Saturday, July 27, 2024

Agent: Deportivo made offer for Lucas last week

Deportivo La Coruna have made Arsenal an offer for Lucas Perez, according to the player’s representative.

The 28-year-old, who last week spoke of his annoyance that Alexandre Lacazette has taken his number 9 shirt, is almost certain to leave the Emirates this summer after a frustrating 12 months.

With a World Cup on the horizon, Lucas has made it very clear he’d like to re-sign for his hometown club from whom he joined the Gunners for £17 million last August.

“We have talked to everyone,” revealed his agent Rodrigo Fernandez Lovelle told the Press Association. 

“Arsenal know we want to go, that there are no opportunities here, and within a year there is a World Cup. Would you not be angry and sad and upset if you had your squad number taken without being asked?”

He added: “Deportivo made an offer a week ago. It is a permanent deal and worth more than Nolito’s move to Sevilla. Of course [he was told he would play more].

“Lucas signed for Arsenal and was the happiest person in the world and with all of his dreams to fulfil. We have seen that every time he played he did well, but after every time he got fewer and fewer opportunities.”

Nolito moved to Sevilla from Manchester City for a fee thought to be around €9 million, no doubt the Gunners will be hoping for a fair bit more than that given their initial outlay for Lucas.

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Disgraceful treatment of a player by our club. I would love to find out what really happened before pointing fingers, but it seems that Perez was a panic buy who was then poorly neglected.
Imagine going from the most important player at your team to having your squad number taken.


The squad number was taken away from him after he made it very clear, publicly, that he wants to leave. So what’s the fu**in problem. And he was told about it. They just haven’t asked him. If you go to your employer and tell him you want to go are you then also mad when your employer gives your office seat to someone else? The only disgraceful thing about it is how a complete cunt of an agent has managed to make the majority of Arsenal fans feel sorry for him. He would have played more if he wouldn’t have… Read more »

Tom Gun

Thank you. Some sense about Lucas! Yes he looked okay when he played but, let’s be honest, he’s no world beater. He chose to leave his so-called beloved club and got a much improved contract, salary and signing on fee (and I’m sure the agent’s fee was pretty good too). He didn’t prove himself and is now whining like a little bitch. Perhaps he and his agent should moan to Deportivo about them only willing to pay half of what they happily charged for him 12 months ago. Tell them to cough up, or fight for your place and shut… Read more »


He didn’t get the chance to prove himself. How do you now how good he really is ? How would any player feel sitting constantly on the bench or not even in the squad after looking positive when he played.


Facts don’t matter to some when they feel their messiah Wenger is being slighted…


I disagree, every time he came on he looked like a very decent player and in my eyes always showed he deserved more playing time. And who knows what was promised to him about playing time? Maybe he was told and then rightly expected he would play more and then never did! Why leave your boyhood club without any guarantees? I don’t know. I too would be like ‘get me the fuck out of here!’. And there’s only a few world beaters out there, and they cost Arab money. Personally I would have played him a whole lot more, and… Read more »


Many of our fans behaving like Chelsea fans I am afraid. Lucas was poorly managed (if not poorly treated). There’s no need for fans to justify what happened with him. It’s in best interest if Arsenal donot hold too much on him due to transfer cost. Good luck to Lucas.

Tom Gun

To me it doesn’t matter about what was or wasn’t promised to him re. playing time. No-one should be promised that. You should prove yourself day in day out in training and with your attitude. A healthy squad mentality is where there is competition for places and no Bergkamp-given right to a starting berth. It is clear that IN TRAINING he did not prove himself to Wenger and the coaching team.


Well then the blame for spending millions to acquire him must reside with Wenger. Once again another transfer market failure.

Ponsonby Gooner

I sort of agree with this. None of us really know what goes on behind the scenes and for all we know he didn’t really fit in with the other players. A lot more goes on than the 90mins of football we get to see.


Rubbish ! He was treated appallingly. He looked good and positive when given the chance even scoring a hat trick on his debut in Champions League. He had every right to be dissatisfied with his treatment.


Little girls whine way less then professional footballers, let’s not insult little girls by comparing the two.


Couldn’t agree more. Sounds like a little bitch decided to throw a strop because daddy didn’t give him what he wanted. Sell him dirt cheap to Stoke, and pay Shawcross to break his bald face.

Also I apologise for the aggression I’ve had a long day doing nothing and love taking my frustrations out on demented, overpaid footballers.


He’s looked pretty useful and I’d like to see more of what he can do. But he’s no world beater at the moment, he came in as a second tier striker and he’ll have to wait for his chance. I don’t suppose he was promised anything different by the club, he’s being well paid, so he should shut up and get on with what he’s being paid for which is stay fit and be ready to take your chances when then come, which they will. As for getting his agent to start loudly demanding he be sold for half of… Read more »


I think he wants to play for his country in Russia. From my experience though, if you’re not a Barcelona or RM player, you should give up.


Why? Were you once on the cusp of getting into the Spain squad but didn’t get in because you played for someone other than FCB or RM?


What really happened is that his good showings came in insignificant matches and against poor teams.
His defensive work rate wasn’t up to scratch and we already have three forwards of the same caliber, one who offers something different and two who are English.


Well he wasn’t given the chance to
Play in important games so we will never know. Why should being English be an advantage ? If he was the same caliber why wasn’t he given equal chances ?


At this point I’d tell this stupid agent that if he talk shit one more time Lucas won’t be sold. So go out there and do what you gotta do to raise the money but we won’t sell this player to Deportivo for half what we paid them just past year! The worst part is he’s acting like we’ve received an unbelievable offer but we’re just being greedy. I don’t care how Lucas was treated at this point, the simple fact is he is under contract at Arsenal and all the power is with the club not with him, so… Read more »

Don Cazorleone

Unfortunately when you don’t use players their value decreases. Otherwise, stellar business-plan.

Stuck on repeat...

So you’re saying it’s better for Arsenal to keep him on the wage books & not play him? As “all the power is with the club”?

It’s AW decision not to use him, no one elses. When a player doesn’t get game time their value decreases. Pure stupidity to take a stance of “Hey we don’t want him or need him; but we want the same value as what we originally paid for him”.

Just sell him & let’s all move on.

My Wig smells cheesy

His agent sounds like amoabing bitch. Fuck them both. They are them. We are the arsenal

My Wig smells cheesy

James- you already pointed your finger when you accused our club of disgraceful behaviour


Sometimes Arsenals reluctance to sort things out on time tends to attract some bit of negativity. We already know we going to sell him at a loss, why dont we just get it over with and allow him prepare with his new team.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Did Wenger tell Perez they won’t be any competition when Welbeck is back? That’s why it is totally unfair. Plus, if he has much less quality than Welbeck (as per Wenger’s actions) he is not worth more than 10 millions.


Not much of that makes any sense.

Tom Gun

And throw away several million pounds? For what? To stop you having to read stories in the press about him wanting to leave? Come on! This so-called negativity affects who exactly?


How long are we willing to needlessly throw away wages, then? Contracted to 2020 @ £70k/wk. Depor apparently offered Perez a 10 year deal. We’re never going to get remotely close to considering something like that. Let the lad go play football.


It affects the team (I am sure if Wenger had made known his contract position earlier, we might have had a better season end). It’s a few weeks to the new season, most teams have their in and outs sorted out. Why exactly are we stalling? In a few weeks time the focus should be on the football pitch and not sorting out player transfers.

Andy Mack

I’m pretty certain most teams don’t have their ‘Ins and Outs’ sorted at all. There’ll be more movement from most teams (not necessarily a lot for any one team but all will sell or loan out and/or buy in).


Totally agree, now is not the time to play hardball over two mill.


Well its getting very boring… Maybe he was treated wrong, but come on, every day a story is coming up from the agent, or the player himself about how he wants to go. If we boght him for 17M, then Depor should cough up at least 12-14M, it is still a very fair price. Moaning will not help i guess. If he is so good as he describes himself, why there isnt at least one club that is willing to offer for him above 10M? If he just wants to play, then not only Depor can offer him minutes. We… Read more »

Don Cazorleone

Nothing to do with his skill, other clubs simply don’t need to offer more because they know he wants to leave.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Why did Arsenal sold Henry price? Isn’t that they did not want to get on his way ?


You can’t force the decision by crying about it and expect Arsenal to get a significant drop in price. Everyone is lamenting that we let go players for cheap and here everyone wants to take a significant loss when someone starts to take things publicly.


Better in the long run to take a hit and free up money for wages.
There’s no way we get close to what we paid back.


“Lucas signed for Arsenal and was the happiest person in the world and with all of his dreams to fulfil.”
And then, after 3 months, of which he has been injured for at least 4 weeks, he went public and told everyone that he wants to leave. He really fought hard for his dream.


Rubbish he was never given a chance when he was fit. Stop rewriting history. He never complained until end of season

And now this.

He made complaints about not playing enough in January while he was injured. Maybe you need to take more notice rather than change the narrative to suit what you thinkis the truth. He was also injured for 80+ days not sure how an injured player gets more chances?


He wasn’t injured after scoring a hat trick on his debut in Champions League and on other numerous occasions. The complaints came from his agent and not from the player himself. He was treated appallingly.

Spanish Gooner

To be honest I don’t think what we paid should come into our thinking, because we overpaid and made a mistake. £10-12 million is worth more to us than an unhappy player using space and wages is, so that makes it a fair price


I like Perez as a player.
I like Joel Campbell too.
But circumstances have occurred that make them both a mis-fit for the team.
Nothing personal. This is a business.

Deportivo is Perez’s home-town club.
In this case Perez is not being well-served by his agent.
AFC could decide to ship him to Minsk– if either don’t shut-up.


Andy Mack

He wouldn’t go to Minsk unless he wanted to.

Terry Henry

I don’t think it would be a massive shame if we keep him. You never know, he may come in useful. Although it has gone quiet on the selling of Giroud front, so probably unlikely. Surprised there’s no PL interest for Perez.. surely he would be a good signing for someone like Swansea, Newcastle etc.. I am happy for AFC to hold out of a semi-decent fee from somewhere. Depotivo’s shitty offer, and gobby agent can fek off

Godfrey Twatsloch

Maybe Giroud accepted that while being on the wrong side of 30 means less starting positions but still on 100 grand a week as a guaranteed sub every game at a top PL club isn’t a bad place to be.


And he’ll get plenty of time to keep himself in the France squad so I doubt there are worries with that.

Andy Mack

If he hadn’t already lost his shirt number then I’d agree but I think he must have burnt his bridges with the club already for them to have done that.

Mesut O\'Neill

Arsenal are haggling for a couple of million over the Perez & Gibbs transfers & yet are willing to let Sanchez walk away for nothing!!

Makes no business sense whatsoever


I guess because their sums suggest that Arsenal have more chance of getting a champions league spot if Alexis is in the team than Gibbs or Lucas

Sanchez\' favourite dog

Listen, I understand why he wants to go, and why he isn’t happy, but this is getting really annoying. You are a millionaire, living in one of the greatest cities in the world and part of a great club. I understand and sympathies that you want to go and play more, but you are not a victim.

You signed a lucrative contract,and I get why you want to leave but don’t throw a tantrum like this. It’s unworthy


On one ✋ fans want Lacazette, Lemar & Mbappe to sign though they’re all valued at inflated rates. On the other ✋ we wanted the club to give Lucas, Gnabry, Chris Willock more minutes so that they stayed. All this while not losing Sanchez, Giroud or Ozil…


We need to get Seri _ Lemar and top class central defender


I think we will want about 10-12m.

We should have used Lucas more but at this point, it is best for him to find opportunity away from us.

If we can’t sell on an agreed price, most likely a loan back.


Wasn’t he injured for most of the last 3-4 months of the season?


He needs to go. Too many players are surplus to requirement.The need to balance a squad of 25!


I found his haircut far too severe to mesh well with the well above average hair-dos of the rest of the squad.

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