Saturday, July 27, 2024

Serge Gnabry signs for Bayern Munich

Serge Gnabry has joined Bayern Munich on a three-year deal, just 284 days after leaving Arsenal for Werder Bremen. Despite the club’s desire to keep him, the winger refused to commit to a new deal and Arsene Wenger sanctioned the sale.

The 21 year old has now moved to the Allianz Arena after triggering a clause in his contract allowing him to leave for €8 million – not that much more than he was sold for last summer.

The 21-year-old scored 11 goals in 23 Bundesliga appearances last season building on his impressive showing at the Rio Olympics.

There were suggestions last August that Bayern Munich were somehow involved in Gnabry’s move away from the Emirates.

Werder denied third-party involvement but given the inclusion of the aforementioned clause and his latest move, you sense there might well have been. Arsene Wenger hinted as much in January.

There’s no suggestion that Arsenal will benefit financially from the deal. It’s all a bit odd.

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Dick Law should call the cops. Daylight robbery


Dick is a *insert his first name* he should resign. Pathetic business

Toure motors

Dick Law and order

a different George

I am not sure why everyone thinks Arsenal was cheated–because we would have gotten more from Bayern than from Werder? Is 8 million euros really low for someone who clearly wanted to leave? Would you want to play him ahead of Ozil Sanchez, Giroud, or Wellbeck? Or Ox, or Walcott? I know some will yes, Walcott!–but does anyone honestly believe Gnabry would have scored more than Theo did this year? Gnabry is a good player, with promise. He was great in the Olympics, a junior tournament, for Germany. But Joel Campbell was great in the World Cup (not a junior… Read more »


The same Dick Law that also got Rob…Rob Holding?


Dick Law had very little to do with signing Rob Holding


Thank god, he probably would have missed the train to Bolton.


The same Dick Law who helped us land Ozil and Alexis?

Joel Campbell was a great buy for price.


Yes, the same dick law that missed his flight to Germany on transfer deadline day, that almost cost us from signing our most expensive player in our career. That dickhead. Also one of the highest paid people in his position in world football.

Anyone that defends Dick Law needs to do a bit of research.


Can you/anyone provide any decent and reliable sources or links?


The one flaw with your theory being that you’re comparing the one aspect that Walcott is really good at. Despite all the goals, it was pretty easy for Arsene to set Theo aside. Goes invisible for most of the games. He’s someone that is quite good at the end of a through ball/killer ball, and mediocre at build up play, defending, passing etc. Gnabry scores pretty frequently and also does all of the other things here much better than Theo. The biggest upside would be potential. He’s still young and has years of top level football unlike Theo.

a different George

Well, that one aspect–scoring goals–is the hardest thing to do in football. I think Walcott is a fine finisher, makes very intelligent runs that open space for other attackers, and has become a much more conscientious defender. He formed very good partnerships with Bellerin, and with Ozil/Alexis/Iwobi in terms of movement. He has, by the standards of top players, a poor first touch, is not a good ball carrier, and is poor in the air (even accounting for his height). Arsene set him aside because he does not fit naturally into our recent back-three, but neither does Gnabry (unless you… Read more »


I think he was discarded after his comments to the press about how the opposition team was obviously ”more up for it” before the game than our team. He wasn’t seen much after that pathetic attitude. 19 goals in a season doesn’t mean much if they aren’t important ones, especially when we suffer because of his lack of involvement in the game. I cant believe after 10 years at Arsenal he cant keep the ball at his feet lol its kinda scary.


Bit harsh to criticize a player for ‘just scoring goals’. They are what win games afterall.


Fair point. I don’t really have an issue about the price- we might have lost a player for nothing, so it’s money made rather than lost on a player who joined us from Stuttgart as a youth player. What I’m a bit incredulous about, is Gnabry thinking he would not have gotten ahead of our ‘wingers’, but fancying his chances playing ahead the lot that play on Bayern’s wings?


To be fair both Renato Sanches and Douglas Costa have been linked with moves elsewhere and Ancelotti clearly doesn’t rate Kingsley Coman right now. Ribery is 34 and Robben is 33.


I’m with you here. Robben, Ribery, D. Costa, koeman. Surely it’ll be easier to get in ahead of arsenals wingers??

I guess Robben and Ribery are in their 30s and he’s German and bayern is the best team in Germany. So maybe not so surprising.


In the real world, the price probably is fair, but in the parallel universe in which football exists, 8 million is a snip.


Surely this means Sanchez is staying


Ever since I heard Ian Wright say that he allegedly missed the plane when signing Ozil I can’t help but think of Inspector Clouseau everytime I hear his name.

Gooner G

He would miss dial.


what goes around comes around…..


If only it did

Mr. G

So we sold him for a paucity of a fee, with no sell-on clause whatsoever when we knew that Bayern were going to snap him up a year later.

The wizardy of our transfer/negotiations team strikes again….


someone should fire dick law or whoever that is behind our transfers.


Cause we clearly had an upper hand and could dictate the terms, right? Get a grip.


This is very fishy….but since it’s Bayern no one will raise an eyebrow


Everyone in german football have already had their eyebrows purchased by bayern in similar deals


Carlo Ancelotti’s eyebrows are raised. They always are.

Mein Bergkampf

Bayern buy eyebrows.


Some has suggested that this deal ends the purcuit of Alexis from Bayern, more importantly does this suggest that Bayern has given up on Alexis because he is set for Man Citeh?

Heavenly Chapecoense

One club buying for another….court of arbitration, please. We unknowingly bought lot of players for Man City though…lol

Kwame Ampadu Down

Football is rotten to the core but I think we need to be careful here not to assume arsenal are whiter than white. As an example, didn’t we do this exact same thing with Nelson Vivas nearly 20 years ago ?
(Except from what I remember he didn’t even go through the pretence of spending a season at the middleman clhb)

Cliff Bastin

In other news, Calum Chambers posted on instagram about destroying Rob Holding at the Golf course and I find this very comforting for some reason.


We need to being in Trump and renegociate our deals


Sounds like a good way to fuck things up

Faisal Narrage

We need to build a wall…
Especially during setpiece.


Perhaps we could get Nigel Farrage to help too

Faisal Narrage

Never heard of him.


And get Tottenham to pay for it.


Dick Law must be covfefe

donald\'s trump



I have a feeling this means Sanchez is staying.

Faisal Narrage

Lol based on what?


Obviously sanchez is staying. United have completed a deal for lindelhof


and whats that got to do with sanchez??


And they want Sanchez too ?! Screw them!
But on the other hand, there are reports in Germany that Douglas Costa and Renato Sanches could be on the way out. Wenger … ?


Imagine Renato sanches at CM. Oh lord the power.


That Costa fella gives me nightmares.

Frankenstein\'s monster

He gives me nightmares too.


If Munchen throw €100m to us, I would say adioz Sanchez


Those cheap fuckers would not throw 100m on aliens to save the Earth.


I’m not sure if it’s fair or not, but the impression one gets watching Arsenal in the transfer market is that we’re a lamb amongst sharks and completely out of our depth 🙁

Gooner Stubbs

Adebayor for £25M, Toure for £16M, Nasri for £25M. Plus we didn’t have to pay anyone a penny to take Bendtner off our hands. And look just how much we paid for Bellerin and Holding and Alexis and Santi and Giroud and Koscielny and Ramsey etc. Even in this window look how much we had to fork out for Kolasinac. Bottom line Gnabry wanted regular playing time at a time when virtually all the malcontents were screaming at Wenger to play Campbell more. No one was screaming for him to play Gnabry. Duh. And before we all get ahead of… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

Err, lots of people even at the time of his loan move questioned it, and questioned keeping him there when it was obvious that Sauruon wouldn’t play him wit his orcs. As whether he get some playtime or not isn’t the point. May be a bad move for him, but he’s still quality that I wish we could’ve somehow kept. Personally I blame the loan move. It was such an odd move to begin with. We sent a ball playing youth to man with the record of giving the least opportunities to youth in the league and is known to… Read more »


As long as football is played on land we are fine. But it looks like we are all at sea.


This deal stinks. Its clear to everyone that Bayern have been involved from the start. This is exactly one of the reasons real football fans switch off because big clubs just take the piss without sanction. Like Barca & Real transfer bans or Man city and FFP. Gnabry always knew Bayern deal was on, why else would he sign for Werder? Bayern just wanted to get him on the cheap.


I couldn’t agree more, although i don’t know how to articulate the fact that he didn’t make the cut at AFC and yet Bayern signed him, maybe it just pure business investment.


Whether or not any players make the cut we should always insist on future sales clauses etc. Gnabry when given a chance showed promise, but he hardly failed. Failed would be 25/26/27 and not really nailing down a first team place when you were once considered to be a future star..

Just ask Wilshere & Walcott.


I agree, this deal stinks bigtime. The real question to be answered is why Werder Bremen allowed a young player like Gnabry to put a release clause in his contract, one which could be activated after just one season if the player desired it. After all, Gnabry was supposedly joining them to obtain the playing time that, for whatever reason, he couldn’t get at Arsenal. So on the surface, it makes no sense whatsoever for Werder Bremen to agree to such a clause, unless dark forces were at work behind the scenes. The other thing is that it looks like… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

The logical reason then is that Bayern probably knew we wouldn’t sell to them, so basically gave the money to Bremen to buy Gnabry.

They probably gave money for his wages, and thus Bremen got him for free for a year.

Whole thing stinks.

not so fed up

They Bayern b#tches!! Not to impressed with the rat serge!!!


What I don’t understand is why it’s been done like this?why didn’t bayern just buy him outright last year?

Neither Wenger In or Out

1 year of contract left, and we sold him for 5m to WB. If it was BM we would have asked for 15m pounds, and Serge’s story of ‘I want more game time’ wouldn’t have flown.

Looks dodgy. Certainly that BM had chatted to Serge.


Really no need to insult the player who didn’t get palying time when he was fit at Arsenal. He is deffo not a rat. He is neither in control of Bayerns suspicious financing.


It smelt fishy last August when he left and so it’s proved. It may not be illegal what’s happened but it’s hardly ethical.

For him to be sold for the same money as what we recieved despite the season he has had shows collaboration between the clubs.


Sanchez going to Werder Bremen then?


That ol saying ‘if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck its a fucking duck!’ rings true here. Clearly Bayern have had a hand in it the slimey fucks. Fucking Arsenal up again and again and again. And I still hate that dutch fucker Robben.


What a surprise


The guy who basically didn’t get a single chance at fucking West Brom signs for Bayern Munich only a year and a half later. Football.

Always liked Gnabry, hope he succeedes. I’m pretty sure he would’ve stayed with us if he or Werder Bremen hadn’t had some sort of agreement with Bayern or whatever.

Dan Hunter

Fuck him… I don’t know about you but I hope he rots on the bench and begs to come back but we tell him to fuck off to Sunderland


This. Ungrateful cunt. Hope he rots on the bench and never make it.

Indian Gooner

This was all pre-planned. We all knew this was going to happen as soon as he left. Bayern Munich with all due respect are an extremely cringe worthy and a not very likeable club.. especially when it comes down to the way they conduct their transfers.
Sick Bastards.

Corona X

What due respect? The only thing those wankers are due is a big turd!


Bayern mafia is more like it.


If we sell Alexis to Bayern, Dick Law , Ivan and Arsene are lambs. Serge “the rat” Gnabry no good luck to you. He used our beloved club as a stepping stone. It is now clear, he had no intentions of repaying the club’s faith in him. Fuck off you and Bayern.

Faisal Narrage

Grow up. Not everything is as black a day white as it seems.
You talk as if we didnt take him from Stuttgart. I’m sure you weren’t calling him a rat and using Stuttgart as a stepping stone when we got him, dnt be a hypocrite.

Besides, we had a hand in missing this up to. The WBA loan and also letting him wind down his contract. Granted we robably delayed due to his injuries, but considering we extended Diaby and Jack’s contract underground similar situations shows we are capable of doing so.

It’s not that black and white


The WBA loan was stupid, but he had been injured and then fat, and yet at the first sign of form from him he immediately decides he wants to jump ship from the club who have developed him and paid his wages, without repaying them at all on the pitch. He could at least have stayed a year and fought to get in the team. It’s not at all clear he wouldn’t have been given the chance. Plenty of time to go to Bayern or wherever in the future. It was pretty classless behavior, that one bad loan at West… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

“The club that developed him and page his wages”

Did that bother you when we got him for cheap then?

nimble foot

Fuckity, muckity, fuck wickitey. .. The little fucker
We were not wrong to wait to see how he progressed after an injury were we? No!
After years of extending contracts of injured players and getting fuck all from them performance wise, the smart thing to do was to wait and see if he kicks on. Hell we’d all have been up in arms if his contract was renewed while he was fucking around the physio room.

Faisal Narrage

If Arsenal suspected shenanigans, they should’ve put some kind of sell on clause, particularly for if he moves to any German club (Bayern). I dunno, I just think a savage a club we are woefully inept in the market and negotiations. – Our player sales is really poor compared t the top 6 (we used to be good at it) – We let contracts run down to the final year too regularly – We do too many loan deals – we seldom make a decent profit on player sales compared to the rest now, especially considering inflation (should be selling… Read more »

Gooner Stubbs

There’s so much wrong here. 1. Unless either of us are fully versed in player contract law AND have the contracts in front of us we both know diddly squat. 2. Name one player whose contract we’ve let run down, that we’ve wanted to keep, and who’s fucked off on a Bosman? 3. We don’t do too many loan deals. We, unlike – say, Chelsea, nurture them through the youth system before bringing them back to play in the cups and eventually allowing them to compete for a first team place. If, that is, they’re worthy. Let’s face it Gnabry… Read more »


how is he gonna get regular playing time at Bayern when he couldn’t at Arsenal?

Heavenly Chapecoense

He will spend one year with virtually no playing time but that seems acceptable to players when they leave Arsenal. I thing he was bought to allow them to phase out old guys like Ribery and Robbens.


Sending him on loan to West Brom was a stupid choice. He waded a year there and it looks like he lost faith in our ability to develop him.

Hoppalong Gabriel

Complete con job, Why would any club have a release clause for the same amount a player was bought for? Has to be collusion in this instance between the two clubs. And why could we not have negotiated a sell-on fee, like lots of other clubs do? Say we’re being laughed at in Munich.


€5mill for a player with less than 12months remaining on his deal with his injury record isn’t exactly bad.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Bayern loaned him back out.


It’s bad if the player has all the attributes to be a big star.


I hope he and his big fat arse are both very happy at Bayern.


Although the latter physiological feature may require them to ensure the footings for the bench are strengthened.


Perhaps a fat arse is some kind of advantage in football, like a low centre of gravity


Short legs and a fat arse = next Maradona


if by “odd” you, mean “highly questionable” from a collusion stand point, then yes, it’s very odd. You would think that Bundesliga sides would make Munich pay a premium, but this appears rather cut rate.

The absence of a sell-on clause is interesting. Thought that might be standard fare for a player of his age.

nimble foot

Fuck Bayern
This is a fucking 5-1 job
Fucking cheap fuckers

The Fosterkid

I don’t know why he’s being called a rat. Its not like he negotiated the deal is it? I wish Serge all the best. I don’t blame him for leaving Arsenal-loaned out to West Brom with that cunt Pulis in charge. How was that going to benefit him? Even if he stayed and signed a contract the regular favourites would be in the starting 11 ahead of him, no matter how badly they were playing.Just look at Lucas if you want an example. Before you start abusing players look at our manager and the way players like Lucas and Campbell… Read more »

The Limp Bar

We thought it at the time he left, that filthy outfit Bayern’s grubby fingers were all over that deal.

Determined Culture

Remember speaking to some german friends. Apparently bayern is a club that not many in Germany like cos they go around buying up all the competition’s star players and then go on to run away with the league (look what they did to Dortmund).
I dislike Bagern.


Maybe this might satiate Bayern’s need to rejuvenate their wide positions and make it easier for us to play hard ball with Alexis….just maybe.

There are other options in market for Munich in Greizzman too.


We SHOULD have kept Gnabry but if a player wants to leave, there isn’t much we can do. Logically, it would have been good to have him supercede Walcott last season but like Opsina he is impatient for regular football particularly ahead of the Wcup. Which is why it will be hard to keep Lucas and even Joel Campbell. Probably not Elneny sadly who is a mediocre player. His advantage is a willing pair of lungs and the fact he is content to come off the bench for us which likely means he may be kept on the periphery. Simply… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

What is it with you and Elneny?
This thread has nothing to do with him yet you still feel the need to have a pop.

Rohith J

We better get 15 m for Gibbs from Newcastle. They have all that Sissoko money from spurs.

An Ox-sized Coq

Sanogo has more appearances than Gnabry for Arsenal.


Bayern up to their normal sneaky tricks, dunno why it surprises anyone. They are the worst club in world football in terms of how they handle transfers, worse even than RM and Barca. Constantly sign their domestic rivals’ best players. Always on the look out for some way to cheat somebody like this.

Basically, they’re just huge wankers.


If you think what Sane went for. This is daylight fucking robbery.

Naija Gunner

What did they see in Serge Gnabry that Arsene didn’t see? I do hope this won’t hurt us or make us regret his sale!!! ?


Not sure what the fuss and interest is in Gnabry anymore. A player that used to play for us, but was more often injured or on loan. He didn’t want to stay and still has not proved himself conclusively. Let’s see if he makes their team.

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