Saturday, July 27, 2024

L’Equipe: PSG back in for Alexis Sanchez

According to Le Parisien and L’Equipe, Paris Saint Germain are set to revive their interest in Alexis Sanchez.

The French club would prefer to sign Neymar or Kylian Mbappe, however, with Barcelona and Monaco refusing to play ball, they are keeping their options open.

The Chile international was linked with a move to the Parc des Princes earlier in the year but little came of the initial speculation.

It’s now suggested that with Bayern Munich ruling themselves out of the race, and Arsenal unwilling to sell to Manchester City, that the striker, who recently underlined his eagerness to play Champions League football, could be tempted by a move to the French capital.

Arsene Wenger has repeatedly said he doesn’t wish to sell his star man this summer but with Sanchez entering the final 12 months of his contract and so far rejecting terms on a two-year, £300,000 a week offer, he could be tempted to cash in.

Neither report mentions a potential fee. Meanwhile, Alexis is still on holiday in his homeland.

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Give us Draxler+Rabiot and you can have Alexis.
Otherwise you can fu*k right off


They can keep Draxler and Rabiot, and can still fuck off.

We should hold Alexis to his contract.

Mein Bergkampf

I’m guessing Wenger will be pretty keen to sell to an overseas club and if they offer anywhere in the region of 50m, we’d be foolish not to seriously consider it. Thing is, with Sanchez’s head apparently turned by Pep and Citeh, will he stubbornly decide to see out his contract to get the move he wants? He’s a pretty petulant dude, wouldn’t surprise me if he made life as difficult for us as we are for him.

A Gorilla

Letting him go to city for free is infinitely worse than selling him to PSG for 50million


Not if he’s helped us back into the CL and to a Europa league title in the meantime (I’m not so silly as to mention the title). He’ll be almost 30 next summer.


IF we use the money to bring in genuinely exciting replacements now, then I’m also fine with that. But will we?

David C

Agreed, 50 million from PSG and we should do the deal if he’s not going to re-sign. Keep Giroud, rotate Laca into the Sanchez role and purchase a solid midfielder with the money.


Wenger is a pretty petulant dude, IMO, before Alexis. He brought us into this situation with our star player and if we do lose him, it is on Wenger’s head.

A different George

It is possible this report is true, because if you invent every possible transfer, one is bound to occur. But is this report based on any actual information? Shouldn’t we be a bit skeptical when we read that PSG’s first choice is Neymar? But, surprisingly, Barca seem uninterested in selling him.

Bendtner\'s Ego

Wait till PSG draw Tottenham for group stage and then sell Alexis to PSG on the next day.

Done. Sorted.


They can have him at the right price as long as we replace him and don’t just pocket the cash. Is it just me or would someone like to see a Cazorla replacement brought in?


to suffer.


Sell him to them and use the money to get lemar, would rather he goes to psg then city


Yup, we can’t afford to let a player go for free. It sounds harsh, but it’s a fact. The likes of Chelsea, Man Utd and Man City can go players for outrageous fees and wages, have them flop, and then go out and buy some more of the same, but we can’t. We don’t have a bottomless pit of money, and it’s against Wenger’s ethos to. Even if we DID let him go for free after holding him to the last year of his contract, what stops him from going to Man City or Chelsea or Man Utd? I’d rather… Read more »


We have the 7th highest revenue stream in world football. We have low manageable debt. Our wage bill isn’t too dissimilar from clubs who compete regularly for the PL and clubs in Europe who compete regularly in latter stages of the CL. We have two billionaire owners worth a combined $20billion+ It’s absolute nonsense that we can’t compete, it’s more like we’ve refused to compete and that’s why we are now where we are. Arsenal are a massive club, but we’re seen as second rate because we’ve acted second rate. Unfortunately it’s taken us to miss out on CL revenue… Read more »


Which is why, and I have said this many times only to be called ridiculous, it is good for us to be out of the CL for one season. The club are forced into action, and as painful as it is for some (not for me personally, the CL bores me as an Arsenal fan currently), if we play youth in the EL group stages we can have a proper go at the league.


Jdog, I fully agree with you, although I don’t think much will happen (they will not be forced into action as you write), because Wenger himself does not see us being 5th and out of the CL as a big deal. The owner gave him a new deal so he also agrees. Wenger said himself that we will now maybe start to appreciate all these years in the CL, when we are out. Shameless.


Gooner, all excuses for Wenger’s incompetence. We can afford to keep a top5 player (attacker) in the world, and we should, as long as we can. Maybe a miracle happens and he signs along the way, if not, at least we had him for another year.

SB Still

If all those 3 transfers happen (outgoing to PSG and specifically the players you have), I would be very happy.

Alexis anyway is going (this year or next). Getting Lemar plus the Schalke German, may actually improve our team, once they have settled in, which of course will take time but all of them are young enough to give us a stable platform for years


would be great if psg says to us to first go and buy lemar for 80m and weaken our rival and we in turn will buy sanchez from u for 75m


I’d rather keep him, and gamble with potentially losing him to city, with a view to convince him to stay on over the course of the year. It could indeed be Man C who miss out on top 4 next year, you just never know.
I cant see us buying any replacement of similar ilk.


It’s not just City we have to watch. If United or Chelsea could get him on a free you know they’ll go for it. I’m 100% on not selling him to a PL club, no way can that be allowed to happen. But if we can move him to PSG? And get a really top player or two from them in exchange? We’d have players who want to be here, on longer contracts and we’d go into the season with some clarity. Ideally we’d get Alexis to sign on, but if that’s not possible? Then we need to realise we… Read more »


Would they give us a top player in exchange? Doubt it. More likely that they just give us 50m, and we struggle to spend it to get us someone we could use.


That’s assuming he gives his 100% during the entire season and maintaining harmony with other players but you never know. There was a period last season when he seemed toxic and affecting other players’ confidence and I don’t want to risk it. You could end up losing 50M, Champions League again and finally strengthen a direct rival next season for free! So while I like to hope for the best I still would like to plan for the worst and sell him to PSG if they come calling – even if it’s not 50M.


GunnAlex, fully agree with you. That would require some balls from the manager (which he does not have).


And you sure have balls. All the way from the arse to out your mouth.


Sell walcott, Sanchez + some quid for Draxler, buy lemar..

My wig smells cheesy

I don’t think Draxler is all that. Get at least £70m from psg for Alexis- his motivation isn’t with arsenal so let him fuck off there and we can move on. I’m sick of this cloud hanging over the club. If I thinks he can win the champions league with anyone one other than Barca, Madrid or Bayern then he’s gambling big time. It’s all money ? for him imo. He could of been a legend for us, won the league, a few fa cups and a clubs fan base that would love him forever. Instead he wants to be… Read more »


Well said.


Sorry You lost me at..
“I don’t think Draxler is all that’


My wig, a load of bollocks IMO. Alexis saw, after 3 years with us that we are going nowhere with Wenger (in terms of ambition, titles etc), instead we are becoming worse and he wants to leave. He can get big money anywhere (also with Arsenal), but it is more about ambition. Look at his reactions during the 10-2 spanking by Bayern, we were humiliated. Also other stupid defeats that did not have to happen if we just showed up. Some of the players mostly don’t show up and he always does, even with injuries he is a menace. I… Read more »


You make some good points in general, but I really don’t think it’s about money. This is a guy that plays like his life depends on it, the guy leaves his soul out on the pitch. I truly believe this is more to do with team mates that lack his talent and effort, in many cases.

Finlay Danaher

Not the best outcome, but 100% better than selling him to City. I can’t see how the board could get away with selling him to City, that would just create a toxic atmosphere from the very start and pretty much solidifying our status as a Europa league standard PM team. He seems desperate to go, so I would imagine arsenal will give Paris a pretty good price in comparison to City. I say sell him and get a few new players to replace him early. None of this waiting until the end of the window and already be 5-6 points… Read more »


Better throw in a sell-on clause that applies only if PSG sells Alexis to another EPL club as well.


Either keep him or sell him to PSG.

But if we sell the money MUST be reinvested.


Getting rid of a player who doesn’t want to play for us would be LANS by itself. Investing in a new player who wants to play for us would be a bonus.


If he has to go, then I much rather he goes to a team abroad, even if it’s for less money than man city are supposedly offering.

Add a sell on clause that will deter any premier league from bringing him back half way through the season and end the drama.


It would be madness to keep him for one more year if he wont sign a new contract just to go for free to Chelsea or Man City. If PSG will make an offer, Wenger should drive Sanchez to the airport himself.


Fuck driving him to the airport. Book a taxi for him to St Pancras perhaps.


If we absolutely do have to sell him, PSG would be the ideal club to sell him to.

We could probably get a good price for him and avoid selling him to our domestic rivals.

I would no doubt prefer him to sign a new deal and stay but if we do have to sell him I’d rather prefer PSG than Manchester city.


This could finally be it if you ask me.

Give us something in region of 50-60M£ and sell. Reinvest in lemar or mahrez.

He is money grabbing prick after all…

He could have gone to bayern if he only wanted champions league football. With 300k wages (which is aprox twice the amount he earns at Arsenal) and his dear friend Vidal (same agent as sanchez).
But he will end up at paris with 400k a week with slightly lower chance of winning CL actually.


He’ll be fine 🙂
Other reports say City are going to hold on to Aguero for now, so those could be connected. I guess when he’s back it will clear out. I don’t care anymore what exactly happens as long as it happens quick so there can be an adequate response (yeah, yeah I know). No last minute sales and panic buys please.

Le Jaded Handbreak

If he pisses off to France, I would still dislike the petulant little shite, but I wouldn’t hate him. Light blue only suits cunts like adebayor and nasri. I’d like to hold Alexis in higher regard than that. Because it’s true, he has given the club something.
More than the likes of rvp fabregas nasri adebayor sagna clichy could ever say.


I.m pretty sure all the players u mention contributed significantly when they were with us

Le Jaded Handbreak

Let me check the infamous records under the “pretty sure” category.
Ah it clearly states under sections 2005-2013 (with above stated players) that we’d won the the highly regarded medal of fuck-all.

Yankee Gooner

Probably an unpopular opinion but (for the sake of this discussion) I’d rate RVP 2011/12 (minus contract drama) over Alexis. When no one else had double digit goals, RVP carried the team for the entire season. Of course his peak was brief and he acted like a massive ass, but his form that season seemed more irreplaceable than what Alexis offers.


I agree. He also didn’t give the ball away every 5 seconds or throw strops when substituted. There is a fine line between being a winner and a petulant child.

Le Jaded Handbreak

On their best days, I would undoubtedly choose RVP in my side if I had to choose between him and Sanchez. The argument is that, his only real contributing season had for us was another CL participation trophy. He then derserted us after 8 odd years of stroking his clitoris on the injury tables.
Alexis grinded and brought some glory to go along with it.
Who do I rate more? RVP
Who do I hate more? RVP


Sagna was a key member of the team who won the FA Cup before he left that summer


Let them give us Rabiot and some £35-40 for Sanchez then we make the money up to buy Lemar or Mahrez.

Bon Jello

Veratti, straight swap ?


This. No way they give us Draxler, by they might just consider Rabiot.


Potentially the best news we’re gonna get on Alexis this summer. I have to admit to being more keen for a resolution this summer, even if that means selling, rather than letting this drag on throughout the whole season (which will be inevitable if we force him to stay). PSG are the perfect option to sell to – but we will have to reinvest adequately in the squad, something I suspect will prove equally as frustrating to Arsenal fans as keeping Alexis anyway…


With all these speculations and rumours, I see fans turning on Alexis if he stays without extending his contract as offered. It means any time he loses the ball and it results to a goal his commitment will be questioned. His body language will be continuously dissected every minute of every match. I hope his skin will be thick enough to withstand all that. I think the club has done very well in handling this rather unfortunate situation. We’ve offered him an excellent contract, are seriously building a formidable team which should have us competing seriously. We even changed tactics… Read more »


That’s the sad thing about the whole story. Like someone said above, he could have stayed and helped us go for she PL, won some more FA cups on more than twice the money he’s on now and he would have become an Arsenal legend. Revered by all and a lifetime relationship with the club and it’s fans. All he’ll get from here on is suspicion, dislike and probably even outright hatred. I hope he feels it’s worth it.


With only a year left on his contract, we will not get a large enough amount of cash that would enable us to replace him with a WC player. We are close now to having a challenging squad- let’s not go backwards. Finding a replacement(s) for him as well as getting the rest of our business done is too big a task I feel. If he wins us the league or at least helps us into the top four, that makes the club 30 mill or whatever the fee is. I think that softens the blow of letting him leave… Read more »


“The French club would prefer to sign Neymar or Kylian Mbappe, however, with Barcelona and Monaco refusing to play ball, they are keeping their options open.” Sounds like me when I was 16 and playing Football Manager for the first time. We shouldn’t sell Sanchez, let’s use his qualities during his last year to help us get where we want. Ideally winning the league, alternatively the Europa League (or both…). This would not only mean great sporting success but also a substantial sum of prize money which would help offset the loss of Sanchez going on a free. In any… Read more »

Ex-Priest Tobin

If he wants to go I think we should let him, as long as it’s to a foreign club. He’s been let down by the incompetence of Arsenal’s management, who have failed to match his ambitions.


If he goes to PSG he will be at city next season anyways. PSG will be a sideways step for him to get to his ultimate goal. Arsenal, if they know he will never sign a new contract, need to cash in and offload him. He is irreplacable but he could break a leg next month and be fucked for the rest of the year anyways. Get the money now and throw it on top of the pile the club was gunna pay for Mbappe, and go get Mbappe. With the new signings already, add Mbappe to the mix and… Read more »


Best thing that could happen I would even let him go for 40 mil. I don’t like him.

uncle D

Maybe the man is tired of the British media! I think he has shown it time after time his a top top level player with ambition and his 28, that is about 4 seasons left in those legs at the top level. Let’s see what happens before the season. Arsenal and Wenger have the experience. Arsenal will still be there after Sanchez retires. COYG!!!


Considering the optics of selling to a rival, the club cannot sell him to City (who by signing Walker for over £50million shot themselves in the foot. Final year of contract or not, Sanchez is twice the player Walker is). He has to go abroad, and all that money immediately reinvested into the squad. I think if PSG want him, we should take a player of theirs in response, Rabiot or Draxler would be good additions to the team. If no foreign club comes for him, we should make him see out his contract. I know it is a loss… Read more »

not so fed up

I really hope this is true as getting some money for him but not selling to a premier league rival would be great

Michael Bolton Wanderers

So they have Alexis as third choice…

Rwandan Gunner

Tell me whatever you want, but honestly swapping Arsenal to PSG from footballing point if view, it doesnt make sense. Arsenal is an icon, a dynasty with history and class. I just advise Sanchez to sign the contract and help revive our ambitions which are evident to day at least, and come back into Chambions league next season which is now a must

David Hillier\'s luggage

I would much rather sell to them over City, however I suspect Sanchez is more of a bargaining tool for PSG to goad Neymar and for Alexis’ agent to bump up his potential wages at City than any actual transfer interest. 🙁

Terry Henry

It crossed my mind whilst listening to Arsecast yesterday, that Atletico Madrid could be a potential suiter in January… Could this be a good option? I.e. we get half a season out of him and although he would probably go for something closer to the £30m tag in Jan, it would mean we wouldn’t lose him on a free at the end of the season to a potential PL rival.


A bit de-stabilizing though. Doubt AM would pay his wages and getting a replacement is harder in Jan.


He pretty much said he doesn’t want to be a gunner anymore. If PSG wants him, let him go.

Man Manny

Sell him to PSG asap at a good price. His attitude has been toxic and bad for team spirit from the second part of last season when our performances dipped. If they can pay £50m for David Luis, who knows what they’d be willing to part with. Get the money; get Thomas Lemar; get one more midfielder in the mould of Cazorla (no name comes to mind really), and we are good to go. My thinking really.


Funny that he would actually consider PSG. Finished second in their CL group stage behind a certain red and white clad opponent while suffering an embarrasing (even by our standards) crash out of the tournament thanks to Barca. (and maybe with a little help from the refs) If he does indeed sign with them it will show plain and simple that it’s not just about playing CL football as I would say we have a better chance of hoisting that trophy than they do. I’d have to say if he doesn’t get his preferred move to City this window then… Read more »

Ozils Childhood Friend

Time to cash on him, Can’t let negativity ruin a potential difficult start to the season. Get a good price for him and invest in equally if not better players.


i doubt he would really want to go there, as a league it’s a major step down and psg still managed to lose a one-horse race last year. Come on alexis you’re better than that


Apparently he’s on £140k per week, so if he sees out his contract he will effectively lose out on an additional £8.3m in gross salary over the next 12 months.
Of course he would then get a massive signing on fee but he’ll be nearing 30 and he’ll have taken on the risk of serious injury in the last few months of his contract.
Everyone mentions the risk to us of losing him for nothing but a 5 year contract at £300k a week is worth £78m! Would you risk getting Shawcrossed with that on the table?

John C

He’s not going to risk getting Shawcrossed though is he, he’ll half arse his last season and we’ll lose ten’s of millions of pounds out of pettiness.


I’m tired of this. He obviously wants to leave and feels he will do better somewhere else. Sell him and let’s rebuild with Lemar at his position. Let’s get it over with. It’s obvious Wenger is trying his best to keep him and so if he ends up leaving it’s really not Wenger or Arsenal’s fault. I honestly think for a player like Alexis, those defeats we suffered to Bayern spoke volumes about how far behind we are from the world’s best clubs. It unnerved me to no end and I wasn’t even on the pitch. So I can imagine… Read more »

not so fed up

Question is how does our squad line up and if sanchez left what would need to be done? Reading up about lemar you can see why Wenger is interested and, at 21, would be worth the investment!!!

not so fed up

Gk: Chec and ospina (should be shez)
LCB: Kos or holding
CCB: Mert or mustafi
RCB: Gab or chambers

LWB: Nacho or kolisinac
DCM: Xhaxa or coq
ACM: Ramsey or ozil
RWB: Bellarin or Ox

LS: Sanchez or iwobi (not sure)
CS: Giroud or welbez
RS: Lacazette or Walcott

So lemar would replace Sanchez in that line-up!!!!


Not a very convincing line up…

Yoki Rivero

£35 million + Blaise Matuidi or Adrien Rabiot, PSG.

Anything less than that, no deal


Always amazes me how much the fans care about the club’s checkbook. If Wenger is saying Sanchez will stay and basically that they aren’t concerned about the lost funds by not selling him and then he not sign an extension, then who are we to question it?


Being a greedy twat! Just sell him, he didn’t win us the FA cup alone, and we dropped out of top 4 but he wants 400k a week? Just fuck off already! I would rather give 400k to Monreal or Kos, they deserve it more than you.


PSG is not the team we want to sell to in this situation, considering our main target right now is also a member of a French team competing for the title. If we were to strengthen PSG by selling them Sanchez, we’d further incentivize Monaco keeping Lemar, who they would need to compete against Sanchez. If we want Lemar, it seems like we have to keep Sanchez for the time being.


As I mentioned we are dragging proceedings to our own ‘advantage’. Alexis is 95% out of the door. We will keep him ONLY if City are the only party on offer. We are waiting for the likes of PSG and Inter (maybe even AC Milan) to clear their lines and get in a position to bid. There are other potential bidders. It also pays for us to sweat out prices for Lemar (should he be available) or Mahrez say by showing that we have the option to keep Alexis if need be. To the uninitiated, this is simple bargaining 101.… Read more »


As for a swap deal, I don’t know, I should think we should be open to a make weight if on the table. We need a strong capability in midfield to be able to have the benefit of flexibility in being able to switch between 4-2-3-1 and 3-4-3 if need be. It will help maximise our attacking assets and develop different options to break teams down. Rabiot at PSG would be fantastic. That said, I’m not sure the French club will relinquish one of their young competitive local lads. Draxler would be amazing but again I don’t see PSG letting… Read more »

Tasmanian Jesus

Meanwhile, Alexis is still on holiday in his homeland….pulling tractors out of the mud with his bare teeth while juggeling sheep…something like that.

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