Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Coquelin on Valencia radar?

According to Spanish publication AS, Francis Coquelin is being tracked by Valencia who are reportedly looking to strengthen their defensive midfield options this summer.

Honestly, we can’t see it.

While Le Coq may not be the most glamorous of Arsenal’s midfielders, he still represents the only member of the squad who can legitimately claim ‘enforcer’ status and the most adept at shielding the defence in 4-3-3 formation.

Since resurrecting his career at the Emirates, he’s earned repeated praise from Arsene Wenger for his ability to distribute the ball quickly after making tackles and interceptions and for his day-to-day professionalism.

There’s also the fact that the contract extension he signed in January keeps him at the club until 2021 on wages that would probably make Valencia – who always seem to have an empty wallet – blush.

None of the above really adds up to the Gunners cashing in on Coquelin, especially when you consider Santi Cazorla’s fitness problems and the awkward contract situations of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Mesut Ozil.

AS also claim Valencia are keeping tabs on Malaga’s Ignacio Camacho. It sounds like he might be a more suitable target.

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Hands off our Coq.

Arsene\'s zip

No poo-ometer? Cos this is total bullshit.


What do they expect us to do without a coq? Become eunuchs? How will we royally screw the fake cock on a football?


Bring forth the Poo-o-meter!


A watery 10 on this one!


Watery? I thought 10 was “a molten explosion of brown lava that scorches your hole on the way out” in Blogs’ sysem.


I wouldn’t entertain letting coq go. Even if he falls out of first choice he a good specialist who will always have a role in the squad in my opinion. Plus he qualifies for home grown which could be a struggle for us if we were to lose a couple from Wilshire, Gibbs, Walcott, ox. Also he provides a lot great coq jokes 🙂


Fake news


Alternative facts


Le Coq finds his form again, but he is still very limited in attack (I know he is DM, but to play the “Arsenal way” of football, you need someone in midfield who can do both). For next season, Arsene should go all out for CM someone like Verratti, Isco,… to bring some stability in midfield. We just cannot rely on Cazorla, Wilshere or Ramsey to stay injury free. Some young players should get a chance too in my opinion, someone like Jeff, Toral, Niles… they can add some competition and bring something different.


Bakayoko! Fabinho!


Bakayoko is on PSG’s radar according to french newspapers

David O\'lairy

Dare I say Fabregas if we were looking for a midfielder?


Isco is very much an attacking midfielder, not sure what stability hed bring.

Me So Hornsey

Real would be mental to let him go. But then, they are a bit mental when it comes to letting players go sometimes. If they go after Hazard you never know.


I can see him going if we stay with 3 at the back.


Sell him and but an upgrade.

Bould\'s Eyeliner

your spell check needs an upgrade.


Losing our manhood is not an option

Indian Gooner

I think the players who have got to be sold this summer would include Coquelin, Gibbs, Perez, Walcott and Ramsey. Walcott and Ramsey have got to go because they just haven’t been good enough. Way too inconsistent. I have had enough of waiting for them to finally come good. They are not kids anymore. With Walcott and Ramsey I can’t believe they are already at the prime of their age because I have been forever waiting for them to come good and reach their peak. I have been forever waiting for them to utilise their portential. I believe we are… Read more »


I was on the verge of losing faith in Ramsey too but he’s been nothing short of exceptional since this formation change. If we’re going to stick with it I think we’d be better off keeping him.

Indian Gooner

Ya..even was actually inclined towards having Ramsey stay. But when I started thinking about it.. Players like Ramsey and Walcott reflect the ‘The Arsenal’ of the past decade or so. Glorious on their day but overall dismal.


Dismal is a bit strong. The only thing Ramsey is guilty of in my eyes is trying too hard. He never fails to put in a shift, just attempts things that he or the team isn’t necessarily capable of. Walcott I’d have no issue losing as long as a suitable replacement was found. He’s still got a fair few goals this year. Also shifting two cm’s and bringing in only one when we’re so short already would be suicide.


One of the main reasons for the problem this season is the lack of midfield unity. THe main prpblem is th intent of the players. or the lach there of. sweeping changes are necassary if the want to secure futere prosparity. Walcott, Ramsey, Gibbs, szecney (I watch italian football and trust me he wasnt that good. Just decent And if he was really good, you know roma would like him permantalty but that isnt the case) all need to go. To get some funds I would also sell Giroud, (I actually would like him to stay but hey. he want… Read more »


Anyone think we can bring back Sagna next season?

Tasmanian Jesus

No, why?
We can go full nostalgia and bring back Sagna, Song and RvP…but I dont see the point in it.

The only useful ex-gunner I could see the point in getting would be Cesc. But I dont really think thats needed either.
Maybe…MAYBE, if Mesut were to leave.
Even then theres probably someone younger and just as good we could find.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Sagna is what, 35? Hardly a player with much future.

Uba Ngenegbo

Please give them Ramsey

David O\'lairy

Personally, I’d keep him, even if as a squad player…. I think the 3 at a back offers a level of protection on goal that affords having the likes of Xhaka and Ramsey in front. There’s several players who can dip out of the squad in the close season without adversely affecting us and reducing the wage bill in the process: Ospina (replaced by the returning Szczney) Mertesacker, Jenkinson and Debuchy (replaced by Chambers coming back) Wilshere and Sanogo (the potential isn’t looking like it will come good) Throw in a couple of more first team players leaving such as… Read more »


Indeed. Cut your losses, increase the transfer funds and lower the wagebill. All the while infusing a new way of thinking. A pretty good trade off if u ask me.

Lord Bendtner

Better not to waste the Poo-o-meter on this one
There’ll be plenty of use for the Poo-o-meter in the coming months


Looking at that picture makes me miss Santi so much 🙁

Bendtner\'s ego

“Nacho” Camacho??

Is this one of those fake news stories? Because that name sounds amazing.


All that photo does is make me miss Santi.

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