is bizarre. He owns one of the worlds biggest sports ‘franchises’ in one of the most iconic cities on the planet. All of the infrastructure is there, we have the state of the art 60,000 seater stadium, we have the state of the art training facilities plus all the offices and real estate. And we’re playing football in the most affluent and exciting leagues in the world. If… Read more »


Yea annoys me that we’re owned by two of the richest men in the world and neither has put one penny into the club itself, just interested in buying up shares. Don’t forget Stan also owns other sports teams in the US and they aren’t competing either. You’d think that someone who tends to buy into sports teams would look at making them a team that can fight for the big trophies?


Why should Usmanov put money into the club when they will not put him on the board where ho could have some influence

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

“You’d think that someone who tends to buy into sports teams would look at making them a team that can fight for the big trophies?”

Kroenke has literally said before that any sports owner who has this as their goal is doing it for the wrong reasons.


Yeah – he’s a slim ball.

He also said all the total BS to the Rams fans before moving the franchise to LA, but some absolute hero secretly taped the conversations and now he’s being sued for a billion or so.

Praying that it goes through and it forces him to sell up.


Perhaps it is more a case of wealth management – the 3mill is nothing in relation to the value of the club. Is Arsenal a safer bet than other investments? The club is currently valued at $2 billion after the recent attempt to purchase shares. Take it with a pinch of salt https://www.statista.com/statistics/267297/arsenal-london-brand-team-value/


No I get that the £3M has nothing to do with the clubs value. I fully understand that its Stan’s way of ‘getting paid,’ since he is dressing up the £3M as ‘advisory fee’s.’

My point solely was if he turned Arsenal into a super club, then he could charge way more then £3M in ‘advisory fee’s.’


He married in to his money. His wife is a daughter of Sam Walton – the man that founded Wal-Mart here in the US. I believe Stan has done some real estate stuff and had a modest fortune of his own – but the billions came from her and he has diversified that out to sports teams

David C

it helps when you marry one of the owners of Walmart. Rich people are usually really cheap, it’s how they keep their wealth.

J.K. Rowling lost her billionaire status because she gives so much money to charities, etc. Bill Gates has been investing in great ways to quickly filter sewage water back into drinking water. Elon Musk is busy trying to save the world through renewable energy.

Stan thinks he’s bringing his gold and wealth with him to the after life I guess.

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

Stan Kroenke married a woman whose family founded Wal-Mart, a giant retailer in the US. He then “made” some of his own money by snatching up land where his family was planning on opening new stores, then selling or leasing it at much higher values once the store was in place and the area inevitably became something of a hub for other businesses.

He’s a slimy leech.


One inhibitor is Usmanov owning a third. If Stan puts up the money and the club grows in value, he only gets two-thirds of any increase. That’s a bad investment.

Faisal Narrage

Tbh I don’t even see the point of a board. If reports are true, it appears the decision was solely down to Kroenke, who merely informed the board what he wants, and the board regardless of their thoughts on the matter, have to comply. Wouldn’t be so bad in isolation, but HS img a look at all his other clubs he owns, it’s quite clear he’s more than happy to keep thing as it is as much as Wenger does, even letting his best clubs slide into mediocrity without paying much attention. What we have is a manager reluctant to… Read more »

No way

Owner sticks with manager that wins trophies. Who would have guessed. Like all owners he will have his advisors, probably gazidis and his son, to help him decide. The only way to have a group decision would be to have no majority share holder. That isn’t the case at any of the premier league clubs. All of his other clubs are in America. They have a very different sporting system. None of the other clubs have as big a reputation in their sport as we do in ours. The comparison is not really that informative. we are also out performing… Read more »


I find it a strange logic that reputation is determined for ambition. If Kronke wanted to excel his American clubs to success what is stopping him?


It seems you have little understanding of the way American sports are handled. From our colleges using our young athletes as cash cows with almost no compensation, to our professional leagues with no consequences for mediocrity Stan doesn’t have to field competetive teams for financial success. Just relying on regional support for the “home team” is enough. If they happen to have a good year then it’s only a bonus. Who ever said you can’t compare his US teams is more right than the rest of the complaining. I AM NOT SAYING I AM HAPPY WITH ARSENALS MANAGEMENT! Just that… Read more »

Jonny Bravo

No league title in 13 years and never won European trophy.I must root out my CV with that track record.

No way

I did enjoy your cross over episodes with scooby doo

Jonny Bravo

They were a bit Scrappy to be fair


What have you won that would make you CV stand out? FIFA, football manger? Arm chair league 1?


… that was the point in the joke..

Indian Gooner

‘Make more money!’
That’s his only ambition..


Kroenke is the real problem at the club and once the warm glow of Saturdays glorious victory subsides and the coming season draws near with us still not making any significant changes to the management structure, with Dick Law still missing flights, with no shiny new signings, with no positive outcome in securing new deals for Özil and Sanchez, with all our nearest challengers stealing a march on us…… etc…..etc…. Let’s then see what most of us feel about that greedy bastard giving Arsene Wenger a new 2 year deal?? And before I get accused of being too negative and… Read more »


Well said. And currently sitting at 10 to 1 up votes. Seems like there’s strong alignment we’re in for much more of the same old same old.

dr Strange

F##k off Stan.


We are so fortunate that Stan’s ambition is to win the PL and other European trophies. He obviously does not have such lofty ambitions for any of his other teams as demonstrated by their collective track records (mostly suck ass.) So so lucky.


IF he meant it a] he would sell to Usmanov, b] he would offer 200 to 300 million for players that way we would be able to compete for the very best so we would have a very good chance of top 4 next year andc] he would have more people who actually know the game on the board


Stan Kroenke* outlines his ambitions for Arsenal

*Content of this outline produced by the PR team for Stan Kroenke (TM), and may or may not reflect the views of Stan Kroenke himself


So all the time everybody complained that he does not make his ambitions public and nobody knew what he was aiming for. Now he comes out and said his aim is to win the PL and seriously compete in the CL and everybody is saying that’s just a publicity move. Kinda get the feeling it’s not really about what he says or does but more about the fact that he’s a rich American cowboy that’s just pretty unlikeable.


the complaints got nothing to do with what he says or not says publicly, rather its his actions or lack of it which shows his ambition.


You mean the fact that he extended the contract with one of the best paid managers in the game, spent about 100 million in the transfer market last summer and offered about 250.000 wages a week to Özil and Alexis? Yeah, how unambitious!


Josh is that you?

Bergkamp\'s Parachute

I think it has more to do with his track record of minimal investment (relative to our direct competition), seeming acceptance of backroom inertia (late/stalled contract negotiations, also Dick Law and Gazidis are not very good at their jobs). The general lack of initiative in-regards to planning for an inevitable post-Wenger Arsenal (I love Arsene but the man is not immortal) speaks to a general incompetence, that according to fans of his American franchises is common practice. Moreover, one of the key reasons purported for Kroenke’s ascendance was his ‘hands off’ approach to ownership. Back then it was seen as… Read more »


It’s because of what he does that people take what he says (via his own PR company) with a pinch of salt. Not too sure how anyone can defend him on the basis of his lukewarm track record with the other clubs he owns. The man will lead us to mediocrity, if he hasn’t done already!!


If you consider an FA cup win as mediocrity, 116 out of our 129 seasons have been mediocre. So why are you expecting anything else now?


Alright, Stan-o, you signed him for another 2 years. I feel the following must happen at this point: The staff hierarchy needs to be rearranged so that Arsene is answering to a couple of individuals who are paid to challenge him. He needs to justify his decisions, from purchases this Summer to formation to starting line-up to practice schedule to psychology. Arsene shouldn’t be dealing with the commercial side of the club. At all. I understand he has an economics background, and is an incredibly intelligent man. But his job is football manager, not investment banker. Which leads to: The… Read more »


Unfortunately, the time to push for these changes was before Wenger signed the contract. He’s not going to put up with any reorganization now that he’s got his extension.


I completely agree with your sentiment. But unfortunately, Kronke is the owner and he can do what the hell he likes with his asset. We may not like it, and we have the right to protest, to cancel our season tickets, to not show up at games, to switch to another team (I would never do that), but it’s the sad truth of the situation. I laugh at those Newcastle fans who keep chanting for Ashton to leave like it’s something they have any control over. I guess if we really feel so strongly about it the only commercial solution… Read more »

No way

How are we going to raise over a billion pounds?


A team of galacticos then.

Oh, and a naive idea of equity ownership.


I don’t see any problem with Kroenke. Why is he a problem? He is dealing with no ordinary manager. This fellow was building up Arsenal’s paltry finances and its brand before kroenke even came onto the scene. Currently, if Wenger left, there would be massive issues. We will have to make compromise on whoever is available rather than take better time to scout the person with the best fit. This won’t make any sense. In addition, the person coming in will have a headache on his hands trying to replace potentially Alexis, Ozil but also Giroud, Ox even Bellerin. Add… Read more »

Michael Osborne

Great post!

Tony Hall

We have had a bit of belief every year since we last one a league title …


You put forward a succinct argument but there is a huge hole at the very centre of it. I absolutely love winning the FA Cup and last Saturday was a wonderful thing but we have been stagnant when it comes to challenging for the big ones and by that I mean winning the Premiership or the UCL. I really do not think it is unreasonable to expect a club with our resources, our global fanbase and illustrious history to at least challenge at the very highest level. Especially when we as fans are expected to pay the highest ticket prices… Read more »


We shall see


Judging by the phrase “other major trophies in Europe” Stan’s ambition includes the Europa League. Will be interesting to see just how Wenger approaches that competition – by fielding the kids or taking it seriously. Presumably, that’s a decision that needs to be made before the squad thinning Wenger has talked about starts. Too much thinning may hamper our chances in the PL through injuries, fatigue, etc.


from Stan’s perspective, with the UK being part of Europe, the FA cup probably counts as “other major trophies in Europe”


I expect the first draft was;

“If Arsene goes I will have to invest time and money filling 4 senior positions.

Neither I, my son nor anyone else in the club’s managerial structure want to do that. We also have no idea where we start.

I’m quite happy with mediocrity as long as the money keeps rolling in.

I like money.

Much love and kisses,



I’ve been loyal Gooner since 1970 and will continue to support the team with all my heart through the good times and the bad times. Gooner ’til i die! I love the Club, and even tho’ i now live in California, I’ve still managed to attend 6 live games in past 18 months. I read Arseblog first thing every morning, listen to the Arsecast and the Extra as soon as they come out and have now started getting anxious when James takes a little longer than he should to post his On the Whistle. Great work Andrew and James –… Read more »


I agree with you 100%. I could have written it myself. I started supporting the club in 68, so have shared a similar time line of experiences of joy and pain.


Really?Since he bought Arsenal,the gunners have consistently bottled it at the closing stages of the epl title race not once but many times. At any top club,if Arsenal consider themselves atop one,the fm would have been sacked years ago. Bookies have said Arsenal are unlikely to win the epl with the fm. They are invariably right though not 100% spot on. Why did the fm take so long to tweak his tactics?He shd have doneages ago.When you see how pool can beat the likes of CP and other top teams you wonder why. The cup win may have just saved… Read more »


I’ll wait until the end of the summer before I completely lose my shit.
The optimist in me says Arsene will keep Alexis and Özil and get the players Arsenal needs to win the title next season. (As well as getting rid of the deadwood this summer)

But having followed Arsenal for 10 years now (I became a fan just a couple months before Henry left. What a start haha), it won’t be too long before we are all left disappointed again.


“and other major trophies in Europe” – I bet he didn’t know the name Europa league.


Well, Fuck off.


He should ve brought a new top manager like Liverpool, city, man u and chelsea did. If they could attract those coaches we can as well. Not much will change under Arsene

Asuma Alfred

Its only God to helps I don’t think Wenger can change anything with only £ 100m given which will apparently buy only Andrea Belotti on £ 85m and do you do with the balance of 15. I don’t real see why he was given a stupid canttact.


Kroenke is a huge problem, yes, and Arsenal should spend more, but you’d be hard pressed to name many bad players in this squad. Arsenal’s problem for a number of years has been that the team tends to play worse than the collection of players would suggest. Kroenke has little to do with that, that’s the Manager’s job. Don’t let the FA Cup make you forget that we’d been utterly shit until things got to the point where Wenger was forced to make a tactical change. We’ve been here before and the positive changes typically aren’t carried over to the… Read more »

Merlin\'s Panini

Maybe stop taking your £3 million “advisory fee” every year and we might be able to offer a bit more in wages/give the players more incentives to perform every game.

Stuck on repeat...

Personally, I think Stan is full of shit & prefered it when he was silent (at least then he wasn’t telling whapping lies). Glad AW is staying (as there were really no plans for anyone else), but is just seems this whole fiasco that unsettled everybody from the players to the fans last season was all for nothing & completely pointless. Would have been far better to just have extended the contract for AW earlier on. Such a waste of everyones time & I’m certain it cost us points. Think the Board will be keeping their heads down, but blame… Read more »



Rolo Toure

‘It’s what the fans, players, staff, manager and board expect and we won’t rest until that is achieved…Now let’s go get something to eat.’


Wenger says he wants to strengthen the squad with “top top” players and get rid of unneeded weight. Wonder what kept him from doing this the last 2-3 years AND I thought players like Özil and Sanchez are the “top top” players to win something. Didn’t prove me he can do it. The day he will notice that he needs to build the team on a top defense with the best defenders and defensive midfielders around to win a title that day he’ll probably announce that he has signed another 2 years contract. Don’t get me wrong, that FA Cup… Read more »

Kranky kroenke klub

*in a yosemite sam voice*


*shoots pistols into air*


How about this as an idea. Everyone support the players week in week out win or loss. Then at the end of the season if it’s a trophyless season and we’re not in the hunt for the prem to the end. Go nuts. We all should get down and protest. Until that very last day support the f*cking team pls.


What an idea. Let’s be blind and support something that is and has been broken for years, expecting and hoping for a different outcome. You’re such a good fan, here’s a cookie.


Certainly was a lengthy statement. As I read it my tea went from very hot, to still very hot. His bit about not resting till we win the PL reminded me of the Det Frank Drebin line, “I promise you; whatever scum did this, not one man on this force will rest one minute until he’s behind bars. Now, let’s grab a bite to eat.”

Oliver Keighley

Isn’t it sad that only a few days after winning the FA cup we are back to this bollox. Can’t quite articulate my point but it’s in there somewhere…..

Tony Hall

sorry for being a realist but come next February we will we be in exactly the same situation we were in February this year and last year and 2015, 2014 etc
Nothing is going to change not with that bunch on the board …


Well, fuck me … what’s everyone so worried about? Big Stan has it handled ……… *winky face*

He\'s got no hair but we don\'t care...



For a board that like to hold cards close to their chest. Why to they continue to inform the world that we have an exact figure to spend?

While there remains teams that can shit on us financially. Perhaps they should adopt the otherwise universal approach of keeping their traps shut.


When you think how long Wenger has battled the naysayers. Even just starting off from Stoke train station. There can be little doubt this man is a fighter.

Tony Adams has an opinion. On every that should be ridiculed. Honestly mate, you have some balls taking a pop a Wenger. Just like Roy Keane, Tony has found out that being a successful manager takes a hell of a lot more than just bravado and silly waistcoats.

Zombie Gooner

If you believe Stan’s title aspiration BS, then the definition of insanity applies: ‘doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.’

Our club is owned by an insane toupee twat.

determined culture

I believe the problem with Kronke is the way he runs the club. Let’s look at it from a business point of view. Imagine we are running the business. option A: Kronke is the boss of the company, Arsene is the only salesman, a very good salesman in the industry and for the company. Kronke doesnt hire anyone else for the company. Arsene is bringing in the $ for the company, so Arsene should manage all other aspects of the business too apart from sales, including logistics, acquisition, etc. option B: Kronke is the boss of the company. Arsene is… Read more »


What a load of old bollocks,PR shite with no substance. The same from Kroenke, Wenger and Gazidis, with the PR tripe they produced on arsenal.com regarding the new contract for Wenger. It’s truly embarrassing and they have zero self-awareness to see it which makes it frightening. I want my club back.


I’m out of following arseblog, arsenal and any other sources. Too depressed, it makes me too negative and sad. I know, just one guy, won’t be missed. Wake me up when this nightmare ends.

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